Dr. Swamy has a solution to address JNU, IIT Social Sciences programs

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4 жыл бұрын

An out-of-the-box suggestion by Dr. Swamy to ensure that all students regardless of their specialization can thrive in universities like JNU, IITs, IISc etc. is proposed in this must-watch lecture.

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@janakisubramanian5165 4 жыл бұрын
👍👏🙏👍👍.. Equality of Equals. Wow!... Every issue Sri. Swami has Solution... Shut, Down JNU... Yes Need to..
@seanbellfort2298 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome and empowering message by Dr. Swami. Current laws are impotent, outdated and obsolete laws. We Need vibrant, proactive and accountantable code of conduct for studying in the troublesome universities. Jai Hind
@shaners1591 4 жыл бұрын
Rahul Gandhi son of Sonia Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi (real name: edvige antonia albina maino) daughter of ? Stefano Milano and Paola Milano (her parents were hardcore supporters of Hitler/Mussolini's fascist communist party. They were firm believers in the Hitler/Mussolini cause. Her father (stefano) was arrested by Russian KBG and then after that "somehow" Sonia ends up marrying the future Indian PM. See the game of Chess. KBG is one of the best spy agency in the world and they wanted control over India. KBG has been known to be involved in many events like even Bose murder. And all around the world. nevertheless Sonia is a fascist by blood and a pure italian. Nehru-Gandhi family is full of foreigners who dont give a crap about any Indian. Its high time Indians realized this and did not vote for these Congress goons.
@tilottamachakrabarti7555 4 жыл бұрын
These "revolutionary" goondas and overaged university students can never be reasoned with. Therefore, doctor's "prescription" to shut down the "infected" universities, has logic to ponder over. Pranam Dr Swami🙏 Aum Shanti
@shaners1591 4 жыл бұрын
Rahul Gandhi son of Sonia Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi (real name: edvige antonia albina maino) daughter of ? Stefano Milano and Paola Milano (her parents were hardcore supporters of Hitler/Mussolini's fascist communist party. They were firm believers in the Hitler/Mussolini cause. Her father (stefano) was arrested by Russian KBG and then after that "somehow" Sonia ends up marrying the future Indian PM. See the game of Chess. KBG is one of the best spy agency in the world and they wanted control over India. KBG has been known to be involved in many events like even Bose murder. And all around the world. nevertheless Sonia is a fascist by blood and a pure italian. Nehru-Gandhi family is full of foreigners who dont give a crap about any Indian. Its high time Indians realized this and did not vote for these Congress goons.
@neelotpalsaikia930 4 жыл бұрын
Its high time we revisited our knowledge systems.
@noonefornow1514 4 жыл бұрын
Rather than subsiding social sciences. I think we should decolonize social sciences , doing that can greatly spread awareness about issues where it is needed and Chanel the energy of youth towards creative problem solving which is very much needed India needs to get rid of mental colonization and develop its own institutions and think tanks to deal with it's problems the Constitution and the economic system itself needs great deal of change as well as the admistrative system.
@kmrao06 4 жыл бұрын
Except Engineering students, others should not be allowed to study in IITs. JNU should be closed down. I don't want the tax I am paying is wasted on such institutions which produce aniti -nationals.
@mruthyunjayasiddalingaiah7489 4 жыл бұрын
Sir. I fully agree with Dr. Swamy. IIT Should concentrate mainly on Science and Technology including research and development jointly with concerned MNCS. The central government should revisit the aims and objectives of governing the educational institutions.
@vaibhavkumar7200 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly....what is the point of having social sciences department in Indian institute of TECHNOLOGY.
@trolly9206 4 жыл бұрын
This is where I don't agree with Dr Swamy and other people like you. It is BECAUSE the IITs are predominantly tech education institutions that the vast majority of people go on to chose safer life paths by getting a corporate job, doing it for years, then retiring with a pension, and an MBA/MS happens somewhere in between. They just LEARN the skills, not the importance of those skills in the world when applied in an entrepreneurial capacity, to take risks, generate many more jobs, and make more money than they would otherwise in a corporate job or a government job. Also, take for example Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT is probably the best place in the world to study a technical subject. But MIT also boasts the best economics (which is a social science) department in world. Same goes for Stanford, known for its computer science, MBA, Economics, and Psychology. Same goes for Princeton, known for its Mathematics, and economics. Same for Caltech, known for its astrophysics, and neuroecomomics. Top institutions are TOP, because they believe in education in many areas and research; not in making their students risk averse and helping them take safe jobs leading to a pension later, like we do in IITs.
