I missed this game so much. Ever since the INA server are gone I stop playing this game. My main character is silver hunter too and I really love maneuvering on top the boss like this and so watching this video makes itchy.
@aitran78247 жыл бұрын
may i suggest a better combo? it is: magic arrow >> rising wind >> arrow storm >> deluge >> spiral bolt >> tornado shot. SH best dps skill is arrow storm so it shud be prioritized to be used when we have both the 20% buff from MA and 20% debuff from RW the dmg output would be greatly increased. u shud try it
@aitran78247 жыл бұрын
Yohanes Aditya im using my said combo and still able to stay airborne as long as i nid. we dont actually nid to stay for so long, just focus on maximizing dps, thats important
@YohanesAditya947 жыл бұрын
oh okay.. thanks :D
@elginasumen24937 жыл бұрын
Đại Tran a lot of people have been calling arrow storm as SH's best dpm skill but actually it isn't, it's actually deluged bolt so ye
@merbournegarcia77705 жыл бұрын
This is air combo sir pls reply
@littlemira29995 жыл бұрын
@@aitran7824 do you have a skill tree from starting up until silver hunter?
@olivermartintana69087 жыл бұрын
hi... nice vid... i have a sliver hunter too, but i can only stay in air for like 15 to 20 secs... but you... youre flying... you put those wings to good use ^_^
@YohanesAditya947 жыл бұрын
thanks :D
@hafidznurramdhan37127 жыл бұрын
Efek CM3 nya kan cuman sebentar banget ya, jadi kalo gue sih lebih mentingin efeknya itu buat Deluge Bolt Arrow Storm sama Tornado Shot aja which is our highest damaging skills, combo gue biasanya sih dimulai dengan Rising Wind dulu terus Aerial Wild Shot > Spiral Bolt > Magic Arrow dan dengan durasi 3s itu langsung spam 3 skill tertinggi kita dimulai dengan yg paling cepet castnya, Deluge Bolt > Arrow Storm dan Tornado Shot terakhir, abis itu pake Aerial Tumble + Klik kiri ATAU kanan (jangan langsung pake dua2nya la boros banget...) dan Monkey Catch juga (yang dimana skill2 berikut ini pasti udah off CD), setelah itu pake Aerial Wild Shot > Spiral Bolt > Rising Wind > Magic Arrow > Deluge Bolt + Arrow Storm > Aerial Tumble dan dash ke boss buat pake Ex Instant > Moment Evasion > Combo lagi. Dan ada note dari gue, bener kata Dai Tran yg di bawah, DPS Pace lo slow banget kerasa nya jadi kurang maksimal DPS Output nya, mungkin karena lo berusaha maintain tetap di atas kali ya ? tapi sebenernya dengan adanya CM3 yaitu Magic Arrow lo udah ga perlu takut bakal keabisan skill buat stay di atas sih, dan juga stay di atas terus itu emang bagus, tapi jangan lupa kalo Tornado Shot itu CD nya ga secepet skill2 lain dan skill ini sayang banget kalo cuman masuk di Skill Rotation beberapa kali doang, pake terus sesering yang lo bisa jadi turun juga lah buat pake Ex Instant nya, gue peratiin lo suka banget pake aerial tumble nya di barengin langsung pake 2 skill lanjutannya yaitu Klik Kiri sama Klik Kanan, itu boros banget men, jangan lupa Monkey Catch itu CD nya cuman 3s, lo bisa gabungin sama Monkey Catch aja buat lompat2an sambil nunggu skill2 lo selese CD nya, dan BTW combo starter tiap stage bisa lho dimulai dengan Rage of the Owl + Destruction Aria (Ulti) lumayan lah nambah2 damage tiap mulai stage nya toh ulti nya lumayan cepet gini cast nya ga kayak ulti2 archer lain. Buat di beberapa stage yg kita nya butuh ALWAYS stay in air sih emang banyak biar kita nya bisa tetep nyuri-nyuri DPS window, dari combo yang gue tulisin sih gue biasanya ga pake Ex Instant of course, kayak pas kalo ada Spike2 di RUDN HC di bawah kita, atau Lava dll, ini Input-input dari gue aja sih, gue udah pake SH dari cap 80 soalnya sampe sekarang di RUDN HC dan PVP juga, jadi bukannya sok tau sih cuman pengen ngasih tau yang mau pake SH juga, thanks.
