Dropping Dragon Claws, Ags, 200mil+ Quiting Rs Why you should quit Runescape

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I stuttered a lot and watching it back again, my arguments were all over the place lol. Either way, just food for thought. How has this game effected you? What will it bring you? Once again, sorry for rambling so much, I was looking forward to doing this for days as I have stated.

Пікірлер: 136
@JurnellG 7 жыл бұрын
Much respect man. When something is negatively affecting your life then you got to cut it out of your life. If the game is not paying the bills then you shouldn't dedicate so much of your life into it. Video game in general are not bad imo but when it starts to affect your school or social life then you got to stop it. I play quite a few games but It's very hard for me to play games for a long period cause i get bored of it. Games that improve your cognitive skills or encourages creativity are games you should play. But like all games, too much of it is always bad in some shape or form. I play rs, started in 2006 and during high school i would play only on weekends for about 3 to 5 hrs and on holidays i would mix rs with some sports like parkour and swimming. However there were times when i fell victim to the rs grind, luckily i was able to stop before it got too serious. Over the years i've skipped like 4 full years of rs and the years that i played it were only on school breaks. Games like this take your life if you are not self aware. Everyone just focusing on lvl, stats and wealth but all of that means nothing. Anyway man appreciate the video.
@jesss1561 5 ай бұрын
After quitting RuneScape what kept me from coming back was the counter at login which tells you how many days has passed since your last login. If you have managed to accumulate hundreds or even thousands of days to the counter you don't want to zero the counter anymore and nullify your achievement of not coming back.
@Brandon_Small 4 ай бұрын
I couldn't agree more, this is the exact feeling I get also.🎉
@Fusion97K 3 жыл бұрын
That dude has no idea how much gp is being dropped right above him holy sheet
@BathSaltBadger 5 жыл бұрын
lol no worries dude, I started at 9 as well, played unti 28. So you've got 10 years man, it was a huge waste of time.
@yubi6829 Жыл бұрын
Almost came back and wasted more of my life at 23 now, only reason I kept playing was to finish the quest cape so i can forever move on with video games. But honestly that's just a dumb mental complex i don't need to finish the fucking quest cape just so i can declare the game as beaten and move on. Did you achieve the quest cape or got any wise words for me as to how unnecesary the quest cape is in order to move on from the game? lmao
@DoctaJibbles 5 жыл бұрын
Dude... I almost real world traded again... for more money Ingame and this stopped me. I need to focus on real things in my life as I’m in school now too. I agreed with everything else you said I felt the same. Really appreciate the video I’m saving it Incase I feel like rejoining.
@noahsrc 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I just dropped my bank on my ironman. I've had the account 6 years and used it as my main. It's only 1350 total but it was so time consuming.
@DannyJames-z7m 5 ай бұрын
It took u 6 years to get 1350…. Did u play for 10 mins a day?
@soeylvu 9 ай бұрын
we need an update on where this fool is now in life, always wondered what happened to his resolve, probably relapsed a bunch of times I just checked and compared his stats and account form this vid to now, he has gotten about 3.4m xp since, but hasn't trained skills like runecrafting suggesting he hasn't quested or properly come back, just returned to the account out of nostalgia or whatever dumb reason
@soeylvu 9 ай бұрын
@@Kiier4n 160 hours is rookie numbers trust me you seem to have no idea how much worse it is for people, I quit and honestly the game went to shit rules wise, mutes and all that get applied instantly these days, gp black market prices are down and all, the fun just isn't there anymore for me, I was a pking machine and generating go was easy af, trust me you have no idea how much worse the addiction can get, I quit end of april and havent properly looked back since, logged in a couple times but didn't have the drive to play anymore so I sold my last 6bil and sold my account to a friend. Now if I came back I would have to build another account, and I built like 5accounts I don't got it in me anymore. The only reason I had to come back was that I was genuinly good in pvp, I did all pvming I tried everything and am done with the game, also it ain't what it used to be no more, pvp is dead, there were tons of updates that cucked pvp to the max, now its not fun anymore.
@soeylvu 9 ай бұрын
@@Kiier4n anyways lets not start a flexing contest it doesn't matter anyway. I am just glad the shit on their game and its done and over with. The one thing I hated most was the lonely and depraved attention seeking minds of young adults acting still like their 10yo selfs
@fkh3556 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much. You inspired me to quit. Much respect for that on point self analysis. All of us are in the same boat. Good luck everyone on suceeding in life. Much more satisfying than achievements in a stupid video game.
