Don't Buy Board Games You Can't Afford

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@RangerRipcord 3 жыл бұрын
The saddest comments I see are the ones on Kickstarter that say, "Can I put a dollar in now and hopefully have enough for a full pledge later?" or "When is the pledge manager closing? I won't get paid until such and such a date"
@oerthling 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed, that has me worried every time I read such comments.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agreed...if you can't afford it until your next paycheck don't buy it....I get that people can and should make their own decisions but it makes me sad every time.
@voxnewman 3 жыл бұрын
These days, I care about when the pledge manager is closing because I'm hoping the shipping cost will go down or the cryptocurrencies I'm using to buy them will go up before then. Not because I can't afford it, but because I just don't want to pay $76 to ship 6: siege. But yeah, not having enough until a future paycheque sometime around the close of a Kickstarter is a bad decision. Not that I wouldn't have made the same decision in the past, but it's poor life planning.
@agustinmedina7572 3 жыл бұрын
I have been lucky enough that shipping costs to my location (usually 80-100%+ the actual game's price) detract me from backing too many things... I'm usually perfectly happy waiting for the games to hit retail, get free shipping and sometimes even get a nice discount :)
@lesleystevens7145 3 жыл бұрын
I do think that some of these sorts of comments are actually a reflection of responsible budgeting/spending. I know people who budget a certain amount of "fun money" for each pay check. Maybe that's $50/paycheck and that's for going out to dinner/clubs/movies, buying board games, green fees if you're a golfer, etc. Such a person might say, "Well, I have my $50 for this paycheck, and I'll have another $50 in two weeks and that's my $100 for the Kickstarter. Sure, the electric bill isn't due for another 2 1/2 weeks, but I refuse to "borrow" from my other budget items." In other words, they're bumping into the edge of their entertainment budget, not their total budget.
@mikeysboardroom 3 жыл бұрын
This topic is so important, especially because lots of influencers and content creators seem to get every game that comes out.
@glaedth 3 жыл бұрын
Well if you're a board game content creator/influencer you kinda have to since it's your job.
@mikeysboardroom 3 жыл бұрын
@@glaedth Yeah definitely. I didn't mean there was anything wrong with it. That's just why this conversation is so important. It's so easy to get caught up in the FOMO of it all when you see all these great games being talked about
@polfig7558 2 жыл бұрын
@@glaedth You don't have to. Plus, how many of them get games free for the 'review purposes'?
@rodrigogomes7023 3 жыл бұрын
This is a so necessary talk in this hobby. I remember the first time that I got a "all in pledge" in kickstarter then I realized six years later that I've only played the core box content and that was enough for my entertainment. You don't need the last "The Hotness" from boardgamegeek or the sequel from your favourite game that is the same as before but with vikings/samurais/zombies. Boardgames is not about premium minis and shining dices, it's about gathering people around the table.
@VincentBalmont 3 жыл бұрын
@@JJ_TheGreat I play board games for solo. I dont have a gaming group of friends. Playing solo games is like reading a book that you get to be a part of
@MichaliSarris 3 жыл бұрын
@@JJ_TheGreat I disagree with that. Board games can be used to bring people together, and some of them have a really interesting and compelling puzzle element to them which can be perfectly played with by yourself. I really enjoy playing certain games with other people, but just as much love playing certain games by myself. Then video games aren't necessarily a solo experience, there are many online multi-player games, people playing with a headset and webcam and so on.
@GachaGamerYouTube 3 жыл бұрын
I know a couple of guys who are literally in debt with a board game store. Some of them rack it up to almost 500 EUR (~$600) before the owner has to start asking them to pay up before "selling" to them more stuff. One of them is addicted to Warhammer other is Kickstarter-junkie. You can see them posting on our local game group facebook and sharing newest KS or Warhammer purchases. Worst thing about it? They both work as developers and earn quite well but because of their purchasing addiction, they live paycheck to paycheck. Now, it's not that dramatic but at least for me personally, it was a huge wake-up call when I saw them in this situation because I also used to spend so much of my income, at one point my spendings were about 70% board games and then the rest of stuff, you know, like utility bills and the other not so important stuff. I still remember my coworkers looking at me like a crazy person when all Kingdom Death expansions and the core box came in a massive coffin-like packaging at the office. Good times. (but the deal was good, like $1k for all of it during Black Friday sale) Also, is it me or at least in Europe most people who are addicted to this purchasing mania are unmarried guys working in IT, between ages 25-35 ? I feel like that's the majority of demographic board game publishers target.
@WernerFernandoOroxonRamirez 3 жыл бұрын
Let. Me. Tell you hou are wrong in your assestment, im marriied... Ehh that didnt help too much either
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Uh oh, is it bad that I'm technically in IT and between 25 and 35?
@kresimirkovac6910 3 жыл бұрын
I am 40 ... .. ...
@foodflights1408 3 жыл бұрын
I am 56, married and live in the U.S. Guess that makes me immune! Take that, game publishers!
@iansutton7416 3 жыл бұрын
@@foodflights1408 Amex? That will do nicely sir!
@ben59320 3 жыл бұрын
Speaking from the heart I see... Feels like getting good advice from a friend, even telling people to unsub because the channel pulls people who cannot afford in the wrong direction. I really liked your video, for the past 2 months (it's nothing, I agree), we had to be extra careful with our budget (wife is finishing studies soon, living on 1 salary), it can be tight sometimes. I find all your advice compelling, especially the cycling collection which actually helps buying the game you really want. Other than that, I find that watching rules videos and playthrough might be enough for some games you would end up playing once or twice. Really good video Alex
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it.