@vaibhavkumar7200 4 жыл бұрын
@@trolly9206 USA and all those countries which we like to copy had largely a homogeneous population ( mostly whites) in their universities when they started.....most of them having similar ideologies......now I am sure their universities are also suffering of disease called liberalism​ because of social sciences department in their universities..... I am all for research in tech for society's betterment. IITs should co-ordinate with social sciences universities , Management colleges , medical colleges etc for selecting the research area.....but IITs should have only technology and science departments. I think it is sad that IIT students wag their tails for corporate jobs.....they should go gung-ho on research ......they are the best we have........NITs should create engineers for job market not IITs.. In case of India, most of the social sciences courses are mostly (copy-paste + self added nuisance).....they are just nuisance creating departments....... I want to write much more but I am bored.....😀
@trolly9206 4 жыл бұрын
@@vaibhavkumar7200 Well I am sure you know a lot about social sciences since they are copy-pasted +self added nuisance, you probably are a social scientist yourself. Also, 'disease that is liberalism', really? I understand that the far left ideologues are, well ideologues. But if you call liberalism a disease, well then just so you know, you can't function in a society without people from both side of the political spectrum having important conversations which then lead to strides in scientific research and helps foster a healthy culture free of, well state governed mass murders (Nazi Germany from the right, and Russia, China from the left), because then the one-sided ideologues end up going further and further towards the end of their political leaning, right or left. So yeah, liberalism isn't a disease, but the contempt towards a different political opinion, is, which is what are facing right now, disrespectful citizens towards, right wing 'bhakts' mocking left wing 'urban naxals' and vice versa. 'IITs should only have tech and sci dpts', LOL, and why is that? because predominantly they are tech and science institutions anyway, and still a manufacturing factory of good corporate employees, with a few researchers and entrepreneurs here and there. so what is the rationale behind that statement of yours? 'USA unis with homogeneous when they started' has nothing to do with the argument. You need to have points properly articulated and thought after, with some serious knowledge and not just half thought opinions. Remember this, I am obviously not against tech and science, but when tech and science were used in developing weapons between two powerful nations after WW2, a war between the two that could have ended everything on planet earth, people forget that it was a WRITER who predicted the fall of the Soviet Union and a PHILOSOPHER who predicted the huge number of deaths that socialism mixed with communism will cause, not an engineer or an entrepreneur or a scientist.
@vaibhavkumar7200 4 жыл бұрын
@@trolly9206I do not have any serious knowledge....✌️
@mmurthy9662 4 жыл бұрын
As ALWAYS, Swami Rocks!
@jyothidevakumar4193 4 жыл бұрын
Very simple... make sure that people who can get it in to IITs for social sciences have a strong back ground in Maths and sciencs... and make the entrance exam really tough....that way only people who start off as tech students who really want to contribute and have developed a love and can make a difference will enroll and not crap that want to stay there forever at states expense...
@user-fp6xk2sx1q 4 жыл бұрын
Best anomaly by Dr Swamy .
@jyothidevakumar4193 4 жыл бұрын
We need singapore like democracy to progress... and really be the superpower that our intelligence demands... put all the deepikas, barkhas, kavitas behind bars... yes... Sonia should leave the country
@dhanenzen7944 4 жыл бұрын
totally agree
@viswanathk2831 4 жыл бұрын
Senapathi subrahmanya Swamy correct name
@KUMAR7KUMAR 4 жыл бұрын
Background noise rest superb
@JKalit 4 жыл бұрын
I love swamy he's very intelligent and was a topper not a rattu tota
@netcampus98 4 жыл бұрын
Sir, regarding CAA, my question to you is, An important phrase in the entire act is 'minorities prosecuted in religious ground' in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Now opposition wants Govt to add Muslims as minorities. Here my question is, whether the Shia or Ahmaddiyas are in the list of minorities in the constitution of the three above countries as on Dec 2014? If the answer is no then how can we include them in CAA? To agree to the demand of the opposition, first Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan must declare Shia and Ahmaddiyas as a religious minority in their own country, then only we can include their name in the list of religious prosecuted minorities. Am I correct? Please confirm.
