DON'T GO TO POLAND IF.... (6 Things You Must Consider)

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Vigo’s Dad

Vigo’s Dad

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@jakubbartoszak8876 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Pole, and I once worked and lived in Netherlands. And I shaved my head bold. I just did, I wanted to. My Dutch boss asked me why i did it, and I wanted to joke about it and I said something like "well I just got to know how much do I need to pay for hairdresser here and I decided to do it by myself". He didn't get it :/ I think that is a good exaple of a Polish sense of humor the Vigo's Dad is talking about.
@VigosDad Жыл бұрын
bingo! hehe
@demolek22 Жыл бұрын
@VoidCosmonaut Жыл бұрын
The joke was You had fleas?
@waldemarmachnik1545 Жыл бұрын
Dobre,sense of humour o+. Nasze pojecie zartu znaja tylko inne narody slowianskie. Pozdro z Oslo😁
@psychologianiestacjonarna6558 Жыл бұрын
@@VigosDad I would add, don't go to Poland if you're unable to see the difference between Eastern Europe and Latin America which makes you a clueless Putin's sycophant - I just had a conversation with a Peruvian guy who tried to convince me that all Poles are "Biden's puppets" 😅 Btw, he's been living in Poland for 10 years... Hopeless case...
@cheekymonkey5150 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone is talking about it 😅 Yes Poland is cheap when you earn 4 or 5 times more than a typical Pole 😅 Although Poland it's getting more expensive every day.. :/
@edytatehrani3934 Жыл бұрын
And even with that it is not that an average Pole earns that much less, it's because of difference in the currency value. When I look at the level of life of an overage person in Poland and compare it to Canada, I see that people have it better in Poland. For example, you can't survive on full time wages from one minimum wage job in Canada. You would have to choose between food or shelter. But in Poland a person earning a minimum wage, can get basic food and shelter. It's going to be tight, but it's possible. In Canada, you have to work at least two minimum wage jobs to survive. The standards of living are higher now in Poland than in Canada.
@cheekymonkey5150 Жыл бұрын
@@edytatehrani3934 Good point :)
@edytatehrani3934 Жыл бұрын
Agree with most points. When it comes to drinking, however, one doesn't need to be into it to enjoy their time in Poland. There are many Polish people who don't drink and they are going to respect your decision, but you shouldn't be shocked when other people do or look down on them.
@Vindex80 Жыл бұрын
...And about the sense of humour, as a Catalan I can tell you that you shall be fine with black/sarcastic/frivolous natural humour: you will fit better with that creativity required better than in Britain or Australia. We are both our best and worst critics after all!!!
@lm157 Жыл бұрын
About drinking. It comes from our past. It was a saying not that long ago: "Don't trust anybody who cannot drink with you". Especially not returning the toast!
@awerskto Жыл бұрын
Ostatnio trafiłem na rolkę z świątecznego obiadu. Babcia karci gości aby nie dotykali jedzenia. Pierw ma być wódka i toast.
@mustardman8716 4 ай бұрын
100% real. u mnie nawet kiedy jest grill to sie bierze wódke i toast robi
@iwonaski123 Жыл бұрын
I’m living in Denmark for 17 years now and the weather is worse than in Poland and about friends, I have 0 Danish friends and same my all friends from other countries including my partner from Italy. About alcohol, in Scandinavia they drink much more and I have no problems no drinking while I’m in Poland 😊
@taknie4665 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Pole living in Denmark now.. and in comparison with Danish weather, Poland has great sunny weather😊
@pyrolight7568 Жыл бұрын
Lol, I can imagine.
@Ilyasse.C 8 ай бұрын
The delusions poles have about poland my god
@AmiRa-wj9jt Жыл бұрын
I'm from Poland and I approve this message ;)
@gbplus747 Жыл бұрын
10/10, absolutely 👍
@LeticiaSantos-ib8xk Жыл бұрын
I'm brazilian and my husband polish and about sense of humor we are totally the same hahahaahhahah
@mzam0 Жыл бұрын
About making friends in Poland... I'm Polish and I've been living in Canada for a year now (in Quebec I should add!). I have 0 Canadian friends. Most of my friends are Spanish, Brazilian. But generally it's extremely hard to make friends here. Ppl don't have time to meet, they keep cancelling, they don't have any initiative but wait for you to keep offering sth. I do feel the reason is first of all living in a big busy city, with little sense of community. In Poland everything is just much smaller in scale, and in many ways that's a good thing. Secondly the change in ppl after covid. Lastly, it's just harder and harder to make friends as we age. Possibly the hardest if you move in your thirties. But now I believe it's actually fairly easy to make friends in Poland! And don't even mention the snow or cold weather in PL being a problem 😅 Come to see the winter here!