@MrSminikelftw 3 жыл бұрын
This is one of those videos you just need to see after backing that game that gave you buyers remorse (well before you’ve even received the game) and it kicks you into gear with setting a reasonable budget. Sometimes I get tunnel vision and get “too obsessed” with hobbies and I think the fact that I share this hobby with my friends and family and they love it, I use that as justification for the steeper purchases. I luckily am able to afford to support this habit but I still recognize it’s a bit of an issue and is completely unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Thanks Alex, one of my favorite videos to date!
@TheThunderFlame13 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Alex, that’s really a sincere heart to heart sharing! We all still can enjoy board games with proper allocation of income😉 Happy board gaming everyone 💪🏻
@TimYoung1984 3 жыл бұрын
I wish that KS deluxe versions with the exclusives would no longer be a thing. I wish the deluxe versions would be made available in retail so that I could save for them, or get them as gifts rather than them passing by in three weeks windows on KS. This would get rid of FOMO, and allow consumers to save up and cull to put towards deluxe versions of games.
@Feldingor 3 жыл бұрын
Oh Alex, you’re so on point in this video. I feel I’m falling exactly in that 78% of people and it’s really hard to break the cycle 😞
@agustinmedina7572 3 жыл бұрын
This is the most important video that I have seen about this hobby. You have gained my utmost respect. I can see that you truly care about the community. I remember a few years ago a very close friend asking my opinion about getting a small loan to fully back KDM (plus the outrageous shipping to our location); I thought he was kidding and said he shouldn't. FOMO won the battle and he did, it took him almost two years to fully pay it plus interests. I hear stories like this for many other hobbies/luxuries, whether they are books, movies, art, travel, cars, clothes, food... Don't fall through the rabbit hole!
@TheRealDarkSpoon 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t buy board games you can’t find room for on your shelves.
@davidagosta 3 жыл бұрын
Very solid advise. My system is very simple. I arranged for my paycheck to be split between 3 accounts. One is retirement savings, another Is used for automated payments for my mortgage and essential bills like utilities. Enough is deposited so the payment account always has a surplus and that surplus continuously grows to act as an emergency fund. What’s left after those two goes to an account for “wants”. This way money needed for “needs” is never in my pocket where it can be unintentionally spent on wants. When I buy something on credit I transfer that much from the wants account to payments account, so credit is paid off in full every month.
@coffeyhouseproductions2293 3 жыл бұрын
I put my games on a credit card simply to build the credit. I typically pay them off immediately or leave such a small balance on them that the interest is negligible. Have a savings account, all. And a separate retirement account. Both things are so so so important.
@amethyst3126 3 жыл бұрын
Great video that really made me think. I honestly have a KS addiction, I keep telling myself that I’m building a collection and one day I’ll be done and will have a “free” entertaining hobby, but I never stop. I’m out of room, it is effecting our finances, and I don’t play as much as I used too. Im essentially just collecting them at this point… but can’t stop or make plans to stop because I know what will be coming out.
@TabulateNewt8 11 ай бұрын
Hey, I just wanted to check in - how are you doing with this two years later?
@amethyst3126 11 ай бұрын
First of all wow.. thank you for asking. I’m so much better now. I physically had to lock my phone up for a couple of weeks in a phone safe. Delete KZbin and other social media apps and actually detox from Board Games content for a while. I also cleared out a lot of games that weren’t bringing me joy and curated my collection. I still back games on Kickstarter, but now I’m much more realistic and selective and have full discloser of the amount I’m spending with my husband. Thanks again for asking
@TabulateNewt8 11 ай бұрын
Wow, that's great to hear! Congrats on taking the hard choices and the hard steps to make your hobbying more manageable, and more fun too. Happy gaming!
@jon-michael1524 2 жыл бұрын
As someone that just finalized their all in pledge on Euthia, this hits home. I can afford it but it isn't a wise use of money.
@BoardGameCo 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, story of my life...or at least some of it :)
@beornthebear9023 3 жыл бұрын
Such a good video and I think very nicely done. I think the biggest thing that has helped me personally is that board game budget. I just keep track in a note on my phone. I get a certain amount per year it and anything I make from selling my games comes out of it. And when it’s gone it’s gone. It was hard at first but I now back 5-8 kickstarters a year and that doesn’t break the bank and I still get a taste of the fancy minis and pretty components.
@spice9839 3 жыл бұрын
Solid video! Just wanted to stop by and say congrats on 30k! You deserve 30M!
@robertthurman9866 3 жыл бұрын
One of the best things I've ever seen on youtube. And that's me, exactly. And as you explained, the last 5 years I've really dialed down my spending on many things. I'm focusing more on playing games than collecting them. I've sold some stuff I decided I did not need and bought a bass and amp, something I've been wanting to do for decades. As you stated the fear of missing a fantastic experience from a new game is very real. But you need to realize regardless of how much you have, you will always be missing out on something. You need to focus on what really like. I've only done 3 kickstarters the most expensive $165. I'm keeping up with Arkham Horror LCG and a few card sets for some sports games I also play and that's all I really need. And I'm have more fun than ever! Thanks for making this video.
