Dreams About Snakes - What they REALLY mean!

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Awaken Your Dreams

Awaken Your Dreams

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@ghostgray8432 3 жыл бұрын
I had a really random dream so here we go. So in this dream I was in my house when I lived with my parents, I was like 14-13 years of age in the dream, anyways my dad was vacuuming the carpet and said, “hey come look at this”, there was a snake in the vacuum chamber and my dad took the lid off of it and started texting his collage friend that he knew that has snakes, while that happened the snake was making it’s way out of the vacuum and on to my arm, now this snake was little it was like 3 to 4 feet long and 2 1/2 inches wide I believe it was black with a few grey specks I wanna say but the specks it had could have Been another color. So this thing was crawling up my arm and squeezing it, I just remained calm bcs I remembered if you stay calm and keep your moments slow they won’t be as a aggressive. Well this thing started crawling up my arm to my back and was hanging on my arms, then it hissed and I started to walk toward the couch and sat down and it bit me in the back right on my right shoulder blade area, and luckily my dad said that it wasn’t poisonous, anyways I told my dad that it bit me on the back and I showed him and he said “ omg it looks.... it looks” and then I woke from the dream I never got the answer to what the bite looked like so yeah some answers would be nice thx!
@ghostgray8432 3 жыл бұрын
Oh btw my dad didn’t finish Collage nor does he have any friends from collage that he keeps in touch with
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
God is showing you that something your dad "showed you" around this time of your life was a lie of some kind. You've gotten comfortable with it but it has restricted you. It has come "back to bite" you. It is not a "life-threatening" issue. Your dad won't be able to help you identify the issues it has caused. Your earthly father may not be of help in this but your heavenly Father can. Ask him to reveal the truth about your life and this situation. Be blessed!
@ghostgray8432 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams thx for letting me know!!!
@wyre0419 3 жыл бұрын
My dream went like this; me and two of my friends were all lying down, trying to sleep, one of them told us that a snake was lying with him, the other and I ignored him and tried to sleep, he yelled out that it bit him, all three of us jumped up and i turned the light on, I spotted the snake curled up on the mattress, it was yellow/white, and about 3x the size of a worm, I then woke up panicked and instinctually ran to turn the light on in my room
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
The snake represents lies of false religion and intellectualism that is may seem like a small issue but it is stealing you and your peace and rest.
@282naughty 4 жыл бұрын
I dreamed about a big black snake and a skinny grey snake. I was in a house stuck in a room with people I didn't know, after a while we all climbed out the window where the people vehicle was and when I climbed out window another young woman step over a leopard color snake..I jumped on her hood and waited for her to open the car door and I got in...woke up right after
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
These are lies or plans of the enemy against your life. Big black -- in general -- there's a significant evil that has tried to come against you and others. There is a lesser issue with compromise, as well. You and other are starting to see the light and escape where you were confined before. Leopards can't change their spots meaning. The lies are not going to change into something better. They have to be left behind and truth must replace them. Another person will help you escape the problems.
@patricksedjro1764 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams This is very good 👍🏿
@damonsullivan5525 Жыл бұрын
I had a dream last night about four large snakes. Three of the snakes were rap around each other, one was by its self. One of the snakes turn around to look at me. The snake that looked at me had the largest head, like the size of dog. They didn't try to attack me but was in a corner of a room.
@wyre0419 3 жыл бұрын
In My dream i was on some sort of heroes journey, I'd went to a pond with an enormous amount of white ducks, I payed no attention to them at first, a duck latched onto me and I was slightly annoyed that it wouldn't let go, then a large python tried getting to me by slithering on the duck, this dream occurred the same week I started daily prayers and stopped denying by belief in the Lord
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
The pond can mean a stagnant place ... a good place for "quacks" (ducks) to gather and lies (snake) to breed. Don't let spiritual quacks or lies of the enemy derail your journey. God has called you to be a hero in the faith! Keep praying and seeking Jesus!
@danagonzales8380 4 жыл бұрын
I know this video is not recent but my dream last night was about a dark brown snake in a cage trying to get out . Then I’m in my bedroom and the snake strikes at me and I’m ripping it off of my.... I woke up yanking “the snake “ off.. I rolled over and went back to sleep and my dream just started back ..., the snake was in the bed wrayup in the blanket and trying to get me again and I was holding the blanket hoping that it wouldn’t bite me again screaming to my boyfriend it’s in the blanket help me it’s going to get me again... then I woke up my heart racing, I stood up and took a couple minutes to calypso and go back to sleep. ... I’m trying to understand what this means for me... plz someone with any advice or answers let me know. Thank you
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Dana the brown snake represents the lie of compromise and in this context it relates to intimacy and/or rest. A bed is a place where you find rest and it's an intimate place. The enemy is attacking you in this area and literally stealing your rest as you wake up from sleeping. The Truth is that you do not have to compromise to be a peace.
@ronniemckinney6808 4 жыл бұрын
I've had a snake dream recently. In the dream, I'm sleeping with a snake on my chest. As I turn in my sleep, the snakes shifts with me, remaining coiled on top of me. I get up from what appears to be a lab table. I heard a voice say, "That's a rattlesnake." I only hear the voice, but don't see who said it. I look to the right where I was sleeping and there's a rattlesnake coiled up, but it never rattles or offers to strike at me. As I walk down a narrow walkway toward the door in the dream, I pass 4 coiled copperheads on the floor to my left as I'm walking toward the door to leave the room.They are all 4 coiled up, but never strike out at me either. I woke up after that. I have no clue of what it could mean. Anyone have any ideas about this dream's meaning?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Both of these snakes are poisonous "pit vipers" ... so you have two types of "lies from the pit" that are in close proximity. The one lie is meant to "rattle" you and has tried to take your rest even though you've tried to move away. Then you've had a transition period in your life and you trying to get away from this lie or attack of enemy and you encounter 4 more lies. While none of these has stricken you, the enemy is trying to get your to believe something that in not true about what your facing. Seek the Truth of Jesus!
@shawnmarleyg2981 3 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about viper snake crawling on my back around my neck
@texanpaving 3 жыл бұрын
I dreamed of seeing a Rattle snake in my room, picking it up by the head with my left hand and tail with my right, I then put it back on the floor and walked out closing the door behind me. The snake was friendly and never tried to attack me at all.
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
You're getting comfortable with a lie of some kind. It's in your room "living with you" and you're picking it up. It's seems friendly. The warning signs are there, though (rattler). Instead of getting rid of it you are closing it up in your room. Pray that God reveals the truth about this lie to you. Blessings!
@fluffykittynoodles 2 жыл бұрын
I had a rattlesnake bite me twice in a dream this morning. I was goofing around with these guys/"friends". They ended up in a pickup truck and the y drove off without me, only to return looking for me. I hid in a hole in this dirt road and when they found the hole, they threw things in it because they suspected i was hiding there. They missed, but when I threw things back, I injured one and missed another. Upon trying to exit the hole, I was bitten on the left shoulder and again on my right hand. I grabbed the rattlesnake and chopped off it's head and tail. It was a young snake, with only five segments in it's tail. I tried to seek medical attention and found none. I ended up back in my truck(I'm a truck driver), waiting for an ambulance. While waiting, crowds formed around my truck and they began to antagonize me. I rolled my window down to speak with one man and he tried to reach into my truck. I rolled the window up on his fingers and broke them as he was trying to break the glass. I wanted to reach for my gun, but decided it was inappropriate. Another man approached and whereas the first was wearing black, this new man was wearing white. I tried to roll down the window but it was damaged so I opened the door and proclaimed I had been bitten by a rattlesnake. Everyone left. I then ended up wondering the streets of the town looking for care, but none was found. I was accompanied by a younger man/boy and an attractive woman in white. My kidneys began to hurt and I knew I was dying. I woke up shortly not long after continuing my search.
