[Drift Spirits x Shutoko Battle] 6 people all car models standing picture Summary! [TXR]

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@Railton-bb Жыл бұрын
@Mx64MaxyImpress Жыл бұрын
[Drift Spirits x Shutoko Battle] 6 people all car models standing Summary of Chief! Shutoko Battle Series Looking back at them who are still carving history! [Tokyo Xtreme Racer] [Translated by Maxy "Mx 64"] ---- From Drift Spirits x Shutoko Battle It's been over a month and the event is over. This time, the transition of the six people who appeared It will be a summary video in order of release Let's take a quick look Shutoko Battle Series The appearance from the unprinted version is these two About Rolling Bastard No. 1 It is handed over from older brother to younger brother on the way here simply I decided to go after Rolling Bastard No. 1 Most of them are available from Shutoko Battle 2 The setting is that the player is Jintei. Because it will be revealed later in 0, the appearance is not yet Shutoko Battle will be 0 and all machines will be available It can be said that each personality has come out In order of release, the next one will be the highway battle. About two years after the first official appearance of Jintei in 0 It can be said that it is a mystery that it was made to appear in Impreza Considering the circumstances at X As a result, it became a fine play Among the 6 members in 01 Only white charisma has not appeared The popularity of white charisma at the time. I can say now that I should have put it out. Rolling bastard No. 1 was taken over by his younger brother Change from Levin to Trueno In Kaido Battle 2 Only rolling (downhill) guy No. 1 appears At first, the connection with the Metropolitan Expressway battle was basically thin It can be said that the first work, Emperor Jintei, was unusual. Because it is a story before going to the Metropolitan Expressway in chronological order 1 has returned to his brother Levin. White charisma will reappear in the PSP version Surprisingly, Bloodhound didn't appear Because everyone in RB is a professional racer It seems that the parallel world theory is also valid Rolling (racing) guy No. 1 It is a story development that gathers in the first generation I'm my brother Levin again In the legend of the pass, the older brother of the rolling (downhill) guy No. 1 goes first The story is that he went to the Metropolitan Expressway Instead of becoming a leader, he remains No. 2 Put my younger brother (next No. 1) on it Emperor Jintei leads the Thirteen Devils at the behest of Hama Tetsuki. came to the mountain pass Combining the stories of the thirteen devils generals and Rolling Guy No. 1 contradiction inevitably arises I wanted to see the figure of white charisma here as well It becomes X and the appearance changes at once The basis of the design leading to the present completed here It's become familiar now Seeing the silver wolf in the middle of the night What came out in this collaboration with Drift Spirits I know it was different Because it wasn't a Nissan custom car Became one of the custom car riders who went through all Nissan. and a year later X's custom car in the PS3 version of Wangan Midnight Guest appearance almost as it is Arrangement of some small parts is done Customizable appearance It is now possible to run on the Wangan Route, which was not possible with the X. In Shutoko Battle XTREME Has the Nissan custom car problem at X been resolved? Revived with models such as Skyline and Silvia again There is an expression that Rolling Bastard No. 1 is born again is supposed to be a son and lead to now Dorispi needs a character It seems to have diverted the one from Rapid X Four people including white charisma won standing pictures Depending on the character, there are many voices of discomfort and doubts (57 stone. What does it look like?. for simple calculations) Since there was up to the third bullet, it was added to the additional vehicle There were many voices of fans who were expecting In the end, it became these 6 people and 7 cars I want to expect in the future (preferably stationary) Up to here for this time Thank you for watching until the end (On the other hand, chasing Rolling Man No. 1 was difficult.)
@赤暖簾そん 11 ай бұрын
次もコラボがあるなら、車が変わろうとXまでC30A又はC32Bエンジンとホンダエンブレムを象ったステッカーを変えなかったSPEED BOXをNSXで再登場させて欲しい。
@やんごとねぇ肩書き Жыл бұрын
@oneshiningseason98529 Жыл бұрын
自分ドリスピは8年前に初めた者ですが、やる事自体は他のイベントと変わらないのに凄く有意義に過ごせたイベントだと思います! もし二回目が有るのならその時も走ります!そして今回登場した首都高バトルコラボ車はキッチリ育てていきます!(迅帝・改や白いカリスマのFDなどの高レアリティ車は燃費かなり食うので大変ですが、そこは愛で貫くのさ…)
@EpicLuigi12 Жыл бұрын
The fact Jintei is the protagonist of the 2nd Shotokou Battle would make sense. I would also think Purple Meteor, Jintei's mentor, that he's the hero character for the 1st Shutokou Battle before 2. It was implied that he had defeated top 8 drivers on the highway.
