League of Legends has a Huge Problem

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@TheTarians 4 ай бұрын
Crazy how I got called silver for saying that ADC characters are good enough to be played in every role, but so many high elo people agree that it's a giant problem that they can dominate roles
@demonderpz7937 4 ай бұрын
That's because adc players want to whine about their champions being weak when in reality it's just that being bot lane makes you weak
@surice8928 4 ай бұрын
​@@demonderpz7937And thats not even always the case, its just that being lower level means you cant 1v5 as easily without good positioning, so they're bitching about being weak literally because of their skill issue😂
@NYKIKE 4 ай бұрын
well, ARE you silver?
@cylindericalpotato8312 4 ай бұрын
@@NYKIKE This a fucking stupid question
@3rk498 4 ай бұрын
Yes ur indeed silver, ur stating that ADC is op because people are playing them mid, but people are too dumb to check their winrates before speaking about dominating other roles, trist luc kaisa ezreal corki zeri all avg about 45% wr midlane.
@XenoWarlock 4 ай бұрын
Time really is a full circle. For those who haven't played since the old days, ADCs used to go mid as their primary lane, but were ran out by Assassins and Burst Mages, this led to people playing safe scaling mages there instead because they needed less protection and or had instant wave clear, Anivia being one of the best at this. It will be fun to see if this all happens again.
@Fadlife_League 4 ай бұрын
Back then was there even a duo botlane?
@XenoWarlock 4 ай бұрын
@@Fadlife_League It was like double bruiser lane often, or what people called a kill lane Something like Pantheon with Lee Sin or other silly stuff. An ADC with a tanky support like Taric or Blitz I think ended up countering those kill lane duo. Now we are often seeing double mage in botlane these days, kinda similar isn't it.
@mustangcody 4 ай бұрын
@@XenoWarlock "Kill lane" made me lol.
@theflyingtoaster7414 4 ай бұрын
the funny way I read this is "People do be taking scissors to paper lane. rather than staying in scissor lane!"
@shawnfaucher7339 4 ай бұрын
@@Fadlife_League back then we also had Twisted treeline in which no one jgled on the original TT map it was mid = 1v1 and bot lane 2v2
@asmallphd9648 4 ай бұрын
If you look at the profiles of mid and top adc's, you will see they are not botlane players. Its just that mid and top players have realized that adc champions are too strong due to the fact adc players champions are forced to exist in the worst lane in the game.
@tc851 4 ай бұрын
Bot lane isn’t even bad, I legitimately think the problem is the average support player is so elo inflated because they are almost always the worst player in the game. Riot buffed the power level of support to be so ungodly high so people would fill the role because back in the day no one would queue support.
@koroxo1152 4 ай бұрын
@@tc851 That reads like a scapegoat man
@RWxAshley 4 ай бұрын
@@tc851 I don't think the issue is the skill level of support. Its the fact that bot lane is meant for two players to be in sync, and solo queing is fundamentally opposed to letting that happen. But if you duo que then you are agreeing that Riot should match you up against harder opponents to compensate for having the ability to communicate. Lets also not excuse ADCs on this. Looking at the dravens that flash barrier cause you accidentally took a single kill from him due to burn, or hit a single minion on accident. Theres a huge issue of Main character syndrome tied to that role specifically because of certain streamers that I won't name.
@CyclopsWasRight 4 ай бұрын
The problem with bot is that you're relying on your support being good. 9/10 of my matches, they're not. It's frustrating. So I took AP Ez mid, and I LOVE it! Damn. I should have read the replies first. 😂 You guys already said this.
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
@@RWxAshley the issue is being down 3000-6000 gold in stats for the lane you picked when you go botlane. Solo lane exp diff is fucking insane.
@GreatPepega 4 ай бұрын
I won't lie, as a Rammus main I get a bit too exited when I see enemy team lock 3 adc
@wvubebop 4 ай бұрын
Where does rammus get his damage? From ad or ap?
@GreatPepega 4 ай бұрын
@@wvubebop armor
@filipepinho3319 4 ай бұрын
yes, Rammus into 3 adc it's already a won game from champ select :D If I ware on the 3 adc team I would just surrender at 0m :D
@theflyingtoaster7414 4 ай бұрын
"People tell me It's a scissor's world now, and I'm just a rock living in it."
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@wvubebop thornmail, sorc shoes, max w, fight enemy. You can play him in toplane against pretty much anyone ad as long as you survive for 800g gold to buy bramble vest
@phonegamers799 4 ай бұрын
Ngl my fav part of this is that there are still adc s who said tanks are broken
@BoiiHeadlesss-cj3ps 4 ай бұрын
Aka dr drututt lmao
@magede.9149 4 ай бұрын
Its only due to the stupid new changes riot can't balance shit
@notlisztening9821 4 ай бұрын
Anyone who says tanks are not broken is completely delusional. I just couldnt escape silver this split in over 100 games, so instead of picking normal midlaners, i finally caved and started picking bruisers/tanks. I took me a little over a week to get back to plat with a 90+% wr on mundo and garen. Consistently doing most damage of all 10 on pure tank builds. This company is cooked.
@Oblivion4444 4 ай бұрын
@@notlisztening9821 Riot be like: "what if i make a character that has mobility, durability, damage, cc, max health damage and good wave clear? i really wanna see my character become the strongest. they shouldn't have weaknesses", it really looks like a child's fantasy that they want the character to be the most OP and have no weaknesses
@FinnOAventureiro 4 ай бұрын
​@@notlisztening9821 Mundo and Garen are juggernauts, not tanks.
@diagnoseehre2299 4 ай бұрын
Funny how we went from "ADCs are useless" to "lets play ADCs on evers possible lane"
@akii8685 4 ай бұрын
adc is useless if they play in the botlane, their items are strong and power spikes are strong. theyre playing adc in every other role bc its safer and more efficient for the adc since bot lane sucks
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
Adc was useless in botlane because go figure, handing 2 people an each team a free 3-6k gold in stats via level lead is a pretty insurmountable amount for overcome. "Yeah if you want to he EVEN with your inting top laners in stats you need to have 10-20 kills or a upwards of 150-300 cs lead". Yeah, pretty shit idea n
@nutpea. 4 ай бұрын
​@@einjharrelraca while you have a point with level leads meaning a lot, you are WAY off about those gold values. Each level is about 300-600 gold, not 3k-6k; it's not "10-20 kills," it's 1-2. Big difference.
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
@@nutpea. average value in stats gained on level up in league is 850 gold. i was rounding And i did not say "each level is 3-6k gold" i said "a free 3-6k gold in stats via level lead" being the 3-6 levels you get ahead for free for being in a solo lane. so yes. it is 10-20 kills, 3-6k gold and 150-300cs worth of free stats. Its the TOTAL of 3-6 levels. not sinular levels im talking about. if a solo lane is only 1 level up on a botlane they should be banned for inting.
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
You can make any adc useless by keeping flash for important teamfights and not wasting your high damage abilities on tanks as their adc is attacking you. I understand, you're bronze, and you must attack first guy you see, but bear with me when I say that league is a complex game where you can make complex decisions such as "I chunked this guy hard and he has no chance taking our objective now, maybe I should stop chasing and go back and help my jungler do the objective faster".
@Lappland_is_mitsu 4 ай бұрын
adcs being meta is my doom cuz i cant kite
@omega7057 4 ай бұрын
Oh don't worry, riot removed lethal tempo so you don't need to kite, just auto thrice and they explode
@Nunyachuks 4 ай бұрын
Attack move
@jeusmarcomascarina4102 4 ай бұрын
me doing briar bott see why it is happen.
@somerandomdudeonline7182 4 ай бұрын
In training range remove minions then put 4 training dummies in a row. Practice. Top lane.
@ismbks 4 ай бұрын
noobie can't kite 😂
@bentoudal 4 ай бұрын
The whole idea of "I don't know which role this Vayne/Varus/Lucian/Ezreal/Tristana is playing, so I now can't lock in any melee champion" is the issue for me. The only counterplay I find in dogwater diamond elo is when the ranged laner just... Sucks. Vayne constantly Q'ing straight into my Cho'Gath Q which I am maxing with a Dorans Ring starting item, so now she's half hp and can no longer afford to poke me in case I land another Q + W and kill her in the silence. If she just walks up without Q'ing, she'll just dodge my Q with hers and I can no longer play. But that is the only thing I can do. The only counterplay to ranged top at least, is for them to just be bad players. Ranged vs melee matchup is just so onesided, and in mid you easily contest every wave, bully your opponent and get prio for everything.
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
Ah yes, of course, people who complain about range top are people who play chogath and max his most useless ability that is impossible to hit on anyone who has a working monitor. You're literal bronze, but even you can full this off: pick renekton, play safe until level 3, get level 3 and have more than 80% of your health bar, just walk away if you are about to get autoattacked, if you get autoattacked and take damage, you're doing it wrong, use bush to soak xp even if you can't last hit minions, at level 3 use typical renekton gameplay to all in for easiest kill in your life because you just learned how to play this game. It doesn't have to be renekton, any real bruiser who has CC and a dash will do the same thing. It's funny how jax is a champion yet you bronzies can't deal with autoattackers.
@noobehnoober3178 4 ай бұрын
@@templeofdelusion Quite ironic you call it a bronze problem when ADC in solo-lanes are the biggest issue in high elo. Marksmen will continue to receive systematic nerfs until they're mostly kicked out of solo-lanes in pro play. Get fucked ADbaby.