@Riley77777 4 жыл бұрын
Encontoured a small black snake and i quickly climbed onto the rooftop of a spanish tile courtyard and saw a large golden snake below me in the middle yet i didnt feel fear and the snake didnt seem to take notice/care that i was there.
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
A small lie of the enemy has motivated you to move to a higher place and get a different perspective. In this place you can see better and no longer fear even though there are larger threats revealed to you. The golden snake can be referring to a deception about finances/income/economy.
@Riley77777 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank u very much this is heplful
@tallsz559 3 жыл бұрын
Can’t really get any help with my dream but it really scares me. I was going out into our backyard to go get something, I remembered somebody faintly telling me not to do it, but I brushed it off. As I am about to walk back I spot some green snakes, some looked harmless. As I walk back I start to see more and more-some close, some further clumped up. They are also getting bigger. At this point I am getting scared. I am walking carefully back to my house and am almost there when I stumble upon a myriad of larger snakes in front of me. I see a couple have bright colors, which I realized they were poisonous. I am afraid of the other snakes, so I try to get around. One lunges in for my ankle, and just as it is about to bite me, the dream ends. What does this mean?
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Don't revisit the lies of the enemy from your past. Look to the great future that Jesus has for you and dont' believe the lies of satan.
@Emerald.s 2 жыл бұрын
@Tall Sz green snake could possibly represent there are some jealous people around you, not necessarily in your home but close. You don't see them but they are deceptive. Be mindful of what you allow into your mind, what you are watching or listening to. Whether it be on television, radio, or social media. Also be very careful who you allow in your inner circle. Remember Judas was in Jesus' inner circle but was being used by satan. I hope this helps. Be blessed.
@danielavila4728 3 жыл бұрын
Had a dream where I saw myself and my wife holding hands facing each other praying..in front of what looked like an alter and then I saw a huge vibrant anaconda style snake was coming down from the right top corner of what looked like a church as if it was trying to sneak up on us and then the dream ended
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Beware of "colorful" false teaching from those in the "church." It could be a specific church or maybe a doctrine that is coming out of the church that is incorrect. Your praying and able to see the snake despite its attempt to sneak up on you. Keep praying.
@raidertown78 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about alot of snakes. They weren't slithering all over the floor, instead, where ever I was the snakes were sitting peacefully were green and color and they appeared to be...... smiling. The emotion I experienced first was fear and anxiety but the longer I was in their company the better I felt. The anxiety dissipated and I felt calm. Any comments would be appreciated I feel I should also add that I have had a terrifying dream about snakes which was about 18 months ago after my seperation. So to have a dream about snakes in such stark contrast was a little unnerving.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
This dream talks about getting comfortable around pride/envy. At first it was disconcerting but later on you're OK with it. These lies are trying to represent "themselves" as something you should not worry about but in reality it needs to be gotten rid of.
@raidertown78 5 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams thanks very much for your response. Yes that makes sense, unfortunately I know what it represents and I will never be truly free of him as we have children, but I will be wary. Thank you again x
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
@@raidertown78 Ok, my suggestion for any dream is to make sure you pray about it, as well. God will give wisdom as to how to handle the situation.
@Trimmdeuns 2 ай бұрын
I saw two snakes in my dream and they had beautiful patterns on their skin. They didn't bite me nor did I kill them. Just saw them. Pls what does this mean?
@courtneyjames1929 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, thank you for these video because I had a total different definition of what snakes 🐍 mean in a dream. These is a great video.. could you possible interrupt my dream, I had a dream about a snake once and I was wondering what do it mean, Me and my husband was leaving out our apartment and we got in the car. When we got in the car there was a snake under the seat it was green and it had 3 baby eggs that haven't hatch and it was wrapped around the eggs like it was trying to keep them warm and safe. And it was like we was aware of the snake in the car but we were both just still like we was scared to move or make any sudden movements it didn't bite us but it was like we were Just frozen but it seem like we back up and drive off anyway.
@courtneyjames1929 3 жыл бұрын
@Awaken Your Dreams
@k9aussie898 3 жыл бұрын
So I was being followed by a yellow and black snake and my parents did nothing, they stood there in my dream. There was also an unknown woman. I tried to move away from the snake then it showed it's fangs and BAM bit me on my left foot. It looked like a yellow belly black snake, which are deadly. So yeah
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
There's a lie of the enemy (the age-old serpent who is called the devil Revelation 12:9) pursuing you and attacking something your were born to walk in or do. This demonic attack is trying kill your future. It's not up to your parents. You have to make the right choices. Choose Truth ... and that is found in Jesus alone. Blessings!
@lyncraftbuddies1652 5 жыл бұрын
I have dreamt of 2 big snakes. First I saw a big dark green snake on the wall while I am supposed to open the door of a house to enter. Second I saw a big light yellow snake on a gate, then I tried to make a way to scape but somehow the yellow snake fell on the ground and move away from the gate
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Two big deceptions are trying to keep you from entering into something new for your life. Yellow and Green can both be symbolic of pride on some level. Intellectualism is trying to form your opinions but it's keeping you away from where you're supposed to go. One fell away though ... so that could mean that you have are about to have a change of mind on something.
@sharonhenry8997 3 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about a green snake coming down from a tree onto my right hand I got so scared I shake it off of me and another one was coming down but I was so scared I woke up because I felt it crawling on me in real life but there was no snake In my bed or on me when I woke up
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
While you have tried to shake off fear that has come down on you, more fear is trying to paralyze you. The enemy wants to keep you from doing what you were created to do by controlling you with fear. The truth is that Jesus defeated the enemy. He is perfect Love and where He is there is no fear.
@heythere497 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream where a snake bit my wrists and ankles it hurt so bad! I woke up crying checked my wrists and no Mark's nothing..
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Wrists/ankles connect and help the hands/feet do what they're meant to do. The snake bite represents lies that you have believed that have actually brought great pain in your life and kept you from walking in God's purposes for you and doing what you're called to do. Feet allow you to walk with God/others. Hands are meant to serve God/others.
@rosamorales1846 6 жыл бұрын
I been having a feeling if one if I'm sitting on the toilet I get a warm feeling and look up as if it is choking mr
@AwakenYourDreams 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Rosa ... I'm sure that is disconcerting! In this case I would say that there are some things that you need to get rid of or clean out (that's what using bathroom does for our bodies) and there is a lie of some kind that is keeping you from it. This snake is choking you or keeping you from breathing which is actually cutting off your voice. The lie of the enemy does not want you to speak out the truth!
@jepjep3057 5 жыл бұрын
I had dream walking with my friend walking and my friend is on the front of me and i saw a green snake on road and tell to my friend. Then we ran and my friend bite the snake.. And when i am running i saw snake everywhere i go. But i manage to escape. The snake the i saw lots of cobra and a couple of python.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Info Tips TV the green represents greed and/or envy so your friend either biting or being bit by this snake means that those are lies that are affecting him. Although, you’ve tried to avoid that it keeps confronting you over and over. There are other lies tied to this that the enemy is trying to get you to believe. Seek the Truth ... Jesus! He will direct you.