@Regular_Pigeon 2 жыл бұрын
Did the same thing about a year ago. I've logged back on, but when I consider how long it'll take to get full graceful back, my green cash stack, gear, dragon defender, etc, I just log back out. It's really the only way to walk away. I sometimes entertain the idea of grinding it all back, or making a new account, but doing all those quests again just ain't worth the time.
@Regular_Pigeon 2 жыл бұрын
@ᚱᚨᛚᛈᚺ ᛃᚨᚲᛟᛒ Started going out with my friends more, read more books, put music back as my main hobby. I was going to the gym anyway, so that didn't change at all.
@xaedowulf 4 жыл бұрын
Helped another person break free, thanks man
@TomiIslam33 3 жыл бұрын
@Davorax 3 жыл бұрын
How’d you go
@amirtut5982 6 жыл бұрын
After 8 years i came back and played OSRS. I grinded for 3 months straight and have no idea why. I have so much more going on in my life. I started playing again and immediately I was hooked, I even was going through my roommates stuff to find his wireless mouse. I looked for it for like 15 minutes, and then i drove to buy one. Basically, this shit is crazy and today i went from wanting to get mems to literally dropping all my items. And i STILL was getting excited when you said someone might grab your items that you dropped.
@ztomminator Жыл бұрын
When I quit I just substituted RS for Halo, then gears of war then COD ghosts extinction, (which I finally maxed out and quit because there was nothing else to Max out.) Then I went back to PC to play Tera and had 7 characters I did dailies on. The PC servers shut down so that's a wrap. I started my career at 21 which I'm still passionate about today at 29. But for about a year I started playing RS mobile and got back on the PC for a little while when I was at home from work. Basically if you want to play this game they make it very easy to get started and keep you playing.
@jarleulverud9404 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this is the point of no return. used to be 138cb with maxed everything..and now 2ktotal +.. 27 years old... what have i done with my time? thank you. im quitting today.
@qskaras2154 4 жыл бұрын
do you really quit ? how are you doing ?
@PossessWithin 2 жыл бұрын
It takes a lot of courage to let go like this, man. My sincere admiration and congratulations to you!
@nedopking 3 ай бұрын
Hope you're doing well man.
@LSXPhatal Жыл бұрын
Everything he said is 100% right. It’s funny it came across as I was getting ready to make a return. I’m the type of RuneScape player that if I don’t “grind” it’s not worth it for me, or I feel behind or I feel like I’m wasting my time. RuneScape (rs3) use to be my life, I would play that 16 hours a day non stop on weekends. During high school I would get up at 5/6 am and okay until 7 or 8. Come back from school and keep playing from 3:30-midnight. It was crazy, yes I was crazy wealthy and skilled/knowledgeable and then i had a point like this guy, where is this getting me in life? Tbh if I didn’t quit RuneScape I wouldn’t have gone into college and graduated. Although I miss it and I wish I could return I know it wouldn’t be smart of me. I barely have 1 ish hour of free time now at age 25, I started playing back in 2011. I’m a married man with a career and some fitness goals so starting up RuneScape wouldn’t be smart on my part.
@lucid3553 4 жыл бұрын
thank you im quiting, i hope more people would watch this video and realize how useless this game is.
@mrx-cj7hl 6 жыл бұрын
totally understand where you coming from me being a 8 year plus vet quit for good i gave away 700m in 24 hour time period and 300m the next day never to return again , yeah i could of rtw it but nah man .im glad its done with i feel like i wasted 8 years of my life on that game but at the same time but at the end f the day i made a lot of nubs happy i feel like a weights been lifted im finally free im advice live your life to the fullest potential because tomorrow is never promised
@dallasmcneal9214 7 жыл бұрын
Great video man, It takes a great sense of self awareness and discipline to do what you did. I'm deployed in the middle east right now and one of my buddies just started playing this game again... we dont really have much to do over here and i dont really want to have to start over so i would love to get an account like this. Don't want you to think this is why im commenting though, good on you for quitting and i hope you'll enjoy life more now :)
@rexmundi273 2 жыл бұрын
You don't quit RuneScape, RuneScape quits you.
