*DUNE* was WEIRD but FASCINATING | First Time Watching Movie Reaction

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Jason Jeffory

5 ай бұрын

This movie is nearly 3 years old, crazy. But feels like only yesterday that people were talking about the new Dune movie! Knowing nothing about the film I'm going in completely blind and the results were a bit confusing but very intriguing. Can't wait for part 2!
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@fjfaase 5 ай бұрын
Tatooine is based on Dune, not the other way around.
@iatemyphonegaming 5 ай бұрын
My mom forced me to read Dune one summer, and I LOVED it. I didnt like the original movie very much, but this one was so good. I'm eagerly awaiting part 2.
@leytonjay 5 ай бұрын
The 1984 movie was my first touch of Dune, I loved it because it was like an acid trip, especially with the awful cuts and ham fisted editing required to get it down from 5hrs in length. When I read the book I was not sad it was different. So much richer and made more sense 🤣 Lynch took so many liberties and made so many weird decisions. Still love his movie, but this is THE definitive Dune.
@Novacification 5 ай бұрын
In Dune, mankind spread throughout the stars as AI reached a point where it could be used to safely navigate the stars but thinking machines proved to be a double edged sword. There was a revolt and all thinking machines were destroyed and the concept was outlawed. Instead the focus was turned to expansion of the mind. Spice is a mind altering substance that allowed people to evolve to incredible levels. Mentats (the guy with the white eyes) is one of the results of this. Human computers said to dwarf the ability of even the thinking machines of the past. They consume vast quantities of spice. The Spacing Guild made what is known as navigators who are humans who are fed and submerged in the purest form of spice. Their form is more blob or fish than human and they cannot live without the spice but they are the only ones who have the ability to safely travel through space because of their ability to perceive the future to some degree. The Spacing Guild has a monopoly on space travel but are reliant on Spice. The Bene Gesserit is an all-women order who focuses on genetics to try to produce a messiah for mankind. They have carefully experimented and crossed bloodlines for millenia and are very secretive about their designs and family history , in part because they may need to have their members pair up with relatives to further their goals. They have the voice as seen in the movie and a high level of control of their bodies, like Lady Jessica being told to bear only daughters. The emperor put the Harkonnens in charge of Arakkis; the only source of spice in the universe. They predictably got very rich off of this arrangement. House Attreides was a military culture who had grown in power to almost rival The Emperor. So The Emperor gave them Arakkis but made arrangements with the Harkonnens that he would not prevent them from seeking revenge on House Attreides. He even supplied some of his own highly trained Sardaukar troops. This way he weakened both houses, though mainly House Attreides who were mostly wiped out, and because he knew the spice production would be interrupted he bolstered his own stocks to benefit from the increase in price. The Harkonnens made similar arrangements. That was a little backstory and explanation of the plot. Hope it made sense.
@BigGator5 5 ай бұрын
"Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we're awake." Fun Fact: The film was leaked online on October 17, 2021, less than a week before its American premiere. Music Enthusiast Fact: The use of Pink Floyd's song Eclipse (1973) in the first trailer caused the song to skyrocket on streaming music platforms by 1700%. Lost In Adaptation Fact: This film sports a distinctly Arabic theme, in keeping with author Frank Herbert having used Islamic culture as an influence for his story. Location Location Fact: The scenes on the ocean world of Caladan were shot in Stadlandet, Norway. Much of the desert scenes on the desert world of Arrakis were shot in Jordan and Abu Dhabi, in the Middle East. Fan Filmmakers Fact: Composer Hans Zimmer is a big fan of the novel Dune, and turned down working with frequent collaborator Christopher Nolan on Tenet (2020) to score this film. For the same reason, Denis Villeneuve was the top choice but turned down the offer to direct the Bond film No Time To Die (2021).
@travisgray8376 5 ай бұрын
First dune novel came out in 1965 so before star wars. They split the first book up into 2 parts n they said part 3 is the second novel. There wre 6 novels by Frank Herbert.
