In diesem Video besuchen wir Simon Forkel, einen renommierten Züchter von Wildformen wie dem Altumskalar und Peruskalar. Er zeigt uns seine beeindruckenden Fische und gibt wertvolle Tipps zu Haltung, Zucht, Futter und Wasserwerten. Außerdem erfahrt ihr, worauf man bei Nachzuchten achten sollte. Freut euch auf faszinierende Einblicke in die Welt der majestätischen Skalare. 👉 Jetzt mithelfen: www.startnext.... Hier der PayPal-Link, wenn ihr mich bei meinem Projekt mit dem Tierheim für Fische unterstützen wollt : Unterstützt mich mit Einkäufen in meinem Shop oder über den Speziellen Link bei Amazon: www.dukes-aqua... Folge Dukes Aquaristikexperimente auch auf Instagramm wo ich euch zwischen den Videos auf dem Laufenden halte und meine Livestreams ankündige: www.instagram.... und auf Facebook: / dukes-aquaristikexperi... Meine Homepage mit vielen nützlichen Informationen und Produkten rund um die optimale Filterung von Aquarien: biohome-filter... Die Webseite von Simon Forkel Skalarezucht: www.skalarezuc... Kapitel: 00:00 Begrüßung und Einleitung 01:06 Vorstellung der Anlage 04:33 Unterschiede: Wildfang vs. Nachzucht 09:00 Haltung, Futter, Wasserwerte 12:00 Spannende Kreuzungen: Orinoco New 18:00 Spezielle Varianten wie Vichada & Atabapo 22:22 Tipps zum Kauf & Versand 23:00 Ausblick auf zukünftige Zuchtprojekte 25:04 Verabschiedung
@Spacenow86911 күн бұрын
some interesting details. Altum remains a challenge.
@angelalbertotriminofleitas664122 күн бұрын
Spectacular these altum!!
@Driver.Dirk.17 күн бұрын
Glück auf ... ja wirklich schöne Tiere Top. Liebe Grüße ...
@norbertthoens3561Ай бұрын
Wieder ein super interessantes Video mit dem "Altum-Vater" Simon Forkel! 👍
@felixmuller9129Ай бұрын
Schönes Video Schöne Tiere. Da will man sich gleich einen Trupp bestellen. Leider ist das Aquarium voll.😢
@Hunter_12-0028 күн бұрын
Was ich mich frage ist, warum Hr. Forkel nicht mit Huminstoffen arbeitet ?
@Alex_CorreaАй бұрын
I also love the Hemiodus gracilis. I'm so confused about where each altum came from... there is a huge confusion in regards to such informations found online. Everywhere on the internet will say something different. I know that Simon is tracking his specimens and probably trust his suppliers with the information they give to him. I would love to have him explain exactly the details of how to identify, sizes, colors, etc.. with evident differences, what river each specimen came from. Is there a practical way? Or we still need to trust what our sources say? I learned that the presence of red dots alone is not so accurate to determine what river they came from. The red color they present also isn't a definitive way to measure they are from the Orinoco river. I believe the presence of the "golden shades" on altums from Atabapo river is the only solid evidence I myself can tell. Maybe in the future we will also see that is not so evident. How do we know for sure? Besides, each day we find more specimens coming from different rivers with different new names. That is the same with wild discus. All that is fascinating to me. 8:28 What means "Orinoco Red Altum" as the translation to English says in this video? Isn't all red altums from Orinoco? I just want to know for sure. They are so beautiful! Another thing I was thinking is that we should avoid crossing the altums from different rivers. I'm not saying that is "wrong" per say, but it would be good to keep them as pure as possible in the hobby. I also understand that is much easier for Simon to do that in terms of choosing quality of the parents and many times we can't choose the pair, as the fish instinctively will get together and choose each other when kept all together in one system. Simon is doing a great job! Lovely specimens. He takes very good car of his fish. He is an example to be followed! I wonder how many people that buy the altums are able to give what they need in terms of time/maintenance. It seems that most aquarists today don't want or can't spend time with maintenance. Also, they need lot's of space to develop their full size. Are there enough people in this world that will buy those fish and really keep them for 10+ years? Another thing is the relationship between water quality and food input. To feed frozen food is to do a lot of maintenance and water changes daily. Nice shirt, Simon! Lot's of nice information! Great video! Thanks for sharing Simon and Duke! 🙏
@cezkraАй бұрын
@Shernan83Ай бұрын
Sehr informativ Top Skalare 😍😍😍
@przemoo6655Ай бұрын
Witam serdecznie, mam pytanie czy są te altumy karmione?