Serious Moments in Animated Movies (Part 1)

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I realize that we don't get enough sad or serious moment compilations of animated movies on KZbin, so I thought I'd help out and kickstart that for potential animation channels out there. Here are some of the best!
Movies in order:
Shrek (2001)
Ice Age (2002)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
A Goofy Movie (1995)
The Fox and the Hound (1981)
Monsters University (2013)
Madagascar (2005)
The Garfield Movie (2024)
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
Toy Story (1995)
The Incredibles (2004)
Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie (2024)
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004)
Dick Figures: The Movie (2013)
Ted (2012)
Cars (2006)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
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@ToonCaperA113 Ай бұрын
Do you miss the days/times when animated films (and most shows for that matter) that these kinds of serious scenes where the audience can notice that something awful happened before like any Disney film like Pinocchio's Pleasure Island sequence or Thomas & Friends' Ghost Train episode? Studios like Disney have to realize to the animation community/the general public that animation is more than just "kiddie crap". Animation is an art form like any form of media. "Animation is cinema, it's not a genre for kids, it's a medium." - Guillermo De Toro, Oscars 2022. *Here's a famous quote from C.S. Lewis: "A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest." Animation needs to be taken seriously by all kinds of people from around the globe!
@sonicexe66613 Ай бұрын
I feel like most studios ignore that (especially Disney nowadays)
@sandy_shark Ай бұрын
“You got to remember who your writing for. You’re not really merely writing for children, your writing for the unfortunate people, who've got to read the stories over and over, and over again.” - Wilbert W Awdry
@josejimtharayil1511 Ай бұрын
"Do you miss" Nah, it may not be Disney but modern day films overall are still kicking to deal with such mature topics. This year alone has Pixar releasing a film about a girl's struggle with puberty and the psychological issues it gets in a believable light, Paramount gives out a film of 2 best friends permanently drifting apart when it comes ot how they shall deal with a corrupt system, and DreamWorks also gives out a heartwarming tail of a woman adopting a disabled child and trying to raise him right. There still is some people who still respect animation and kids films to be a film for everyone to enjoy that I'd even say 2024 was the best year for kids films this decade to give 3 solid 9/10 movies
@AnthonyLeachman Ай бұрын
Cause is 2025-2024
@SomeAnomalousJumper2398 Ай бұрын
This guy gets it! Not the only one either! Someone, somewhere out there, still worth to express much cherishing.
@drakeboutte1466 Ай бұрын
“I act scary Mike….but most of the time, I’m terrified” That is some GOD tier writing
@SomeAnomalousJumper2398 Ай бұрын
That has always stuck with me to this very day, as well: 8:39 Forgive my slightest yet realest raw expressions excuded, but it cannot be expressed enough... I'm not as broad either, but I am also inconsistent, there is a feel for Mikes or Sullys, or any other character detained turmoil here either way... They always say that I was capable of great things and all... Despite my... Conditions, or implications then and there... I can tire like anybody else, yet still hold on that despite everything like everybody should sure... But there's that aching seedling of doubt that currently plauges my every being, it knocks me down and struggle to leap back at times... So most of all: I haven't been more mortified for what may unfold, if I'm not always understanding, confident, or strong willed enough... Or if I'm still not "Mature" enough... I come off uninviting again, I'm sorry for the way I was born okay?? If I cannot always power through myself or all unsavory BS that intrudes internally as is, if I can't always power through the decibels so loud from fireworks or ballons exploding in my ears alone, if I cannot even always remain calm through pressure, keep focus towards any tasks regardless of the discipline and with the daily capsule that doesn't last long or sucks out the fibers of my potential even more... *What hopes do I justly have in proving, helping, saving, or even changing anybody?...* The closest to do such is in another mundane job, maybe I'd meet allies firmly once more, meet that pretty women who I hold and please so dearly imbued as she does for me, understands and finally eternally connect with despite everything as well... But the uncertainty still remains and can make me similiarly jaded "Like that's ever gonna happen!". Help where I can as everyone dutifully should in a smaller manner, but sometimes there has to be more to it then that help too idk. If I am lost... Alone still at the end... I used to have friends, acquitances maybe, but I used to feel accompanied... Now I yearn for that connection sought out fully past the dreams or envisionings, yet I don't know... I can't help but be wary of all of them, or if they run out on me as well... I can't be the only one out there in similiar leauges of despair, there are conundrums beyond the screen we view out there... Or if we really are just another narrative read or viewed some other way, or of a universe long past someday, it gets so absurd to think of such reality... *Defying any confined fate for once... Finally stride fowards unpeturbed and finally proved, truly succeed in equlibration, still courses...* Yet I don't know if its worth it. All I can do right now for however daunting the conflict, is always Retain My Resolves Fowards.
@SouthJerseySam Ай бұрын
The film isn't perfect but it has great quotes "Enjoy the attention while it lasts, boys. After you lose, no one will remember you." "Maybe. But when you lose, no one will let you forget it."
@OliverOils Ай бұрын
​@@SouthJerseySam Monster's Inc is the better movie but GOD as an adult, I like Monster's University way more "Mr Wazowski, keep surprising people" it's one of my top feel good movies ever
@N-GinAndTonicTM Ай бұрын
Monsters Inc. and it's universe are held together tremendously by how well John and Billy work off of each other. I don't see two VA's in a recording booth; I just see two very real monsters out there in the world somewhere.
@SomeAnomalousJumper2398 Ай бұрын
@@N-GinAndTonicTM There's more I could describe at my best, but to not keep it long, yes: It's more then someone putting up some act for a film, they are a very real person with their own BS described regardless... Not everyone is correct, not everyone can't always subjectively be inclined as is, but such a film is underrated in it's own right as countless have said this time... Which is pretty damn meta in that scene into it's own self, because as you said, it all IS the realest conversation displayed, you are there still present, finally listening... Like a group therapy thing.
