passed 5 50K TopStep Combines listening to you. Hopefully I'm back next week thanking you for helping me get my first payout.
@leeshonnefarrow651Ай бұрын
Good trade. Took this as well.
@olaffdbАй бұрын
nice clear setup ! I took it aswell.
@goldensphinx353529 күн бұрын
Took this as well!
@huytruong7370Ай бұрын
took this on the HL. pretty surprised it formed a failure lol but thats why we keep the stop 1 tick below the signal bar.
@cristianfernandez396129 күн бұрын
Hey Thomas , I’m curious to know what are your other supportive charts ? I’ve seen you mention the 5 min chart and 10k tick chart . Are those the only other supportive charts you use ?
@ThomasWade27 күн бұрын
Yes they are. I only use 10k tick chart as supportive chart.
@noxlevrai890929 күн бұрын
good setup took it too
@lemagicien918229 күн бұрын
Hey Thomas, what made you take the F2ES instead of the HL?
@ThomasWade27 күн бұрын
HL was not fully at the EMA with the body.
@slagovic785029 күн бұрын
Took this one, but lost when i took a 2EL later on
@yigitkaraduman27029 күн бұрын
I took the HL setup 2 bars before the F2ES What is your thought on that one?
@ThomasWade25 күн бұрын
It wasn't fully at the EMA with the body so I waited personally.
@TheKozaJumperАй бұрын
i jump out from pc when i came back , saw it straight away and miss it ..
@mehdirh454229 күн бұрын
How pips in Tp ? Or what the R:R works in this strategy ? And tanks for this information 🤍