@pyrolight7568 Жыл бұрын
oooo you are in Quebec... They are not very friendly to... well anyone who is not from Quebec. The area around Quebec city is better though. You would do far better on the prairies, it is where all the Polacks, Ukies, Krauts and such went. Manitoba, specifically Winnipeg, has a very large eastern European population. My mother, who was born in Canada, actually didn't speak any English until grade school. It was all Polish up till then.
@mzam0 Жыл бұрын
@@pyrolight7568 Oh but I'm not necessarily looking for Polish friends here. As a matter of fact my husband is not Polish, and as a mixed couple we are always open to meet all kinds of ppl. I just meant in general, from my own experience it's easier to make friends in Poland (perhaps I should add - living in a city), than here in Quebec. However I'm aware that while I'm Polish, my experience making friends in Poland is not the same as foreigner's.
@barbaramelady110 Жыл бұрын
Cześć ja również mieszkam w Kanadzie Ontario,ludzie tu są tak bardzo zapracowani w kraju zawsze był czas aby się spotkać,pozdrawiam xoxo
@DJ7ful Жыл бұрын
Przecież np. taka Warszawa jest większa niż Quebec (jeśli mówimy o miastach). W zasadzie jedynym większym miastem od Warszawy jest Toronto. Więc o jakiej mniejszej skali mówisz? W Polsce nie brakuje sporych, zatłoczonych miast, gdzie ludzie nigdy nie mają czasu. I one mogą być małe przy takim NYC czy Szanghaju, ale no nie przy Quebec. Chyba że mieszkałeś/łaś dotychczas w jakiejś Kolbuszowej czy innym takim miasteczku, ale to wtedy nawet przeprowadzka do Krakowa byłaby dla Ciebie szokiem pod względem skali i braku czasu ludzi.
@mzam0 Жыл бұрын
@@DJ7ful Jestem z Warszawy, a mieszkam w Montrealu. Mówiłam o Quebecu jako stanie. A wrażenie skali pewnie wynika z odległości, tutaj i w całej Ameryce Północnej. I wielkie, światowe korporacje raczej niż małe lokalne. To sprawia, że jak masz jakąkolwiek sprawę, to załatwienie jej jest o wiele trudniejsze, masz poczucie, że nikt ci nie pomoże i nikogo nie obchodzisz. To są moje wrażenia tutaj i o to mi chodziło w kontekście skali.
@Liaminthanas Жыл бұрын
ermmm I agree with most but drinking or not drinking is not a problem. It depends what kind of people you want to meet and make friends :) and if you're with those who drink, it doesn't mean you have to drink too, just be ok with them drinking ^^
@VigosDad Жыл бұрын
that’s exactly what I said :) You personally don’t need to drink but you must be ok with lots of drinking happening around you
@somedrunkjunkie1748 Жыл бұрын
Its crazy how on point this video is.
@piotrviatorus5109 Жыл бұрын
Je suis actuellement en Pologne et c’est un bonheur sans nom de pouvoir prendre les transports en commun sans ranger son portable, de pouvoir se promener sans aucune crainte la nuit ou encore de ne constater aucune incivilité. A côté, la France, c’est l’enfer sur terre -Kevin Bossuet
@TheStarmaxlight Жыл бұрын
Dear Vigo’s Dad, thank you for saying that my home country is Not underdeveloped one! I live in UK for some 23 yrs now and sometimes I think that Poland has much more to offer than Britain 😅 Love to Vigo and Family ❤
@stubru16 Жыл бұрын
Go back then
@dominikamirocha1099 Жыл бұрын
Świetnie i w punkt, jak zwykle. 🙂 Vigo's Dad, proszę nagraj film polskie wesele vs wesele dominikańskie 😊
@krainatworczosci Жыл бұрын
Super pomysł!
@LordDisneyland Жыл бұрын
Zaskakująco trafne spostrzeżenia- dobra robota👍🏻
@4relevants Жыл бұрын
That's not true that we always drink excessively! For instance, I can easily abstain from drinking after noon until the next morning.
@EMicheleAdams 5 ай бұрын
I think the humor sometimes has an origin in, "laugh because it's funny, cry because it's true".
@Bojko1970 Жыл бұрын
Call me old-fashioned but pls understand some basic things which will help some foreigners not to be a red neck in Poland: 1.) do not sit in hat during you eat at the table 2.) do not keep your left hand under table during eating 3.) learn how to eat with knife and fork properly 4.) open doors for women and let them go first. I am glad I could help.