@hafidznurramdhan37127 жыл бұрын
Nambahin bagi yang gatau, kalo gamau kena aerial bug dimana lo lagi di atas tapi tau2 kena damage dari stomp dll, jangan pake Rising Wind atau lompatan KEDUA nya Monkey Catch pas stomp dll nya mau muncul, bisa kena nanti, 2 skill itu emang bikin lo "ke iket" sama ground, dan juga trik tetep bisa pake Rising Wind buat tetep stay in air dan ga kena bug itu (misal lo pengen terus DPS tapi dibawah lo itu ada spike/ lava) yaitu setelah pake Rising Wind langsung pake Aerial Tumble secepatnya, kalo lo peratiin skill Rising Wind itu animation nya setelah nembak skill itu char kita langsung mendarat cepet banget kan ke tanah ? that's the bug.
@30.taufikhidayat506 жыл бұрын
Thanks bang
@dominik94rausch6 жыл бұрын
Nice to see a trap + damage silver hunter! I Main a falcon + cooldown silver hunter on the glorious European servers (insert Russian hymn here).
@antikebodohan079793 жыл бұрын
Kangen sh ku d void dn ina... Seperti ini juga. Kang gb idn ama run trakhir sblum d jual dan dn ina d tutup..
@Flakii6 жыл бұрын
I love ur vids of Special Classes Gameplays! They’re really cool :>
@YohanesAditya946 жыл бұрын
thanks bro :D
@aansyahputra25813 жыл бұрын
Buset lincah banget itu jarinya 😮
@nyxstark83066 жыл бұрын
Is DN pc still alive? If so, which server is the most active?
@YohanesAditya946 жыл бұрын
i dont know sir, i dont play anymore :(
@haloreach2706 жыл бұрын
maybe sea server
@satorange48136 жыл бұрын
Can't say for other servers but I recently started playing on sea server yesterday and there's still quite a lot of people. I was even a bit surprised I expected it to be a bit more deserted considering the amount of negative comments I've seen over the past years
@ashbell97945 жыл бұрын
'-' )umm in my server its always so crowdy ,still manypeople were playing.
@dennyavd42353 жыл бұрын
Yaah kangen nih game jadinya
@YohanesAditya943 жыл бұрын
DNSEA masih ad kok :)
@dennyavd42353 жыл бұрын
@@YohanesAditya94 beda feel nya
@muhammadimammustofa11767 жыл бұрын
Keren Melayang Terus
@bambangputra36296 жыл бұрын
Mantap, ane aja belom lancar make evasion shotnya itu keren2
@anders84615 жыл бұрын
Klo udh paham maen enak bnget kok SH. Ane bisa terbang trus selama transform nya dan cuma mendarat buat summon falcon, ulti, insta tornado shot sama transform lgi lol
@tchevensky78026 жыл бұрын
can u show me ur build?
@YohanesAditya946 жыл бұрын
i cant, already retired from this game :D
@kharismamuhammad17877 жыл бұрын
Bang kan skrng di dn f11 ada box advance gold box 140k chas isi 6box,kalo beli itu rugi apa engga sih
@YohanesAditya947 жыл бұрын
kalo ane waktu itu sih 1 : 2 dapetnya ( 1 cash = 2 gold)
@teddycasama26396 жыл бұрын
pls help mo to have a strong set that you have now pls pls pls...
@velixsgaming67477 жыл бұрын
Bagi skill buildny dong bg!!!
@bayuzatnika14167 жыл бұрын
bang, bgi skill build sma plate skillny dong
@YohanesAditya947 жыл бұрын
Bayu Zatnika nnti bakal ane update ya gan, lagi nentuin mw niatin char ap aja di cap 95 ini :D
@adelia76577 жыл бұрын
Itu item nya rdn hc kah kok tembus sampe 800ribu magic attack nya