@room2seat15 5 жыл бұрын
Hi ! What does it mean when you dream about multiple snakes and with different sizes and colors? One that stood out was a humongous blank snake. The snakes didnt harm me and i was able to ran myself out of that building which looks like a church. I was so frightened upon the sight. Then I woke up. Thanks.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Generally that would represent many lies about different things. The large black snake represents the enemy's overall purpose to bring "death" or darkness to that place.
@room2seat15 5 жыл бұрын
This makes sense.Thank you .
@singhbling7566 3 жыл бұрын
I had dream where there was a big black snake with shining white stripes very beautiful and when I tried to approach the snake it went away to my neighbors house and it was coming again and when it saw me went to my neighbors house and third time it cam to my garden I approached it and went inside a hole.
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
This snake represents false religion ... it looks "beautiful" but it is deadly. You can also see it's true demonic (black) nature. You have tried approaching "religion" but it has not connected with you. Others close to you have made it a home so to speak. The false religion or spirit of religion is coming to you now and trying to find a home with you now. This is a warning dream and need to seek the Truth which is Jesus Christ.
@singhbling7566 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams On the same day I saw a black bear cub climbed up in the main entrance door of my house and after seeing me it ran away while running away it got banned in to my white car.
@kittynextdoor 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, I've had a dream that I was attacked by insects and reptiles. There where 6 snakes 3 on each side of my leg biting me. Would you know a meaning for this?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely the overall message is that you're under attack and specifically what you're meant to "walk in." So there are lies that have affected your ability to go where you need to or do what you're called to do. The number 6 indicates that man or mankind is the source of these attacks. God's truth supersedes those lies, though. And He has great purpose for you to fulfill!
@wesroseme6970 Жыл бұрын
Yes I do have a lots of dreams about snakes white one black snake also red one many colors I was always wondering what it means I never knew that’s what it means. You so right about google information completely different meaning so what about a rainbow dreams???
@AwakenYourDreams Жыл бұрын
Depending on context of your rainbow dream it could be referring to the promises of God.
@stalinpeter1765 3 жыл бұрын
I dream 1 or 2 snakes and many rats in the water and I'm afraid to step in. Pls text back what was the reason. I'm really worried .
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
The enemy is lying to you about what spirituality really is. Rats can be demonic activity that is feeding off sin in your life. Run to Jesus who washes away all our sins!
@stalinpeter1765 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams thanku
@ekuazevincent9717 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, I had a dream that a small golden brown snake with a bit of black color was chasing and biting people. Some of the people were familiar. It was really fast and very active. I was so frightened and started running as fast as I could. It started to chase after me and was still bitting people around. I suddenly gained a power of springing really high and fast, I thought I was finally escaping from it's chase. Suddenly, I saw this snake springing really high too. I was so scared, it flew straight to me, almost landing on my face and I woke up out of fear. And the first thing tha came to my mind was a guy who has been trying different ways to be intimate with me. I have told him off a number of times, I think he still trys to penetrate my life in different ways and I keep blocking. The snake was really sneaky like this guy. I'm thinking of totally cutting him off. Or maybe the dream is about someone or something else, I'm not sure. Please I need your help interpreting this dream. I will be very grateful 🙏 to get a response from you guys. Thanks alot
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Typically a snake biting someone means that they've been "infected with the poison" or believed a lie. You are running from the lie of the enemy. Despite it's best efforts it has not "bitten you" or you have not gone along with the lie. In your case you immediately associated the dream with a real life circumstance when you woke up. Holy Spirit is confirming what the dream was about when you wake up to another thought like that. I would cut off anyone is pursuing you in an unhealthy way. The may not be fully aware of their own deception. You're not required to help those that actually have bad intentions towards you. Separate and pray God will intervene in their life.
@ekuazevincent9717 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Amen. Thank you very much, I truly appreciate 🙏
@l.b7756 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream. I saw big fat green snakes laying at the bottom of a river they were stretched out.. water was calm and clear they didnt scare me scene changed and its calm winter day slightly snowing and a large black bear was walking slowly towards me making eye contact then i held up a brown blanket to make myself look bigger to scare it away then woke up...would love to know what this means
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Something that is intended to give life (river) has been infiltrated with envy and pride (green). You're able to clearly see what is happening, though. The enemy is trying to bring a judgement (bear) against you. Colors are neutral but the context helps us understand meaning. Brown can be compassion or compromise. In this instance, I would say God is warning not to compromise by being something you are not e.g. make yourself bigger.
@kidkhy1864 4 жыл бұрын
i had a dream i was running up the street with a friend from a man who was free running while chasing us , i asked my friend who it was and he said he cant see him and then the man threw the snake at him and it bit him , then he threw the snaked at me it bit me wrapped around my neck and my vision blacked out completely.. then i woke up
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Getting snake bit indicates that you have believed a lie of some kind. Aka the venom has poisoned you and in this case it has affected your vision. You're not able to see clearly (or at all ... blacked out) because of the lie that has been thrown at you and your friend. Wrapping around your neck also indicates that it is cutting off your ability to breathe or your voice is being silenced. Running the streets ... there's a song about that. Typically if someone is running streets it means they're doing something suspect and may be why there's a free runner chasing you. Free runners are doing dangerous stunts. So, this is a warning dream and God is calling you home to His truth! Be blessed!
@kidkhy1864 4 жыл бұрын
Awaken Your Dreams thank u !
@marliemandig2095 3 жыл бұрын
please help. me I'm so bothered my old friend told me he dreamt about me I was being strangled by a snake.. what does it mean? I'm so scared
@britelite921 4 жыл бұрын
Hi I had a dream that it was different kinds of snakes in my kitchen trying to attack me but THEY DIDN'T and hissing at me I can smell them and then they were coming from every where and they kept trying to hide behind and under stuff to get closer to me before they come out and I seen one was tan like color and my mom who is passed on she was killing all the snakes and my mom was grabbing there heads and squeezing the venom out then killing them can you tell me what this means...
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
So, the enemy has been trying to take you out with an assortment of lies, but the good news is that he's been unsuccessful. You've been in a place of preparation and the enemy is doing his best to take you out. Instead it's the prayers and legacy of your mother that has help take out the plans of the enemy.
@britelite921 4 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams wow your good and I know what you're talking about .... thank you I'm giving God all the praise in Jesus mighty name. Amen
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
@@britelite921 Amen!
@mariaklackers2356 3 жыл бұрын
I had a dream where the snake is wrapped around my dead dog and I'm shouting for my mother but nothing is coming out off my mouth?then I woke up
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
A lie of the enemy has incapacitated a close friend and your voice is being silenced. Call onthe name of Jesus who is the Truth!
@mariaklackers2356 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams thank you will do.
@amberlatiolais7552 4 жыл бұрын
I keep having dreams that I'm trying to save my dog from a snake. First snake was a huge gray one, second snake was green, yellow and black speckles that had a cobra head. It bit me then went after my dog but I grabbed it by the head just before it bit him. I don't seem worried that I got bit but I'm very anxious about my dogs safety. This has happen the last two night in a row and it's stressing me out.
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Amber ... it looks like you have a close friend that is endangered by a weakness (gray) of some sort. In your effort to protect them you've been struck by some level of pride (green, yellow). Possibly your pride was hurt when trying to help someone with a weakness and it hasn't worked out like you thought.
@amberlatiolais7552 4 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams that makes since, I recently cut all communication with my ex husband who has a drug addiction and is spiraling out of control because I know that at this point I can't help him without him bringing me down. I think about his well being daily and it bothers me but I know that it's best for my well being to let him go. Thank you so much!!!