@weebaker 3 жыл бұрын
Am i the only one who enjoyed the hours spent in this world? did nobody else get to live out their childhood fantasies in this game? I understand that most of these people have sunk so many hrs that they feel it was a waste, but when you ask what the point of it all is i have one simple answer. It was fun. I enjoyed every second of the grind and i enjoyed every player that had a chat message pop up above their head. Maybe other people aren't as introverted as me but this game was the thrill of being in another world, much like what the people who loved Sword Art Online felt. I was a virtual man in a virtual world and that was a unique and new thing. I could and still can be whoever i want to be here. I think many of the people playing the game fail to see that and instead decide to be a worker drone and taking the fun out of it.
@stayontrack 3 жыл бұрын
As long as its fun its alright, but it's easy to fall into the trap and before you know it rs is the only thing you do in your life, and you realise you neglected important things and are now miserable. If you can keep it in moderation and you enjoy it, all the better but the game is designed to be addictive and suck you in.
@XZYZ0R 8 ай бұрын
For me gaming in general is just a hobby to have fun. If you're not having fun then there is something really wrong and yes it's better then for you to just quit and take a nice break of it. The same as any other game or even KZbin as a hobby, but it shouldn't be the only thing that you do in life except when it's your job as a streamer. I've got a job to do which is good so you're not only into OSRS or any other thing that is very addiciting + it earns money which is good irl ofc and another environment I'd say. I'd honestly never drop all of my shit that I've worked years for. That's the same thing as getting scammed, hacked or lured and trust me that's the worst feeling. I've experienced that multiple times. At some point you're gonna be bored asf and the regret that you have then is gonna be big. Or you have to be very busy irl that you really don't have time to play games anymore.
@AlsteinLe Жыл бұрын
Runescape ruined my life. It's addiction. Everything in moderation I guess. It's hard not to come back because it's your childhood. I don't PK but I remember spending a lot of time for agility or reaching goals. If you get rid of your account or items you might make a new account and build it back up again. Nice to see you are moving on.
@sunnyg4261 3 ай бұрын
You're right. I'm done with this shit.
@SosaiOyama 2 жыл бұрын
We are roughly the same age and I quit today. It’s so true when I’m looking at a tbow going. What the hell is this. It’s not even real.
@gatsuJon 5 ай бұрын
I quit also, except I sold my gold when I quit then sent jagex a request to delete my account. Not sure why there are so many angry people in the comments, if someone wants to quit let them lol, stop acting like he's attacking you directly just because you want to keep playing doesn't mean others have to as well.
@DannyJames-z7m 5 ай бұрын
“Your never gonna yield anything from this” ahh so u quit after getting rinsed in death match
@stricknine1454 Жыл бұрын
Any update? How’s life friend?
@Olme 2 жыл бұрын
I'll bet you're playing the game today because he kept going on about how the game was pointless and everything inside the game is meaningless yet you said "the only reason why I don't RWT this is because I would feel bad if it was in someone else's hands". Enjoy another relapse.
@Ascendcy 2 жыл бұрын
relapses happen, i hope he’s doing ok, don’t understand why you had a hostile reaction
@datboi9990 5 жыл бұрын
You can check crystal math labs. he stills plays. Infrequently, but still plays. You never truly quit rs.
@Rooxie973 4 жыл бұрын
He levelled his slayer and defence since making the vid lol
@JG-fx2ez Жыл бұрын
It’s not that people are mad that you’re dropping them. People are mad because it’s wasteful
@andyroon9676 Ай бұрын
no warning screen on dropping the shit lmao. private server.
@benjifunk9741 3 жыл бұрын
This game is a waste of time
@TheWretchedWorld 5 жыл бұрын
you can have your cake and eat it to, don't be an addict
@sowhatitsjustme 3 жыл бұрын
everyone can be forgiven and saved if repent and believe in Lord Jesus
@SootyPhoenix Ай бұрын
Based AF 🫡
@motorcycleislife8296 4 жыл бұрын
All those years I spent staring at a screen
@motorcycleislife8296 3 жыл бұрын
@doom learn something
@longandwindingroad 3 жыл бұрын
@doom you dont get the point
@TomiIslam33 3 жыл бұрын
@@longandwindingroad yeah he dosent hehe gotta be awere and woke
@cdawg4406 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this man I needed this I'm 26 and it has sucked the life from me, it's caused me to be socially awkward , gave me anxiety, stressed me out, it is a addiction. I buy gold also and have spent stupid amounts of irl money for shit on a game. I also don't actually enjoy it but Ive wasted my time playing. I'd love to know where you are at in life now? How you doing ? What have you achieved ? Are you happier? Respect.