@umasarat2983 4 жыл бұрын
A student is only be given subsidies to study for a course for the prescribed number of years and a grace year of one. Those who can't finish the course will no further receive any subsidised education using taxpayers money. They should leave or subsidise themselves with full payment to stay in the course. There are lot of dead woods in Universities such as JNU enjoying their life of excitement and destruction. Education is least on their mind and time has come to get them out of this comfort zone so that they will know what it takes to be a responsible person to sustain their miserable life. They hinder themselves in their life and they hinder the studious students as well. Government has to treat it as a priority and act upon it now!
@arindammandal1987 4 жыл бұрын
Then why there is social sciences, humanities in MIT 🇺🇸
@silverbullet3939 4 жыл бұрын
The fundamental issue is the exploitation of students by political parties. That should be strictly banned. Any student with political affiliation should be expelled. The only allowed group affiliation should be limited to that campus for matters related to student life, not outside of that.
@subbaraotanguturu9271 4 жыл бұрын
All paying Rs10 per month.Fee proportionate to income should be collected.Politics in academic institutions also banned. Leadership based on academic excellence should be encouraged.40 years back we use to pay Rs150 quarataerly in district HQ schools.What a looting !!!!!?
@karthikk9424 4 жыл бұрын
good initiative. Please work on improving the quality of videos, there is always some background noise
@akhilkadapalla 4 жыл бұрын
These leftists at JNU are only trying to make a political career in congress or cpi out of all this drama.
@Drsjanakiraman64 4 жыл бұрын
My suggestion is don't do anything. Reason is that degrees in Social Sciences in North America mean very little in the job market. With AI & Robotics taking over many a menial jobs are automated. A few years ago a person from Social Sciences could become a bank teller. Now most of the banks are automating and reducing manpower. The joke in North America is that after you finish your Social Sciences degree you need to master the phrase "Would you like Fries with your order ?". Another is that unlike before in many universities in North America the tenure & growth for professors depends on the amount of grant Money you bring into the university. The university gets a share of the funding. The technical fields attract funding from industry while Social Sciences gets funds from government and related agencies. If funding gets choked nobody will be able to survive. I'm finding thousands of students in Canada after studying Social Sciences degrees and carrying tens of thousands of dollars of educational loan are unable to get jobs. The typical provincial (State) and Federal (Central) jobs are all now on contract basis and that more focused on your technical abilities like IT. Many of these kids are burdened with repayable educational loans and have to work and to repay they are taking odd jobs like working in McDonald's, Amazon Warehouse, Uber drivers. It's dawning on many that university education for education sake is a trap and many are not pursuing into university. Many are taking up short term college/technical schools programs like pharmacy technician, dental hygienist, forklift operator, truck driver and transitioning into earning careers than spending thousands of $ in university degree and then doing the very same job. Till recently the province of Ontario wanted highly skilled techies for immigration. Recently they want low skilled assembly line operators, meat processor/packager, restaurant workers for immigration. With more AI & Automation jobs will be scarce and many degrees courses will disappear from universities. Just like Evolution lead to discarding of many nonessential body parts in human.
@sarkarm1006 4 жыл бұрын
Engineering institutes should be free from SS
@ratnanirupama 4 жыл бұрын
Doesn't MIT have social sciences apart from technology related schools?? Does that mean work is lagging behind. It's a world class center for all kinds of disciplines. The distinction between disciplines is very prominent here in India. Removing Social science from IIT is not a good solution
@harir6316 4 жыл бұрын
We are not at the level of MIT and most of the social science students damage culture of learning in good institutions. They create political groups and there main motto is capture university campuses.
@trolly9206 4 жыл бұрын
This is where I don't agree with Dr Swamy and people who hold a similar opinion. It is BECAUSE the IITs are predominantly tech education institutions that the vast majority of people go on to chose safer life paths by getting a corporate job, doing it for years, then retiring with a pension, and an MBA/MS happens somewhere in between. They just LEARN the skills, not the importance of those skills in the world when applied in an entrepreneurial capacity, to take risks, generate many more jobs, and make more money than they would otherwise in a corporate job or a government job. Also, take for example Massachusetts Institute of TECHNOLOGY (MIT). MIT is probably the best place in the world to study a technical subject. But MIT also boasts the best economics (which is a social science) department in world. Same goes for Stanford, known for its computer science, MBA, Economics, and Psychology. Same goes for Princeton, known for its Mathematics, and economics. Same for Caltech, known for its astrophysics, and neuroecomomics. Top institutions are TOP, because they believe in education in many areas, and research; not in making their students risk averse and helping them take safe jobs leading to a pension later, like we do in IITs.