@TheHollowedKing754 Ай бұрын
I love how Shrek and Donkey immediately made up, knowing now that it was all a misunderstanding, despite both being comedic actors, Michael and Eddie did such a great job in this scene
@AnthonyLeachman Ай бұрын
@Quinn8529 Ай бұрын
@@AnthonyLeachmanI guess some people lack basic reading comprehension skills. 😂
@Davidparty3 21 күн бұрын
Being a "comedic actor" doesn't mean not knowing howbto act.
@JbLentolome 16 күн бұрын
everytime I watch this scene, the "You're right Donkey, I forgive you...FOR STABBING ME IN THE BACK" part has me in stitches...
@randomRobloxguy7723 5 күн бұрын
@jacobdehaan4114 Ай бұрын
Ultimate proof that good acting is good acting, no matter if it's animated or not
@tbientertainment4355 Ай бұрын
@IndriidaeNT Ай бұрын
6:07 That scene was the most breaktaking, Todd risks his life to save Copper and Amos Shale from the bear and Amos initially being an ungrateful bastard decides to kill Tod anyway while he is weak from his fall down the waterfall but Copper defends Tod to give Amos the space to rethink his actions and realize that he was wrong about foxes, and Tod saved them from the bear, and was at pain and killing him was no longer necessary so Amos spares Tod and he and Copper leave Tod at peace with Vixey at long last.
@franciscopaz4963 Ай бұрын
I 100% agree!!!🔥
@isaiahwalking Ай бұрын
@isaiahwalking Ай бұрын
Truer words have never been spoken 💯
@LukeTheGhostKiller Ай бұрын
Proof that animation is way more than just "kid's stuff"
@kiki_the_arctic_cat_girl3778 Ай бұрын
@isaiahwalking Ай бұрын
@kerubim402 Ай бұрын
Still hate the mentality of thinking 'animation is for kid'.
@aquafaceproductions1150 Ай бұрын
​@@kerubim402Same here. It's aggravating
@Marvelfanatic3658 Ай бұрын
Not really
@larrypoppins6273 Ай бұрын
2:53 I love that line from Manny. "No you're not, not yet." That was hard as fuck. Ray Romano delivered that perfectly.
@animdoodle Ай бұрын
Ikr. Good line delivery
@tanner201x8 Ай бұрын
Ice Age 1 so underrated
@riotbreaker3506 Ай бұрын
Honestly, Ice Age 1 is great, but in Spanish, it's elevated, something about the dialogue in spanish just makes it fantastic.
I know right Ray Romano sounds so intimidating
@joeferri3491 Ай бұрын
I’m the 500th like
@danraul9759 Ай бұрын
Monsters university's scene took the cake. The dialogue in that scene in that environment was surreal
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
That and The Fox and the Hound. Total underrated masterpieces.
@buttersticks7877 Ай бұрын
seeing these very cartoonish characters juxtapositioned by an absolutely beautiful natural scene that borders on photorealistic from our world is something i think I'd otherwise laugh at. but it only lends to their words. they don't belong there. they're in the wrong place, they're not treating themselves or each other right. and if they EVER want a chance to change that, they're going to have to understand each other. truly understand and see each other for who they really are.
@krypticunlimited6925 Ай бұрын
Seriously underrated movie, it’s got quite possibly the greatest third act of any Pixar movie besides Toy Story 3
@riotbreaker3506 Ай бұрын
I love Diego's redemption arc throughout the movie, Diego was in a toxic conditional relationship with the other sabers, up until Manny and Sid. After the cave, he realized how much hurt the act of killing causes, and that killing Roshan deprives Runar of his fatherhood. He turned on the other sabers because Manny was willing to give his own life to save him, despite all his hurt. Diego found a reason to live, not because someone demands something from him, but because his life has value.
@viktoriagonzales3222 Ай бұрын
The humans had names?
@riotbreaker3506 Ай бұрын
@viktoriagonzales3222 Yup, Roshan, Runar, and Nadia
@v_a_n_c_e_5863 20 күн бұрын
@joemama.21 Ай бұрын
This whole scene from The Incredibles is even darker when you think Bob was being literally tortured physical and psychologically.
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
Yup. You literally just breakdown and give up once you realize you can’t save your loved ones. Thank goodness they were still alive.
@CapricornEquestrian Ай бұрын
I love love love the Ice Age scene. I love how Manny first goes " what do you mean 'ambush'? "... And then that calm but clearly angry: " *You set us up* " that line was delivered SOOO well. I loved how he didnt immediatly get mad, he isnt like: "WHAT?! YOU SET US UP?!" He's like: "Oh, now i understand." Lk ike i love it sn for no reason
@luislatinoman7055 Ай бұрын
One part I liked about that scene was just how ready Manny was to save Sid again without a second thought. Even going so far as to say "WE" in regards to fighting despite knowing damn well Sid wasn't gonna be of any help in a head to head fight.
@Blue_Punch_Buggy224 Ай бұрын
@@luislatinoman7055Unfortunately Sid just isn’t a physical predator. No experience, no weight to protect himself. He’d probably get ripped apart despite actually having usable and throwable arms.
@Individualthatisabsorbant Ай бұрын
YOOOO!! Same! Btw, did you see my commentary on this scene?
@CapricornEquestrian Ай бұрын
@@Individualthatisabsorbant no i didnt yet, is it on your channel? :D
@AlzMarioWolfe Ай бұрын
Absolutely loved Manny in the first movie specifically
@thomasraines1396 Ай бұрын
The “I’m a monster” scene from Madagascar was great, Ben Stiller did a great job.