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
@@amberlatiolais7552 Sorry to hear that. Praying that God brings him to complete restoration.
@tyriellehunter5656 3 жыл бұрын
I was on a mopad with my boyfriend .. he was driving and ..he was having fun enjoying the ride daring to go by the ditch full of snakes but I was terrified . When we got off the snakes were coming after me and they were all over everywhere I stepped . I trust him to protect me , but then I ended up opening my room door and saw this black snake , y’all and it stood up my height . It looked straight at me , very quiet , and it hardly moved .. but it seemed to poke towards me a little and I was really frightened I slammed my room door
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Something you're doing with your boyfriend seems like its fun but you're riding on the edge of danger. This joyride is actually full of lies. You are being confronted by a big lie as it relates to intimacy in your life. See the Truth of Jesus! He sets us free!
@dubisarmarydianah6987 6 жыл бұрын
i have dreamed snakes for over 10 years i dream walking in snakes but they don't bite me i dream seeing snakes the big,small, young ones etc just as am talking i have just wake-up from a dream someone was showing me a baby snake and telling me its harmless unless disturbed. am so sick of this dream it stops and comes again why do i have to dream about snakes always please help thank you.
@AwakenYourDreams 6 жыл бұрын
Dubisar Marydianah As established in the video, the snakes are lies and in order to combat the lies you must have the Truth. Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Ask him to bring his truth into your life to destroy the lies.
@itzme4006 4 жыл бұрын
I had a dream of about 5-7 snakes around me, they weren’t doing anything, they were on the walls and ground so I wasn’t scared, then a cobra came up and I got scared and woke up. What does that mean?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
You've been surrounded by some lies of the enemy but have not been personally affected by it. A more powerful and poisonous lie has confronted you and begun to affect you. Seek the Truth ... Jesus!
@chrissy121280 4 жыл бұрын
Please help me! Last night I dreamed about sitting in a swap watching an alligators help the other alligator get out of a ditch. As I'm watching, a multi color snake appears in my face. I'm not scared but next thing the snake was bitting my hand. After that I ended up in a warehouse with a huge box of dead snakes.
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Alligators/snakes symbolize lies of enemy. The snake biting your hand is a lie that is affecting your ability to help others. Good news is that there's a place of provision where you will or are seeing many lies defeated.
@chrissy121280 4 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank you
@breonnawalker7704 3 жыл бұрын
I dreamed that I was looking for a snake. Once I found one outside, I grabbed it by stepping on the end of it with my right foot and then grabbing it with my right hand maybe an inch or two under its head. It was a long snake and I believe I remember it having the tail or a rattlesnake. When I grabbed it, it didn’t squirm or shake its tail, it seemed calm but stiff. Then I think I may have removed my foot or tried to walk away with it and it suddenly snapped it’s neck back and bit me on my right wrist. Once the snake bit me it wouldn’t let go and it began injecting venom which was extremely painful. I lifted my arm up in pain, and used my left hand to try to pry the snakes fangs out of my arm and it took a while to get it off. Suddenly I was in my house and walked to the kitchen where my mom was cooking. I began telling her what happened as the pain started to subside. She didn’t seem very phased by what I told her. I specifically remember telling her that the pain had traveled from my wrist up to a very specifically point on my arm, which was right before the fold of my arm. And I repeated this to her. I woke up still feeling a radiating “pain” that faded with time. I’m confused lol
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Symbolically you've been searching for something that represents a lie or the work of the enemy. You thought you could control it but it snapped back. It brought a lot of pain. Search for the truth instead of the false.
@lipglossgirlja 4 жыл бұрын
I had a dream last night it was like in some kind of warehouse I was running and trying to help people but the next thing I find I'm on the floor with a yellow python coiled around me and has it's teeth dug into the middle of my spine, my face was in shock and agony.
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
At the heart of this dream God is revealing that fear is paralyzing you. This lie is keeping you from doing what you're called to do: helping others. The solution: run to Jesus! He says, "Fear not because I'm with you!" Be blessed!
@lipglossgirlja 4 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank you so much
@matildanhyiraba2065 5 жыл бұрын
Please I dreamt that someone invited me to join her in eating and as I looked into the food I saw a live snake moving in the soup. She took the snake out and pretended she wants to kill it. What does this mean please
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Matilda Aboagye food often can refer to spiritual nourishment or teaching. This is a warning that someone is inviting you to partake in something that is based in a lie. When you discover the truth this person is not actually committed to getting rid of the lie.
@patricksedjro1764 3 жыл бұрын
The way I would have interpreted that is that that, someone is a deceiver and the fact that they didn't even kill the snake...that says it all. That someone is untrustworthy.
@nubianblkbarb90 3 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about a dead beige serpent and my cousin brought it to me an I ran. The next night I dreamed of a whole bunch of toy green snakes in an empty room. At first I looked in the room and ran cause it was dark and all I saw were snakes, but something told me to turn around i cut the light on an saw that it was a whole bunch of toy snakes on the floor.
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Someone could be trying to influence your life in a compromising way. The toy snakes are not a real threat but it is still causing fear at first. Envy/pride is crouching at the door but you need to realize that is not the real issue. It is something else that is not a threat.
@nubianblkbarb90 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for responding. Im going to take what u said into consideration
@tawannaraytr 4 жыл бұрын
I ran into this video trying to find dream meanings of snakes. I recently had a dream I can't forget. I was looking down at a small hole (in my family's yard, we own the land) no bigger than the size of a nickel. I remember being confused by what was coming out of the hole, I thought it was a worm or something because the hole was so small. But it kept coming out to the point I realized it was a snake. A black snake with dark grey stripes that were almost black. It was so long! Super skinny and long! But it never came my way, it went off to the left, I was on the other side. Then I woke up. What could this mean?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
The lies of the enemy (darkness) has had a "long" history of influence in your family. This snake has made it's home in your family's land. It looks insignificant at first but it's more of an issue than you may have first realized. The remedy for to let the light of Jesus shine in. God is revealing a truth to point you to the Truth - Jesus. Be blessed!
@joyceokon4640 3 жыл бұрын
And the was a day I saw a snake on the with an arrow in mouth this time physical I wasn't dreaming. On a wall & the body was wet God show me & curse it ontill it disappeared away! Pls tell me what it means?tnxs
@morismorgan7436 3 жыл бұрын
Good morning lovely ones🥰 well I dream of seeing a snake moving on tree, what's the meaning? Ma morgan from uganda africa
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
This could represent a leader that has been involved in some deception.
@tamwill4745 3 жыл бұрын
I had a dream that my 16 year old girls and I woke up to a lot of snake bites all over our bodies. We didn’t actually see the snake we weren’t scared or in pain just more in shock that we were bitten so many times by the snake!!!!! Someone please ease my mind as we view snakes as evilness 🤦🏾‍♀️
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
The bites indicated that a lie of some kind has attacked your body. These lies may not be clearly visible to you but you do see the affects afterwards.
@tamwill4745 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams can you please elaborate a little more please!!
@les23ization 5 жыл бұрын
I had dream about a snake I’ve seen this snake before In my dreams only this time it was in my childhood home backyard and it was huge I mean huge !! It was green
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Leslye Juarez The imagery is saying that there’s a big lie from your past that’s trying to affect you now. Green indicates it’s tied to envy or pride.