@BathSaltBadger 5 жыл бұрын
buddy, I dropped out of engineer because of it. Im 28 without a future, its gotten pretty bad
@gloryb2god466 5 жыл бұрын
@@BathSaltBadger dang really? Hope youre doing well now.
@gloryb2god466 5 жыл бұрын
You still active?
@put81 3 жыл бұрын
What's y'all's name
@kylehubbard4202 2 жыл бұрын
@@BathSaltBadger you still play now?
@Siejrjsoplalp637 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't sound like runescape is the problem, you seem to have a problem with self control. Glad you quit if its helping out-- hopefully your life has improved as a result. For me, I still play OSRS to this day, but I don't let it override my life. When I go on vacation, I don't play runescape. When I'm working from home, I don't play. When I wanna take a break from the game (which happens quite a few times throughout the year), I don't play. I prioritize my health, family, and friends over any game... If you ever get back into any type of gaming, that's fine -- nothing wrong with having a hobby like that, but make sure you set limits and boundaries with yourself. Your responsibilities come first before gaming. People who have gaming addictions literally ruin their lives. It's sad, but it happens -- if you're unable to prioritize your personal growth due to a gaming addiction, you need to find a way to quit (or at least agree with yourself to take a long break) so you can get it under control. And are games a waste of time? If you're spending too much time, then absolutely. If you can balance it out in a good way, and you're having fun when you game while living a healthy life, then no.
@Chris.laracy 3 жыл бұрын
Just deleted the app. Every point you said is right. Thank you.
@motorcycleislife8296 5 жыл бұрын
It’s called run escape for a reason. RUN!
@arcticheroh 4 жыл бұрын
I keep a rs3(876 revision) and an osrs(2006 to be exact ) rsps on an external hardrive. Ive pretty much coded in every skill. I keep them incase i ever have the urge to play. I never have to pay for membership. I can always host a local server off of my home server if i want close friends to play with me.
@rexmundi273 2 жыл бұрын
@shaneoconnor727 5 жыл бұрын
I'm quitting I'm 25
@gloryb2god466 5 жыл бұрын
You still active? I know this video is old but was hoping to see how peoples progress is doing..I recently quit myself , ex-staker, was really addicted. Anyways, hope youre doing well.
@shaneoconnor727 5 жыл бұрын
@@gloryb2god466 I've been doing pretty good I haven't played in like 3 weeks or so me and my new girlfriend got into wow now but like I'm finding it different enjoying a mmo with friends not all about the big money and best strats
@gloryb2god466 5 жыл бұрын
@@shaneoconnor727 wow thats funny you say that. Im playing WoW classic as well :), its a different vibe for sure, more so about exploring and having fun rather than chasing bils and flexing in g.e for no reason...what realm if you dont mind me asking?
@shaneoconnor727 5 жыл бұрын
@@gloryb2god466 I'm on oce sever right now but I fly back to the States tommorow what sever are you on I don have a room in us yet
@gloryb2god466 5 жыл бұрын
@@shaneoconnor727 im on kirtonos US (PvP) horde side.
@vicious26 Жыл бұрын
I love you man 😂. You made this video when you were a kid or something. I bet you relapsed. I do all the time. I’m 31. I won’t ever quit it permanently. Because my account is worth mills. But I don’t play it. I’ll always log on to see if my account exist every few years.
@chevyro9816 4 жыл бұрын
Good for you mate! Got any updates for us? Did u manage to stay away?
@duck5336 4 жыл бұрын
The only proper way to quit RuneScape is to max out and have no reason to play further. If you never max, you will always go back.
@stayontrack 3 жыл бұрын
No. My bum ass friend has 200m exp in all skills rs3 and still plays rs3 (god knows what he does on it). After 200m exp he started playing 07 and is now max stats on that and going for 200m every skill as well
@Brandon_Small 4 ай бұрын
200m all just mean ok next goal to an addict. You have to just disappear and have your friends wondering where you went.
@benjaminblom3604 6 жыл бұрын
I couldnt agree more. Hope you the best in the future, man.
@Pulsedriver93 2 жыл бұрын
Almost 5 years later.. hope you were able to quit for good. Wise words.