@lonestardreadpirate 4 ай бұрын
if you're just out here picking cho every game regardless of the matchup the problem isn't the lack of counterplay, you're just getting outdrafted. mobile adcs will hard counter cho no matter what because a majority of his damage comes from skillshots while all they have to do is click you. your best bet is to learn an equally (or more) mobile skirmisher like irelia or yone. or pick renekton or sett and sit in bush all game so they can't harass you out of lane like the guy above said.
@MooNWaYp 4 ай бұрын
Pick comet Malphite and bully rangers
@frozenburrito2.087 12 күн бұрын
Just play Zed in every lane, it totally works (I’m in Bronze 3)
@hagalathekido 4 ай бұрын
The problem in top is also that ranged tops have been quite op for a while, but the counters to them were also meta, camille, olaf, yone, and forgive me for uttering his name, malphite. These all keep the ranged champs out of toplane
@eretheltan609 4 ай бұрын
Now most of them aren't even that viable outside of counterpicks and or just get stomped by ranged regardless
@labros9999 4 ай бұрын
Dude uttered camille, yone and olaf just fine, some of the most cancerous top picks in the game just fine, but malphite? Nah too much mate
@johnnymonsterrrr 4 ай бұрын
nobody picks adcs into these, calm down
@NordicDragon1337 4 ай бұрын
And malph and rammus are pretty much only solid counters until hybrid adc or apc appears
@ztriker4406 4 ай бұрын
@@NordicDragon1337 Kaisa very scary
@midlaynr4546 4 ай бұрын
Wait it took people this long to realise that solo lane ADCs spike faster? Drututt being doing it for years...
@datstift610 4 ай бұрын
Drututt also knows how to play the game relatively well, can't really compare a living, thinking human being with league players
@hagalathekido 4 ай бұрын
@@midlaynr4546 it's more to do with repeated adc buffs. The newest one making crit items 25% was the tipping point for many
@thomasb5307 4 ай бұрын
Yeh he also says consistently that they are hard to play because if you do a single mistake you are doomed. Them working in solo lanes only shows that they are not punished as they should be for their mistakes
@ra-tz9hg 4 ай бұрын
@@datstift610 yes because drututt is such an upstanding 'living, and thinking human being'
@scrowll1565 4 ай бұрын
ADC items are delivering 25% crit, in wild rift this is already normal but since the matches last a short time there is no problem with items having 25% crit since the game will end before they get too strong but lol pc matches last longer and this helps ADCs scale much faster
@monoestella 4 ай бұрын
cant wait to riot releasing adc that have scaling with armor and scaling with max hp while dealing pure damage and 300% effective damage against jungle monster
@Shadow86TheGamer 4 ай бұрын
Ikr, speaking of insane scaling, Darius is one of the most insane nonsense champion to ever be released in LOL and it has been that way for decades and nobody thinks is fked up? He always have 4k hp and hits more than any mage could ever do, bleeds you for half of your hp, that is insane to me.
@tsugako1765 4 ай бұрын
@@Shadow86TheGamer the reason nobody cares is that darius is incapable of closing space, he's forced to shove tons of ms on items/runes/spells to close any gap on you, totaly immobile and needs 5 stacks to actualy deal damage if he goes tank, if he goes full ms, he becomes too squishy to side against the enemy laner most of the time, i'd love to see a rework on darius to give him more skill expression, myb give ms on passive then remove some of the ad/bleed, idk, darius feels complete shit to play against heavy cc/slow comps.
@Shadow86TheGamer 4 ай бұрын
@@tsugako1765 Oh yeah, against fast/dashy heavy cc comps is too slow, no real engagement unless you're close to his face, pretty bad. People like Morgana make him useless but then again, that's the case with most champions, but i feel there's no other tank who can delete you as fast if he manages to get to you considering how tanky he is usually too. Well i guess there's the dog if you let him farm his Q you just die, i guess.
@monoestella 4 ай бұрын
@@Shadow86TheGamer nah darius matchup is easy, granted he has insane scaling stats, but once you know how to play it, its easier to be done Like simple, Dont get hit by q, never give darius 5 stack and go in when his e on cd And no, u no need dash, Ornn, morde, garen, mundo, etc can fight darius Also PHASE RUSH EXISTTTT, dont be a moron, let the wave pushing onto you, farm under turret, get t2 boots, boom darius cant do shit on you in lane, then you can kill him
@tsugako1765 4 ай бұрын
@@Shadow86TheGamer i'll give you an example, sett, Q gives ms towards enemy champs, ult gives invul to cc, E has cc on diferent side that stun multiple champs, W shields and true damage on a basic skill, sett has better engage, better team fight, better side lane pressure tank to his passive+double aa destroying towers, yet, most people dont care about him, the perception of darius as a "toxic" champion is just cultural at this point, most people at higher elos know that once darius gets 3~4 stacks on you in a team fight, you flash away, he dies, he has to commit to someone, and if that someone escapes, he's useless, in high elo something people do to let him be better is allow darius to get a guaranteed kill with R so he can full stack immediatly. Darius is not bad, nor is he broken, he is just flawed, what he does well is too good, but what other champs would just be okay, he's garbage(i.e. chain cc a sett he still might kill you, illaoi has cc invu in R, kled has a jail free card on passive, etc, darius you miss its usualy over).
@ultimatemachine457 4 ай бұрын
Something I noticed as a jgler, when you do something that upsets your adc, the dude would just start following you around, take your camps, and when a fight occurs, he will just watch and won't do anything. This kind of behaviour should be a bannable offense
@ztriker4406 4 ай бұрын
how was ganking the lane and taking the kill not a bannable offense for junglers????
@ultimatemachine457 4 ай бұрын
@@ztriker4406 you're part of the problem, if you think like this
@datstift610 4 ай бұрын
So, you're telling me an ADC champ managed to steal a camp from you? That's just sad AF
@vulpex4105 4 ай бұрын
​@@ztriker4406 be glad you got ganked lmao. You can set the tempo, get ninion exp, and platings, but the 300g you lose is where you crack? The jglr could have also just farmed more money instead of risking and coming to gank you. Not bannable at all. Also kills "belonging" to anyone is in the gray, no rules 'really'. Who's to say who will use the gold better? Impossible to measure.
@OsmanPostmann 4 ай бұрын
@@ztriker4406 tell me you're silver without telling me you're silver
@rockyrain2120 4 ай бұрын
I think the biggest part is how safe they are. They get such good escape bs for zero reason. Draven's the only adc mid I've seen that I haven't thought is a symptom of this. Make ezreal's e a dash, remove trist's w buffering, and kaisa is just awful no matter where she is
@dankmemes8254 4 ай бұрын
Because God forbid we actually gave our glass canons an actual weakness
@mZStarCraft 4 ай бұрын
@@dankmemes8254 I'd say dota does this really well, most of their carries are melee characters who do have mobility and the ones that are ranged often have little to no mobility.
@ignacioperez5479 4 ай бұрын
Most of them have no mobility
@ChristopherCMH 4 ай бұрын
Yeah its fr the mobility thats the issue
@Geheimnis-c2e 4 ай бұрын
You wanna know something insane? Tristana rocket jump is infinitely better than Kha'Zix unevolved AND evolved E. Even if you take the multijumps into account.
@mZStarCraft 4 ай бұрын
I love how the hyper scaling *CARRIES* are also some of the strongest lane bullies.. ffs
@akii8685 4 ай бұрын
im a zeri otp and i hate this new meta. half the time my own teammates will steal zeri to play her mid or jgl and int ;-;
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
@@mZStarCraft I mean. Being in a solo lane hands them an extra 3000-6000 gold worth of stats because solo lane exp is so hilariously busted. Turns out, the scaling class does well with more resources.
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
I love how people are so mindbroken by "hurr just freefarm toplane/midlane" meta that when any challenge is given, they start inting. You can literally pick any bruiser into the adc pick and easily kill them with lv3 all-in, if you don't know how to survive to level 3 without dying, you belong in Iron 4, because with equal health bars, melee champ will crush ranged champ 100% of the time. If you think about it, picking adc mid/top is trolling. But hey, it's league, league players don't actually know how to play this game, they will keep locking in their scaling mage into scaling autoattacker and cry on reddit. Ironic, because picking two mages botlane into adc + support makes mages win more often than not, but when that happens, I don't see mage players crying about absolute state of this game. God forbid this game has some variety and forces you to play the game in more ways than HURR MY FAVE CHAMP THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EVEN PLAY, DUUUUUURH XDDDDDDDDDDDD, in a game with 168 champions, meaning that in every possible match, there's 3756161027103408 possible champion interactions that you maybe didn't even think of before.
@matthewchitcarof5692 4 ай бұрын
so like vlad mid top or fiora top?
@logisticstep5212 4 ай бұрын
@ChildofMadness9 4 ай бұрын
Me a supprt main: Ok which of you is my quick play adc? Which is top and which is mid?
@nastaselalexandru7947 4 ай бұрын
Community: we have a problem with ADC RITO: I will neft the boots countering most ADC
@Andrea-wr5wd 4 ай бұрын
as well as the mage ones
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@Andrea-wr5wd boohoohoo poor mage, just go to botlane or something like you've done for several seasons now
@justalex7825 4 ай бұрын
@@templeofdelusion thats literally just Karthus and Brand...