@Lifeworhliving 3 жыл бұрын
My wife had a dream of snakes all around her. She saw a pink one a white and black one .she also mentioned she kept choking on them one after another. Do you have any insight
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Surrounded by lies of the enemy ... they are showing up through those that are childish, religious and demonic. The lies are taking her ability to breath and speak as it relates to spiritual things. Turn off the negative voices and look to Jesus!
@lilbitofsouthernspirit7788 3 жыл бұрын
I walked up to a beautiful wooded area & there were snakes leaping up towards trees. Next thing I know I'm bitten by a greyish snake. I only saw its head, & open mouth fangs showing when it bit my right inner wrist. The bite turned black then a purple gem fell off my wrist onto the floor where I was curled up holding my wrist. I rarely dream. Please help. God bless All
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Demonic spirits are attacking leadership. You have experienced an attack of your faith where a lie of the enemy has affected you. You've been in pain and even immobilized, but it will result in new authority as you are healed and restored.
@lilbitofsouthernspirit7788 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams This was the most vivid and realistic dream I've ever had!
@brittanyhall9357 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve dreamed of a black snake attacking me. Do you know what that might mean?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
The enemy is trying to get you to believe a lie of some sort. He could be trying attack you with fear, as well. Jesus is the Truth. He defeated the enemy, his lies and fear. Jesus is Risen!
@kookoo4254 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, my brother dreamed of a big brown snake bitten my knee, and we are at the ocean when the snake appears. What could be the meaning?
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
A spirit of compromise has affected you and is hindering your walk.
@venusstardust479 4 жыл бұрын
I dreamt of a brown snake in my ceiling above my bed
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Brown is often relates to compromise. In this case this lie of compromise is affecting you so that you are not able to rest peacefully.
@venusstardust479 4 жыл бұрын
Thk u
@venusstardust479 4 жыл бұрын
Thk u
@jennyronneng7671 5 жыл бұрын
I dreamt i this walking on a pathway I often follow , and in the path two snakes raised up to confront me,so I walked away. The next day it happened just like in the dream.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
You are going to be confronted by 2 distinct lies. It has to do with a "way" that you gone or done things. You will have to walk away or change direction from what you've done in the past.
@elenab.1958 3 жыл бұрын
I dreamed how the largest snake that ever existed was chasing me... The snake was black with yellow eyes and it talked to me. I tried to hide in a room but the snake entered too, I tried to kill it with the door like smashing the neck. The snake was too strong.
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
What's the biggest lie that's trying to chase you down? In one sense it's the enemy of your soul - the devil. He wants you to believe that God doesn't care about you and there is nowhere to hide and that he is too strong. God is saying that the devil is a liar. Everything the devil says is the opposite. The enemy is no match for God. Surrender your life to Jesus totally and see the enemy run away.
@elenab.1958 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank you for your respond, Jesus is our king! Amin!
@fatimavalencia7349 3 жыл бұрын
Hello I had a dream of yellow and white spotted python snake , I went to catch it and I did , I put it back on a tree and it bit me then it stared to talk to me
@fatimavalencia7349 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t remember what it said to me but when it bit me I wasn’t it phased i was like more like what the heck
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
It represents intellectualism and religion that you have pursued. The enemy has enticed you like Eve in the garden. "Did God not say?" He tries to get us to pursue the knowledge of good and evil instead of the tree of life. Jesus is the life! Not a religious structure or man's wisdom. He alone satisfies our hearts!
@fatimavalencia7349 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams what’s is an example of this in the life of today , because all I’ve really been doing is praying worshiping and I recently got baptized with Holy Spirit and started to speak in tongues
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
@@fatimavalencia7349 That is great! Two possibilities ... it is a dream of what you just came out of or a warning that God is saying to not pursue Him with your mind alone. We worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. The mind is led by the Spirit who is alive in you!
@fatimavalencia7349 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams can it also be someone around might betray me? Thank you so much all this information is very helpful
@lesliemiller1591 3 жыл бұрын
I dreamt of a yellow snake at the end of my bed under breath the blanket with it's head sticking out ,as if it were grading me, I could actually feel the warmth of it's body next to my leg
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I understand the part about "grading me" ... can you explain that a bit further? A spirit of intellectualism may be affecting you and you've become comfortable with it. It feels "warm" but its actually cold-blooded and not rooted in true wisdom.
@lesliemiller1591 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams sorry, my phone tends to put words different from what I was saying, the yellow snake was at the end of my bed under the blanket with the head sticking out looking ahead, I could feel the warmth of it's body next to my leg , felt so real and then I woke up
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
@@lesliemiller1591 ok, it does not affect much of the details then
@Romello_Pietersz 3 жыл бұрын
My friend had a dream of me, in her dream I was blind. I could drive but with other things I needed help. What does it mean?
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 This is regards to the calling on your life. Your business, your work, your ministry ... what God has called you to do.
@Romello_Pietersz 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank you so much appreciate you taking the time! God bless you and your wonderful family! Compliments of the season.
@anellemackinlay2624 5 жыл бұрын
So. .what does it mean if someone else passes you a snake, assuring you the snake won't bite you...but then almost does.....?
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Someone is trying to get you to believe a lie saying that it won't harm you. It's a close call. A bite suggests you are "infected with the poison" which is to believe a lie.
@anellemackinlay2624 5 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams thank you for getting back to me. Yes, was a close call....almost went into business with this specific person.....but didn't. ...
@anellemackinlay2624 5 жыл бұрын
@UCQykcM_hZA50xNzvAuCfxmw thank you! Amazing how our dreams can give us messages...but obvsly if we're "open" to it .... :)
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
@@anellemackinlay2624 Yes, a warning dream for sure!
@giftyandrews2104 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about a huge sneaks on my door way and another on the middle of the way and someone I didn't see the face came to pick it up and giving it water to drink but the sneak refuses to drink the water. Please what does it mean? And I have been having strange dreams often
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
A lie or falsehood is trying to gain entry into your life. Someone is trying to keep it alive, but it's actually dying. Believe the truth not the lie.
@johanalfaro9253 4 жыл бұрын
hello i had a dream i was with friends and a snake bit me on my right arm dont know what kind of snake bit me but it was venomous i remember seeing the venom go from my arm into my hands but i was like 2 minutes away from a hospital which i told my friend to go with me he said sure i told the nurses a snake bit me and they just treated it by extracting the venom and then i was okay btw i dont even recognize where i was i was just hanging out withe friends
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Your friend group needs a reboot as they are leading your down a path that is poisoning you. Good news is that the help is right around the corner and those lies of the enemy can be removed from your life. Find healing in Jesus the great Physician!
@SUBZEROUKS 5 жыл бұрын
I just had a dream of a big snake (python) in a tree. I saw it from far. I ran to it. I noticed it was trying to get a rabbit to eat. But when I ran to observe it, it the snake would notice and look at me and then it looked me face to face pretty much about 3 ft away and it seemed to make like a sound (like a dog barks) once and then proceeded to try and sneak on the rabbit. I am lost as to what it could mean.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
A large, destructive lie (python) probably connected to a leadership position (tree) is trying to restrict or devour something small with potential to reproduce quickly (rabbit). You have seen what is happening and there's been a confrontation of sorts. But it has yet to be fully exposed or eradicated.