@Nettxye Жыл бұрын
Niewiele rozumiem ale jako polak powiem, że Polska nie jest krajem dla ciebie, jeśli przyjedziesz do niej i bedziesz sie śmiał z polski, narzekał na nią i mówił ze w twoim kraju coś jest lepiej. Chodzi o to że my Polacy zawsze narzekamy na wszystko od rządu aż po pogodę i właściwie to myslenze najbardziej śmiejącym sie z Polaków narodem są sami Polacy ale zeby tak ktoś obcy przyjechał i też sie tak zachowywał to juz trochę nie wypada. W skrócie: Polak śmieje się z Polski: Inni Polacy mu przytakną Obcokrajowiec śmieje się z Polski lub na coś narzeka: Polakom sie to nie będzie zbytnio podobać
@nfnc1312 3 ай бұрын
Dzien dobre brat ;) I'm from Holland and the people here also complain a lot about our country. I'm engaged with my Polish girlfriend, she's from Białystok, and I must say I enjoy I love it there. Poland is a beautiful country with great food, great drinks and great nature. And the culture is amazing. Kocham Polskę🇳🇱🤝🇵🇱
@paxvera5199 Жыл бұрын
Well, you are partially right. I am Canadian living in Poland for about 7 years, and some stuff you got wrong. Average Canadian drinks much more then average Polish. It is not hard to meet Polish on social level, but to make real friends it takes time. Not like in North America where after meeting some one for 5 minute you calling that person's friend. It is fake. Poland is not cheap by any means even for Canadians. Everything is related to income. Let's see....average income in Ontario is $48,000 and to rent 1 bedroom apartment cost you minimum $2450 (In Toronto). Average house in Ontario is about $1.2 million, in Krakow you can get one for about 1 million zł., and so on. Average income in Poland is around 50 to 60,000 zł. Anyway, Poland is much more family oriented and friendly, much more interesting and giving much more opportunities to people, and government is much more open to people from outside wanted to move to Poland. Love you video of course. Have a good day.
@raczyk Жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm also in Canada, GTA. Bolish born, but been living in Canada for 30 years. Thinking of moving back. What do you do for work in Poland, do you speak polish? Why did you move to Poland?
@zorzyk6790 Жыл бұрын
Jesteś nielicznym z cudzoziemców co mieszkają w naszym kraju i co cokolwiek kuma odnośnie naszej kultury i tradycji. Do końca życia nie zrozumiesz ale szacunek za to, że się starasz. Najlepszy ambasador naszego kraju. Jedna uwaga, Azjaci się szybko przystosowują. Przykład; Pan Kim z Korei dostaje zadanie od szefa który planuje biznes w Polsce aby się nauczył języka polskiego przynajmniej na poziomie podstawowym a Pan Kim zeżarł trzy biurka i po roku mówi lepiej w języku polskim niż niejeden Polak.
@explorewiththea3892 Жыл бұрын
watching from the Philippines
@Anileux 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful scenery you've got there. The sunset progression through video makes great impression.
@BobStein-ey1yc 3 ай бұрын
Excellent overview of the challenges life in Poland presents
@lenar3381 Жыл бұрын
I love it! Great guy great explanation great and real! Yes me as a Polish living in Canada..I agree with him 100%!! All the best Vigos Dad! I keep watching you all the time! Take Care!
@grzegorzcaputa Жыл бұрын
You made a great movie! We invite everyone to Poland, especially to Wrocław!
@explorewiththea3892 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info. I agree in everything you said here. I have a Polish friend who lives in Bialystok. I already met his aunt,dad and gf virtually and they are all friendly and have sense of humor. He mentioned that most Polish like vodka matched with slanina. He also teaches me Polish language which is too hard to learn. I hope to meet them in person someday. The first Polish word I learned is kurwa.😂 I learned many things abt Poland.
@theworkethic Жыл бұрын
@piotrwieczorek6588 Жыл бұрын
Slanina is barely popular in Poland. It's more a Russia or Ukraine thing. Maybe in Bialystok, in eastern Poland...🙂
@nonperson22 Жыл бұрын
Proszę nie przeklinać, to kulturalny kanał 🤫
@theworkethic Жыл бұрын
@@piotrwieczorek6588 I was born 55 mins south from Bialystok and have family there, so I’m on the area you mention. I’ve lived in Toronto, Canada since ‘86 but the serving with vodka there in the 90’s was vodka, bread, sliced sausage or ham, sliced tomatoes and cucumber, butter. That’s what was on every table with vodka. Slanina was around but it was really bacon, cut up into pieces with onion and vinegar. I was by no means a vodka side. I doubt it’s by any chance popular in 2023.