@justalex7825 4 ай бұрын
@@MrOrthodox13 zephyr?
@glitchyboi-nk1qv 4 ай бұрын
@@justalex7825and Veigar
@SmithYorkinster 4 ай бұрын
I wish they reworked slightly how damage and armour interact with one another and reworked true damage. If you had instead of true damage a damage that scaled with enemy armour, while doing barely no damage to enemies without it, building on-hit/anti-tank would allow you to delete the enemy big bois, while still allowing the enemy tank to do his job, seeing that by forcing you to build around him, it would lower your overall damage against his teammates. Basically the exact oposite of flat lethality.
@bohomazdesign725 4 ай бұрын
That true damage thing - You basically just described % armour / magic pen.
@RetroCube 4 ай бұрын
We already have percentage damages though. I think removing true damage for a mechanic that already mostly exists just removes options in the game especially when a lot of champs use true damage as an important part of their kit like Velkoz. You’d instead have to give him this weird damage based on armor/MR mechanic for shredding tanks, which would make his passive stacked ult useless against squishies.
@XirlioTLLXHR 4 ай бұрын
They need to remove true damage completely because it's annoying to balance out and it's fundamentally the reason why we have so many broken damage items. Because if tanks need massive hp scaling then you need items like liandry's and bork... If they lower hp scaling and remove true damage you overall have a more balanced game, then they can afford to double down on nerfing %armor/magic pen so they can start reworking tanks properly and not having tanks be basically assassin-fighters like they've been for years. Also true damage is the reason you have champions like Sett and Fiora and others that have %max hp big damage skills so they can ruin tanks that hp scale. Riot's inability to balance things out since forever is baffling. They've been stuck in this "big damage loop" that they themselves are creating because they're literally inept at figuring out what's wrong with their game. Each champion nowadays suffers from "main character syndrome", especially the new ones, and it's ruining the game.
@yoshiagiota5299 4 ай бұрын
​@@bohomazdesign725 %pen is stronger against Champions with not that much armor. A Rammus with 800 armor getting it reduced by 40% will still ignore ~70% of all physical damage, but a champion with 80 armor losing 40% of that is cooked
@CemalKeter 4 ай бұрын
​@bohomazdesign725 you did not read well. Armor pen kills squishies faster, too. But he wants mechanic, that ONLY hurts tanks and does 0 dmg to squishy. So you get more rock paper scissors mechanic.
@deejayf69 4 ай бұрын
I want my Trist mid back 😢. Why did it have to be broken. Man, I love how systemic issues can all be traced back to Riot wanting the game to be faster and shorter. This would never happen if 40-45 minute games were the average, because each role would be allowed to have their powerful moments. It was never designed to be a fast paced game. And I think a lot of problems would be solved if we had longer games again.
@AthenaTennosN 4 ай бұрын
Oh yes. But also: it didn't really work as a slow-paced game either. The game is too barebones at its core, slowing it down would just result in half-an-hour monotonous farmfests once again. Perhaps if they went the route of giving players more to do on the map, things could be different. Instead, they chose to radically speed it up, because god forbid they challenge the...lacking...attention span and tunnel vision of an average League player. It's effectively impossible to rollback now, since the game has been gradually made very micro-intense to compensate for and mask its strategic shallowness.Returning meaningful macro aspect would make the game prohibitively difficult (since micro is already stressful), and that just doesn't sell skins. Just go play some other game or become a competitive grass toucher instead, as League sure as hell ain't gonna recover or return to its ancient glory days, because it can't. So they will just shuffle a bunch of numbers around to give different champs and roles some time in the spotlight (simultaneously gimping others to this end, of course) to keep people hooked. That's what League has been for years now. Idk, you could also try doto - it's a strictly superior game at this point - but it rots your soul to the core even harder, so I can hardly recommend it to anyone who doesn't have 450 toxicity resistance and a severe arbitrary complexity addiction
@erich_ika 4 ай бұрын
2:14 i've only played tristana botlane ever since I started playing league and now I can't anymore because she is more trash than me. riot, please bring ADCs back to the botlane
@shakeemsymonds7362 4 ай бұрын
Play ADC in top/mid it's so much easier if you know how to play! I went from bronze 1 - gold v just by doing it so far
@LucRio448 4 ай бұрын
i mean you could learn to play other types of champions. y'know, like everyone in every role other than botlane always did and had to?
@天使霜 4 ай бұрын
Hot take that got left out to get cold on the counter: bot lane has been worst lane for 15 years (or more) and seaspn after season they update the jungle, rework all the supp items, rework tanks, reworks tank items, add new items for every role except adc, etc etc etc. Ofc adc sucks. Its always sucked. I'm mindfucked it took players THIS long to move to another lane and allow 1 microgram of dopamine back into their lives.
@lilnoah3915 4 ай бұрын
It’s the season of phreak
@ignacioperez5479 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, thats why he only plays support
@broidkanymore-zc4lt 4 ай бұрын
hes getting phreaky
@abbemartensson3850 4 ай бұрын
ADCs dont even need mana anymore But mages go oom when trying to poke them out of lane
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
@@abbemartensson3850 if you lose to your runepages and don't take presence or manaflow band sure, but that's you being knowledge checked pre game, and thus is your fault.
@Kepitano 4 ай бұрын
@@einjharrelraca this is not the point. ADC currently have too much sustain, and even for a mage with presence+manaflow, you won't be able to poke them out of lane. it's impossible or else you will have zero waveclear because you needed to use all spells on enemy champ and now you're oom. this was a huge problem before riot nerfed all healing runes like 3~4 years ago. the new Abosrb Life rune is completely hypocritical from Riot to implement.
@kobesanfilippo2582 4 ай бұрын
Bro as a support main I'm crying because I can't afford these boots man. 200 is almost 10% of one of my items and roaming feels like shit(cause no boots). Thank you adc's for not only fucking up my lane but now also my item spikes...
@inplane9970 4 ай бұрын
Fr I always rush Tier 2 boots because my teams always expect me to roam and rotate. Having to spend the extra 100g is grating. Being able to afford a control ward early makes all the difference in early game map control, but now it's only a luxury that farming solo laners get.
@XirlioTLLXHR 4 ай бұрын
T1 boots into winged moonplate/aether wisp and either rush dead man's/warmog's or shurelya. Support is the least affected role by the boots nerfs.
@ZelokGaming 4 ай бұрын
@@inplane9970 Your team expects you to roam and in every 3rd game my adc runs down the moment supp goes for 1 roam XD
@inplane9970 4 ай бұрын
@@XirlioTLLXHR That's only a viable rush for tanky supports. Going Shurelya's first as an Enchanter is reportable unless you're Orianna.
@XirlioTLLXHR 4 ай бұрын
@@inplane9970 Right, because Velkoz is a tank...
@The_Gull1 4 ай бұрын
you forgot smolder
@cinderspirit4229 4 ай бұрын
I would say main character syndrom isn`t an ADC exclusive thing. When the game was balanced around more defined roles a lot of people where crying because they felt like they can`t influence the game enough if they pick one of the lower damage roles like tanks or supports. So over time ADCs have been weakend and everyone else got a lot of damage buffs to a point where especially in low elo no team would play around their ADC anymore. ADC as a role is designed to have a team which tries to protect them, but every other champ nowadays is designed to act as a carry in their own right. You talk like the current ADC power level is a thing we have never seen before. But we already had seasons during which ADCs had 25% crit on items and crits dealt 200% damage as a base line increased to 250% with IE.
@manuelbonelli3690 4 ай бұрын
Nah man adc have always been crybabies that if they weren't able to one shot enemies they would complain
@KDYinYouTube 4 ай бұрын
​@@manuelbonelli3690 more like they are crying because they cant kill a support with 1000 shot
@manuelbonelli3690 4 ай бұрын
@@KDYinKZbin As if they can't easily kill the current supports unless they are called leona/braum/naut lol
@thatoneweebguy6379 4 ай бұрын
​@@manuelbonelli3690that sounds like assassin mains to me
@manuelbonelli3690 4 ай бұрын
@@thatoneweebguy6379 assassin's? They are the worst class in the entire game lol. The only assassin that can do something currently it's Leblanc and it's because of her kit and not because she is an assassin
@ZeracoRyuu 4 ай бұрын
bro hearing the dark cloud theme in this video made my day, thanks whoever edited this vid.
@DumbsLIVE 4 ай бұрын
it was me :3 and thanks
@poisonedoak6563 4 ай бұрын
As an ex-toplaner, the only acceptable ranged toplaner is a teemo player who doesn’t know what they’re doing Or Jayce ig
@shawnfaucher7339 4 ай бұрын
or quin or cait or fiddles or urgot since urgot is ranged
@Project_raphtor 4 ай бұрын
@@shawnfaucher7339 quinn is a nessesary evil, cait and fiddle no, and urgot is fine since his range isn't that big
@aspookyscaryskeleton5238 4 ай бұрын
The times i've dealt with Tristana. Im seriously going insane. Tristana top, tristana mid, tristana this, tristana that. MY FUCKING GOD. I WOULD KILL FOR A SINGLE VAYNE MATCHUP RATHER THAN SEE THAT GODDAM FLUFFY GOBLIN AGAIN. Im tired of seeing my fucking tower get to 1/4 of hp in a single bomb+ some AA's while also clearing my wave due to the aoe dmg. Of her fucking mobility reset on kill. Please make it stop
@dnomyard Ай бұрын
Then we will be stuck in a loop where ADCs will get nerfed and nobody would want to play ADC anymore (just like during the Assassin meta).
