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@devorajames6412 Жыл бұрын
Good day man of God. Could you tell me what these 2 dreams mean. 1st dream: I was walking on the road and approached a young male associate. I ran my body into him and asked him, what do you want from me. He quickly turn his head to his right side and looked down, and there was a young boy standing next to him. Looking exactly like him. 2nd dream: I was in the mountains and saw this same young man looking up talking to a huge angel whose body was all white as the clothes he was wearing. However, behind this young man was another angel who had horns of a ram on his head. As I stood afar off looking at them, the angel with horns on his head discovered I was watching them, so he came over to take a closer look at me. His eyes were made pure gold color and his wings and the ram horms on his head made me think he was Satan.