@m07flores 5 жыл бұрын
I dreamt last night that I was near a pier . Below the pier in the water there were huge red and white snakes. Red on top , white on bottom. I spoke to someone in my dream couldn’t make out who it was and said “look at these huge snakes!” . All of the sudden one begins to chase me and I running down a very long hallway I come to the end and there are two doors. I go in to the room on the right and begin to shut the door as I am doing so I see the snake slither into the other room under the door. I shut my door and stand there very frightened . As I am standing there the snake slithers it’s way into my room and onto my bed . I begin to try and capture it by throwing my blanket over it and as I am doing it is trying to strike me. From there I see myself and the snake is tangled in my hair underneath the blanket and someone shows me a photo and says look now you look just like her and I see another woman with a head full of snakes.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Seems as though you've been under attack from a religious spirit full of anger. (Red anger; white religious spirit). You've been go through long transition period with this being an issue. As you've done all you could to avoid it and battle it, you've become entangled with it. You tried controlling it with your "covering" or anointing but it has failed. Now, you've started to become thing you didn't want to. Your hair is symbolic of wisdom. Your wisdom is being affected by lies of religious spirit and anger. This is a warning dream and God is bringing it to your attention so that you can seek wisdom from others to help battle this attack of the enemy.
@m07flores 5 жыл бұрын
Awaken Your Dreams Wow , I am so thankful god directed me to your video and that you have been able to clarify this for me. It has been weighing on me for months now and I have been trying my best to overcome. I’ve asked for his guidance previously but became drained and strayed away and now I see that he is answering me and trying to bring it to my attention. Thank you so much !
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
@@m07flores Glad I could help. Be blessed!
@patricksedjro1764 3 жыл бұрын
You know what comes to mind or what I think of, of the lady with the head of snakes. Medusa and Perseus.
@michellewatson6432 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream I had moved to a new house and my son was with me. We had been swimming in the pool and got out and their was a spa next to the pool in which I saw at least three snakes curled up asleep. My son leaped towards the spa and then I saw all the snakes going after my sons legs and him leaping and me saying did they bite you. I felt fear seeing the snakes and even more when they went after my son. I then woke up. What does this all mean.
@michellewatson6432 5 жыл бұрын
when he called out did they bit me he was screaming in pain and pointing to his ankles.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Moving to a new house represents something new happening in your life. It's supposed to be fun and relaxing but there are some lies that are affecting your son. Biting at his legs indicate that the lies are trying to keep him be able to walk with God.
@michellewatson6432 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@alwinawendriedt8921 4 жыл бұрын
What does it mean when a small snake bites me on my lips
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
This referring to a lie that is affecting your voice to be heard.
@bluenose7637 4 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about a snake. I walk pass the snake and it just look at me. Then it was a person like a man walking behind and the snake started to hiss as them and tried to bite him but the guy wasn't bother then he begin to play with the snake and I was just watching because I hate snakes then the snake ended up bitting him in his right hand and I tired to help him because I felt bad then I woke up from the dream
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Rosa ... this man maybe someone you know has been enticed by the lies of the enemy to the point that he believes the lies but it is affecting what he was created to do. You want to help and the best course of action is to pray that God's truth will be revealed to him.
@Romello_Pietersz 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream of two small dead snakes hanging upside down on a pole, and a massive black anaconda on the roof. What does it mean?
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry Romello, I did not see your question until now. Two smaller lies of the enemy have been dealt with in a visible way, but there is still a large demonic issue that is affecting the "covering or protection" of your life.
@goddessenergy7238 5 жыл бұрын
Also, does snake dreams always mean "bad"? I'm aware that different culture has different view point to such topic...
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Not necessarily ... always look at the context. If the thing (snake) is doing something bad in the dream then its probably bad. Also, consider how you feel in the dream: fearful, apathetic, calm, etc.
@goddessenergy7238 5 жыл бұрын
Good suggestions , as Ive been doing exactly that .
@MyRb81 6 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about a small green snake wrapped around my right foot and bitten me multiple times
@AwakenYourDreams 6 жыл бұрын
MyRb81 Something you were born to walk in or do has been infected or affected by envy/greed.
@MyRb81 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for reply. What I should do about this situation?
@94kieshababy 4 жыл бұрын
last night i had dream that it was me and group of people were outside in wodden outside area it looked like a house. but were we trying to leave and i got lost and left behind. i finally had cuaght up with them and there were sakes everywhere all over the ground brown dark green and black all over . they were even on the walls hissing at me lol. i careful starting walking through the snakes slowly and then out of nowhere one snake came out of nowhere in my face hissing at me. this snake was a dark green or black im not sure. me and the snake were eye to eye he was sricking his tingue out and hissing at me. then i attempted to attack the snake the dream ended. the snakes on the ground disappeared and it was just me in the snake. ive been going through alot lately sadness angry, etc. the nect day i dream of the snake but this time i was talking to the snake. he was extremely large black cobra btw i was confessing to the snake , apologizing and praying for forgiveness. then the snake slowly slithered down and took off but he ended up turning white. what does this meanm
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
94kieshababy You are being confronted and taunted by a lie. The enemy is trying to convince you that you’re not who you really are. You are a unique creation of God. At times you’ve felt left behind to try and navigate your way through life with voices trying to convince you of something that’s not true. You’ve been feeling guilty about what you’ve done or that something is your fault. It’s a false authority or a religious spirit that’s condemning you. It’s not the Holy Spirit that brings conviction and life change. Run to Jesus. He is the truth and knows the truth about you. You are wonderfully and marvelously made!
@jasepramod237 3 жыл бұрын
I dreamt a group of small snakes in a box and few around me. I had no fear and they didn't try to hurt me too. Please tell me what does it mean.
@Guapieto 3 жыл бұрын
So this morning I woke up and I don’t really remember much , but I dreamt of a bunch of snakes and for some reason I was scared of all of them and I researched that apperantly it is really bad, is there any news that could help me out? Please?
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
Generally snakes means that there is some kind of deception or lie. You could be surrounded by lots of lies and God is making you aware of it. Seek the Truth who is Jesus!
@Quentintheengineer 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about like a great purplish snake , that tried to attack me a lot of times but I always ran.. in the dream the snake was normal size when it didn’t see me but when it did it got huge
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
I missed this somehow and am just now seeing it. Sorry about that! This is about something/someone that is trying to exercise authority over you that is not legitimate. When you see them for what they really are, they're not the threat or not as influential, powerful as they want you to think. They keep trying over and over to "boss you around" but they actually have no authority to do so. The solution is to be under the right kind of authority. First and foremost that means Jesus is Lord. Be blessed!
@weezad3356 6 жыл бұрын
I just had a dream about a black snake wrapped around my cat and trying to bite it and another small one too I woke up when I was trying to save my cat from the snake with the dreams mean
@AwakenYourDreams 6 жыл бұрын
Weeza D Hi! Of course the snake represents the lie of the enemy and the cat could be representing your independent spirit. Maybe someone is trying to convince you to not speak for yourself. You are fighting for your right to be heard.
@aliciaarias9262 3 жыл бұрын
I dream last night one bite me on my right hand and my hand swollen up what mean it was black
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
You have believed a lie that the enemy has spoken to you about what you were created for. God says you're created for purpose. You skills and gifts are meant to glorify him!
@kristineserrlaq7325 4 жыл бұрын
I dreamed of a snake and it bit me... after U get bit I was telling one of my relative something to block the snake from biting again. I can see the mark on my legs and It feels real I can feel the pain
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Being bitten is symbolic of the poison of a lie infecting you and in this case its bringing you pain. It also is hindering you from walking in the purpose of your life. Remedy is the Truth of Jesus!