@Wiiguy1606 29 күн бұрын
When I saw this movie on the big screen at age 14, I was legitimately scared. Actually thinking Alex was going to eat his friends
@RoyAdaki 2 ай бұрын
Okay, now it’s serious
@IndriidaeNT Ай бұрын
8:21 Mike: I am just a useless green eyeball with limbs!
@justaguyonyoutube4592 Ай бұрын
This is where clam-fishing gets SERIOUS.
@kingkaijuboygodjira3116 Ай бұрын
"Okay now it's serious" tf you talking about?💀 It was ALWAYS serious!
@funtimeshaanydude Ай бұрын
Why so serious?
@n0timp0rt4nt Ай бұрын
It's never been this serious
@spuzzfipple951 Ай бұрын
God, that friggin cut from Garfield's dad about to tearfully reveal the backstory straight to Po screaming and running is phenomenal.
@YoungMrBlue Ай бұрын
@Scartofen101 Ай бұрын
Yeah, no. Not for me
@N0URii Ай бұрын
@Denver-u5f Ай бұрын
@SRKStar Ай бұрын
The way I skipped it so fast I looked in the comments because that is atrocious Garfield. Than say this comment and rewinded it 😭
@sammyjones2081 Ай бұрын
"How come you never told me that before?" "Because we weren't friends before" is just as impactful and significant as the "terrified" quote. When you're alone without real bonds, everything you suffer can feel so much more consuming.
@AanKattoa Ай бұрын
Theme(s) presented in each one Shrek: Forgiveness Ice Age: Trust Sonic the Hedgehog: Loneliness A Goofy Movie: Family The Fox and The Hound: Trust Monsters University: Ambition/Friendship Madagascar: Friendship/Bonds The Garfield Movie: Trust Kung Fu Panda: Self-Love/Distrust Toy Story: Self-Worth The Incredibles: Morality Inanimate Insanity: Value The Spongebob Squarepants Movie: Reality Whatever this Red and Blue stick figure thing is: Betrayal Ted: Responsibility/Friendship Cars: Age/Trust Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Foolishness
@YoungMrBlue Ай бұрын
What the heck was that stick figures movie (dickfigures)
@clearman91111 Ай бұрын
These are some great themes
@Verdugo_Arulaq Ай бұрын
I think Fox and The Hound can also be forgiveness and let bygones be bygones And Spiderverse can be coming of age?
@calebsoria1777 Ай бұрын
Well summary
@calebsoria1777 Ай бұрын
The Garfield movie was more about family
@OliverOils Ай бұрын
A Goofy Movie is a classic that most people have seen and it's STILL underappreciated imo that scene where Goofy falls into a waterfall was crazy. He actually screams in terror instead of the iconic goofy laugh
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
That, The Fox and the Hound, and Treasure Planet are all under appreciated masterpieces.
@user-zl8ng2un6f Ай бұрын
And at 5:09 the way they help each other up to safety while/despite arguing is a nice touch, too
@olivia..gracee Ай бұрын
@@LordTylerBluGunderson treasure planet is so amazing
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
@ That, The Fox and the Hound, and Lilo and Stitch are amazing movies. There’s a lot of other underrated ones I can name as well, but the list would be a little too long lol.
@Kn16htW1n6 Ай бұрын
Max Goof: "I'm not a little boy anymore dad, I'm a grown up, I have my own life" Goofy: "I KNOW THAT, I JUST WANTED TO BE PART OF IT" 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this line hits hard
@disneylover6408 Ай бұрын
Also the "You're my son, Max. No matter how big you get, you'll always be my son" part hits too
@Kn16htW1n6 Ай бұрын
@@disneylover6408 Guess I have to spend more time with my family before it was too late. I have to appreciate their sacrifices to achieve their children's dream and goals
@hopegalaxy Ай бұрын
I can only imagine bill Farmer's reaction to when he read those line. Like that's some serious gut-punching writing for such a character like Goofy.
@Kn16htW1n6 Ай бұрын
@@hopegalaxy yeah
@rickb97 Ай бұрын
It hits harder when you realize how cruel and insensitive a son could behave with their parents... I know that my brother and me have been like that in our past 😢😭😭 and just remembering it brings me tears Always thinking about wanting to tell them I love them, but never finding the courage to actually do it... and when they're no longer with us, and they become just a memory, then I'll be consumed with regret and guilt As a message to all, just don't make that mistake
@sidneygore4382 21 күн бұрын
14:29 - This scene is heartbreaking. That "HOW?" and the look on the Master's face of despair. Soul-crushing.
@HidekiMarlonEdits Ай бұрын
There is a phrase that says animated films are not only made for children but they transmit deep messages that connect to a true reality, friends.
@christianaguiare544 Ай бұрын
Seeing Alex beg Marty to stay away was heartbreaking
@Laylavizible Ай бұрын
Well Marty is the reason why Alex got stranded
@invixfusion7111 Ай бұрын
@@Laylavizible true, but he didn’t think that it was gonna turn out bad for them, especially Alex.
@TJDW Ай бұрын
Marty/ “You’re no monster.” Alex the next second/ 10:07
@invixfusion7111 29 күн бұрын
@@TJDW Alex to Marty: “I don’t wanna hurt you” 😔😢
@chaosblastman4936 18 күн бұрын
A little fun fact, They wanted the VA for Goofy to lose the usual voice for a more serious tone for how the movie goes but he said no and stuck to the normal goofy voice, and I think it made it better for those serious moments despite the voice.