@unknownposter2075 4 ай бұрын
Riot’s original design philosophy for ADCs is that they’re supposed to be the main ranged damage dealers that scale super hard but have the weaknesses of being immobile and squishy in exchange. Back then, 8/10 times you get on top of a ADC, they’re dead, no questions asked. For a long time now, that philosophy got changed/crushed with the majority of ADCs having a mobile/escape tool to enable them being safer. Coupled the durability patch and the increased ADC stats in a (much) earlier patch just exasperates the issue. Being able to pick an ADC into the majority of roles and being able to come out on top has been an issue that won’t really be fixed unless systematic changes are in place or they’re willing to accept changes that’ll impact bot lane performance.
@filipepinho3319 4 ай бұрын
For a long time riot nerfed and gutted adc's because for riot a ranged auto attack champion was not supposed to deal damage... now they have the potential to be a threat and everyone says they are broken when they still die in one shot... the only difference is that they have damage before the game is over, where before the game would probably end before they ware relevant.... there was a reason for Caitlyn lethality for example, because crit caitlyn would not reach the relevant stats to be a champion while lethality made her stronger while id did matter.... and cmon, adc mobility does not make them safe imo... only adc that have a mobility ability that makes it safe is ezreal because it's a blink other adc have short range mobilities and most of them can be stopped in place with CC... also don't forget the fact that one mobility ability = one less damage ability in general...
@miguelMickSummer 4 ай бұрын
​@@filipepinho3319 weird since the ADCs abused in mid/top rn all have that in common, some form of mobility, this whole situation wouldnt exist if adcs were actually 1shotted, which they arent thanks to said mobility
@filipepinho3319 4 ай бұрын
@@miguelMickSummer literally every adc can be one shotted, that role relies on a support for a reason... And let's see other than ezreal blink any other mobility that adc have can be denied... Play adc Vs an assassin for example like zed, yes he might have a good time before lvl 6... After that what good does that the adc have a mobility if there isn't a support there to cc the assassin.., he's just good as dead.... Play as a melee champion, well yes you'll have a hard lane, but honestly not impossible to win, I've seen that more than the adc win that lane, actually don't even remember a game where adc top winning, and just dying over and over with their mobility.... Meanwhile adc bot lane also have to deal with champions that are not supposed to be playing there for a long time but no one really talks about that, only when adc are on the other lanes that people talk
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
They still have those weaknesses, what's stopping you from picking something like Renekton mid? oh right, you're bronze who doesn't know how to walk out of enemy's range nor when you powerspike
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@filipepinho3319 a good zed won't give adc a good time even pre-6, him being melee champion makes him stronger. He can literally all in at level 3 to force adc to back off. Wait for cooldowns and do this one more time and adc dies like a typical bronze who picks ranged champ in mid/top. If you cannot imagine winning this, it's because you haven't suffered thousands of games against teemo top, not my problem though, ranged champions are easy to kill.
@HEHEXD42069 4 ай бұрын
I've been playing a hella ton of AP Malphite in silver and I personally think I stopped everyone here playing ADC after they all get one shot over and over
@tensiee_ 4 ай бұрын
The adc situation is crazy...
@Ienjoylotsofstuff 4 ай бұрын
why cant botlane level just as fast as the other lanes, and have the botlane champs balanced around this? it seems like a fundamental issue to have champs geared towards leveling less in one situation over another.
@nashred 4 ай бұрын
Your level as an adc shouldn't matter at all but the changes they made to the game is how we are in this situation
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@nashred what situation? Tristana being a hard counter to kassadin? Ranged champs being strong level 1? You being too bronze to space correctly until level 3 where you can use 3 abilities to all in a ranged champ who doesn't do any more damage at level 3 than it did at level 1 due to your melee champion having more armor and higher base attack and 3 abilities made for fighting unlike ADC's who often only have 1-2 abilities that actually do damage, because they're balanced around autoattacking? Even with casters like lucian (again, he only has 2 abilities that actually do damage), I had people just walk out of Q damage...
@LucRio448 4 ай бұрын
Yeah great idea, let's go back to funnel meta but take away the main drawback of having a second duo lane, why not :D
@ultravioleta1607 3 ай бұрын
@@templeofdelusion yeah you forgot autoattacks, adcs do damage with every single attack while mages in early only do damage every 7-10 seconds
@templeofdelusion 3 ай бұрын
@@ultravioleta1607 you forgot that no adc has 1000 range at level 1, you're just bronze.
@Arob4343 4 ай бұрын
Marksmen go in other roles: omg problem Mages go in other roles: is fine 🧐
@yoch5383 4 ай бұрын
Mage didnt exist bro especially burst mage you take one item mr and its done ados you stack all armor item you want they will still dead dammages
@KDYinYouTube 4 ай бұрын
​@@yoch5383 mage is broken but not poke mage
@Party0productions0 4 ай бұрын
​@@yoch5383tbf that's because there is an inherent attack damage that you start the game with that scales up as you level. Where as even if you pick a mage you'll always have no ability power starting out that doesnt come directly from runes (which is like pennies compared to the ad you get).
@xardinlume7345 4 ай бұрын
This feels like a non-solution. Basically, we're letting the same things happen again and again. Buffs tanks. Nerf them and buff marksmen. Nerf them, buff assassins. And it's not so much a class problem than a role problem to me. I haven't played LoL for long, and I never played ranked. But from my perspective, it's like nobody is willing to question the whole team composition meta that is either enforced or destroyed. Can we talk about mages bot or jungle? The characters that can be both top or jungle? That one offmeta counterpick that will anihilate your lane? (Say hi to ranged tops) I think that this game is way to complex to enforce the rules of its meta, even though it should be kept under control. ...or maybe I'm just craving for a less competitive MOBA that's not as chaotic as Arena.
@wisdomandy9361 Ай бұрын
Problem is if you nerf ADC much more, people will just stop playing ADC and start playing mages or assassins in ADC role.
@tm_k41zar80 7 күн бұрын
they do that rn, mages are meta bot for like 3 months now
@Rubinrus 4 ай бұрын
You see, my favorite game was during S3 when my team was failing practically everywhere and our only wincondition was "In Mordekaiser we trust". There was quite a feeling when the whole team hopes that 3/1/1 Mordekaiser, who has been farming for the entire game, suddenly becomes a 1v5 machine and wins the game solo... and it did happen. Nowdays however, the whole early-mid-late game powerspikes are a total mess due to a fact that most ADCs are strong in the every phase of the game and all it takes to take out your fed Darius is to have Leona stunlock him while ADC just does a few autos and boom - the D-threat is gone. I know it can be quite frustrating to play when your champ literally does nothing early, sometimes only having a vague impact on the game in midgame too, however, this is why those champions were rewarded with an absurd lategame. In my opinion it was far more interesting to have a champion like old Patheon with absurdly strong early to mid and non-existent late instead of current Vayne that can be an issue on every stage of the game. And it much more healthy for the game when champions have clear weaknesses. What was the weakness of Ezreal during early seasons? - his lack of damage until 3 to 4 items, it was extremely rare to see Ezreal getting fed early. Nowdays? - player's lack of skill to hit anything, that's literally the sole weakness right now. And the worst issue - we don't have the late game again. Early and midgame damage are buffed to the point that midgame became the lategame, so it's literally pointless to pick anything late-focused other than ADCs. See Qiyana and Lucian? - those are actual lategame champs now.
@yoch5383 4 ай бұрын
Same season 3 was the best by far and im totally agree now every champ are strong every time except burst Mages for some reasons
@Pololololo 4 ай бұрын
yeah lets talk about boots nerf - plated costs more gold and gives less damage reduction with what was it less armor? - merc costs more give less mr and less tenacity? - berserkers not changed at all still 1.1k gold with a t3 version of them that is legit just a completed item
@filipepinho3319 4 ай бұрын
honorable mention for kraken slayer an item made for adc's ends up being nerfed only for the class the item was designed for xD... riot should just nerf all items and runes all across the board and end this damage stack meta tbh!
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
@filipepinho3319 I will never forgive riot for doing that exact thing with lethal tempo. "Let's make an adc conqueter equivalent, then make it EIGHT TIMES BETTER ON MELEE CHAMPIONS". and yes, I'm salty as fuck about that to this day. That number? Eight times? Yeah that's not an exaggeration either. It gave 8x the AS to melees that it did to ranged for the first 4 months it was there.
@slaternitta1824 4 ай бұрын
berserkers did get nerfed and 9/10 games the match won't even go long enough to where you can upgrade zephyrs
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
As a melee champion you shouldn't be building boots first item so it's not relevant to you winning a lane against ranged champion, just stop taking free autoattacks, and build some actual damage because any melee champ can all in at lv3 and easily kill even with doran's shield. To continue your lead, you need damage, 1-3 items depending on the bruiser, not plated boots, noob.
@Pololololo 4 ай бұрын
@@templeofdelusion you are def low elo
@FedericoFarina02 4 ай бұрын
To factor this in: people generally prefer playing ranged because range is a form of defense. In a game in which everyone oneshots, compromising your team is well worth the possibility of surviving. If not being hit is your only option because one skill shot means you get a death timer, of course everyone goes ranged.