@brock8668 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video! I had a dream I was in a jungle with my family and snakes were everywhere I stepped or looked. I also got bit by multiple ones and I could feel the pain. One part of my dream I was in water and snakes were wrapped around my whole body. I hate snakes and they are the only thing that creeps me out but this is a dream I have a lot. I am very spiritual and usually I understand my dreams but not this one.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching! The dream is saying that many lies have brought pain to your life making it "wild" (jungle). You are "wrapped up" in spirit life that is based on lies, as well. Snakes = lies. If you've been bitten that means you been infected with the venom aka you've believed them. God loves you! Be blessed.
@tessaheathcote2573 4 жыл бұрын
Hi can you help me I had a dream that a big fat yellow snake was wrapping it’s self around my baby, I shout to my partner to grab the baby and I go to get the baby and the snake bits my ankle with jus the top set it fangs and I grab it by it neck and head and did not let go and squeeze so tight that I crushed it’s Head and posing was poring out and alll I cud think is Dont let go, don’t let go and I wake up with my had in the same grip I was in my dream
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
The enemy is lying to you about your baby. You may be having fears about being able to protect, provide or take care of your child. This lie has affected what you're supposed to "walk in" or where you're supposed to go in life. You're in a battle with it now and it's got your paralyzed to an extent. The truth is Jesus loves you and has a great plan for you and your child!
@memonika9587 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I’ve dreamt that I got bitten by a poison snake but I cut the snakes in pieces. What does it mean? I got bitten by I didn’t die in my dreams but instead I cut the snakes in pieces. Please reply for an answer! Thank you 😊
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Getting bitten typically signifies that you have been affected in some way by a lie. Afterwards you "cut down the lie" with a truth or "the Truth." The Bible is referred to as the sword of the Spirit or sword of Truth. This dream visualizes how you defeat a lie by taking God's Truth and using it in your life.
@memonika9587 4 жыл бұрын
Awaken Your Dreams thank you 😊
@amber9001 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, I had a dream about seeing an actress that was pregnant with a snake. I could see it moving inside her belly and it was a big black snake that came out of her and when it did, it looked towards me. I did notice it had a like a leash on it.
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
This actress is carrying/birthing a lie. If this is a real actress, I would be cautioned in listening to her views as they are not based in truth. She’s trying to use her influence to control this false message.
@amber9001 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreamsThank You! Wow! This is different for me to get dreams like this. I will be on the lookout.
@goddessenergy7238 5 жыл бұрын
13:01, as you mentioned " Python " I skiped and Googled " big yellow and white snake" and OMa G! That's the same one I saw!!!! Soooooo big! But I wasn't afraid. I stood my ground,even tried to play the same deceptive tactics 'she'(it ?) was trying to pull of on me. Which got she-it confused . It was a long detailed dream, but I leave at that. What's intresting however, is that even when she-it appeared as a woman (black woman), I could see her eyes, were somewhat foggy ( ?)...they didn't have that little tears glossy look to them. But rather cold. Plus her mouth had that snake shape,big and wide with a v-shape at the top lip.
@nwaigwejohnpeter2193 5 жыл бұрын
In my dream I saw a snake the snake was hidden on a tree when I saw the tail of the snake I ran back and the snake came out and sprint towards me and I got bitten in my right palm/hand by the snake please what is the meaning.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
You are believing a lie of the enemy saying that you're not strong enough or possibly do not have enough have to do the thing that you're called to do. Snake in the tree reminds us of the Garden of Eden when the serpent said, "Did God really say?" The running implies that it has been an aggressive attack against you.
@kingj6626 4 жыл бұрын
I had a dream that a big ass snake sorta like a snake from the movie anaconda it was in my house it was dark green and black and I killed it what does this mean ???
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Your defeating the lie of satan, sin and death as well as pride and envy that's invaded your life. Jesus is the key!
@elexisbrown8351 4 жыл бұрын
I had a yellow snack found in my clothes I tried to kill eventually I believe I did and I had 2 small snakes on my back they didn’t bite me.. what dose it mean when it’s on your back ?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Lies that are a burden. You're carrying around a couple of things that are not true and God want's you to be free. Shake it off and seek His truth! The yellow snake represents fear related to anointing that you have. It something you've had some victory over and now are able to walk in that calling.
@gayathri9793 3 жыл бұрын
I saw a dream where there were 2 snakes and suddenly one of the snakes crawled towards me and I tried to close the door but it came out through a hole and crawld towards my sister who was sitting nearby. It crawled through her shoulders and winded around her hair and bite at the backbone. Please reply
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
A door has been left open in your life that has allowed the lies of the enemy to attack your family and it has caused your sister to be paralyzed by fear. The door that needs to be opened is Jesus. He is the Truth that sets you free!
@gayathri9793 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams sir what should we do
@gayathri9793 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams does that mean I believed enemies and that lead to fear and unhappiness of my sister? Please reply 🙏
@courtneyjames1929 3 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about a snake once and I was wondering what do it mean, Me and my husband was leaving out our apartment and we got in the car. When we got in the car there was a snake under the seat it was green and it had 3 baby eggs that haven't hatch and it was wrapped around the eggs like it was trying to keep them warm and safe. And it was like we was aware of the snake in the car but we were both just still like we was scared to move or make any sudden movements it didn't bite us but it was like we were Just frozen but it seem like we back up and drive off anyway.
@miquellejacksonmj 5 жыл бұрын
I had a deam a snake was coming from under my bed and I saw a baby snake running from under my couch. I was trying to avoid it by running away from it. The snake was black.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
With the snake going under the bed and the couch it indicates there is an attack on your rest or peace. There are lies potentially referring to death (black snake) that might be keeping you awake a night. Don't avoid it but battle the lies with truth. God gives rest to his children!
@miquellejacksonmj 5 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank you so much this is the second dream I've had this past 2weeks. The previous dream last week was snakes in the grass I avoided them by stepping around them in the grass. A couple of black ones and brown ones al in the grass\many of them
@miquellejacksonmj 5 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Yes God gives his children rest
@ilhancv 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Hearing your interpretation gave me hope that you my be able to help me. Need help interpreting a dream with multiple snakes, all light brown color snakes. I am in a place like a dried river with some muggy and some dry spots. The environment is like dried brown and dirt place. I'm in the middle of it jumping from one dry spot to the other. I can see the snakes looking and trying to catch me from all directions. I'm not afraid and it seems that I'm going towards my finish line. I got to the finish line but almost at the end one snake through multiple little small snakes at me. I got to the finish line and was so that they all made perfect small hole into my calf. I squeezed them and as their head points out I pull them and throw them out. Can you help me interpret it please. Thank you
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Hey there! The dried river bed indicates you have experienced a long spiritual drought. Where you have been is not a life giving place. The brown snakes indicate compromise and these lies of compromise have kept you from reaching your destination (finish line).
@ilhancv 5 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams thank you so much. And true, for a few years my life hasn't been easy. Things seem to start working out slowly though
@shaniaanese9601 5 жыл бұрын
my dream was I was outside with some friends then I saw a dead snake followed by a alive snake, I woke up being scared.
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Looks like there's a lie that has been exposed or is dead about your friends and then there is still another lie that is still "alive."
@emmanuelredd7913 4 жыл бұрын
I was in a huge Forest with snakes everywhere, there were no specific snakes that stood out. And I was walking through, trying not to get bitten.
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
In general ... you're going through life and trying to navigate it without getting infected by the lies surrounding you. Immerse yourself in the Truth >> JESUS CHRIST!