@dradamov Жыл бұрын
Some fun facts: -Słonina seems a bit of an Eastern thing in Poland, but it is practiced in Mazovia too for instance. Sniffing bread to vodka shot is very rare,but not unheard of, eating pickles or just meat is common with drinking, but the most common is just having water or some beverage to drink after a shot -Kurwa is a handy word, it holds more than 200 different types of usage in Polish language (yes, there were studies about it) -We also have a separate swear words dictionary and it is about 90 pages long -Dark humor seems to have been developed as coping mechanism for 123 years of being under 3 imperial regimes at the same time, WW2 occupation, and soviet influence during the PRL period all one after another -If you can say "Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz, Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody" it means you are ready -Not drinking while partying happens more often than you think. Some people have to drive, take meds, are already hungover, they have to go to work the next day - so it is okay
@benwars9524 Жыл бұрын
Funny thing - as usual, when a non-Pole puts forward a video about Poland addressed to other non-Poles, 99% of respondents are Polish. Why? Perhaps because they are often extremely sensitive to the opinions about them as a nation. It's probably the effect of centuries of looking down on Poles as somehow "inferior" Europeans by Western nations. ;] Now I shall address your specific points. With points 1, 4, 5 and 6 agreed in principle, but IMO points 2 and 3 are only partly true. This is a nation of some 40 million people and a lot depends on the age, education, lifestyle, beliefs and other qualities that determine various patterns of behaviour. Poles are not the same in everything. I'd say that the reserved attitude and drinking issues are exaggerated by many foreigners. It's not that difficult to make good friends in this country, if one offers Poles a valuable input. They don't like the displaying of loudly expressed enthusiasm immediately on meeting someone new, because they consider this artificial and insincere. They expect more than words and hugs. Certainly this differs from the Latin approach, it's closer to the prevailing attitudes in northern/central Europe. About alcohol: very many Poles don't drink much. I know many who don't drink at all. I drink rarely (and if I do, it's mostly wine), and I have no problem refusing a drink. And, contrary to popular belief, beer is the most preferred alcoholic beverage in Poland, not vodka. My feeling is - many foreigners get excessively excited about this whole vodka thing. I think they're looking for confirmation of the seemingly eternal image of Poles as vodka-lovers.
@invisiblehandofadamsmith Жыл бұрын
Went to krakow poland from london for a weekend it is abslolutely amazing
@rafalsobolewski7722 Жыл бұрын
Lack of sunlight is certainly a bummer in the winter time. However what is really impossible to get used to for people from low latitude places is the 20-hours-long day in the summer. For people used to the fact that the sun always gets up between 6AM and 8AM and always sets before 9PM, all year round, the 3AM dawn and the 11PM dusk seriously affects their sleep patterns. Without completely opaque, blackout window blinds or shutters it is extremely miserable in June and July to try and get some sleep. Also, these days Poland is not cheap, period. Yes, it is still cheaper by a factor of 2, as compared to the USA, which means the prices in Poland today are about the same level as they were in 2010 in the USA, but you have to make at least $100k US dollars gross for Poland to feel "upper-middle-class comfortable". And that is just the cost of living stuff, because the real estate prices in Poland are downright insane. You can easily pay $1 million for a house in Warsaw, or $500k for a condo (admittedly a nice downtown condo, about 100m2). If you enjoy US-style commute, or are a digital nomad, you can sure get a place like 30km away from the city center for 50% of the said prices. there are plenty of big suburban malls, its just if you want to do something in the city, it means a drive or a train ride.
