I guess Im asking randomly but does anyone know of a trick to log back into an instagram account? I stupidly forgot the login password. I would love any tips you can offer me
那生育的係數 a指的是什麼? 就是開始留長頭髮嗎?but the 係數 of the double x means what? Does it mean to keep long hair?
@charleschan10563 жыл бұрын
@minghei20104 жыл бұрын
一元二次函數 是指一個未知 數 但是二次方代表什麼呢? 是指生育嗎? 複製了自己the quadratic function is a unknown number .does it mean it produce itself? Because the x has twice
@minghei20104 жыл бұрын
b的平方 -4ac,/4a 但是為什麼b要平方?大肚子時 也是複製自己嗎?but why double b when you are pregnant and it means reproduce yourself?
@minghei20104 жыл бұрын
我想種 阿公留田給我們 但是要等到明天 我是玉米跟 白菜嗎?我希望 我能懷孕跟能種?I hope I can grow but I have to wait until tomorrow .my grandfather gave me and sister the land .I have the corn and the 白菜 seeds. Can I be pregnant and grow vegetables at the same time?
@minghei20104 жыл бұрын
b/2a 兩個留長頭髮的女人 大肚子 two women who keep long hairs and one pregnant