@haxan6663 3 жыл бұрын
Well done Alex! A topic that needs to be addressed. I have a long history of being rubbish with money and spending far more than I can afford. Last year I discovered Kickstarter and went into meltdown, pledging on far more games than I needed to and buying other games as well. I realised that things had to change. Luckily I had no credit cards to pay off and no money owed, so it was just a case of monitoring my spending and building up a buffer, which I have maintained. I set the Kickstarter limit at 5 max and have stuck to this (3 pledged so far). I make a list of things that I am interested in and, in most cases, end up crossing them out when I have had time to weigh up the pros and cons, such as how different is this to other games that I have? In some cases I have pledged and then changed my mind and dropped out. It hasn't all been successful as I have still been tempted by games on the second hand market or new, some of which I probably shouldn't have bought? However I can afford to buy these and I am not wading in overdraft anymore, as I was previously. The ideal, as you said, would be to avoid all the boardgame channels on KZbin. I am not ready for that yet!
@iansutton7416 3 жыл бұрын
A very good video to make and an important thought for us to bear in mind. When I was a child I would indeed spend what I had, but then I had the security of parent putting food into me and clothes on my back. In adulthood, I found that having savings really helped me not worry about money (or more specifically running out of money). I really hated that worry, so it was a strong motivator! I'm glad you brought up credit card debt, as that is a wide ranging problem for many, especially those who struggle to curb the temptation to buy.
@ploucas 3 жыл бұрын
Pledging $1 and asking when the PM closes before you decide to upgrade your pledge or not, isn't necessarily because of lack of funds. I do it a lot, I have a specific budget every month for KS and/or board games, but because many times there are so many cool games running on KS at the same time, it is hard to decide which one to put my money on. So I pledge $1 to buy me the time to decide, after seeing all the stretch goals, the add-ons, the reviews, and yes, the hype for each game :) I currently have at least 10 games on $1, total worth of I don't know how much, but I know how much of it I can afford! Their PM is open, I am one of the people who asks when it will close, because I just haven't decided yet which ones to go for within my budget. For me, figuring that out is part of the fun of the hobby :)
@morphyyy86 3 жыл бұрын
Great video, Alex, and this had to be addressed. I'm fairly new to board games, but I am already in love with them, and spend a lot of time watching videos, following KS projects, read articles and hunt for second-hand games. - For those who are less fortunate, rotating second-hand games in their collection could be a great way not to lose a penny as most of the time you can resell them for the same value you purchased (apart from optional shipping cost). - The second option is board game cafes where you can try games for fairly cheap. (I've got one around where I live that offer £5/3hour sessions to play with hundreds of games) - The other option is fairly new, but I've seen board game rental services, where you pay about £25-35 for 2 to 4 games of your choice a month delivered to your door. And for an average person, up to 4 board game, a month is definitely more than enough playtime to learn and immerse themselves in each one of them. The latter two options are also good if you have limited storage space, and your hobby might be less annoying for your better half who might not share your passion to board games. I hope this helps for some! :)
@ThreeDogsTraining 3 жыл бұрын
My son is nine and was typical for his age - totally averse to saving any money. I sat him down and explained both the concept of compound interest and the rule of 72 and I could see whole worlds open in his eyes.
@HowitzerBug 3 жыл бұрын
I had never heard of rule of 72 before reading this comment. After looking it up it seems very useful! Cheers!
@ИльясГазизов-м8ш 3 жыл бұрын
Great video as always. Thank you Alex!
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@GreenIguanaQi 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Really great video. So happy to hear this being said.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed :)
@Elric54 3 жыл бұрын
I like your set. It's clean and stylized, yet cozy. Like you're taking us to a nook in a far corner of the house to impart some inside information.
@TheMjdollar 3 жыл бұрын
I'm happy to say I listened to Alex about whether a kickstarter is 'worth backing' from a financial sense. I just ordered a Kickstarter version of Cascadia in the UK for around £2.50 / 5USD less than the kickstarter pledge and for the same price as the retail edition. The FOMO is real and sometimes you have to let it go.
@TheMjdollar 3 жыл бұрын
From Zatu here in the UK
@alexpartenopei1021 3 жыл бұрын
great video Alex! I have a quite modest collecion if games but dare not think hiw much has been spent on them over the years. Think have reached the point now where am content with what I have now and have become very, very conscious of the 'do you really need this!" voice on my shoulder. it now takes so ething special to add oitself to the collection. a huge saving is that have weened off of kickstarters that have become ridiculously expensive and looooooong wait times for delivery of what usually turns out to be just too much.
@pattilloII 3 жыл бұрын
"Unsubscribe from my channel. ... I am part of the problem." Thanks for tackling a tough subject sincerely and compassionately.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks David.
@ylein6508 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree this is something to talk about. I sometimes see in the Kickstarter comments that people are asking if they can pledge $1 for the campaign first until their next pay check comes in.
@petergross7235 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Alex. My dollar definitely went farther in 2016 when I joined the hobby. I've slowed way down on purchases. I think I took a reality check when I realized I had 9 games coming and 12 on my shelf I had not even played yet. Now I watch your channel mostly to see what's new. I could never afford to stay at the top of the BGG hotness list. But I am very ok with that.