@duszek_z_lego Жыл бұрын
Regarding this drinking and not-drinking, I think it might have roots in communism times. Then, it was a kind of proverb that if somebody doesn't drink, then probably denounces. As you know most of home parties in Poland has a rivers of alcohol and in those days it was very often than some informers didn't drink but later on informed services who told what. And lot of people had serious troubles because of this. Of course it was long time ago but some habits are still alive ;)
@andrzejsteplewski1304 Жыл бұрын
Pij i popuszczaj pasa-Za Sasa.Przed II Wojną Światową pito wódki o wiele więcej niż za PRLu.A we Francji również przed tą wojną był nie mniejszy alkoholizm
@annateresaszulcpiela Жыл бұрын
Zrób filmik o porankach. Polskie poranki są najlepsze! Mieszkam od lat zagranicą Polski i to co mi brakuje to polskie poranki. Nie wiem jak to wytłumaczyć ale jest w nich niesamowita energia, siła i pogoda ducha, dziwna obietnica ze "dziś będzie fajny dzień...😊
@Angel-yv2lz Жыл бұрын
That’s because dawn is at 3:30am in summer, therefore at 8am it is the equivalent to 11 in central/ southern Europe
@nfnc1312 3 ай бұрын
Waking up with delicious Polish bread with berlinki and a very nice Polish donut😍
@AAaa17219 Жыл бұрын
I am Polish but the wind of Warsaw is out of me also the grey weather. But I love cold and hot and blue sky so my last place in Boston MA was perfect. For me is difficult to dill with catholic culture. When you are older is more difficult to make a friend's. One a half year in Warsaw and I didn't make any friends. 🎉
@Jimmyneutron19988 Жыл бұрын
To be honest i feel like its so hard to meet friends even for polish people in Poland. Im glad that i made some in higschool because otherwise I could end up alone.
@lm157 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion it's only up to you. I recently came back to Poland after 17 years in UK. My old time friends were all gone, but it took me ONE visit to my local pub to make new ones! Now I've got large group, about 30+, of new friends and of all age, some are 30 years younger than me, some are 15 years older than me and I feel no generation conflict at all. Honestly, they're all just hilarious and great. All the best!
@nfnc1312 3 ай бұрын
​@lm157 Do you speak Polish? As an Dutch person who speaks only Dutch and English, I can say certain words and some sentences, but boy it's a very hard language
@nastka011 Жыл бұрын
Once I tried to tell some casual joke about Jews to my friends from USA. They shushed me and looked around if anyone have heard it (we were at Decathlon in Poland). I failed to convince them no one will feel offended as we are in Poland 😂
@JR-qj1pj Жыл бұрын
o nie 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@brucelipnickas3968 Жыл бұрын
I am a polish/lithuanian USA citizen who will be visiting Poland, possibly getting a condo in Krakow, I am glad to hear this
@cheekymonkey5150 Жыл бұрын
Hey, I live in this country and I rearly drink alcohol these days, but you're right there's a big cultural sourading of it. Well, I think it's changing a little bit with younger generations 😂❤
@gbplus747 Жыл бұрын
wow, so it means I am young 😬🙃
@LMB222 11 ай бұрын
2:31 "the elements are rougher in a place like Poland" - absolutely, but that means the summer is better than in Western Europe. So is winter. You need to survive autumn, which sucks majorily.
@kerkuss Жыл бұрын
Spot on dude, very true. Great vid.
@alicjajot7486 Жыл бұрын
Interesting. I like your perception
@b0v0k1n6 Жыл бұрын
Good video, full of truth and right. You got the points and im very agree with you. Pole character its particular and challenging, that for sure but that is what makes them special. Poland its a great country with amazing people !!! W GORE POLSKA !!! Saludos desde Gdansk !!! Sigue asi !!!
@magorzatazuzanna6840 Жыл бұрын
Pozdrawiam serdecznie 😊
@asiatomaszewska1151 Жыл бұрын
I agree with everything. Interesting observations. Thank you for the video. Love it❤
@kazz91 Жыл бұрын
True story man!
@stefangherman8408 12 күн бұрын
When I was there in Erasmus in for spring semester of 2024, everybody in Romania (where I am coming from) said to me before going to Poland, be like: "Oh, the prices will be the same like in Romania, because the Złoty and Leu are at the same parity!" And short after I've landed in Warsaw I was hit by the hard truth. Some prices were indeed the same like in Romania, but most of the times were much higher than in Romania. Only things that were cheaper in Poland, was some grocery foods, bottled water, alchohool, cigarettes and some medicines and that's it. Poland is not cheap as you think when you see the price in Złoty on clothes tags.
@gbplus747 Жыл бұрын
"...quite a particular country" 😬😂
@jackswiatek5221 Жыл бұрын
The other day I read an article on the GB's Sunday Times that almost a half of 1 million immigrants from Poland to GB returned to Poland over the last several years. Do the flick about this event... it will also fit in the underdevelopment topic.
@arte1447 Жыл бұрын
2-3 millions left when PO was in power. Now they're returning, and will vote for PO again. That's the Polish mentality.
@magdalenakusek4040 Жыл бұрын
@@arte1447 They returned mostly because of Brexit not because they love PiS.