@xXVibrantSnowXx Жыл бұрын
But what about Uknown ??? All i know is that in TXR3, the unknown was actually you, battling yourself, i would've really loved to know more about it, but sadly it didn't appear in Drift spirits
@jemil_l 10 ай бұрын
if we're following with the previous installment, the ??? is a reference to the Wangan Midnight Devil Z. Since Drift Spirits did a collab with Wangan Midnight at a point, it would be weird to put it again in this collab@@xXVibrantSnowXx
@真夜中のゼーレさん Жыл бұрын
世間では 超怖いホラゲーが長い年月をかけて新作発表されたり 10年振りに発売されたロボットゲーが出たり したけど俺達の首都高はまだっすかねぇ... それはさておき もし次回コラボ来るとしたら楽しみだなぁ... 夢見の生霊 死神ドライバー 12時過ぎのシンデレラ... 出して欲しいキャラがいっぱい居るから困る...
@Mx64MaxyImpress Жыл бұрын
@SatoshiNishitani-d1l Жыл бұрын
1ヶ月、短い。 Rolling GuyもMax RacingもSS Limitedも結構、人気のあるチームだなぁ〜。って今でも思っている。 レーシング・バトル・C1・グランプリは去年、Amazonで買ったし、今後のプレイが楽しみ〜♬
@Laren_LR15 Жыл бұрын
最近英語字幕を入れてくださってありがとうございます。 個人的に憂鬱な天使にも入れてください
@minesbase Жыл бұрын
リクエストありがとうございます!Maxy氏による翻訳がありますので字幕を追加する際は優先させていただきます。 今回は優先しますが、今後は他にもリクエストがあった場合は順番が前後する可能性がありますのであらかじめご了承ください。
@kaiennmaru-suikyu Жыл бұрын
自分は昔からドリスピとコラボして欲しいと思ってたので凄い嬉しかったですね〜😆 次にコラボする時は首都高もそうですが街道バトルのキャラクターも追加して欲しいですね〜😃👍
@あまな-g8c Жыл бұрын
ほんとに有意義な1ヶ月だったな… サプライズすぎて泣いたくらいには
@博麗の35 Жыл бұрын
やっぱ無難に夢見の生霊が出てきて欲しかったなあ 後は裏切りのジャックナイフとか
@hehohotransport Жыл бұрын
個人的な意見になりますが、もし各キャラにCV付けるとすれば… 迅帝:CV武内駿輔 憂鬱な天使:CV内田真礼 ブラッドハウンド:CV勝杏里 白いカリスマ:CV速水奨 ローリング野郎と真夜中の銀狼は思いつきませんでした…orz
@真夜中のゼーレさん Жыл бұрын
ローリング野郎 畠中祐 真夜中の銀狼 諏訪部順一 はどうでしょうか...?
@将平-s5g Жыл бұрын
@BloodHound150-t7x Жыл бұрын
@suwawachan Жыл бұрын
ドリスピに金出すほどには最高のコラボイベントだった… 2万と5千とかして迅帝34来てくれたのは嬉しかったけど仲間とカリスマFDだけ逃したのが心残り…また復刻して欲しいし第二弾三弾やって欲しい
@SatoshiNishitani-d1l Жыл бұрын
@佐藤-s3l Жыл бұрын
何とか頑張って迅帝改も含めて車両はコンプリート、残念なのは仲間の迅帝のみ逃した事かなw このゲームは首都高バトルEXTREMEよりかなり前に出たのに10年続いてる一方EXTREMEは半年程度でサービス終了 EXTREMEもソシャゲレースゲームとしては決して悪いとは思わなかったけど、ストーリーやイベントでは明らかにドリスピに比べて劣ってたよな 車両に関しては概ね不満は無いけどやっぱり迅帝の車どちら共に一撃離脱の文字が無いのだけ残念だった 多分首都高バトルコラボはかなり好評だったしもしかしたら第二弾もあり得るかもねその時はパープルメテオや12時過ぎのシンデレラや死神ドライバーや裏切りのジャックナイフ辺りは出てくるかも知れないな
@Nobuyan-x7v Жыл бұрын
@Mx64MaxyImpress Жыл бұрын
@nightguystreetracer3124 Жыл бұрын
@WOLF6800 Жыл бұрын
@WeiJie_Chen Жыл бұрын
Rx7 FD3S is the best^^
@DyingStarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Жыл бұрын
2:17 テメーはコラボだろうともう出禁だ帰れ帰れ ⭐︎8のエセ2000とかが出てRTB荒らされたら俺は元気とバンナムを呪うぞ それはともかくとして…まだ一回目に過ぎない上に生霊などの主要メンバーが出揃ってないはずなので、二回目で誰が出てくるか、そして明かされるシルエットはどんなもんなのか期待しなくちゃですね
@真夜中のゼーレさん Жыл бұрын
もし出るんだったら 超強い星7っぽいよな ウソ2000 星8枠はエモキンかサイコガ○ダム と私は予想する...
@DyingStarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Жыл бұрын
まあ復讐と野望ごっちゃでキャラが曖昧なインチキ野郎よりも復讐で一貫しててX出演で固有バイナルもセリフも出てきてる蛇目の方が明らかに扱いやすいですよねっていう 無言のHAMAGAKIなんてのも想像したくはねえし…
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