@smoothrivera1928 3 жыл бұрын
What an important topic. Your advice here is spot on, especially the habit of saving before you spend. One of the most impactful things my wife and I did early on in our marriage was developing a budget for ourselves. It takes work to maintain and stick to a budget, but we’ve found that instead of being something that prevents us from having fun, it actually frees us up to truly enjoy life. Board games is one of the best hobbies there is, but it is just a hobby. Keeping that in perspective is key- thanks for helping us do just that!
@DaletheCasualGamer 3 жыл бұрын
Forget the "board game" discussion, this is great financial advice! :)
@shannimarmen8201 3 жыл бұрын
I've been following you for over a year now. I have backed 2 games in that time. I tell my friends about games coming soon. I have a little over 30 games now. All of my other friends in this hobby have more games than me.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
As long as you're having fun, nothing wrong with that.
@michaelhall7080 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this accurate public service message. This is very relevant to board game purchases but also to life decisions in general. I found that in the 90s I was hooked on Magic and spent far too much on that addiction. Board games can be similar but I have learned to be patient and thoughtful on these purchases now. Great advice for people to save and create a safety cushion before making luxury purchases. Keep up the creative content.
@arroyjose 3 жыл бұрын
I gave you shit in a previous video but this was all around awesome that you tackled this, and actually gave financial advice to people. More content creators need to acknowledge consumerism, and how content encourages others to spend more than they earn. Mad props for being the only one I have come across that actually state it to the point of telling people to unsubscribe from your channel.
@GKEK 3 жыл бұрын
❤ So good. Just so thoughtful and helpful to your community. Thank you for sharing and caring about your viewers. Love that you are encouraging viewers to take ownership of their financial situation.
@DVCBear 3 жыл бұрын
I am just glad I found this hobby in my late 40’s. Need a Don’t Buy Games you can’t Store video. I agree with the selling, have sold 17 game since I started.
@KZsZs 2 жыл бұрын
When the content creator says "I am part of the problem" and "unsubscribe from my channel" to save the audience, you know you came to the right place. Thanks Alex for being selfless and self reflective. Appreciate it man!
@JosephFlemming 3 жыл бұрын
Partially as a side effect of depression and partially because I got really genuinely enamored with this hobby I bought way too many games over a few years. Spent way to much and didn’t save. (Not just games either… I developed a general spending problem as a way to distract myself from my inner problems ) when I realized I absolutely must do something to stop myself I unsubscribed from nearly all board game channels on KZbin (they had become basically my primary form of entertainment which was also one big endless window shopping trip lol) I actually had to do this unsub thing twice because I fell back in for a bit. It was hard. I genuinely loved the content and personalities but it ended up being an endless temptation. Not saying I regret discovering some of my favorites this way I just needed a way to stop the endless FOMO and temptation. I still have problems saving money and it’s always an uphill climb but this video was a very good reminder to me. Thanks so much!
@RvLeshrac Жыл бұрын
Core problem is that no reviewer is critical of the price. Most of these games are batshit insane. They don't actually cost as much to produce as is claimed, and they frequently are overproduced *purely as a cash grab*. If they were more sustainably produced, they would cost less than half as much - both in price and in shipping.
@tobiasl.8780 3 жыл бұрын
Very good tips and true words. That is far more than talking about games, that is how you become lucky, save, self controlled and free. Take from yourself as fast as you get money. If you do it, nobody else can do it. You can also create savings for your board game buys. It makes your far more happy to buy and understand the worth of your games. Fantastic episode. If not the best.
@foodflights1408 3 жыл бұрын
On a serious note, I am REALLY glad to hear you talk about solutions and not just the problem. There are tons of people who can talk about issues but offer no potential solutions. I am glad you aren't one of those people.
@Truemole 3 жыл бұрын
This felt like a really honest and valuable conversation, thanks for doing this video Alex. I think you mostly avoided sounding preachy but as someone how got this drilled into them at a young age maybe I just can't see it! FOMO is real but it's temporary, there will be another amazing game around the corner and you can't store them all! When I first found your channel your focus on the potential resell value of games definitely helped give me the kick to sell on the games I wasn't playing anymore and that in turn has funded about half the cost of the kickstarter/gamefound purchases I've made since then. As those new ones arrive I'm already planning which games will be up for potential sale, assuming the new game is an improvement! As a general rule I think most people only need one, at most two games in the genres they and they're gaming group enjoy, selling the game that isn't in that top two for you will rarely be a bad idea. It's helped me resist games like CoD and 6: Siege. if you go in saying what game would I have to sell if I buy this it can help resist the FOMO (for those of us who don't want to unsubscribe)
@aSyphodias 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed completely, out of my 'disposable income' every month I refuse to spend more than 25%, the rest goes in savings. That 25% keeps growing as my career keep moving forward so now I can afford a descent outright but I still really think about it. I don't think I'll ever go above 300 for just one game, can't justify it to myself.
@bryanyoung9966 2 жыл бұрын
I have a serious Kickstarter addiction the last year. This was very on point.
@BoardGameCo 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you.
@cfosburg 3 жыл бұрын
This month my suburban broke down, car radiator broke, heat pump fan went out, AC unit has small flood in the basement, and daughter got into an accident they gave her a concussion. Thank goodness for emergency savings fund! And still have enough to back Flamecraft 🤣.
