Dreamers' Disease (NEDIPA) | Noble Savage Brewing Company | Beer Review |

  Рет қаралды 112

The Beer PaTroll

The Beer PaTroll

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@billyrossi4661 6 күн бұрын
50° rainy 🌧 cheers 🍻
@averagejoe716 6 күн бұрын
21 F and tons of snow to the south of me, but not even a dusting here. Brutally cold, though. Cheers, Billy!
@davpart7723 6 күн бұрын
Nice review! I’ve been enjoying some tasty New Zealand hop IPA’s lately from Fieldwork Brewing in the Bay Area.
@averagejoe716 6 күн бұрын
Thank You! Never had a Fieldwork beer, but heard really good things about their beer, especially Pulp. Awesome that they've been kicking out some delicious NZ hop-forward goodness. Definitely appreciate the comment! Cheers!
@chrisw4192 6 күн бұрын
Sounds amazing!! Try to find some Tin Barn brewing beers heard they are amazing as well!!
@averagejoe716 6 күн бұрын
I've heard great things about them, but we don't really see them in WNY, unfortunately. They're on my radar, though. This beer was awesome, though. Noble Savage has that ranky dank thing that works so well. Cheers, dude!
@curtisbrause9255 6 күн бұрын
This sounds great man. You mentioned it a bit on the Test review video but glad you liked this one so much and cool how much dankness you got from it. Noble Savage is one I’ll definitely keep in mind if I’m ever in the area or they end up getting distro. Whenever OH brews All Nectaron Everything again I think you really need to try that beer. It’s a stone fruit bomb up front but finishes with like this overripe, danky, almost savory-like thing. Hard for me to describe but you would be able to describe it a lot better I’m sure. I think it could very well be my favorite OH beer, which is saying something. Anyways this sounds like an awesome beer. Always fun to have a hazy that can still blow you away. Cheers!
@averagejoe716 6 күн бұрын
Yeah, man ... their MO is most definitely that intense dank quality. I've gotten it on all the beers that I've reviewed from them -- to varying degrees -- but it's there in every beer. Has to be something specific to the brewery, such as the yeast or water. I'd imagine it's the former. It's on the list! I remember you mentioning how much you dug that one before, so I'll grab that one the next time they brew it, for sure. You love it, and I trust your palate, so I'll be all over it. Remind me again if you see them release it, if you can. If follow all three of their locations on IG, but I might miss it. Cheers, Curtis!
@curtisbrause9255 6 күн бұрын
@ That’s cool that all their beers have that quality. My guess would be it’s what crop of hops they’re getting ahold of but who knows. There are so many factors that go into it. I’ll definitely give you a heads up when that one drops again. I see Big Nelson Vibes they just released which I’m sure is still incredible and probably similar, but not the one. It’s just one of those beers where every sip to me is like “God damn that’s good.” You may not like it as much as me but I’d be surprised if you didn’t think it was at least really good. Haha
@averagejoe716 6 күн бұрын
Tough to pinpoint for sure. It's just so evident in the four beers that I've had, so I'm thinking yeast or water, just because that is the consistent factor. Could definitely be the hops, or maybe the way they brew with them. Who knows, but it's so distinctive. I'm sure I'll like that All Nectaron Everything. Nectaron is a great hop, but I haven't had too many single-hopped beers that focus on it. Would be curious to see how it is!
@curtisbrause9255 5 күн бұрын
@ Yeah I see what you mean, especially if it’s prevalent among different hop bills. It could definitely be something with their yeast choice, fermentation or dry hopping techniques. Could be water too like you said. Lots of factors that go into how a beer tastes they way that it does that maybe the brewery doesn’t even understand fully. A bunch of tiny decisions in process that make a beer uniquely theirs. Yeah Nectaron I think has become one of my favorite hops. It’s just so good. I think having it in a single hop form like that really cemented it for me. I just really love NZ hops in general.
@averagejoe716 5 күн бұрын
I would think it's probably the yeast or perhaps the other techniques that you mentioned. It's definitely been consistent and prevalent throughout all four beers that I drank from them, so the hops are probably the least likely source considering all the hop bills were vastly different. There's something specific to one of their ingredients/techniques, though. That ranky dank vibe is apparent! I do enjoy me some Nectaron, but I haven't had enough single-hopped Nectaron beers to declare my love yet. I think maybe next year I try to focus a bit more on stuff like that. I wish more breweries made a single-hop lineup of beer. I used to love when breweries would kick out SMaSH beers. You just don't see them all that often anymore. For shame.
@bumpy-isms 5 күн бұрын
This sounds OMG ..... did you say you can only find it on the dark web Cheers Joe
@averagejoe716 5 күн бұрын
I did not say that, but wouldn't be surprised if you could find hard-to-get beer in weird places on the intrawebs, haha! Cheers, Jesse!
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