@pg5137 4 ай бұрын
Everyone living on Arrakis long enough has blue eyes due to spice in the air. What the movie fails to show is that spice due to enormous health benefits is consumed by some of the nobles, specifically Padishah Emperor. Mentats also consume spice to the extent that some have eyes just like Fremen. So no, blue eyes do not give away that someone is Fremen, only that this person is either from Arrakis or Great House-level rich and consumes spice in vast quantities. Harkonnen's mentat Piter de Vris had Fremen-like eyes.
@KansaSCaymanS 4 ай бұрын
The “problem” with producing a movie from such a complex novel, is that much of the 1st episode by necessity deals with world building and introducing a lot of characters and strange names. The same could have been said for the Fellowship of the Ring in the LOTR trilogy. As someone who read both LOTR and Dune before the movies, I think both directors did an admirable job of staying as true to the books to satisfy the literary fans, while still making the story of these densely written novels understandable by those who haven’t read the books. Can’t wait for Part 2! 👍
@AniMageNeBy 5 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it! Indeed, the story is quite compelling but worldbuilding needs its time, and they stayed pretty close to the original story and scenes of the book. Some details were omitted, but that's unavoidable when adapting such a lore-heavy book. As to give you some info on the lore and politics of the Duniverse, so it becomes a bit more clear: You have 4 major powerblocks in this universe: 1)The Emperor (and his army, the Sardaukar) 2)The Landsraad, consisting of a dozen Great Houses (and many Minor Houses, all vying for power). Think Game-of-Thrones here, but in sci-fi setting. ;-) 3)The Bene Gesserit; a semi-religious Order of women whom have certain powers (like the Voice, or being a Truthsayer, and some others not shown yet) and exert a lot of behind-the-scenes influence, but mostly stay low-profile 4) The Guild Navigators and CHOAM; a strong mercantile power, with a monopoly on spacetravel It was more or less explained in the beginnings when Paul talked with his dad on Caladan: House Atreides is a growing power, politically and military, and the Emperor feels threatened. But he can't directly attack the House, because otherwise the Landsraad (the ensemble of Great Houses) will turn against him. As said, they each constitute a "big power" in this Duniverse. So the Landsraad and the Emperor keep each other in check, as it were. Meanwhile, the Bene Gesserit are working from the shadows, on both sides - they primarily are concerned with their own plans and devices, to create the Kwizatsh Haderach. They manipulate from the shadows and actually form the third great power in this universe, but seldom show it openly. They also exert power by political marriages, or become concubines for political advantages - which is why Jessica wasn't married to Leto, though it was done to benefit him and House Atreides, not herself or the Sisterhood. The fourth independent power, which is hardly touched upon in this first part of the movie, is the Spacing Guild and CHOAM. They're like a huge mercantile power, and the Guild Navigators are the only ones able to move/teleport (technically folding space-time) between planets, so without them, there would be no viable interstellar Imperium. Which make them essential and an enormous powerhouse as well - though, of course... they are and remain dependent on the Spice. That's why: whom controls Arrakis, controls the Empire. So the Emperor can't directly attack a Great House like Artreides, or he risks all-out war with the Landsraad, consisting of the other Great Houses. Instead, he uses an indirect attack, with and through the Harkonnens - who want their fiefplanet back with all the Spice - doing the grunt work for him. The emperor knows they will be easily instigated that way, certainly because the Atreides and Harkonnen already have a centuries-old feud going on between them. It's a sort of proxy war, thus. He does help the Harkonnen to make sure they'll win - hence why he sends a few battalions of Sardaukar, his elite troops. But no-one (especially the Landsraad) may know about that. (That's also why they killed Liet, because she was going to expose the Emperor's meddling). Also, some details one might have missed in the movie: About the time in which the story plays: in the