@Excelsior21_CandR 9 күн бұрын
I’m glad he did. Wouldn’t be Goofy without it 😊 Another fun fact: To anybody who watches the TV show “Amphibia”, Hop-Pop is voiced by Bill Farmer- the same voice as Goofy! 😄
@Master-Po_2HU Ай бұрын
13:45 “It hurt, but it could never hurt more than it did everyday of my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought if anyone can change me, could make me *not me* , it was you” This one has been one of my favorite quotes from Kung Fu Panda. Thats when I realized this movie was more than Kung Fu. Po wanted someone to teach him and to change him to be better. Even though Master Shifu refused to take Po seriously and ridiculed him. Po was patient knowing that he needed to turn his life around. I dont know how to explain it much but with self improvement is hard, but Po is willing to do what it takes. Thats why Kung Fu Panda is my #1 favorite movie of all time
@thesejokesarentfunnyyetthe9522 Ай бұрын
Let it never be forgotten that Alex was SPECIFICALLY hallucinating about ripping through a crowd of kids while dealing with his hunger and wild side. Poor guy had it rough and it’s terrifying that it was subconsciously showing through like that.
@littlesneets8026 Ай бұрын
Oh shit.... I never caught onto that until now. I just assumed he was so hungry, he was hallucinating about being back at New York, but having steak to eat.
@coldstuff9784 23 күн бұрын
Never realized that either. That's dark.
@RexfromIslaNublar Ай бұрын
And that’s why I love these movies. Because moments that flew over your head as a kid, hit you like a bullet to the chest as an adult because you truly understand after living life.
@T-Trux Ай бұрын
While Transformers One may not be in this. It still feels like the most heartbreaking thing I’ve seen in a cinema in a long time… brothers in arms they are no longer, but now… enemies at war… “I’m done saving you.” “Go, take the high guard. You are banished from Iacon…”
@Laylavizible Ай бұрын
It didn’t have to be this way
@korosinpi6625 Ай бұрын
This isn’t over PRIME
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
That scene is absolutely tragic. Just like Obi-Wan and Anakin.
@martinlopez2816 Ай бұрын
Which makes Prime brutally slaughtering his own compatriots in those Bayformer movies even more messed up
@MegaDynamiteDan Ай бұрын
If only Paramount and Hasbro put more effort into transformers one's marketing it wouldn't have flopped
@Little_Duckling18 Ай бұрын
Wow, I legit got teary-eyed from Alex...a frickin lion voiced by Ben stiller made me almost cry. That's crazy! But...with how he delivered his lines, he sold me as an animal, trying not to let his predator urge hurt his friend. Dang! 🦁😔
@Indochicyon Ай бұрын
Ben Stiller made such a good job on voicing him. Alex and Zoolander are my favorite roles from him.
@I_like_cheesecake24 Ай бұрын
Damn man everything about this scene 6:54 especially Copper’s pleading cry is just a punch in the gut for me, fox and the hound never fails to make me cry
@brianwhite9339 Ай бұрын
6:37 Bambi: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬 YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!!!!!!!
@foxboy6145 10 күн бұрын
I saw one thing where people were asked about the saddest movie they saw, and that was one of the most common answers.
@jaxsterminator8634 17 күн бұрын
My favorite part about Slade’s turnaround in Fox and the Hound is that no words were spoken the moment he felt remorse, the animation and expressions did all the talking. A perfect example of “show, don’t tell”.
@musouprince7796 29 күн бұрын
What I like about Monsters: University is that it takes the insult "Those who can't do, teach" and makes it into a positive. Mike was right, he did everything right but still couldn't do it, and unfortunately, life is like that. There are times when people understand the concepts and material, but have a hard time actually performing it. What does Mike do? He becomes a trainer and ended up training the top scarer in all of Monsters Inc. It's why he became one of my favorite characters.
@Excelsior21_CandR 9 күн бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. Instead of “All your dreams will come true if you believe hard enough” being the takeaway, that movie tells a refreshing, more realistic message like “Sometimes you don’t get exactly what you hope for even if you work hard. And that’s okay.” It’s really hard to sell that without it seeming pessimistic, but Monsters University does a great job of making that hard truth hopeful. Just a really, really good film ❤
@aarongarcia5037 3 күн бұрын
@musouprince7796 and not just having a hard time performing, but sometimes literally not being *physically capable* of something. Mike was never going to be scarier than most of his peers just because of the way he was, just like how a small guy like me can never be a linebacker. I appreciate that the message isn’t necessarily “well if you dream hard enough you can be”, but instead teaches you to make the best of what you’ve got.
@Excelsior21_CandR 3 күн бұрын
@@aarongarcia5037 Exactly! 🥰
@lavenderotaku2481 Ай бұрын
Doc's "You think I quit?" will never not be one of my favorite lines from an animated movie ever.
@Kainine20 Ай бұрын
12:56 That night....That night was different.....AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
@Xxtickjrxx Ай бұрын
Okay… that's funny. : ' )
@Jakkuhera 4 күн бұрын
“That night was different.” Yeah I pretty sure that “was” different😂
@justjoshua5759 Ай бұрын
“Try living like this with nothing to solve it” hit hard The mephone 4 one was a nice edition. Nice to see newer but still amazing cartoons. Inanimate insanity deserves the credit and this climax in that finale was perfect
@I_love_bread_and_Hungry_Jacks Ай бұрын
Why did Sonic's "I did it" really impact a lot & hit home bruh
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
Now looking back at Sonic 3, both Sonic and Shadow ran with electricity while having emotional thoughts flowing through them.
@supremeoverlord0 Ай бұрын
​@@LordTylerBluGunderson "Chaos is power, enriched by the heart" -Sonic Adventure 1, Tikal's chant I think depicting chaos energy as strengthened by emotions makes perfect sense, and is a great visual effect for the chaos wielders in the Sonic Universe. It's something I think the movies really struck gold on- wish the games did it, but then again, the games don't let Shadow and especially Sonic be as emotional as they are in the movies. :/
@horrortrapboi908 Ай бұрын
"I really am alone..." He and Shadow really aren't that different
@coldstuff9784 23 күн бұрын
He started out alone and now he has family and friends and gets to actually play baseball with others 😭
@Believin_Stephen Ай бұрын
I think part of what makes animated movies so impactful is the fact that they are seen as goofy or cartoonist for children: When you have serious, emotional moment like these, they show you how even simple things can be powerful (and how a movie targeted at kids isn’t necessarily simple either).