@Ckimax 3 жыл бұрын
I got addicted to staking.. made 4bill. Lost it all. Made it back...lots of shouting at a screen daily... been playing since 2006 on the same account since I was 12... I got cleaned last night and realised I am on the road to being addicted to gambling.... easily spent over a grand to make back what I lost. Now I am 26 turning 27... I was 12... when it was all started really thinking of life and how many days I have spent looking at a screen. I have logged out and hopefully for the last time...
@doublee4930 3 жыл бұрын
This is the exact thing that happened to me last night man. Lost 4b I'm us army , deployed, stressed out. But I need to realize this game has been running my life for 15 years.
@Ckimax 3 жыл бұрын
@@doublee4930 it does man it controls us we need to focus on our future. I haven't played in 3 weeks it feels good. I have time. I still watch videos though
@beautyrivers4611 3 жыл бұрын
I got hooked on staking and I just got cleaned for the last time dropped everything left I had and I'm moving on , been playing since 2003
@Ckimax 3 жыл бұрын
@@beautyrivers4611 yeah its hard to quit but when you do you realise how much time you have to do other things. No longer rushing the other things just so you can play rs
@N0TYALC 3 жыл бұрын
It’s not the game’s problem. It’s a willpower thing. I work 70 hours a week and have a live-in girlfriend I plan on marrying. I log on to runescape for 3-4 hours a night, maybe 3-4 times a week. If I get a day off, I might just blow a day playing it for 12 hours if my girl and I don’t have plans. It’s totally possible to play this game as a hobby.
@Zentsey 3 жыл бұрын
Not everyone has too much willpower, is hard, and if someone reallzed that they dont have it, is wise better leave, imo.
@stayontrack 3 жыл бұрын
It's designed to be addictive and get you hooked though. I can go into more detail about the hows and the whys and how they do this if you want.
@kanayadeliz2584 2 жыл бұрын
That's still a lot of time, that's 9-16 hours a week
@kingdomVI 28 күн бұрын
People have weak mental, they can't have balance in their life. They just get addicted is either this or drugs or some other mmo. They go into irl and at some point they realize w/e they doing is pretty shit. The whole point is addiction is not good, but the answer is balance even irl addiction is bad. Gluck to whoever this dude is and he's hopefully not in a shitty situation because of his mindset of not controlling his addictions at least he did an effort to quit this one.
@TomiIslam33 3 жыл бұрын
True. Im lucky shity fraind banned my account on rs3 easy quit yeah im very non productive and not organized im not coming beck to rs i rather play codm gtav vrchat and more casually life fraindly ... i reaalized that tho long ago im not thats stupid i guess 🤷 ... i must get my shit together still.
@bipolarexpress9827 4 жыл бұрын
“It’s worthless” idk those d claws looked like $300 to me. You gonna start burning money and saying it worthless next? Doubt
@MegaClipsTVXD 3 жыл бұрын
Hows It goin 4 years later?
@RB621337 7 ай бұрын
He came back after a week
@someonesilence3731 2 ай бұрын
It's just a game, relax people.
@longandwindingroad 4 жыл бұрын
I've come back to it 4 times now and I want this last time to be the final time
@GarysGotGame 7 жыл бұрын
Respect to you I'm taking your advice and quitting I'ma go learn to sing
@Nomihc 4 жыл бұрын
ElkLol how is the singing coming along?
@Parabellum92 23 күн бұрын
@bobbyjohnson5637 9 ай бұрын
What got me is all that time i put into runescape for it to turn to rs3 and trying to restart on osrs, Cannot believe people went back and redid all that stuff again. FUCK THAT..
@YungCrackRock 4 жыл бұрын
Im quitting tonight
@philipooi66 2 жыл бұрын
Boring outdated game. Shitty graphics with horrible community. Good for you and hope you doing well.
@derekschommer1465 Жыл бұрын
im sure this dude is playing again lol. you can't quit runescape you can only take breaks.