@MrOrthodox13 4 ай бұрын
Yes, BUT >Mages literally dominating bot lane and have higher win rate than adcs there, yet adcs are the only ones who are on the bottom of that list >assassins dominate mid lane and adcs also have lowest win rates in mid lane >top lane is still tanks and ap/ad bruisers, with adcs having low rates What is this video even talking about? Apart from "high ranked player comments" (and those players are not shown at all) you literally don't have a single statistics to back your claims. And for the records, I'm not even an adc main.
@koorraz 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, im thinking the same. This video is total b**lshit
@yoch5383 4 ай бұрын
Higher win rate mean nothing if they are played 3 games out of 10 000 000 op champs are not with the highest winrate usually they are the highest pickrate and if they are both they are beyond broken. Burst Mages are countered with one mr item (except mage from season 1 billion like hwei) adcs with all armor you want still deal damages
@LucRio448 4 ай бұрын
1) ADCs have lower winrate cause everyone plays them. Meanwhile mages are only played by the few who are good at those champs AND wann take them botlane. ADCs are played by good and bad ADCs, mages are only played by good mage players. 2) Assassins are a direct response to ADCs infesting midlane, because Assassins are literally designed to kill squishy ADCs, that's their job.
@koorraz 4 ай бұрын
@@LucRio448 first thesis makes no sense
@KDYinYouTube 4 ай бұрын
​@@LucRio448 so your point is, adc is very weak still?😂
@TsyChun 4 ай бұрын
the dude who wrote the essay is spot on imo, for the game to be fun, every role needs clear strengths and weaknesses, and we should require a balanced team comp to win. Adcs need a weaker early game, but they also need to be able to survive the early game to not be completely useless. I won't write an essay myself, but basically they need to be nerfed early so that they need the help of the support to lane, their late game needs to be the hardest scaling. Support, the role who has the least gold income, should not be able to deal that much damage without gold, so basically : they need to remove mage supports from the meta and balance those champs for midlane, as they can abuse adc's early too hard if the early of adcs was as weak as it should be the overall damage of the game should be reduced a bit, as the one shot meta makes the adcs late game too weak. those two things imo should allow the adc's early to be nerfed in a way that would make them shit in solo lane but still playable bot
@thebaker471 4 ай бұрын
This issue wasnt before because the game was a lot slower. Tanks could actually survive a fight and dps champions werent dealing 5k with a combo to an unfocused target. Make the game slower and adc could be back to their weak early. I understand that no one wants 1 hour games, but in my opinion, its a lot worse than 4 15 mins games. Win or lose, did you even played that game? Especially ranked. Those games should be even more thight, because you should play as your best pick, after all. Durability update did nothing in that matter, maybe a slower early game, but when it comes to mid and late game, its a huge question mark if it gets there for a long while. Make the game slower by nerfing all the damage coming from items, especially tank items, the game can be restored easily, but no, its easier to slap some numbers with damage on an item and call it a day. Its so annoying seeing how "ONE SHOT ASSASIN BUILD" is such a wow, cool, move on, but when a tank survives 5 people more than 5 seconds, its an entire reddit post about it. Durability will come brom how much damage you deal, not how much tanky you are. Thats why assasin Aatrox was a thing for a long time. Deal huge damage, heal based on that damage.
@ignacioperez5479 4 ай бұрын
Things started to go that way when lethality was added and assasins could oneshot with a component. Previously, a good assasin could oneshot in an Even situation and any assasin could oneshot if fed
@thebaker471 4 ай бұрын
@@ignacioperez5479 totally agree. That was the point when it all came down to it. Armor and magic pen were ok to an extent.
@KDYinYouTube 4 ай бұрын
@darkfallenmage1 Ай бұрын
The reason is it is an all tank meta and adcs are the role that can kill them. Mage don't have the damage and assassin case game flip and fall off. So late scaling champion are better. This because bounty caught up systems push all other roles out. Assassin can't end early do to 5min tower thing. All they have to do to fix it is remove caught up systems.
@diamonje 4 ай бұрын
I do have a complaint. They're not ADCs. They're marksmen. Now that they're no longer caged in bot lane they can actually affect the map by playing mid rather than being stuck 2 levels lower than everyone else because you had to share a lane. If you know which marksmen are typical mid laners then you can still predict draft. It's a classic skill diff.
@sonicvids 4 ай бұрын
Theyre also 1000x more vulnerable in mid lane, especially with the lane changes. If you cant identify when a champion's abilities are on CD and capitalize on their positioning.. then you are fundamentally fucking up at the basics of League. Either your laner isnt coordinating the lane well, or your jungler isnt identifying their opportunities. Ganks don't even always have to kill. If Tristana Ws away because a jungler entered the lane, then cool. That's gold they miss, and free chances for the laner to set up a better wave state.
@whyarewestillhere6381 Ай бұрын
I don't care about vayne top, but if I have to play one more game against Ashe or Caitlyn top I'll just quit
@spectator3272 4 ай бұрын
0:25 Is that a Huawei skin for Hwei? No way
@zachtemoro2116 4 ай бұрын
Surprisingly people figured out that EXP is more important than Gold 90% of the time. Riot has also been nerfing gold income across the board: Tower Plating nerfs, Support Item Nerfs, Items that have no right to cost 3000+ costing as much as they do. And last but not least, Mages having a ridiculous amount of Armor while also hitting 200 dmg, 800 range abilities on 5 second CD’s. I’m honestly surprised this didn’t happen sooner. Effectively you troll if you’re not an APC in bot lane, mid lane you can just shoot off a global or semi global ult, and we nerf bruisers every other patch bc someone can’t play into Darius or Aatrox
@hoteltrivago.3034 4 ай бұрын
I will never understand why people are okay with mage botlaners being consistently better than ADCs in their own roles, toplaners being better than supports in their own roles, etc. but the moment ADCs are viable for more than a patch or two people freak out. It's almost like it sucks to be underleveled, and the playerbase going mid or top is a natural reaction. Sadly, Rito is just gonna nerf ADCs and their items instead of actually fixing botlane.
@LucRio448 4 ай бұрын
What? The secon ADCs are not destroying everything at half an item, ADC players start crying and won't stop until they get buffed so hard the best champion in every single role is at least one ADC, dunno where you live or play the game tbh :'D
@hoteltrivago.3034 4 ай бұрын
@@LucRio448 Champions like Brand, Karthus, Seraphine, and Ziggs have consistently outperformed ADCs for literal years. It is only recent that they aren’t flourishing botlane, and yet they still manage to have a positive winrate as APCs as of right now across most skill brackets. In general, champions like Lucian mid have consistently been outperformed across all skill brackets by Akshan, among many other champions as well. Pretty consistently, ADC mid and toplaners have a horrific winrate as well, so it is not nearly as oppressive as people think, as ADCs cannot opt into defensive items, for the most part. As to where I’m playing, my BF is masters, so I’ve been jungling and supporting in that ELO for about a year, and let me tell you, it has never been easier to gank mid and top. But okay. Have fun with your 43% winrate Lucian mid, it’s tooootally OP bro.
@AngelLonely447 4 ай бұрын
As a Diamond ADC main I don't often feel the need to be the "main character". I don't mind my teammates and even SP taking kills (AND sometimes even farms) as long as they know what to do. I'd gladly accept that over losing a game. Of course it's more satisfying (and makes your job easier as an ADC) if you get fed and pampered, then goes on to carry the game doing tons of DMG and stuff but... as long as I get to play and win that's all that matters (and it's not gonna be like like that in every game anyway). Such mindset helped me to become more chill and focused. Simply put, if my team hoard resources but can't profit for the win, it's their skill issue BUT if I get fed but can't do sh*t, it's my skill issue. A fed support can wreak havoc on their entire team while making sure their ADC gets to farm and scale.
@RandomStuf69 4 ай бұрын
its always fun when you watch esports and cant wait who picks Lucian, Corki, Renekton, Rell and Ezreal
@BassBoostingBrony 4 ай бұрын
this sounds so weird, when u only play league casually anymore. having lived through the adc and tank metas^^
@thespectacularlymonochrome7891 4 ай бұрын
ADCs everywhere: I Sleep Mages botlane: TO THE RICE FIELDS (And mid lane) WITH YOU
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
Yeah it's really funny how league players are butthurt by variety in this stale game.
@noobehnoober3178 4 ай бұрын
@@templeofdelusion What variety is it to have the same five ADCs rotate between all roles? hello?
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@noobehnoober3178 you'll find out when you stop picking mages into adc.
@GalickGun 3 ай бұрын
Imagine expecting Riot to do anything about their own game in 2024
@NordicDragon1337 4 ай бұрын
Give adc champs less mr and armor while giving all melee champs more armor? Unsure of that is long term fix but that is the simpöest, and well league community is trying to optimize the game so much you honestly need whole roster rework in order to calm this down
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
This is already a thing and any skilled melee champ player can kill adc at level 3, lmao. 99% of "league community" is low elo trash.