@arte1447 Жыл бұрын
@@magdalenakusek4040 It's not about love for PiS. The fact is the unemplyment was skyrocketing before PiS, and industry was disappearing just as quickly. PO-PSL were destroying the country, and that is a fact, as well.
@jackswiatek5221 Жыл бұрын
@@arte1447 I completely agree. I've been living in the US for 20 years now (and I am the immigration from early 2000 when SLD ruled, and people were flocking from Poland through doors and windows. And the other day I talk to a friend of mine living in Poland. She and her husband are very well situated in Poland, having excellent salaries. And she is saying that when PiS wins again, she wants to leave Poland for another country. So, I told her... when PiS wins, you may want to leave, but when PO wins, you will be forced to leave.
@jackswiatek5221 Жыл бұрын
@@magdalenakusek4040 They could go to any other European country... not necessarily Poland. So, why actually they returned to Poland. Regardless of anything, PiS does create spaces for families and even though many problems still exist and many mistakes PiS does, it is still far better oriented party for Polish families than any other one.
@niewolnik72 Жыл бұрын
Dzieki za fajne filmiki o Polsce!!
@puzis. Жыл бұрын
#5 is true, but only in "podlasie"
@KZ_EU Жыл бұрын
Bravo! I must say you are quite on spot. I think weather isn't that bad but the rest what you said its wright on. Enjoy Poland ;)
@pyrolight7568 Жыл бұрын
Being from the prairies in Canada, Poland would be great.
@gabrielaxyz9577 11 ай бұрын
4 seasons is the Best thing in the world. I feel sorry for people from the South who do not know snow and have to sweat all year round...
@marzenie3565 Жыл бұрын
Now I REALLY want to go to Poland 😂
@rufsven8312 Жыл бұрын
Hello! Interesting view. Greetings for you from Krakow.
@arcticflower1760 Жыл бұрын
I'm writing this comment on 21.04. The vast majority of trees still don't have any leafs 😢 There is nothing worst in Poland than weather
@anon_24 Жыл бұрын
I love 6th point. I'd even say that ability to have fun with listening and telling jokes is one of the ways we check other people. And if you have low sense of humor... good luck, especially at work.
@jeanlasek8755 Жыл бұрын
Loved it!
@bzykolo1985 Жыл бұрын
Zajebisty Film! Sama prawda! Pozdrawiam!
@reniferu8676 Жыл бұрын
Part about sense of humor, 100% true, I stamp it as a Pole xD
@SecondLittlePig 10 ай бұрын
#1. I'm from Minnesota. That's not a problem. 🥶
@colnano Жыл бұрын
I had seen a couple of your videos before, but I just subscribed to your channel. I am a Colombian living in Spain now, after leaving Ukraine with my Ukrainian wife. We stayed in Poland for 5 weeks and made a few wonderful friends there; we still keep in touch with them. Before that, I made a few Polish friends too and visited a few cities, and I really love Poland. Actually, I tell my wife I would love to go back there. Spain is OK, but I miss Poland. Hopefully one day I can find a nice opportunity there and move there. Just one question my friend: do you already speak Polish or have you been able to live there without the language? If you learned it, how did it took you to learn to a conversational level?
@bailaconmara Жыл бұрын
I feel what you are saying! I did the same! just subscribed to this lovely channel and also live in Spain, but after 6 years I have not adjust at all even though I am latinas well😢 I would love to move to Poland soon.
@colnano Жыл бұрын
@@bailaconmara We can relate 😁. Wow, you have been here way more than me. Are you planning to move to another country? What part of Spain do you live in? I am in Madrid.
@bailaconmara Жыл бұрын
@@colnano I am native Venezuelan, and moved in 2017 to Madrid, for the reasons you sure know 🙈 I could write a book about my life🤪🤣 maybe I will..I wanted to let you know that I admire Ukrainian people and have huge respect for them🙏 Polish are wonderful as well.
@colnano Жыл бұрын
@@bailaconmara Wow Mara, I can imagine and you know, I am also working on my own book too 😁, and I have Venezuelan relatives too, so I know what you mean. Thank you for your words. I really appreciate it. Even though I am a Colombian, I feel more Ukrainian now than ever. 🙏🏻
@bailaconmara Жыл бұрын
@@colnano Thank you for your kind response and interaction! I wish you and your wife the best!! If you feel more Ukrainian, it means you are very loved and you love them even more❤️Blessings for all heroic Ukrainians and lovely Polscy ludzie🙏❤️ 🥰
@jennifergross5195 Жыл бұрын
I am in love with a Polish man who lives here in the US. You are right about being snarky. I am very snarky and I make fun of myself. He laughs! He’s quiet and I think he appreciates my humor! I am unable to drink alcohol because I will come down with a deathly migraine. There must be other Poles who can’t drink for medical reasons.
