it'll definitely be interesting to see where things shake out on the "weaker commons are okay" vs the "power level is important and you need to be pretty open" arguments. my experiments in the format so far have found me really punished when I'm contested
@wrshamilton2 ай бұрын
Thank you, Sam!
@EYPriest2 ай бұрын
As a 4 mana common, I found Friendly Ghost to be a fairly good card here as it could enable an attack and has the important 2 power. I was talking it ahead of Unsettling Twins and behind Most Valuable Slayer, but I did feel that it was close with the twins and some decks might want one or the other. Although Friendly Ghost does have decent 17 lands stats in WR specifically, I also could just be wrong about it as well.
@lennartvandereijk61262 ай бұрын
For me that order works, as I generally want to have go wide pay-offs before Unsettling Twins since there are none of those at common. So long as Friendly Ghost having flying is relevant, I would say you aren't wrong to say it is a fairly good card in RW.
@Cthuski2 ай бұрын
I think unsettling twins adding two 2/2's to the board is better since there are a few triggers that care about 2 power hitting the table and some of them even stack (not to mention arabella wanting lots of little ones around), but friendly ghost is definitely good.
@ZeroFate6432 ай бұрын
I've found infernal phantom to be pretty good at the 4 drop slot. You often play enough enchantments to trigger it and it synergizes great with Turn Inside Out. Trading with a big creature and going face for another 4-5 is big game.
@ZeroFate6432 ай бұрын
Jolly Balloon Man targeting Arabella seems awful tbh. We actually lose out on damage since Arabella drains for 1 less than if we'd targeted anything else.
@Cthuski2 ай бұрын
I thought he was gonna mention Attack in the Box or something. Ballooning Arabella seems terrible unless you need her trigger and exactly 1 point of damage in the air to close the game..... but then wouldn't you just target something else on board if the 1 point in the air was needed? Then Arabella's trigger would kill before damage? Yeah. Actually you should probably never JBM your Arabella😂
@Tapewars2 ай бұрын
I think unwanted remake has a home in a heavy Survivor theme deck, is a one mana way to remove any creature post block and keep your survivor alive.. but yeah it's very narrow and definitely over drafted, it should be going like 10th pick+
@Cthuski2 ай бұрын
You should literally almost never play it if you can find 5 other removal spells. White has 4 premium removal spells, two of them are common and 1 of them specifically deals with larger creatures. Remake is the definition of a trap