@pearlsalfa6584 6 жыл бұрын
please help me what my dream means? i am only 13+ when i dreamed about it. bu its so unusual because i can remember it. I dreamed that I have a conversation to someone i cant see. he has a manly voice so i am following his voice where it came from in our house. he tells me that he wants to lived in my stomach.. or in me. i am so pitiful od this voice that i said yes. then i found out that the voice is from a big/huge snake. i just cant see its color because its so dim in the place. then he enters to my mouth to my spine and through my stomach. his tail is in my abdomen. i can feel that it is so heavy. he ask me if he feels heavy. then i just said that i can manage it. so what do you think my dream means??
@AwakenYourDreams 6 жыл бұрын
Pearl Salfa Have you ever been exposed to any witchcraft or occult activities? This talks about fully believing a lie or even being “possessed” by it. You are not supposed to “manage” it. You are supposed to be freed by the Truth.
@cupcake9805 5 жыл бұрын
Pearl Salfa you need to get help . It’s a spirit trying to possess your body . You need to speak and get help from a raki, raki is a person who is educated and trained to get rid of spirt possessions
@cupcake9805 5 жыл бұрын
This has happed because you may have urinated someplace you shouldn’t have or may be somebody has done black magic on you
@lutterlaimin2759 4 жыл бұрын
My friend had a dream about snake. He said, he saw myself had be eat by black snake, and then green snake appear and that snake eat the black snake.
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Lutter ... black snake would in general mean that the lies of satan have consumed you. The green snake shows that envy and/or pride has also affected you greatly. Seek Truth and find life in Jesus!
@lutterlaimin2759 4 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thanks. Can you help me in prayer. I need to find the truth in my life.
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
@@lutterlaimin2759 I'd love to! Father God, I thank you that Lutter is seeking Truth. You promise us that when we seek that we shall find. I know that you are revealing yourself to him and that Lutter is finding the Truth that sets him free. Jesus, you are the way, the truth and the life. Thank you, for making yourself known to Lutter in a real, tangible way. May your love envelope him even now. In your name, I pray ... Amen! Also, I recommend reading the book of John: www.bible.com/bible/1849/JHN.INTRO1.TPT Be blessed!
@lutterlaimin2759 4 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Amen. Thanks. I appreciate all of that. And I believe.
@Raphee_dj 4 жыл бұрын
I just had Dream of like 50 snakes in my house trying to bite me but i was Able to escape. And my sister set the snakes up to get me. What does that mean ?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Raph304 the enemy has tried to attack you/your life with several lies. Family members/your sister may have partnered with his agenda in some way to perpetuate the deception. Jesus is the Truth. Seek him and be free of those lies.
@prdlinka 5 жыл бұрын
Hi! I've just had a dream last night. I was at home in my living room and there were 2 green snakes. I didn't get bitten by a snake, but one of them wanted to strangle my arm but I managed to escape. Right after my ex boyfriend from 2 years ago appeared. It was romantic and just like we never broke up. I warned him about the snakes but from that moment they didn't do anything and went to sleep. I'm not sure what it means. Any ideas? :)
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Green often represents envy or pride in this context. This speaks of the idea that the snake (lie) is trying to restrict you from movement or doing what you have power to do. It seems to be related to your past relationship. Envying your ex is keeping you from something ... possibly.
@prdlinka 5 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank you!
@baconlivesmatter8835 5 жыл бұрын
I am 14 years old and I had been bitten by a brown snake multiple times
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
In real life or in a dream? In a dream brown represents compromise meaning you've given into compromise several times.
@baconlivesmatter8835 5 жыл бұрын
Awaken Your Dreams inside a dream but what ever it is I hope it’s something good
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
@@baconlivesmatter8835 Got it. Compromise has a negative connotation here because it is associated as a lie. Snake represents a lie and being bit means you're "infected" or you believe the lie.
@baconlivesmatter8835 5 жыл бұрын
Awaken Your Dreams I’ll keep that noted for now on I’ll start praying
@patricksedjro1764 3 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams so how about if the occurarrance has taken place or did take place in real life.
@freesdia1371 5 жыл бұрын
i had a dream about a snake that was under some leaves in a barn, and my good friend picked up the snake and it bit me in the face
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Snake bite to the face! Ouch. It means that there's something "hidden" or "stored away" that is affecting what you believe about your identity. Basically, don't believe the lie that's being told to you about who you really are.
@cryptolife5756 5 жыл бұрын
I had 2 identical dreams about snakes on 2 days in a row. In the dream i was in a bright colorful forest. However, wherever i went there were snakes of different species and color. All of a sudden i came upon this black snake and it stroke me. In facts all these snakes stroke me. Can somebody help? Thanks
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
mike bui The forest can represent an ecosystem or the fact that it’s made up of trees which can also represent people. So this can be referring to our way of life or a lifestyle so to speak that is full of color but there is danger within because of the snakes which represent lies. There are many different lies associated with this due to the different colors but you are struck or bitten by a black snake which would represent darkness. So you have light versus dark or white and black. You can have a lie or a snake that is around trying to influence you but until it bites you you have not yet believed it. In this case you were bitten by the black snake and many other colored snakes so there are many lies that you have believed according to the dream.
@cryptolife5756 5 жыл бұрын
@@AwakenYourDreams Thank you brother for your respond. I'll get you updated on what's going on.
@producervan2745 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t remember all the details but I just had a dream about my mom sitting on the couch holding 4 tan/ brown little snakes with real diamonds on its back. They were calm and peaceful and she handed them to me, the 4 snakes were crawling on my body in a horizontal line. One particular snake was crawling on my neck and caressing on my hair like it was attached to me and wouldn’t let me go. When I gave it back to my mom it crawled right back to me. I started to panic because I didn’t know why It was so attached so I gave it back to my mom again and as she holding it’s neck, the mouth began to open like it was ready to snap. What do you think this dream means?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Brown in this case represents the lie of compromise. It looks "valuable, friendly, harmless" but it actually poses a real threat. It something you may have "inherited" from your mother in some sense.
@producervan2745 4 жыл бұрын
So am I the threat? How does this tie into inheritance?
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
@@producervan2745 The threat is a lie of the enemy. The dreams indicates that the compromise originates with your mom and she's trying to hand them over to you. Inherit in the since that it could be a way of incorrect thinking that your mother also has dealt with. Main thing ... ask God to continue to speak what area of your life needs to be turned over to him. Blessings!
@philiprebeiro8284 3 жыл бұрын
Snake in a house dream meaning?
@AwakenYourDreams 3 жыл бұрын
House represents your life and snake is typically a deception of some kind.
@bluexxoxx8972 4 жыл бұрын
I had a dream of 2 snakes that my sister brought home with someone else I just didn't see that second person. Also in the dream I got bit Can't remember where. I remember trying to ask for help but the venom was getting to me. I was so scared. I saw my boyfriend and my sister again and my mom. I am so scared something bad will happen to me or my family. 😪
@AwakenYourDreams 4 жыл бұрын
Dreams are primarily symbolic and this type is relating to spiritual things happening in your family. A couple of lies that were "brought in" by your sister have affected you and your family . Being bit indicates that you believed something that the devil (father of lies) has lied to you about. The antidote to the venom? It is the Truth and that is found the Jesus who is the way, truth and the life! Be blessed!
@heyprocat5182 5 жыл бұрын
I had a dream about me and my cousin were out in the house garden and a snake (idk how it come to us) but all I remember is that snake was black and it was biting my cousin on the legs multiple times.. What does that mean?
@AwakenYourDreams 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Procat Basically it means that lies from the enemy have kept your cousin from walking in the purposes that they were created for namely walking with God.
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