@jennifergross5195 Жыл бұрын
LOL Temperatures are no problem for me. I live in the northern US state of Wisconsin. We have snowy, cold winters!
@bonzoble 7 ай бұрын
I like that. True! :)
@BreadBanks5490 Жыл бұрын
I live in britain, I'm used to rainy cold days. hell, this summer is literally just autumn
@Al1en_Boy_The_5th_Kind Жыл бұрын
Actually, I’m going to Poland this summer after 30 years absence and I am Polish living in states I am so freaking scared to go there just wondering if I’m gonna find myself there🤐😬 Szema z Florida/Minnesota ✌️out Ps. Hey dude, what happen with Philip and the other dude with Polish girlfriend?
@VigosDad Жыл бұрын
Filip is kicking ass, I'll tell him to pop his head around here in a moment and say hi to you. Trev I believe is also doing great :)
@Al1en_Boy_The_5th_Kind Жыл бұрын
@@VigosDad thanks man for update 👍
@Al1en_Boy_The_5th_Kind Жыл бұрын
@Filip mówi po polsku hey mani got silly question 4you 🫵so who’s the boss in you house?👍 be honest.🤞
@Al1en_Boy_The_5th_Kind Жыл бұрын
@Filip mówi po polsku 🤣🤣🤣👍
@chestermosburger3113 Жыл бұрын
@@VigosDad The Dominican Republic looks like paradise from where I am sitting in grey, rainy Europe!
@krystynaz598 Жыл бұрын
Poland is your home...then...mówisz po polsku ? B.lubię Cię oglądać, masz niesamowite poczucie humoru i potrafisz trafnie ocenić Polaków.Brawo !!!
@VigosDad Жыл бұрын
Mówię trochę, ale mój polski jest okropny
@lm157 Жыл бұрын
​​​@@VigosDadDon't worry about it, we love anyway. It will come to you in natural way, just speak as much as you can and let people correct you, do not take it as offence as we only want to teach you. All the best for ya'll 😁
@nastka011 Жыл бұрын
@ardainpoland Жыл бұрын
Still It’s cheap. I’m from turkey and our economy sucks. It’s cheaper than other countries such as France, Italy or Germany. 1 zlt is 6 TL. 1 euro is 29 TL. 1 dollar 26 TL. Three of them higher than Turkish Lira. However I still see as a cheaper country. Obviously based on where I live. The cost of living compared with other countries, Poland is the best place to live I guess?
@ardainpoland Жыл бұрын
I don’t want to be misunderstood btw. In 2017, basically if you were in the country as a tourist, you could have buy 12-13 TL coffee (lets say latte) and almost 8-9 TL for a pack of cigarette. 1 dollar was around 3-3.5 TL. Even zlt was less valuable than the TL. However, after covid and especially after the election of 2023 in turkey, the prices get %300 higher and we became a country that cannot be productive and bcs of inflation and wrong political approaches, prices undeniable gets higher. One latte is 50 TL and one pack of cigarette is almost 50 TL as well.
@underated17 Жыл бұрын
I am Polish with some Scandinavian blood. I took a dna test. So many Polish people can be mixed with other ethnicities.
@Robert_z_Wwy 3 ай бұрын
I think that a Pole who likes alcohol too much is a bit false. "Europe drinks the most alcohol in the world - according to a new report by the World Health Organization. Nine European Union countries are in the top ten countries with the highest consumption. Poland, with an average consumption of 11.9 liters per person, ranks 17th in this category." "Heavy alcohol drinking is considered to be the consumption of a single dose of 60g of pure ethanol. 38% of Danes admitted to episodes of this type at least once a month. This country ranks first in the heavy drinking ranking. The remaining steps on the podium are occupied by Romania and Luxembourg. In Poland, 17% of adults drink heavily."
@waldemarmachnik1545 Жыл бұрын
You make my day,every day Viggo’s dad. You are nice……….My english is poor❤.
@waldemarmachnik1545 Жыл бұрын
Po polsku bedzie teraz. Miodzio
@waldemarmachnik1545 Жыл бұрын
I cyk weekend. Troche leje w Oslo. Dla chcacego nic trudnego👍
@dmitryl-electronicmodules754 Жыл бұрын
Do not hesitate that your English language is imperfect... You have an opportunity to study it superiorly.