@ShelfStories 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the shout out, Alex! At the end of the day, we're 85% on the same page. I'm just not nearly as willing to let companies off the hook. Asmodee/ FFG are run by a hedge fund that sees a giant honey pot of money from higher income gamers willing to spend any price on a premium product. They know they're going to get money both from the people who can afford it, and also from the people who really can't afford it but who get scooped up by FOMO. They don't give a crap about that. Critique of that reality has to come from the outside. And critique can't just land on individuals. That is only half of the conversation. It's funny because I think you're aware that it's only half the conversation. You mention a few times that you're being "obnoxious". Well, don't be so obnoxious :). Engage the other side of the conversation, too, which is to critique companies and their practices in as intelligent and educational a way as you can.
@LiaGalanodel214 3 жыл бұрын
This is so interesting. Thank you for this subject. Sometimes I soend too much money for boardgame and it is difficult to stop the bad habit :)
@BradleyWillis 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. Fantastic discussion. I love how you are able to use boardgames to engage in broader topics.
@M1_ke 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Alex, great video! Just to add my two cents from a central European country: Luckily my mother has always saved money and taught me to save money, I am maybe saving around 20 - 30% of my income. I am working for around 4 years and currently changing jobs for a better position, trying to accommodate savings for higher income. With that being said I backed way too many games in the recent time: Witcher - all in, Scarface, Bantam West, planning to late pledge Divinus. But I don't feel it as much as I was lucky enough to be able to have a remote job during the pandemic and save constantly. Coming from Magic some games feel like a great deal in comparison to cards/decks that cost too much, nowadays I feel like I am getting much more than buying few expensive cards or a new MtG deck. Thanks for talking about this, all the best! edit : typos
@orbesteanu4tsa 3 жыл бұрын
Great video, Alex! Nailed it! :)) Now, where's my big box? (just kidding)
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Lol yep.
@Narzghal 3 жыл бұрын
Marvel United was my first "this is a lot of money do I really need to be spending this much?" purchase. I went all in on both, with a couple of cosmetic add ons as well. Fortunately, my family and friends love it as much as I do, so it makes it feel more worth it. And I can easily see it being a generational game as the years go on, since it's good for all ages. But it's still a lot of money.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Completely the point that I made a full video about how I shouldn't have. Never did that before.
@aaront4876 3 жыл бұрын
@@BoardGameCo I watched that video but in the end I couldn't help myself. That was my first ever 600 dollar kickstarter purchase.
@mabos555 3 жыл бұрын
This is the problem a great game a shit price Didn't and won't buy it they could literally make this game more affordable with standess but noooo people live minis and shit like that... I play it on tts instead the best 75 shekels I've spend in my life
@agustinmedina7572 3 жыл бұрын
At the same time we find the Marvel United core experience for $25 in Amazon...
@uktalvitie6928 3 жыл бұрын
I have always been a saver. I always have buffer and adjust my expenses. I like nice things, when I have less money, I save for things I want. Boardgames are only luxury item that I buy. I am fortunate that I have well paying job, but if I would get fired tomorrow, I still have buffer and probably buy less games in future, but do not have to sell current ones. I have learned to be more fussy and the bar is quite high for the game that I buy, but I allow myself buy all-in with deluxe glitter if the upgrades are something that increase the gaming pleasure, when the game is something I really want.
@liesureleeminis8268 3 жыл бұрын
I've spent more than I should have, but I've realized I shouldn't be doing what I was doing as is. Because of you and quackalope, I get the same feeling if exploring new board games without spending anything. At this point I've been fairly selective. While I was planning on getting kdm, I've finally decided I don't need it. It's too much, and honestly I doubt I'd table it. After I get everything I do have played, I may start deciding to sell or give away some games just to make room and get what I do want. I honestly needed this talk. I've budgeted out to have my credit card paid off in 2 months, and start saving/investing 25-50% of my paycheck. Thank you.
@WolfStory Жыл бұрын
Awesome video. You deserve to be commended on this topic. Bravo!
@MySqueezingArm 3 жыл бұрын
Don't buy anything you can't afford if you don't need it.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, 100%
@dougcerulli8826 3 жыл бұрын
I imagine the definition of "affordable" is going to be different for different people. Certain people get accustomed to living a certain way, therefore it is affordable for them. Someone in the same position may feel completely different. What is affordable? I think the answer is more relative than simply saying it is making a decision of buying a game versus buying groceries.
@crivgil 3 жыл бұрын
Solution, just get the base game, there is ton of playtime just with the base game and most cases all other extra stuff is unnecessary like Ivan said: "Hey man, don’t get too attached to things… learn to let go." Helpful video Alex!
@beneisen6982 3 жыл бұрын
Watching this video while painting Nemesis minis, which is a good intro to my argument. What do you get from a board game? There are many facets of enjoyment that one can get; painting, moding, playing, social. It boils down to a cost benefit analysis. I've only played my copy of Nemesis twice, but have gotten hours of painting in.
@kbzombie84 3 жыл бұрын
Middara has me in the same situation. The enjoyment I have had without even playing the campaign yet is priceless. You can also factor in creating your own 3d prints for each game to create the perfect table solution.
@petergross7235 3 жыл бұрын
Doing research on a game you want to buy is so important. That's the only way you can maximize the value out of your purchase. Playing it, painting miniatures, etc. Any time spent with the game in any way is adding value in my opinion.