@airwaydude014 Ай бұрын
12:57 what a transition 😂
@a.jthomas6132 Ай бұрын
A couple of suggestions for part 2: Across the Spiderverse: Miguel talks about canon events and Miles disowns Gwen for letting their respective fathers to die. Across the Spiderverse: Gwen expresses her feelings to her father Captain Stacy. Pinocchio: The Coachman round up the boys-turned-donkeys and Lampwick’s terrifying transformation. Up: Carl’s married life with Ellie. An American Tale- Fivel Goes West: One Man’s Sunset is another man’s Dawn Inside Out 2: Maybe this is what happens when you grow up, you feel less joy.
@IndriidaeNT Ай бұрын
Don't forget the Zootopia press conference and Nick and Judy's reconciliation scene, the scene with Mr. Henry Brown wanting to turn Paddington over to the Orphanage in Paddington and Paddington assuming that the Browns forgot him in the sequel Paddington 2 while in prison, Porsha getting "fired' in Sing 2 and Clay and Ash having a moment together, Differences do matter in Trolls: World Tour and Ember and Wade's breakup in Elemental.
@tracemacmillan9718 Ай бұрын
Kung fu panda three when po’s dad tells his son the story about his mother and breaks down
@YoungMrBlue Ай бұрын
@@tracemacmillan9718or the second movie where he learns of that
@YoungMrBlue Ай бұрын
I don’t know if this would count but Epsilon’s speech in Red Vs Blue Season 13
@tracemacmillan9718 Ай бұрын
@ that’s a good scene too!
@Individualthatisabsorbant Ай бұрын
I love "Diego's confession" from Ice Age. Every part of that scene convey's how everyone ia feeling. Manny, feeling betrayed was willing to kill Diego and storm through the Tiger Pack, not knowing or caring how much there where, it wasn't until Diego's sincere "Cause I'm your only chance." (at escape) That Manny and Sid where able to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, when someone has a change if heart, and realize the errors of their ways, it's worth giving them a second chance.
@calebtrmtherubyminecart6664 Ай бұрын
Animation for me, it just feels like what you feel like when you act on the inside, you can really show what you feel in animation
@scottriddell3514 Ай бұрын
These moments are the reason animated movie succeed but ice age 5 was just a straight up upset and outraged people who loved the films
@YoungMrBlue Ай бұрын
Yeah compared to the first one that’s shown in this video there’s a major difference in the audience it was made for
@jman988 29 күн бұрын
23:22 this scene from cars hits different knowing how McQueen became the old car and the new generation of cars took over
@RainStreet28 Ай бұрын
Movies like these don't hit anymore, like these types of scenes...Really made movies feel alive.
@Apro101 Ай бұрын
inanimate insanity was pretty recent
@PabloComixYT Ай бұрын
And to think that KZbin had labeled Animation “for kids”… 😒 seriously, they need to respect it like anyone else!
The goofy movie was so emotinal
@maxmantell5009 Ай бұрын
@IndriidaeNT Ай бұрын
8:47 Image a similar scene where Gazelle, Chief Bogo, Clawhauser and Nick and Judy have a falling-out in Zootopia 2 but Gazelle and Bogo and Clawhauser playing the role of Sulley later on cheer up a heroic BSoD Nick and Judy playing the role of Mike and give them a "You Are Better Than You Think You Are" speech.
@carolyncolebeck6945 Ай бұрын
Although he’s dumb
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
Same with The Fox and the Hound. Such goated emotional movies, fr.
@Polku-hl3zr Ай бұрын
Loved how you featured internet animation as well.
@IndriidaeNT Ай бұрын
10:28 That scene gets me all the time, Alex becomes scared that his savageness and hunger will take control of him and he will try to kill and eat Marty, Melman and Gloria again like last time but Marty helps him snap out of it and help him realize that he has a heart bigger than his stomach.
@Blue_Punch_Buggy224 Ай бұрын
Dickfigures was one of my favorite webseries growing up, loved it and still go back to it almost every to every other year.
@Apro101 Ай бұрын
ive never seen the stickfigures one
@ZenyBux Ай бұрын
It’s about time someone put together some serious scenes in movies as a compilation! :)
@Crisitu96 Ай бұрын
I hope The Wild Robot gets this recognition. There were some serious and very touching moments.
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
Fink the Fox crying and getting emotional gets me every single time😭😭😭
@hiattgrey9161 Ай бұрын
The one from the SpongeBob movie surprised me the most as a little kid when I saw it in theaters especially when SpongeBob screamed "OPEN YOUR EYES, PATRICK!!!". It was deep for a movie based on a silly kids show.
@SneakyMeeky 29 күн бұрын
Po's speech has to be the most moving. An incredibly insecure but hopeful panda pushing past every mental block he made in the hopes his idol would make him the warrior he wants to be. Living in the present, not worrying about the past or future. Following Oog-Ways sole lesson.
@grin9ly Ай бұрын
monsters inc is the most realistic, genuine argument here IMO.
@AutisticBearLover Ай бұрын
God damn that first clip. Donkey was so real for that. I’ve both been Donkey and sadly Shrek. Where I forgave a lot of people when I knew they needed me, and when I learned to change because I had friends who constantly never gave up on me. Makes me cry honestly. Doesn’t help that I lost an old best friend since 3rd grade this December from cancer. We may have not been as close as we used to be, but that was still my sister. I miss you Hailey, my best friend for life and sister by choice❤
@enderethan144 11 күн бұрын
In Madagascar before the scene where Marty talks to Alex. When Alex is having a dream about everyone in the zoo being steaks is not only showing you how starved he is but also showing that he’s too feral to go back to New York. If Alex went back to New York in the state he’s in he’d paint the zoo red.