@sebastian-ic1mz 7 ай бұрын
for last 8 years we moved back for about 30 years, because of our politicians, they destroyed almost everything; army, education, health care, cuonterintelligence, relationships with our neighbourhood
@jakubnikodymczuk 10 ай бұрын
Damn Vigo u decoded my polish enigma spirit so well. I am polish guy and i must agree to almost every one of ur observations. I could aswell say that u discriped me better propobly than i could ever say about who i am , what is both fascinating and frightening at the same time Lol
@jarekchecinski4538 Жыл бұрын
Punkt 6 - do bólu prawdziwy
@tomekville7 10 ай бұрын
Dark humor lol is true and also if you are not religious it might be awkward to live there just avoid religious conversations...
@rhobydelacruz4223 Жыл бұрын
god bless sir❤
@nfnc1312 3 ай бұрын
But summers are great in Poland, well especially in my fiance's city Białystok
@RatchetAndClank14 Ай бұрын
I am Polish
@Immigrantwriter Жыл бұрын
100% 😅
@studioitalia360 Жыл бұрын
Top, I’ll be sharing It 👌👌👌
@VigosDad Жыл бұрын
thank you 🌹❤️
@ttt-dm2qj Жыл бұрын
I desagree with you about the weather . I am Polish and no way that at 2.30pm it’s dark over the winter…
@salems_lot Жыл бұрын
Polish weather sounds really similar to weather here in the Balkans.
@ihsinakattakanishi795 6 ай бұрын
Najwieksza roznica pomiedzy ludzmi np. UK a Polska jest taka ze nie ma u nas czegos jak sztuczny usmiech i obluda. Wszedzie sie usmiechaja i daja ci nadzieje i nic z tego nie wynika. W polsce urzednik powie ci wprost ze jest jak jest i nie marnujesz czasu zyjac z nadzieja.
@ryszardm9477 Жыл бұрын
Have you watched the obligatory film about the Polish sense of humor ,,Miś" - ?
@dariusznykaza3449 Жыл бұрын
All is true😂
@bartomiejludwinek9145 8 ай бұрын
Some kind of subjects are "delicate" (unfortunatelly). F.e. when somebody has the cancer. It is hard for most people to talk about it. I have a cancer, and i'm joking about it. So new met people start to act naturally. It is not for every one. I joke usually: "You know, every body wants to got some pet under the christmass tree. So i got cancer". 😜
@osina13 Жыл бұрын
Who else try to clean screen, that's just dirt on Wall 😅
@euroluvvision2937 Жыл бұрын
You should do video with your wife . How does she find herself in polish reality . I am planning to come back and quite curious how specially your wife finds herself . All the best and Witaj w Polsce :)
@VigosDad Жыл бұрын
we will :)
@lm157 Жыл бұрын
You'll be fine, I came back last year and found a job in one day! Plenty of jobs in Poland rn. I also rented a small flat for refurbishment and the rent is insanely cheap, although I have to refurbish everything there as its literally only walls there. But I don't mind, I'll do it, slowly but surely.
@xena83 Жыл бұрын
A tomb up 👍🏼
@anon_24 Жыл бұрын
I love 6th point, haha.
@morarechloubaba7261 Жыл бұрын
If I watched your video 7 mouth ago,I wouldn't be today in poland
@katarzyna2117 Жыл бұрын
Poland still is a developing countrythat is a fact🙂sadly
@Mitch_Knott Жыл бұрын
Cześć love the video! just had a few English corrections for you to improve your speaking, hope this doesn't seem rude. Don't say "drunkers" (It's not a word) say "drunks" instead and you said sensible instead of sensitive. Still amazing definitely better than my Polish.
@VigosDad Жыл бұрын
I did messup with sensible/sensitive, happens to me all the time lol. I actually said “drunkards” not drunkers though. Cheers!
@Mitch_Knott Жыл бұрын
@Vigo’s Dad Easy mistake! Ah, in that case you are correct with "drunkards"
@piotrviatorus5109 Жыл бұрын
Lo que más me llama la atención siempre que visito Varsovia es que en Polonia hay polacos. Arturo Villa
@ShadowMakesSomeArt Жыл бұрын
7:26 nah I’m actuallly ok with that
@Kasper-Lee-v6t Жыл бұрын
@andywhitesky4496 9 ай бұрын
how not like this guy perfect
@KM769 Жыл бұрын
Today Polski Top Wszechczasów (Polish All-Time Hits List) on Radio357.
@mitrydatmarek 9 ай бұрын
@bartomiejnozka8992 Жыл бұрын
Greate video.
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