@lucasdieguez1244 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed. It's hard to calculate the hours I've spent painting and playing my favourite game (the hated-by-many Sine Tempore). After more than a year and a half, I've still to play the second and third campaign, with all their minis still to paint. I find it also very important to let a game "breath", as in not playing it for a couple months and re-build the hype, which I do with basically all of Hawthorne's games.
@SteveRB511 3 жыл бұрын
Some really great advice, not just for game spending but for finances in general. It’s not at all obnoxious but rather quite hopeful. In the long run, this can make one’s life much better. Some thoughts that help me soften the “pain of missing out” when tempted to buy games/support crowdfunding: 1. Considering that tying up my money in a crowdfunding campaign for something that generally won’t deliver for a year or more can mean I miss out on something that I want even more in the meantime. 2. Realizing that while I may miss out by passing up on that “one opportunity of a lifetime,” there is always another “opportunity of a lifetime” coming up at some time in the future with a good chance of being even better. Sometimes I regret missing out but that has turned out to be rare. (A variation of thought on point #1) 3. I can only play so many games and only have so much space so do I really need something that I look at for a relatively short time and then sits on the shelf for a considerable amount of time before I get to it? In the meantime other games come in which may push it further back in the To Play queue? 4. I’ve found that waiting a few weeks on games that I just have to have or until a pledge manager is about to close helps put things in better perspective. (I’ve backed off a lot on crowdfunding and now only occasionally pledge minimums on crowdfunding projects that really interest me so I have access to pledge managers if I decide to buy.) 5. Speaking of perspective, being transparent with my wife on my game spending helps out. 😉 Of course, the real tool is setting life priorities, budgeting, and tracking spending as you’ve noted. (One of the tools I use is YNAB but even if one prefers something else, it has a lot of good ideas, including points made in this video. I also have a game spending calendar using Notion - what I’ve spent and what I might like to buy.) I sleep better at night knowing that needs and contingencies/savings are covered as opposed to just having more games.
@jonbeckettschreiber52 3 жыл бұрын
If only 20 year old me had someone like you tell me this. "Spend what you have" is a serious problem and all hobbies really drive this home. I would suggest one other concept that can help is the idea of a group library. Parallel to the "if four friends went to a movie, it would cost the same as Descent" is the pooling money or rotating purchases. To have that group mindset can really make a difference. Thanks for the video!
@kumanight 3 жыл бұрын
July and August I've been hit with a lot of unexpected car repairs putting me about $2000 in the hole. Between that and going on vacation soon, my entire "have fun" budget for 3 months is eaten. I have savings but I'm saving them for something super critical. I'm finding that fighting my board game addiction is incredibly difficult. I have 4 projects backed right now and each day I tell myself I can't afford them and each day I struggle to unpledge. I think I'm going to drop my pledge to $1. That way I still get updates and get to enjoy the KS experience. If I've stabilized, I'll upgrade in the PM otherwise I need to bite the bullet. Fighting addiction is hard.
@oslohund 3 жыл бұрын
Very important topic - very good video. Thank you for the reminder.
@apokai 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your personal experiences with honesty, needs a lot of courage to do this!
@christianbank393 3 жыл бұрын
Great topic. I don't make a lot of money, but I have trained myself to live moderately. I have had to make sacrifices (probably too strong of a word for this), but I currently save about a third of my income, hoping to eventually get to 50%. This means I rent a room instead of having my own place, I keep things for a long time (old phone, car, etc.), and I rarely eat out. I do budget for everything and my board game budget is the only lie I tell to myself because I blow past it every month lol. I allow that lie though because I do good in every other aspect of my finances.
@timknauer8906 3 жыл бұрын
I sometimes see comments on Kickstarter of people asking for a refund in desperate need of cash. Spending your savings is really something to worry about. Thanks for raising awareness.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
@harmarize 3 жыл бұрын
I had a conversation about this with my parents. I was complaining about how everything is so expensive these days - houses, food, etc, and how much cheaper stuff was when they growing up. And that part is true, my parents had a big fully detached house on 1 income. But they came back and said, yes it is true, but look at how materialistic even middle class people are these days. We never had all these crazy gadgets and doodads. We wore the same clothes for years on end, patching them up/fixing it when required. We recycled a lot of stuff, shared stuff with neighbours, did a lot more trading. It is a bit eye opening - who needs a 2k iphone, all the latest video games, all the big board games, etc. This isn't to discount the housing prices as it is completely out of control, but did give me a bit to think about.
@ScytheNoire 3 жыл бұрын
Look at wage increases since the 1970s. It has barely went up. Look at tax rates of corporations and the wealthy in the 1950s. It has dropped drastically, to the point they pay zero. That is the real problem.
@harmarize 3 жыл бұрын
@@ScytheNoire I don't disagree, it's partially both though, but wage stagnation is the bigger culprit.
@Maniacstorm 3 жыл бұрын
Me and my wife spent 300$ on expansions and new board games a few days ago. I know we went heavy on the spending but I'm picking up extra shifts at work
@GamerPhysics 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, it's really important topic to discuss and gets overlooked in favor of 'Look at this cool new thing.'
@pandaparadise6603 3 жыл бұрын
I hear this. My wife and I need to start saving. We live check to check and I spend more then I should. I have a job that gives us our apartment as part of my salary. I also have a decent healthcare plan and although we don't have savings we always have money in our accounts. We don't make a ton of money, but for example my wifes boss just screwed her out of a weeks pay and we are fine. Infact I could still buy the new Descent and be more then ok. I could have 1000 dollar emergency right now and it would sting, but we would make it and be ok. Still we need to save because we want better for ourselves. These jobs are not enjoyable and we want a car and a few more luxury items. Great video! Really made me think.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it, money is always a tough subject.