@roiroije6326 Ай бұрын
The scene from Madagascar is so good. It’s the cold silence when he genuinely straight up tries to kill Marty, the regret in his eyes and the shock in Marty’s.
@oneangryboi408 Ай бұрын
I loved Ice Age growing up. It was my first movie in a theater as a kid. Never stood down for a second watching it. It's a story that doesn't butter things down to kids. It tells a story of loss and had a perfect set up. The dysfunctional trio of animals that went extinct because of humans. Manny lost his first family (a son and a wife) to hunting, Diego came from a group of saber tooths who couldn't forgive the humans for killing one of their own, and Syd was abandoned by his own family. It had a magic that later sequels literally lost. Like, seriously, humans stopped existing after the first movie. And then they lost the plot even more by having dinosaurs (???) in later movies. Diego was originally supposed to die in the first, but the test audience (children) found it too sad. That's how powerful the movie was. I understand not keeping that, but it conveyed a message that children could understand. It how I understood it. Trauma and loss doesn't mean you can't find family again, and letting that bitterness control you will lead you into a downward spiral. I will always love the original Ice Age. It's a shame its studio shut down.
@coldstuff9784 23 күн бұрын
I grew up with Ice Age too and loved it, was immediately disappointed by how childish the sequels were.
@revafarleyleebiit Ай бұрын
Alex's scene with him and Marty, where Alex is terrified of himself. Makes me cry everytime
@NordicKitt Ай бұрын
18:14 i didn't know he was crying
@lawrencematthewsantos3029 Ай бұрын
Even Mr incredible cares for everyone
@telloroll5542 Ай бұрын
This whole I didn’t notice
@Marvelfanatic3658 Ай бұрын
​@lawrencematthewsantos3029 Yeah, I feel like he wouldn't like harming someone like that
@humayazdani554 Ай бұрын
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
@lawrencematthewsantos3029 Mr Incredible has a soft spot and I truly admire that so much.
@alexmyska7244 Ай бұрын
These scenes are probably some of my favorite in all of animation. Not just because they’re so well written, emotional, and can be understood by kids when they watch these movies, but it is what elevated animation into a medium instead of a genre for so many people.
@tulpamedia Ай бұрын
That monsters university scene is one of the greatest pixar scenes of all time.
@HalfHealthGaming 19 күн бұрын
These movies were the perfect mix of comedy and seriousness, i miss it
@carlosmattessich3883 Ай бұрын
No way, Inanimate Insanity AND Stick Figures in the same video?! Today is my lucky day!
@carlosmattessich3883 Ай бұрын
@Apro101 Ай бұрын
@AlbertNuguid-p9h 26 күн бұрын
L.. L 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:54 2:55 2:55 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@NYY2824 Ай бұрын
5:58 I’ve never seen goofie like this
@64l0_ol Ай бұрын
“It’s just a kids movies your not supposed to like” The Kids Movie:
@jstarwars360 Ай бұрын
23:05 - Pixar choosing to not answer how a car can use a light switch. Probably for the best as it helps maintain the mood of the scene.
@thomasraines1396 Ай бұрын
Using the switch isn’t to unbelievably, all Doc would have to do is steady himself and push up.
@Killerneon64 Ай бұрын
I got my own life now I know that I just wanted to be a part of it. I’ve never seen that movie but that broke my heart because I’ve been in that situation. I’m not a father but I know how Goofy feels.
@plaidhatter1674 Ай бұрын
I realize that sort of thing as well...these past few days, I've just been playing games with my friends and ignoring my mom and dad...I should spend more time with them before I go back to uni...
@Killerneon64 18 күн бұрын
@@plaidhatter1674the sad reality is that you only get one Mom and Dad for the rest of your life so try to cherish every moment with them.
@disneyvillainrocket1 Ай бұрын
16:07 who made man’s mouth? Who made the mute, the lame or the blind? Did not I?! Now go! (The prince of Egypt reference)
@martinlopez2816 Ай бұрын
The mama bear rug from Shrek 1 traumatized me as a kid, like poor mama bear, her fate was just so horrible and I used to imagine it like that 😢
@pricemoore2022 Ай бұрын
0:15 Shrek's face!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
@predatoralpha4893 Ай бұрын
SEE!!? This is how you tell stories! Not every animated movie or show is meant to be just for kids! Sometimes, people of all ages can enjoy these kinds of media. Now I’m not saying they need to be edgy or serious or scary all the time, but if you don’t have these rare human moments in media, then you don’t have much of a story with a subtle message or meaning behind it. Unlike most other shows, movies, and especially video games these days where they shove their beliefs and ideologies down our throats, make them patronizing or pandering, it’s THESE very quiet or serious moments where they simply show us what they’re trying to convey without feeling hand holdy… If I had to pick one of my favorites here, it would be these scenes: A goofy movie: (4:14) at first, max and goofy are at each other’s throats for ruining the family vacation but once they start talking to each other about why they’re acting like this, they soon realize how much they’ve grown apart. Max, even though he says he has own life, I feel like he should know that his dad is not always going to be around. Meanwhile goofy, knows that his son isn’t a kid anymore but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop loving his child. That’s just my personal take.. Monsters University: (7:47) I’m sure this scene resonates with most of us. Whether it’s college, high school, or entering a competition so you can prove your worth only to lose. There’s more to the saying, “putting all your eggs in one basket.” I can never forget Sully’s quote as well: “I act scary, but most of the time I’m terrified.” Kung Fu Panda: (12:58) I remember watching this as a kid and remember how much I hated how the other characters were mean to Po. He felt like the Charlie Brown of the movie. This scene always popped in my head for some reason. Some of us aren’t happy with who we are or we move to a new place where no one knows who we are. So we try to fix ourselves or have someone change us…
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
6:07 The Fox and the Hound moment is hands down my favorite. No dialogue whatsoever between the two, but that subtle smile between the two indicating that they both still always had that childhood innocence locked inside the entire time. The music also helps so much with THE FEELS, fr😭😭😭
@minusterry5711 Ай бұрын
1. Donkey confronting Shrek about his stubborn and jerkish behavior. 2. Diego revealing Soto's true intentions to Manny and Sid. 3. Sonic having an emotional breakdown, causing him to erupt a worldwide blackout. 4. Goofy and his son, Max, arguing about their mistakes. 5. Copper protecting Tod from his owner's attack. 6. Sulley and Mike reuniting after they express their own insecurities. 7. Marty comforting Alex during his wild instinct nature. 8. Garfield and his father, Vic, arguing about their past and present. 9. Shifu confronting Po before realizing that he might not have a will to train the former. 10. Woody talking to Buzz about how he's special despite him being a toy. 11. Mr. Incredible intending to kill Mirage after Syndrome supposedly killed his family. 12. Briefcase confronting MePhone about how he "ruined" his life. 13. Spongebob and Patrick realizing they are not like grown-ups. 14. Red revealing the reason he bullied Blue when they were younger. 15. Johnny leaving Ted after Lori broke up with him. 16. McQueen confronting Doc Hudson about his past. 17. Miles to Peter about wanting to get revenge on Kingpin.
