2 requests for tonight: 1. Windows 7 startup logon now my video effects in a major twirl (instructions in description) 2. Windows 7 startup logon now my video effects in b major twirl (instructions in description) I will tell you the instructions later
@CameronHatesGachaHeat6 ай бұрын
How to make a major twirl & b major twirl: A major twirl: VideoFX: color corrector (secondary) - rotate hue: 125.000 invert - default swirl: does respond squared / amount: 0.260 AudioFX: pitch -14 B major twirl: VideoFX: color corrector (secondary) - rotate hue: -100.000 swirl: does respond / amount: 0.130 AudioFX: pitches: -14 -12 -7 -3.5
@BenicioMacielDaSilvaLima6 ай бұрын
Request: Full Best Animation Logos in Blue Diamond
@S1LLY_ISAQUE_L0VER6 ай бұрын
Request: Klasky Csupo in IsaqueDanielup V1.TVMEGHD
@S1LLY_ISAQUE_L0VER6 ай бұрын
Request: Noggin and Nick jr logo collection in Radioup V12
@S1LLY_ISAQUE_L0VER6 ай бұрын
Request: How to Make IsaqueDanielup V1.TVMEGHD
@iphonexs2023quangvu6 ай бұрын
Wrong g major 30 and 42
@RajkumarKumarasamy5 ай бұрын
@S1LLY_ISAQUE_L0VER6 ай бұрын
Request: Noggin and Nick jr logo collection in Radioup V14