@bullfrog417 3 жыл бұрын
Such a great topic and not limited to the board game hobby. I can't recall the exact figure, but the number of households that could be ruined by an unexpected expense of $1k is staggering (I think it's around 60%). I'm not saying $1k is small money, but it's so easy have a $1k expense. Hospital bills, car repairs, unexpected housing expenses...
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, completely agree.
@athragan 3 жыл бұрын
Another great video. I see the improvement of your channel (or i just haven’t watched enough if your video 😅). Great topics, and reviews, and crowfounding updates. Good job! As for myself, i bought a lot of games, i wanted to play, but i don’t have the group to do so (at least we don’t meet frequently enought). Now i buy a lot less games. As you said i don’t buy games, if i have a similar one (or one is on the way). And i only buy games i can play with my group, or solo (i realized i need those solo games, if i wanna play more). As for selling games: that’s not so easy even if you are willing. In the USA there are a lot more people, and most speaks english, also the postal service is really cheap. Selling in europe is a lot harder (of course i could sell on ebay - i will try it eventually).
@goon5544 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really good with money, and this hobby actually had my monthly income going red for a few months. I just got a ton of games over the last 3 or 4 months and it get's expensive. Ton of them are unopened, and I do want to play them. Your videos and others like it help. There will always be tons of awesome games they make every year, and usually the ones that I would think are the most awesome are right on my shelf now.
@hollybriggs1701e Жыл бұрын
I am super fortunate that my local libraries have board games to check out and that they are pretty good collections. It gives me the feeling of purchasing games when im not spending a dime. And then if there is a game my family adores we will budget to buy it eventually. Also another way to save money in this hobby is using your local game stores demo games. I have two stores near me that demo board games. Just big shelves with used games that people can use on the tables there. My teenager and i love to do this. We get to leave the house and play a game and it didnt cost us anything.
@SteveOw0 3 жыл бұрын
Good advice - thanks for the video. And it applies to a lot more than just board games.
@johnbbrs9817 3 жыл бұрын
Having watched only the first 10 minutes yet, this is going to be the video I'll watch everytime I consider backing a game in the future.
@Sebastian-rt9qf 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting video. I am quite aware of the difference between North America and for instance where I live, as the economy in the US is based on credit. It's a devious system that will break a lot of ignorant families. I personally only use a credit card for Kickstarter (as other options are not available). All my standard payments and spendings are just paid from my bank account from money that I actually have and not might get in a near future. No debt aloud. The question if I need all those games is a different topic ;-)
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, people who don't use credit cards spend less money, they've done studies on it.
@doyle9904 3 жыл бұрын
I’m 1 or 2 years behind on the hotness. This makes it easier to find the cream that has risen to the top. It also helps that most of my play is with people who aren’t in the hobby, so they don’t care if it’s not new.
@stephenjones8105 3 жыл бұрын
Boardgames have gotten expensive. I see 160 now for one and im like oh that's cheap! 🤯 FOMO is terrible. I have fallen for it during a few campaigns. I have learned that I need to just pledge at the dollar level. get PM access and if I really want the game, then I will back but just at the gameplay all in. like zomicide undead or alive...I plan to get the all in at 240. compared to other games that is "cheap." great video Alex and great topic
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, it's expensive out there....and we all keep helping it continue to be expensive by backing it all.
@stephenjones8105 3 жыл бұрын
@@BoardGameCo I think the drive to have minis in these games have helped drive up the cost. we love our plastic.
@dannyverbraeken3829 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this ! This is a kind of an eye opener. Now is the time to put some more restrictions before buying or pledging to KS. Create a limit by reserving a certain amount of money each month, that can be spent on games. Not enough in the reserve means no buying. It's going to be hard (in the beginning).
@marcopspspsps 3 жыл бұрын
Here on Brazil, Descent costs more than my monthly salary. Sometimes we just cant save any more money. It's better to have at least a pretty thing more than nothing. But of course, if you're going to put heavy money on a game, you better play it. I will play my zombicide until the minis become dust.
@TheLuminousCleric 3 жыл бұрын
That is a sad state of affairs, when your salary is so low.
@Trogdor_Strongbraid 3 жыл бұрын
I was going to argue this (folks paychecks) and probably still will but my reality is inherently Murican poor biased. So, all I have is hang in there, man.
@TheHexyBeast 3 жыл бұрын
for me as someone below the poverty line in the uk i dont have any savings and never have and i also have a bad credit rating so no credit card debt for me(probably a good thing lol) i learned very early in life that i need to live within my means however i do budget pretty well and i will be completely honest if it wasnt for the fact that i am disabled i would not be able to afford this hobby at all... in fact this is one of the reasons a lot of games score high in reviews(i wouldnt buy games i dont like right?) and i only upload 1 video a week as unless mentioned,i buy all of my games at retail and if i was to upload more often i would run out of games in my collection to cover...however if something happens that i havnt planned for it can really throw a spanner in the works for me. for example right now a clip is broken on my 1 and only tripod and because of that i have lost 2 weeks of normal content until payday when i can order a replacement... so expect digital content on my channel for the next 2 weeks. i understand in this hobby i am an anomaly both in the fact that i entered the hobby as a solo gamer... and the fact that i live in social housing. i really enjoyed this video Great work Alex Stay Hexy!