@matthewskudzienski888 Ай бұрын
R.I.P Paul Newman(1925-2008)🇺🇸☮️🕊️✝️
@MammerXJammers 27 күн бұрын
Goofy is honestly one of the most tragic characters despite his name. The guy lost his wife and just wanted to spend time with his son. Now that his son was all grown up he was alone again
@kidthunderenterprisestv Ай бұрын
I have a couple of scenes to request: - Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009): Alvin confesses his wrongdoings and apologizes to Simon, Theodore, and Toby. - The Chipmunk Adventure (1987): The Chipettes decide to return the baby penguin to Antarctica. - Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011): Alvin and Dave reconcile.
@IndriidaeNT Ай бұрын
Maybe also the scenes where Dave realizes how bad of an adoptive parent he was to the Chipmunks in terms of acting too short-tempered, selfish and strict and harsh towards them for their flaws especially Alvin and apologize to them for it and promise to be a better father to them from now on especially in The Road Chip and The first Alvin and the Chipmunks movie.
@IsaacArcos-i2k Ай бұрын
No chipmunks!
@YoungMrBlue Ай бұрын
I’m trying to block those movies from my memory lol
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
@@YoungMrBlueI always liked the Chipmunk movies lol
@amy_vids_offical 29 күн бұрын
As an II fan, I’m so glad you put II into this video! Thank you so much I’m so glad it is getting noticed :)
@KindredKeepsake Ай бұрын
This was a good list! But out of all serious scenes from "A Goofy Movie", I would've used two other ones, instead. 1) The hot tub scene. They debated the politics of parenting, and the "My kid RESPECTS me vs My kid LOVES me." 2) Goofy slamming the wheel in a moment of frustration, followed by discovering Max's lie and being devastated. Both scenes really made Goofy look more adult than ever, compared to his usual er, goofy self. I'm STILL shook...
@gregorius.dentang Ай бұрын
The last time i sat beneath stars like this... i was with her. I felt this pain for so long. It's all i know.
@enahsoof2439 Ай бұрын
There has gotta be a part 2 soon, this compilation’s unique!!
@LingeringWont Ай бұрын
This was an awesome compilation, great work! For a recommendation, I would add the scene with Marlin and Dory after finding Nemo “dead” in Finding Nemo if you do a part 2. That scene always stuck out with me for some reason, especially when I was younger.
@Fatih_M177 Ай бұрын
The Incredibles still give me genuine feelings of fear when watching it, i think the 1960s spy movie vibe in general just tends to be kind of creepy. The Incredibles is one of the best Pixar films ever, and it makes me wish there was more films like it.
@durcanapeliocostro2161 Ай бұрын
Seeing many of these as an adult hit pretty hard, specially the monster's university one
@StrikerSionis Ай бұрын
I love how you included The Dick Figures Movie, it honestly is such a great show and that scene was so real
@carlosmattessich3883 Ай бұрын
Yeah fr
@FeralRavage1 23 күн бұрын
I've seen these spectacular animated moments on repeat for as long as I could remember them. It's great to see a compilation of them with an open comment section so everyone can share their thoughts. The written, dialogue, the heart, man, it gets to you in the center mass. There is so much you can take away from these animated films and these characters. Watching these as a kid was amazing, and as an adult you keep coming back to see what you missed or because it's so good. The themes of self-discovery, friendship, bonds, not taking things for granted, being careful of misunderstandings, acceptance, honesty permeate through these. For example, I've come to have a greater appreciation for Alex The Lion than I did as a kid and his character arc, he became one of my close favorite DreamWorks characters and protagonist. (Who I think is quite underrated compared to other DreamWorks characters) He goes from being a rather self-centered pampered lion to a competent leader with hidden depths who truly values his friends by the 3rd film. His fearful adventures and precarious situations with Marty, Melman, and Gloria helped strengthen their bonds and helped them discovery there was more to themselves than they would have otherwise if they had stayed in the zoo and finding satisfaction in unexpected places.
@missgrimreaper2000 Ай бұрын
Scene from Sonic was so brief yet so many of us felt it too terribly :( The scene from Cars is definitely my favorite here, very strong on writing and delivery, Mcqeen calling out the blatant hypocrisy at the end perfectly rounds it out.
