好問題~ lawyer 泛指有法律專業知識的律師,而 attorney 是指某人或某企業的代理律師 舉個例子: Martin is a lawyer but not my attorney. 意思是: Martin 是律師(職業),但不是我的代理律師。 但在多益考試不會分的那麼細,所以這兩個字可以視為同義詞
老師您好,在單字系列,有兩個單字的例句覺得怪怪的(忘記是哪個主題) 1.vague Kate's vague response suggested that she was making up an excuse 請問這邊suggest that S V 的情況下,動詞was應該用原形be嗎? 2.exhibit One of paintings exhibited in the gallery was stolen last night 請問為甚麼一個句子有exhibited與was兩個動詞呢?應該要另外有兩個主詞? 麻煩老師解答,謝謝