@guuh5772 4 ай бұрын
playing ad miss fortune mid is pretty fucked 90% of the time the enemy cant do anything and i can just push and roam
@filipepinho3319 4 ай бұрын
League has been a fiesta before this adc fiesta... the main problem is the damage stack the game have, even a tank is able to deal lots of damage... For riot to fix ADC role they also have to fix all those issues with the game, otherwise we'll end up with the ADC dead role. For starting items and runes should be significantly nerfed and adjusted... plus a item that have mainly offensive stats shouldn't offer at the same time defensive stats, or they need to balance like 80% offensive, 10% defensive, 10% utility... I think the item passives in general are okish, with some items have ridiculous passives turning defensive stats items into offensive... and the game also needs more actives in items... riot is trying to tell us players we don't have fingers to play this type of game for far too long with this type of decisions as well champions that do it all for the player... and honestly flash I would severely nerf that thing, the game already have way too much mobility without this anyway! The game for a long time is missing strategy depth and the skill outplay creativity of players, the game currently is just lets see who one shots first... and this is where the current adc issue started, when they buff the role now they are back into the game and because some of them have mobility or ways to stay alive and counter melee champions they just win by outscalling, they don't even need to get kills, just be oppressive in lane...
@nashdash6404 4 ай бұрын
Top laners have been dealing with this for years now but when it happens to other lanes it's like the end of the world.
@TacNuke951 4 ай бұрын
Fucking hilarious that you think other lanes haven't been dealing with this. Fucking new blood players don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. Mid lane used to be exclusively for ADC until burst mages and assassins pushed them out.
@sonicvids 4 ай бұрын
7:00 as usual, high elo weirdos are so close to the real issue while missing the point. "Main Character Syndrome" is a fundamental problem with League as a WHOLE. High elo players who talk out of their ass, coaches who only exist to grift money off people, and bad faith youtubers giving advice have imbued into League this notion that "You have to win the game yourself" and it made everyone live up their own ass. If you have an entire enemy team of 3 adcs, and you arent prioritizing some form of armor like thornmail, sunfire, or deadmans.. then you arent being a TEAM player. Its not that ADCs are main characters and ruining the game.. its that PLAYERS are their own main characters with this "I have to carry" mentality. No one wants to be the guy who gets carried. No one wants to be the "support" and work strategically because it goes against what weirdos and grifters have told people for over a decade. You got 3 ADCs on the enemy team? Lock in Rammus and fucking WALK at them. Build your comp and strategy better. For gods sake, we live in a world where Baus is genuinely debated to be a troll or not. Because people fundamentally do not understand that you dont have to be a dick swinging carry to win the game. Main character syndrome is a PLAYER issue, not a champion issue. Its the same reason the community is so fucking toxic. They have been indoctrinated with this idea of carrying. But when everyone is super, nobody is.
@kadarak1 3 ай бұрын
True, I'm stuck in low elo (no, I'm not gonna blame teammates, I'm just bad player lol) and for years I'm hearing: "In iron/bronze/silver/gold pick X,Y,Z champions, snowball and win by yourself because you're playing 1v9." And I'm sick and tired of this "good advice" because community grow to have that main character syndrome that they are alone, they are the only player that can win game and WILL NOT play with team because "rest of the team is useless" while enemy team will just stick together, take drakes, take baron, pick up players that just wander alone and just push slowly to win. I can't count ammount of games that could be won if players were smart enough to actually stick together and play together instead of going solo everywhere and just being killed by whole enemy team. League was, is and will be team game, even Baus just split pushing lanes while being 0/20 is more useful for team than some player with overinflated ego and main character syndrome getting 3-4 kills just to die and give enemy gold from bounty and repeating this over and over. And why? Because Baus puts pressure on the enemy, if they continue to push and trying to fight then Baus will just keep pushing till Nexus is destroyed, if they go back then rest of team will pick objectives or push other lane while that overinflated ego player at some point will secure less and less kills while dying more and more.
@91tj 4 ай бұрын
I am happy with this acctually. This is a game, just a game, and when the metagame of a game is broken, is cool.
@lordzerkia 4 ай бұрын
For me the problem is mid being ruined by Rod of Ages + Seraph's Embrace. Makes it impossible to get solo kills and just ruins the lane phase
@Nightbreed774 4 ай бұрын
that shield items is disgusting
@BrokenScreen_desu 4 ай бұрын
I think instead of nerfing ADCs, Riot should just buff everything else. If everything is op, nothing really is. Also the fact that we've standardized roles the way we have is kinda weird if you think about it. Before ADC characters went to the botlane with a support, they were played in a solo lane so they would get solo gold and xp, and then the strategy changed. With this in mind, and the fact that you can pick any champ you want regardless of the role you selected, there's 2 possible solutions here that I can think of. 1.- Every champ is balanced with every role and every champion in mind, or 2.- Riot gets stricter about the roles each champion goes to and only lets you pick the champions assigned to your roles (so if you're queued for mid you wouldn't be able to pick champions that weren't assigned to the mid lane role). I do think that the fact that League is very flexible in the champions that you can pick, what role you can pick them in, and how you're gonna build those champions makes the game more fun and interesting, but at the same time, it raises a million problems when it comes to balancing everything.
@AustinDurbyn 4 ай бұрын
It's a never-ending cycle, if you've been around long enough, you're remember that ADC's were a joke and absolutely no one played them. To the point where all elo were using ziggs, a mage. As the main character ADC. Generally, the balance team haven't put enough effort into balancing with the meta. In simpler term. If you don't like the meta now, wait 5 minutes and complain about the new meta.
@mastmindle9408 4 ай бұрын
Riot: You want a Vayne nerf? Here! Play this new and exciting champion with a 3-hit passive, Gnar + Akshan Q, A dash that becomes an invisibility (and it resets!), a Graves R on a basic ability and an AOE camille R. At this point Riot is just TRYING AND MAKING us uninstall
@wnuczekbabci2721 4 ай бұрын
To be fair currently the main issue is how to nerf flex adc and not go back to split 1 when adc felt really weak. I would say a creative solution would be working around supports since they are unique to bot, not buffing them but giving them more early items to considerably strengthen the adc. A lot of supports currently take selfish support item (celestial/realmspike, bloodsong). Still it would increase the impact of supports not adc and again cause the issue of supports being laning phase adc. Its honestly tough but it's the only way to help bot adc agency without running into the meta we have now.
@ignacioperez5479 4 ай бұрын
DUDE!!! The whole reason ADC was bullshit first split (and a good bunch of the last years) was because of supports being broken. You can't have them both being good because then the Game becomes a Best bot wins and the other 2 lanes (JG is a completely different matter) become irrelevant
@argumentumadhominem3977 4 ай бұрын
The problem was that support had almsost all agency bot lane before
@tanishbhutada7678 4 ай бұрын
What if, just hear me out, let adcs play mid and top while nerfing their lane-ing just to make it fair Aaaaaannd make it so that tank support and enchanters go bot so that its a relatively low kill lane… prolly giving more power to the jungler in the process… this seems like a very huge change but the game feels very stale rn and Id be into it
@stefanos1679 4 ай бұрын
i stopped taking the game srsly when riot reworked graves this champion was supposed to be an adc, but very few remember/know this . Riot made him a jungler by mistake
@cherno8336 4 ай бұрын
you are just butthurt
@5kgBirnen 3 ай бұрын
As a Assassin main it is kinda ridiculous how tanky adcs get when they are fed or just ahead in lvl. I often cant 1v1 an fed adc while also being hyperfed on talon, esspecially when they get some sort of defensive item (BT, GA, etc.)
@saasta111 4 ай бұрын
Give them the support treatment, if an adc champ is enywere but bot, cut there gold gains, no gold no items
@nogamenolife9182 4 ай бұрын
This happens only if you buy the support item.
@waterhoofder6448 4 ай бұрын
Then there should be an "adc item"
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
How about learn how to play this game.
@jacobcannon8876 4 ай бұрын
This would disproportionately effect botlane ADC compared to solo lane, ya know, the opposite of what they need to nerf lol. If anything they could do a marksman wide shift to make their level scaling on durability even worse, but then they’d probably need to slightly buff botlane gold to maintain parity. Less armor, MR, and health for all marksman but they can either buff their gold-scaling or gold-income, but gold-scaling buffs would still help solo-lane so they should probably very lightly buff botlane gold from minions (also discourages ADCs from early skirmishing/rotating).
@XanFar 4 ай бұрын
I play Mordekaiser against Aurora before this video pops up atm I beg enemy topaner for pick any counter pick other than a mage/adc (if you say Vayne is Mordekaiser counter fuck you)
@jakayun4035 4 ай бұрын
When I first started playing League around 3 years ago, I read the support role and it said that the role was there to help adc farm during laning. I question that definition immediately when I saw a Vayne top working so well, then beat the rest of us including my own adc being 3 levels behind. So I asked people about adc in top lane and people said it was too vulnerable to ganks, but... what about adc that can wave clear well or have high mobility? Also people said it was vulnerable to combos, such as Camille, but from what I see is that you can just... play at lv6 while they play at lv4. Well I guess we realize that now. I really think it already making not much sense from a long time ago, not now.
@nashred 4 ай бұрын
Not true the game has just changed
@KDYinYouTube 4 ай бұрын
if you and the jg have brain, you will know you can gank adc under the tower anytime anywhere
@TheStuffEnjoyer 4 ай бұрын
Riot: We're listening. ADCs are too strong so we better nerf Irelia~(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
Almost like solo lane exp is the problem and handing someone a 3-6 level lead for THE ROLE THEY PICKED, is a bit much. 3000-6000 gold worth of stats for free is pretty fucking busted. Like yeah, what you are seeing is adcs being handed 150-300 cs worth of free stats for the lane they are in, just like the solo lanes have been getting to enjoy. You all laughed when the 0/13 irelia missed her entire kit and afk ran down the 12/0 jinx and her support from full hp and screamed "you should lose that fight jinx, you're down 4 levels on her". And now that adcs found a solution to how unfair that shit is, it's a problem?
