もう9月!みなさまお元気ですか?☺️コメント返信が遅くなっていますが、気長に待っていてくださいね🫶🏻 It is already September! How are you all doing?🌾 Please be patient as I will slowly respond to your comments on past videos🙌🏻♡
I was finding new ASMR videos and channel and happened to watch this video. I subscribed right away after only watching the preview/intro because it was so positive and inspiring. Thank you so much for spreading positivity 😊 I'm glad I discovered your channel 🥰
You're back! I just discovered you in August and I've been going back and watching all your videos before bed. You do a wonderful job with your videos!
@TVQuimérico Жыл бұрын
Another amazing video by maika-san, I loved the usage of the colors purple/white, It made the cenery very relaxing Thank you so much maika-san, I feel like a princess 👸🌾
You are such a beautiful soul 🌟 Please take some time to take care of yourself. You are right, and it's very important to remind ourselves of this: we don't have to work super hard all the time. There's more to life than our jobs (and side-projects, like making ASMR videos 😉). I'm a professional in the fields of sustainability and ecology, and I can add that, from the perspective of keeping our environment alive and healthy, it is actually crucial that we start working less, consuming less, producing less. It's not easy, we've been trained all our lives to aim for more, but it's so crucial to try and find contentment in simple and relaxing activities. I hope you get the chance to roam in nature, breath some fresh air and gaze upon beautiful sights. Hug from Switzerland, as always 🤗
@surajpandey3187 Жыл бұрын
You really give a peaceful and kind heart person vibe
@dotokome_ch_MAIKA10 ай бұрын
I always hope everyone is at peace and the world is at peace 🕊️✨
@surajpandey31879 ай бұрын
@@dotokome_ch_MAIKA well seeing the world in chaos it needs people like you.
@平克也-g8e Жыл бұрын
@dotokome_ch_MAIKA Жыл бұрын
@Yuryi_L Жыл бұрын
👏! Отличное видео, очень хороший ASMR! Очень уютная атмосфера, приятный тихий голос! Мне очень понравилось, спасибо Майка! 👍🍓💐 ( Куда делись субтитры и перевод 🤔? )
@Igor.Ivanov Жыл бұрын
Приятно разделить с Вами радость от того, что появилась возможность хотя бы на время съемки побыть в любимой комнате :)
maikaさんチャンネル11本目の10万回再生達成おめでとうございます🌾🌾私が見た時は高評価2121で100108回再生でした✨こないだの話しの続きですが私がけいちゃんの動画を見るきっかけはYou Tubeのおすすめで何となく見たらけいちゃんの大丈夫がとても心に染みました🦙当時は君は頭がパーだとか使い物にならないとか70代のパートの先輩に言われ精神的にも疲れていた時でAimerさんの花の唄をラジカセで朝起きるまで一晩中聞いていないと寝れない状態でした😢1年間働いて当時初めてのスマホでラジカセが壊れかけだった事もありYou Tubeで花の唄 I beg you 春はゆくをリピートして聞いていました。その後精神疾患になりけいちゃんのASMRには何度も助けられました🦙💤約2年前に猫のグレン(タマの兄弟)を病気で亡くしました。私が病気に気づくのが遅すぎて後悔があります。その後自分の中で色々な変化があり少しでも自分を変えてみようとYou Tubeのチャンネルを作りあおけいに人生初めてのコメントをしました。そしたら翌日けいちゃんがコメントに人生初のハートマークをつけてくれてテンション爆アゲでした🎶それがきっかけでASMR動画にコメントするようになりました✨最初は定期的なコメントで長文ではありませんでした😅キロク先生の動画も99876回再生で本当にあと少しですね♫いつも素敵な動画ありがとうございます🌾🌾2023/10/22