@Solmead 3 жыл бұрын
My biggest issue is kickstarting a game, and then finding out that one or more others in my game group have also kickstarted it too. Especially if it’s the standard host of the group. If it’s already at his place, then my copy won’t get played. We will play his copy of course.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, can totally be an issue.
@greggconsidine5884 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for my therapy session sir. Genuinely it touches my brain and heart.
@Carlintos 7 ай бұрын
This video is a MUST if you want to start in this hobby. Everybody should watch this.
@DanteMustLearn 3 жыл бұрын
The title is so true especially in the UK most Kickstarter have hidden costs ine paid closet the £300 vat and even more on import tax o. Top of that
@Garretlike 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! Lately i think more about what i consider playing with friends only and thinking about when we play and what everyone would enjoy playing long term compared to what games offer in their base pledge. e.g i didn't spend any money on all-in pledges (no Stormsunder, no chronicles of drunagor etc...) recently. Also partly because a lot of them are filling up space in certain categories that are already filled with playing d&d with friends, but also because of unnecessary deluxified components which i don't wanna store anywhere at home or buy like extra storage capabilities for. good example would be playmats or deluxified components like coins or upgraded plastic tokens or extra boxes with content not needed. There's even a few boardgames i look back to and might say i should not have backed them because i know i'm not gonna play all content with my friends or even when solo gaming (which i do less). The idea with putting aside money when getting your salary is good, i also do that. Following rule applies to myself nowadays -> Don't buy things that just make you happy short term and also don't buy things that stack up for long term :)
@razorbeard1396 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Alex, nail on the head!
@BoardGameCo Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed:)
@Mepper. 3 жыл бұрын
The old phrase is "Keeping up with the Joneses". All of advertising is either telling us that we need stuff or else that everyone else has it and if we don't then we'll be out of the "in" crowd. If you look at most TV shows it depicts everyone as living in luxury or squalor, and it doesn't show the condition of the average person. I know women who felt very insecure because they measured themselves against the air-brushed photos in women's magazines. Wanting to belong is a very powerful emotion.
@20soccerjock 3 жыл бұрын
Random question: but is the trade part of your site down? It seems for some reason it won't load up and games? I have used it in the past, never done this before. just curious and wanted to bring it to your attention in case you didn't know.
@ariandarkon185 3 жыл бұрын
On my side I can say I know it was not an easy time with Corona. But the good thing we did was giving some money to friends so that they could get new Kickstarter boardgames. We got in the end our money back and to get the feedback how happy they are at the moment I can say it was worth it. And it shows how amazing our friends are.
@ss4vegita 3 жыл бұрын
A nice heart felt video. I use to be heavy in to KS. But the past two years have been backing away more and more. Past KS still rolling in and not getting played due to life stuff and covid. I dont even consider big box game anymore have one's still sealed on shelf. Preferably now only want light quicked games because thats all that seemed to be able to get to the table. I am interested in flamecraft though lol
@pauls3585 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Alex. This is an important topic that is rarely covered.
@teddutch2930 3 жыл бұрын
What !! , I did not realize board games had gotten this high, I generally buy computer games but also some board games, never really looked at the new ones, these games have gotten silly high, it must be some sort of hobby is the way I can understand, thanks for the vid, always pay yourself first is the rule.
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, absolutely :)
@amandamiller1603 3 жыл бұрын
I think my biggest issue is how board games can be expensive NOW but they can be even MORE expensive later! Like a game that has a limited run--if it sells out, it's so much harder/more expensive to get later. It feels like a pressure to buy NOW because it "could" become more expensive or just completely unavailable later :(
@marvelarkham7781 2 жыл бұрын
Late to the conversation here, but as someone involved with the financial education of younger adults, I absolutely think that this is a necessary video. No one in the industry explains fundamentals as clearly as you do, Alex. If you haven't set up defined, consistent contributions to your IRA/401k AND have at least a $400 - 500 emergency cash fund available, rationally speaking you just are not in a great position to be backing KS/Gamefound games. Don't give away free cash to the bankers (via credit card interest) in order to buy board games. With a recession almost certainly looming, do the wise thing and plan out your immediate financial health first; trust me, the games will be there when you are ready for them. G-d bless, Alex!
@r.l.jeffries1091 3 жыл бұрын
I like this video because it could be applied to anything in your life and not just board games. Good financial advice in general.
@Spectresse 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, but i'd add one more point : also don't buy game you can't store in your home ! (Too much content !)
@BoardGameCo 3 жыл бұрын
@dahanster5578 3 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate the truths and wisdom you share in this video. Excellent content, bro.
@williamgarcia-medina9989 3 жыл бұрын
This video offers great advice for reducing spending in board games. Also, Alex successfully offers insightful advice on financial literacy in general. The message felt honest and thought-provoking. However, I think that the argument that most North Americans are living paycheck to paycheck because they don’t save, or cannot save does overlook systemic inequality. Perhaps speaking to an urban and/or economic historian/sociologist could offer some literature on the topic. Other than that, I can relate to spending in board games. Sadly, when I’m broke, is precisely when I realize how much games I have and haven’t played yet. Unfortunately, I appreciate my collection when I can’t buy more board games and/or expansions.
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