@LordTylerBluGunderson Ай бұрын
The Shadow scenes in Sonic 3 were even more gut-wrenching :(
@Mitchell2311 Ай бұрын
Wow I never knew MR.incredible was crying when he thought his family was dead
@TheRealBaldEagle Ай бұрын
I've changed my mind many times on what my favorite animated movie is, but I think I've finally decided on The Fox and The Hound. One of the absolute best animated movies EVER made.
@Indochicyon Ай бұрын
17:40 "Or what?" "I'll CRUSH her." "Oh, that sounds a little dark for you. Well, go ahead." "It'll be EASY. Like BREAKING a TOOTHPICK." "SHOW ME." To a normal human, some supers are probably terrifying to be on the receiving end. Mr. Incredible even more so.
@toastyboi8737 26 күн бұрын
2:55 Reminder that throughout the first act, all Manny wanted was to get Sid off his back, and now, he's looking out for him. It's always the small bits of dialogue that give the most meaning in a movie. Ice age may have just been a slight copy of Shrek, but blue sky really hit it out of the park with this one, which only makes the dip in quality even more upsetting.
6:30 man ive never seen this movie, but there's so much emotion here, especially from the hunter.
@zacharybell6762 17 күн бұрын
Fun inaccuracy for you guys. At 16:36 while Woody is under the milk crate trying to convince Buzz of his value as Andys toy you can easily spot the US Army technical manual 31-210 however in the movie its improperly titled as Improvised interrogation handbook when in reality its the improvised munitions handbook.
@JbLentolome Ай бұрын
ideas for part 2 : Sulley scaring Boo in "Monsters Inc", Ralph breaking Vanellope's Kart in "Wreck It Ralph", Hercules hitting Phil in "Hercules", that scene from "The Sword in The Stone" where Sir Ector punishes Wart for defending Merlin, and in "The Emperor's New Groove" when Kuzco yells after Pacha then finds out Yzma wants to get rid of him.
@psychogamer3000 Ай бұрын
Yeah Monster university is a major change, most animated films are always preaching about going for your dreams if you keep at it you'll get it. But no, they had to tell the sad and hard truth, that some times. No matter how hard you want something, no matter how big you dream, you'll just not achieve your dream. And the worst part, its because of something you can't change, fix or practice
@manny7662 Ай бұрын
Life is about losing battles sometimes. Those loses can redirect your life somewhere else - sometimes to another opportunity which might be better. They eventually get the jobs they wanted when they started from the lower jobs and worked their way upwards.
@psychogamer3000 Ай бұрын
@@manny7662 Well kind of, remember Mike wanted to be a scarier only to find out his just not scary, it didn't matter how hard he tried, study or worked, it wouldn't matter. It sucks but its just how life goes, and the only thing you can do is move on, finding something that you want to do. Mike didn't become a scarier but he did become a couch, he just had to make peace he would never be a scarier.
@lovefromwonderland 5 күн бұрын
This really reminds me of how important voice acting is to an animated movie. From Toy Story to Monsters University to the Incredibles, the performances are just outstanding.
@benjaminemelogu4272 Ай бұрын
18:21 Was not expecting Inanimate Insanity but great video and glad to know you're an II fan😃
@GummieeNeo 23 күн бұрын
Me neither!
@ThomastheE2 9 күн бұрын
Po’s reason for staying at the Jade Palace just hit me in the feels, reason being, I know what it’s like. Being yourself can sometimes work against you in the bad way, and man do I know it.
@CousinGreek 29 күн бұрын
I cannot WAIT for Sonic 3 to make lists like this The moon scene and "the light shines even though the star is gone" is one of the most remembered lines from it it's so beautifully done
@kylelarsonin-car2810 Ай бұрын
I may sound like I’m yapping here, but I really think that Madagascar scene was supposed to symbolize more than the consequences of the food chain, it also represents people with a dark obsessions that make them different, like an unhealthy obsession. In this instance between friends. Idk I thought the writing was smart for Madagascar!
@emilianomiller7697 Ай бұрын
20:28 Mindy: But you can't go home. (Carriage seahorses whinny)
@transformerfoxyfloof8341 Ай бұрын
Patrick: "Mindy!? *tries to pull his pants up*
@emilianomiller7697 Ай бұрын
@transformerfoxyfloof8341 SpongeBob: How much did you hear?
@Nate-Great-Fate Ай бұрын
18:10 Syndrome, I bet that Mr Incredible didn’t kill her is because 1: He is in despair, and 2: He’s not a killer like you.
@Film0Graphic Ай бұрын
He also acknowledges that Mirage isn't the one he hates, she's innocent to the "death" of his family. Killing her wouldn't do anything
@Nate-Great-Fate Ай бұрын
@@Film0Graphic true
@Zased_and_Silly-Pilled Ай бұрын
Notice how it's always the first films that have memorable, good serious parts. Not the sequals. It makes it seem like the creators were very passionate about these ones.
@MelissaCrawford-r9w 21 күн бұрын
What are you talking about the sequels can have their emotional moments too need I mention kung fu panda 2
@GoldenStar-2010 Ай бұрын
Nice to add Inanimate Insanity
@miscellaneoussarnian5282 Ай бұрын
18:22 thanks for not just sticking with big studio mainstream movies by including the Inanimate Insanity movie
@Apro101 Ай бұрын
@ByllionBucks Ай бұрын
Pixar, DreamWorks and Disney I get But Dick Figures!? My best childhood shorts, damn, it sure is
@carlosmattessich3883 Ай бұрын
Yeah i was so surprised when I saw it
@isaiahwalking Ай бұрын
I was not expecting dick figures in this compilation ngl
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