@iSHOOTmeth Жыл бұрын
Its crazy how supportive these people in the comments are we should start a Runescape Anonymous 😂❤
@GloriousprinceofMakedonia 2 жыл бұрын
"Go learn a new hobby" in a sales pitch about quitting runescape cos its a waste of time, lol
@kevinreis4698 9 ай бұрын
What if I’m selling billions of gold at a time
@Jakethegoodman 2 жыл бұрын
Osrs didnt tend to fray my nerves but what really got to me was the endless creep in the items. Like when we were 12 the most expensive item was obtainable. But now theres like 6 items over a bil. Which honestly is ridiculous when the money is 4m an hour at best. It's been destroyed by Raids. And just so you know I maxed and had 8b at 1 time. And then I lost 42 straight duels and realized I was at the Duel Arena because I hated the game.
@noxartorias6553 7 ай бұрын
Meh the 3 mega items that are over 1bill (tbow, scythe and tumenkins shadow) are not required for a lot of the content. Blade of seldor slash is a great substitute for scythe and it’s 10x less. Bowfa is a good substitute for tbow and it’s only 100mill aswell as sang staff for magic instead of shadow. You buy those over 1bill items when you get to that point but you will be rocking with the tier lower for a lot longer. What’s the point in a gear upgrade if it doesn’t feel like an upgrade/achievement to get?
@yubi6829 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this video
@dy387 2 жыл бұрын
should just just sold the gold lol
@freaka654 2 жыл бұрын
Tripping lil bro. Let your emotions get the best of you. Should’ve defiantly sold it for real $$$, and at least make back $ for the time you’ll never get back. Who cares who buys it, they’re gonna play anyway, if you don’t feed their addiction, someone else will. Everyone has their own time, they’ll quit when they understand. Glad you kicked the addiction lil bro, I haven’t played in 10+ years myself. Recently got back on RSPS for nostalgia but I realize it’s a waste of time, that’s why I’ll never play real RS. I think you just spazzed out on that part though, should’ve sold it all. Got to mentally rise above the emotions but I understand your decision. Just my $0.02 on it.
@dex9722 Жыл бұрын
spittin facts bro
@DutchNewbJr Жыл бұрын
i wanna quit too
@jordanross6286 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@wastedbread8036 Жыл бұрын
Nice bro
@magikarpslapper759 2 жыл бұрын
World of warcraft and just games in general. I relapsed after about 4 months of freedom, but it's easier every time. The worst parts of gaming are the constant headaches from dehydration and eye strain, the short temper, the need to fill every waking boring moment, and that full-bodied sickness from not looking after yourself. Thank you, you help to bring me back to living.
@jigglemahnut6493 2 жыл бұрын
Dawg y’all mfs who let games control your life are the problem games are fine in moderation
@magikarpslapper759 2 жыл бұрын
@@jigglemahnut6493 You're not wrong, some of us can't seem to control ourselves like some people can. It's our own fault, not games. Hard drugs, alcohol, binge eating - all fine in moderation too, but it still gets the better of people. I don't hate games, I fucking love games. I want to play old school RuneScape right now. Do you play games in moderation? Or are you saying this because you too have an addiction, but haven't yet admitted it to yourself? All the best homie. Honest.
@jigglemahnut6493 2 жыл бұрын
@@magikarpslapper759 no lmao I can play less than 2 hours a day and be fine
@magikarpslapper759 2 жыл бұрын
@@jigglemahnut6493 Fuck yeah then, enjoy! When I'm old I know exactly how I'll be spending it. And tech should be fantastic by then if our planet's still habitable 😄
@annons.6425 Жыл бұрын
Im 19 too, and i just keep coming back to this game
@annons.6425 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for dropping your items, you changed my outlook on the game... I felt like i was shaking when you dropped those items, and watching them dissapear, and i havent played the game in 1year, Im just....
@annons.6425 Жыл бұрын
@avster 4 жыл бұрын
Thats why Rs3 is honestly a better option, its not so much of a time waste(Faster leveling is the main thing
@stayontrack 3 жыл бұрын
Fastest levelling by being pay to win so thats even worse
@OnFight1997 4 жыл бұрын
The one day I feel this way and realize there's no coming back, trust me you won't see me dropping 600$ on the floor. I leave the rest for imagination.
@josecampos7157 3 жыл бұрын
It's actually illogical to drop items. When you return you'll be forced to grind hundreds of hours to earn back your wealth. Simply sell account or give it away.
@Kinggaming343 2 жыл бұрын
I hope this guy is doing well. But I disagree with what he says. If your that caught up in a game like this your just a weak minded individual this is the type of person that will get addicted to anything I've been playing RuneScape for 11 years now and I have never let it interfere with my real life activity
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