@DurkzB 3 ай бұрын
its actually the fact that adcs win prio against anything so they can rotate with their jungler very easily, adcs dont scale with levels they scale with items, where are u guys getting this crap from?
@einjharrelraca 3 ай бұрын
@DurkzB Sure. Adc dont benefit from more ad, more as, more armor, more hp and better abilities. XD Delusions. And if you are losing lane prio to an adc, you fucked up hard. Their waveclear isnt THAT strong, and the moment a mage has lost chapter their waveclear is gone.
@DurkzB 3 ай бұрын
@@einjharrelraca yes adc dont benefit from base stats from leveling up as much as they do from items thats why their powerspikes are on 2-3 items and not on lvl 9 when their main ability is lvl 5, and the waveclear part is half true, thats why the 2 most played solo lane adcs (tristana and corki) have more waveclear than any mage you dork
@einjharrelraca 3 ай бұрын
@@DurkzB yup. tristana doesn't benefit from getting more points in her q, which gives her more attack speed, or getting more range from her passive. XD Lucien doesn't benefit from more damage on his q, and a lower cooldown on his q, allowing him to proc his passive for double autos more often, nope not at all. Smolder doesn't benefit from getting points in his q, which lowers the cooldown and allows him to stack up faster. Varus definetly doesn't benefit from getting more points in his q, allowing him to pop blights more often, or increasing his onhit magic damage from w if he goes that rout, and getting more ad and ap from his passive when he kills thing. Vayne certainly doesn't benefit from getting more points in her q allowing her to increase her mobility by large amounts and damage, OR getting more points in her w, allowing her to deal more %max hp true damage. XD This is all ignoring the extra 10-20 ad they get from levels, and the extra attackspeed they get from level either. And finally, the big one. yup, they certainly dont get much benefit from GETTING THEIR ULTIMATES 2 FULL MINUTES FASTER THAN NORMAL XD.
@DurkzB 3 ай бұрын
@@einjharrelraca ok you might just be brain damaged, i didnt say they dont benefit, i said their power spikes are on their items no their levels, or your 225 stacks if youre smolder, a full build lvl 10 caitlyn is a lot scarier than a lvl 18 caitlyn with 3 items
@SashaHyus 4 ай бұрын
Zeri mid, Lucian mid, Tristana mid, Ezreal mid, Caitlyn mid, Aphelios mid, Draven mid, Kaisa mid Me: Smdbudosowhehe 😭
@mercoro 4 ай бұрын
Its not that hard to fix this, just make players select only champs from their designated lane, done. The thing is, this would take all of the fun of the game, but would reduce drastically the trolling and make the game more fair.
@justsomekirbowithoutamusta1852 3 ай бұрын
This would also be the next step to kill the game, good suggestion
@EpicDBagger 4 ай бұрын
What counters ADC’s? Things that can get on them, and kill them. That’s ADC’s that are all over the place, and mostly Hyper Mobile. That’s what they need to target. 🎯 In addition the champions that counter them are not being played often, or are weak currently. True assassins (or old true assassins) Zed, Leblanc, Talon, Katerina, Fizz, Akali. In addition, control Mages paired with Tanks. Should be able to heavily limit a Marksmen’s options. However, due to the extreme excess of tank busting currently in the game, they are unable to be utilized in the fashion they were originally designed for and capable of from Season 2-4
@nashred 4 ай бұрын
@EpicDBagger 4 ай бұрын
So TLDR Tanks and assassins are not strong enough in the current game environment to answer ADC’s. Tanks because there is too much %HP and true damage in the game. Assassins because they been nerfed heavily, or entirely redesigned to intentionally slow down their play styles. Give ADC extreme mobility, was the real issue that exasperated all of this to
@howlermisadventure2764 4 ай бұрын
What if Riot do that the champion with the support item doesn't exists upon sharing experience. That would be nice, so adc and support can match level with those unskilled mid and top players that only beat your ass cause they are 3 levels ahead.
@inplane9970 4 ай бұрын
Really wish they made a Cull-like ADC item that acts like World Atlas. That way, it incentivizes farming and scaling and it also cannot be abused by solo laners.
@jimjimson6208 4 ай бұрын
or maybe unskilled adc players should realise that there job is not to 1v1 3 levels up camille
@Fadlife_League 4 ай бұрын
@@inplane9970 So adc can't farm when supp randomly roams for 5 min? :(
@inplane9970 4 ай бұрын
@@Fadlife_League It will discourage Supports from roaming randomly and making random plays around the map, hoping that something works. It's the reason why tanky engage Supports are overpowered right now. They can roam and start fights around the map with no drawback.
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@Fadlife_League yes, you cannot, now explain why a roam takes 5mins.
@LifesY-T 4 ай бұрын
I swear i used to say it before, ever since the changes to bot lane exp vs solo lane exp, riot has had a fundamental misunderstanding on how to balance ADCs... the problem was never that the chamions were bad, adc champs were basically always good, even when we had the bruisers bot meta, that only happened because bruisers had better kits and better base stats to deal with how bad bot lane was. the problem was that, the role fcking sucked, having to sit bot and watching the whole game just end before u can even get to level 9 or complete 1 item is just fcking insane. instead of addressing the issue of the ROLE sucking, riot addressed a non-existent issue of CHMAPIONS sucking, adc builds nowadays are just so insanely strong, the items are crazy good, the champs that were already good, are now even better and the adc role still sucks fundamentally, the suckiness just gets covered up by how strong the champs are...
@Cylisfloofer 4 ай бұрын
"ADCs are ruling the game" *laughs in sion*
@dankmemes8254 4 ай бұрын
@gohomehero 4 ай бұрын
@riptrojans7237 4 ай бұрын
You having a stroke?
@hanshysher6266 4 ай бұрын
He is defo having a stroke, call 911
@guiaurelio3858 4 ай бұрын
lol, Sion is pure shit right now
@AetherialYoutube 4 ай бұрын
Nerf Barrier, I see every ADC running it now, it's so annoying
@PartyMain 4 ай бұрын
As a master jungler, I was telling people for seasons that adcs are the most broken champs in the game. Games are decided by botlane but when I used to play top, ranged tops against good people was pure suffering. They have way too strong items and for some reason riot keeps buffing them for no reason
@d_camara 4 ай бұрын
We should go back to season 2 meta, adc mid, mage bot
@raikaria3090 4 ай бұрын
The problem is ADC mains cry like hell when their role isn't blatently overpowered and the literal core of the game in the early; mid and lategame like they were in Season 2. When in reality; the ADC is a lategame class, and is the glass cannon damage. It's supposed to require support in exchange for that power. If you want to be the main character, you can't be the main character for every arc; there's 4 other characters on your team. 4 other players.
@moelistic-r8n 4 ай бұрын
The worst players are in bot lane because all good players don't even want to play bot, INCLUDING YOU.
@togglefox2962 4 ай бұрын
idk if this is a regional problem or what but it actually has been the exactly opposite for me, where people will go 5 top/jungle. top laners have been running rampant in my games, and it not even ranked, its norms. like, why??? please explain.
@Surged-eu5fs 4 ай бұрын
Being in bot lane as an adc doesn’t really make sense from a resource standpoint. Why be in the lane with the leaf resources, when you require the most?
@ignacioperez5479 4 ай бұрын
@@Surged-eu5fs because riot took the resources away from botlane, and whenever ADC go away from there, they are sent back with a kick
@nashred 4 ай бұрын
Because in old league ADCs did not need to put points into their ability like mages. They just scaled better off of gold while others scaled better off of level and exp. So you could be under leveled but still have 3 items and be the strongest on the map now the game has forgotten these basic principles and we are in the state of league we have today so I get permad
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@nashred if you weren't bronze, you'd know that melee champs are still stronger than adc's at level 3. >b-b-ut I am a moron and took free damage for past 2 levels, I can't all in now! yeah maybe don't take free damage then? Use your brain. You said it yourself, others scale better off level and exp, so gold is not relevant. Is it not possible to scale off level and exp against a ranged enemy without taking damage? Holy shit, league players are so dogshit.
@yoch5383 4 ай бұрын
Because in early stages on league mages were really strong in mid game far stronger than adc in mid game nowadays midgame or late game is basicqlly the same for adcs and burst Mages are now useless or adcs have better power spike
@jususi71 4 ай бұрын
Issue is that adcs dont need 2-3 items anymore to come online, they just get 1 and they are bing chilling
@TacNuke951 4 ай бұрын
Tell me you don't play adc without telling me you don't play adc
@limeffdd 4 ай бұрын
Riot trolled with giving adc's Collector. Why even bother grouping up to get Elder Dragon buff when they could just rush collector 1rst item and spray n pray hoping the execution procs in a situation where they probably wouldn't have calculated the precise damage to kill you. You see shit like Cait/Dravens go like 0-5 in lane and then they build Collector and press R for the rest of the map to 'assist' their smurf duo with a near-guranteed execution on something that probably wouldn't have killed in the first place.
@russellperdomo4972 4 ай бұрын
Collector is the least of the problems
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
Unholy levels of bronze emanating from your post.