@pep8221 4 жыл бұрын
Same brother me too. I also admire dr. Swamy. But not in this case where he says to shut down arts faculty if IIT or Jawaharlal Nehru University.
@silverbullet3939 4 жыл бұрын
Social sciences have to be subjected to the same burden of proof hard sciences are. You can't make up theories without evidence.
@rohanpatil1343 3 жыл бұрын
improve your audio
@shaners1591 4 жыл бұрын
Rahul Gandhi son of Sonia Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi (real name: edvige antonia albina maino) daughter of ? Stefano Milano and Paola Milano (her parents were hardcore supporters of Hitler/Mussolini's fascist communist party. They were firm believers in the Hitler/Mussolini cause. Her father (stefano) was arrested by Russian KBG and then after that "somehow" Sonia ends up marrying the future Indian PM. See the game of Chess. KBG is one of the best spy agency in the world and they wanted control over India. KBG has been known to be involved in many events like even Bose murder. And all around the world. nevertheless Sonia is a fascist by blood and a pure italian. Nehru-Gandhi family is full of foreigners who dont give a crap about any Indian. Its high time Indians realized this and did not vote for these Congress goons.
@Yashraj_ydv 4 жыл бұрын
Kabhi hindi me bhi interview kro bhai..😇🤗🙏
@RaviKumar-ii6cb 4 жыл бұрын
P Gurus ki channel videsh mein base bahratiya bhi dekhte hain. Isiliye english mein hota hai. Shayad dub karne ki zarurat hai.
@Yashraj_ydv 4 жыл бұрын
@@RaviKumar-ii6cb 😇👍😲
@thrinethran2885 4 жыл бұрын
Who gave Indira Gandhi the mandate to hand over the varsities to these countercultural counter traditional anti - nationalist groups? Nobody, they are antagonistic to Sanatana Dharma, to the national culture and to the Indian State. Expel them. Replace the misnamed Humanities which teach divisive politics and social conflict with courses in Sanskrit, culture and aesthetics and dharma.
@sayantantalukdar9883 4 жыл бұрын
communists take violence as resort but communists like govind pansare got encountered by Right wing groups.
@nofavors 4 жыл бұрын
we hated Humanities courses anyways. noone liked those courses.
@kamumbai 4 жыл бұрын
Who is funding these agitations? Please discuss this. Why is BJP not spending money on proper advertising? Right now BJP appears defensive. Actually BJP is making India corruption free. Modi is the best ICON for BJP. After Modi, You have played a decisive role in BJP winning election.
@ashoks5317 4 жыл бұрын
JNU/AMU/JMU need to be disinfected for 2 or 3 years. Our Farmers who are less literate but have great common sense and they have greater risk taking abilities in like graduates from IIT/IIM.The lady who hit the police should be identified and punished.
@vishaalabhaarata3577 4 жыл бұрын
This is a sold off channel of BJP. Unsubscribe from this channel.
@AnuragYadav-yp9de 4 жыл бұрын
Bhai dono itne padhe likhe hoke jhoot toh mat bolo ki saari violence students aur logo ne ki hai. You must accept that BJP has also done masked violence in all protests. Even if not, all the violence cannot be blamed on left or ideologies and shit. You have gone blind in your old man minds who's daily chores include only debating and talking with rich and powerful people taking decisions about us and we are ones taking wrath of those chutiya decisions. BC 5% brahmins have brainwashed 80 percent religious people of India to self attach to a Hindu identity and make them all powerful in the country.
@brijeshchandrakar 4 жыл бұрын
Chal be chutiye. Brahmins were the most persecuted community in medieval times. Even after independence, they suffered the most. Dalits, OBCs have lots of problems within their own castes and they love to blame everything on Brahmins. Main khud OBC se hun. Main acche se janta hun backward castes ki politics ko. Gazab chutiya bana rakha hai apne hi caste walon ko.
@chandrakanthveluri9860 4 жыл бұрын
@@brijeshchandrakar Bhai i agree with u. I'm from South and none of the south states have Brahmins as Chief Minister or major cabinet minister posts but still these bastards always blame brahmin. PS:I'm not brahmin.
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