@limeffdd 4 ай бұрын
@@templeofdelusion Nah you probably abuse collector because you don't know the precise damage potentials to kill someone. It's a lazy hamburger helper item lol I can only imagine Riot making a commercial out of it. "Tired of being bad and the enemy always leaving with low health? Introducing Collector, an AUTO EXECUTE button! Now you TOO can become Doublelift". See back in my day in Season 1-5 you had to actually calculate your armor/magic penetration in your head and after many games you developed a 2nd hand nature for it. That's one of the huge factors that seperated the average from the great. That's not there anymore if you build that item.
@templeofdelusion 4 ай бұрын
@@limeffdd that's a lot of words to cope about the fact that you're bronze instead of asking how I know, lmao.
@limeffdd 4 ай бұрын
@@templeofdelusion you know I'm right lol I can't tell if you're just trollposting or not. I've already hit diamond season 4 and 5 back when it mattered if you really care. look up Dancing Eel. I did it without the billion coaches/youtube guides and overwolf addons you kids abuse nowadaays lmfao
@AJ-em2rb 4 күн бұрын
as someone who's been playing since before the first ranked season: this is hilarious. the original setup was ADC solo mid and it took a couple years before players realized that mages need both gold and levels to do well but adc's only needed gold to be relevant and thus the meta was born. top and jungle becoming the varied mix of tanks and late-game supports was a side-effect and not specifically intentional. i guess riot has just made enough changes and made enough new characters that adc's are more like the mages of old (there are so many badly designed champs now). also... Tristana mid dominating was one of the main reasons they remade her into an AD only character. her old kit was bonkers powerful if you ran full AP and took her mid. her old E was basically Ignite on a smaller cooldown and with like an 80-90% AP ratio
@InterruptingOctopus 4 ай бұрын
heres a hot take: restrict champ select pools based on the damn role you picked. you cant lock in lucian mid and vayne top if they arent even available to pick.
@FallenWings 4 ай бұрын
Unfortunately that would restrict player creativity Its creativity that created the jungle role, the ad/sp bot, top, jg,mid & support pantheon (depends on the season for viability), CAPS' vayne mid. Creating a limitation on role and position will give you a situation like Overwatch, which no one likes.
@InterruptingOctopus 4 ай бұрын
@@FallenWings no one liked the 6 tank meta in overwatch either but they dont ever see those again thanks to role restriction, and things like support pantheon are why people dont want to play marksmen in the botlane in the first place. creativity is not inherently a good thing. "everybody's so creative! see the veigar bot and master yi supp duo? arent you glad everyone's allowed to take anyone anywhere? who cares if they dont normally fit those roles! you never know if something is viable until after the game! or you can learn exactly why they belong where they belong and never anywhere else, but whos gonna make you? see how differently different you're allowed to be as if there arent 9 other actual human beings spending between 30 minutes to an hour of their lives trying to see a victory screen just once tonight?"
@Pariston42 3 ай бұрын
how would that work? its not like the bot lane will not go to mid after the first tower anyways, adcs will gain less gold and experience and in the mid? if that happens pro play games would take so much longer
@InterruptingOctopus 3 ай бұрын
@@Pariston42 roaming can still be a thing, But when someone who queues for top gets to champ select, none of the marksmen will be available. That also means that there will be no yasuo adc to worry about. The goal is not to chain people to their turrets, but to keep the matchups in the early game consistent.
@Bro.Synchro 4 ай бұрын
Top Jungler Mid Support - bip bup bop playing league Adc - "Linkin Park Song Playing" My life is the worst let's make everyone else miserable too
@thetwistedsavant5821 4 ай бұрын
I think the best thing they could do is just give every ADC a worse early/mid game but better late game. To put it into simple terms I want every ADC to feel like Kayle: practically useless early, looking for openings to get more ahead mid game, and then an actual menace for the team to play around late game as they're supposed to.
@untitledmisou 4 ай бұрын
Or they could adjust their kits too. Like idk why I'm taking more magic damage from an ADC with mostly 4 AD items than a mage with 3 AP items. It's so strange. But I agree overall.
@bitalcuadrado 3 ай бұрын
Idea: what if each selected role gives a specific buff and debuff in lane? For example, you choose bot, you get an attack speed buff, you choose support you get CDR, reduced mana cost, you choose top you get defensive boosts, you choose jungle you get movement speed boost, and so on? Wouldn't that kinda balance out things? Sure, it'd probably shake the whole thing but it could be an interesting way of keeping things in check
@filipesaul8435 4 ай бұрын
Real chads play Jhin lethality mid 🗿
@thanhao5500 4 ай бұрын
Jhin mid with old 4 i.e was so good
@legitplayin6977 4 ай бұрын
I play jhin lethality jungle, does that count ?
@rushink 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, if this is affecting proplayers negatively, they should keep it
@chill_bloby 4 ай бұрын
thank god im no longer a top main bc this is HELL im so fucking sick of seeing smolder and varus top
@datstift610 4 ай бұрын
Just stop playing the game entirely and start enjoying life again
@chill_bloby 4 ай бұрын
@@datstift610 impossible, you are asking to much its to late for me
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
Many you must be the most unlucky person ever considering both of those show up in under 1% of games.
@chill_bloby 4 ай бұрын
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
@@chill_bloby sounds like me dealing with invaded when I get off rolled to jungle. I swear there is a 100% chance I get invaded level 1. Every single time without fail. It's gotten so bad, I just naturally start my enemies red buff now.
@taleofsonata1 4 ай бұрын
I mean it's the same issue with Mages, but unlike ADC, Mages wants to go mid but they cannot go mid because it's a lane shared with Assassins, and Assassins are extremely strong in lane. So Riot decided to push mage to Support/Jungle/Top/Bot, which I dislike about it because assassins aren't pushed anywhere and are stuck Mid lane.
@bellidrael7457 4 ай бұрын
It's funny how nobody can agree on what is wrong with the game. You have videos like this saying how strong ADCs are and how it's ruining the game. Meanwhile other people are saying how we are in a tank meta. People wonder why Riot never fixes things when even the playerbase can't decide on what is actually too strong.
@bohomazdesign725 4 ай бұрын
Who the F said its a tank meta? I legit almost never see any tanks neither in my Diamond games nor on high elo streams xD
@KDYinYouTube 4 ай бұрын
​@@bohomazdesign725 have you ever go up to master rank at LEAST?😂
@hikierachase1692 4 ай бұрын
Just give assassins a small buff and you fix the problem.
@ForeverDorian 4 ай бұрын
Nerf ADC early game but buff how much experience ADC and supports get when they duo lane. Being 3-4 levels down every game is the issue of why ADC role feels fucking awful
@moelistic-r8n 4 ай бұрын
Yeah. Even bot players win with their skills, the game experience is awful because you cannot impact the game at all but be babysat by your teammates.
@pumking-x-5404 4 ай бұрын
This is will always be a "problem" because of champs like Quinn and Teemo who are marksmen by all means and could even be played bot but they are just built better for other lanes. As far as champs like these exists the marksman role will never be bound to bot. Remember people lanes weren't a thing until people just agreed it's the best strat, nothing needs to be streamlined and the game can evolve over time. Do I like that I'm fighting Camille support? No but it's whatever cause I can play Jhin top or Ryze bot and make them work. I personally like how much experimentation is possible in this meta and I would say to keep it like this for a few patches before shaking things up again completely
@NotApplicable1123 4 ай бұрын
All they need to do to fix this is add carry item counterparts to the support item. All adcs get less gold and exp for the first 9 minutes. Unless they have this item type and farm near a character that has a support item. That is literally all you need to do. They’ll probably do something stupid like nerf all adcs though.
@ulyssecohenner9640 4 ай бұрын
Maybe not the "Farm near à support player" cause that mean in lower elo that you get fucked everytime your support think it's his time to be à jungler, but yeah some kind of "get more gold and xp while in the botlane" that transform in a item that give you a ton of health after 40 cs (given you took back health from adc prior to that) would be super cool
@NotApplicable1123 4 ай бұрын
@@ulyssecohenner9640 if support is roaming on wave clash they’re already paying for it, making it cost more to do would disincentivize it more. Especially early.
@risingsun4 4 ай бұрын
I wish they nerfed all adcs. Their damage is absolutely unfair. They completely ignore armor. Playing a tank and building armor offers barely any difference. You no longer feel tanky or safe. The game is too one shotty, NERF ADCS
@einjharrelraca 4 ай бұрын
​​@@risingsun4the class that offers ONLY DAMAGE is doing insane damage? *surprised Pikachu fac*"
@risingsun4 4 ай бұрын
@einjharrelraca have you not been paying attention? People WISH adcs only had unfair damage. But that's the problem with modern LoL adcs. Other than unfair damage they have TREMENDOUS mobility, they can literally follow you on their own and hunt down mobility based juggernauts and they have stuns and slows on top of that! I quit LoL because I realized there's no longer a point in playing against adcs when building armor doesn't protect you from them. It's over for anyone who doesn't want to perma pick adc counters. I'm done with LoL and even if they nerf adcs at this point I'm not returning. I will only consider returning once adcs are nerfed to USELESSNESS and their entire gameplay is reworked. Making them slower would fix plenty of imbalance problems. Good luck to any delusional people thinking LoL isn't at one of the worst, most imbalanced places it's ever been edit: spelling
@zaferoph 3 ай бұрын
Thing is, we've always kinda had this in the game for years. Varus, Vayne, Ezreal, Kai'sa and even Jhin have seen play outside of botlane for many years.
Riot's biggest mistake.
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