beginning of the movie they show it's the year 10191, but this is not 10191 AD, it's 10191 AG. AG (After Guild - when the Spice Guild was made and started exploring the stars), and BG (Before Guild) are the iterations used and the lore in the books gives some indication as how that relates to our AD (Anno Domini). The most precise date - with a high level of accuracy - is that the first Dune novel which is set in 10,191 AG, corresponds approximately to 23,148 AD. It is mentioned the "space age" takes place in 11,000 BG, and assuming this would mean it began in 1957 AD as this is when the first satellite, Sputnik, was launched, we can rebuild the whole timeline to our AD. So if you add the year 11,000 BG to 10,191 AG you’re left with a time span of 21,191 years. So if you add 21,191 years to 1957 AD, you’re left with 23,148 AD as the most likely date. Quite some time! Most casual watchers of the movie think it's almost 10000 years in the future, but it's actually more than twice as much! Now...as far as the melee fights and old/new tech are concerned, it's important to realize that in the Duniverse, while there is very high-tech at CERTAIN aspects, others are low tech (which gives the retro-feeling of the movie) but with a reason. It may seem strange at first sight, but note, however, that this has an in-story explanation, namely: thousands of years ago, there was a rebellion against "thinking machines" (AI) called the Butlerian Jihad. Humanity won (barely), but since that time there is a very strong taboo on creating anything resembling robots or AI, and humanity started to develop their own powers (aided by the melange/spice), such as Mentats (basically human supercomputers). This is the reason you don't see any highly developed robots, AI or even computers in this world. This mix of old and new tech is a defining, historically explained element of the Duniverse; it's part of the worldbuilding and lore. Now, specifically about the melee combat: maybe you missed it, but they explained the shields in that fighting scene; they said "the slow sword can penetrate it". This is a hint that ALL objects with high kinetic energy are stopped dead in their tracks when hitting the shield, but SLOW objects can penetrate it. Meaning: ALL of our "modern" warfare weapons would largely become obsolete: machine-guns and all fast moving shells/bullets etc. become useless, but swords and knifes that are SLOWLY moved can still reach a target through the shields. Making the use of swords and knifes, after thousands of years, the dominant way of fighting once again. It's actually a cool twist. That's all I'm going to say about it, because any more would get you into spoiler territory for part 2! ;-) Hope that made things more clear!
@leytonjay 5 ай бұрын
Yeah you mostly got the plot from the beginning. Everyone already thinks Baron Harkonnen is prick so nothings changes when he attacks the Atreides and the Emperor who set it all up has clean hands. The Emperor's life is easier with his biggest rival and probably biggest critic, out of the way.
@leytonjay 5 ай бұрын
It is confusing because Part I & II are based on a single book that has Tolkien levels of world building and was said to be unfilmable. The movie does it's best to explain what it can through example mostly avoiding narration which killed the 1984 movie. It scraps the really deep stuff, save for a few references for fans. At the 90min mark you really ARE still in the intro. You're the first person I've seen who hasn't enjoyed it. Watching people react to Dune is kinda my thing 😂 weird I know.
@Aegnor-kt1zt 5 ай бұрын
great adaptation of the book can't wait for part two next month !
@seratoxin3825 5 ай бұрын
lol yeah, sand people, Tatooine, that sand worm level...and everything else. Star Wars is just a generic rip-off of dune, but dumbed down, with all the political and social commentary thrown in a blender...not to mention how Lucas centered Star Wars on the exact cliche tropes Dune was criticizing, like the Chosen One stuff...
@rogue9230 5 ай бұрын
The original dune story is miles better in terms of quality writing then Star Wars however the original trilogy is better then dune 1, and both take different approaches to the chosen one gimmick dune directly criticizes it and outlines the dangers of it and Star Wars portrays it as the natural process of the force that occurs no matter how fall you might’ve fell
@seratoxin3825 5 ай бұрын
@@rogue9230 Star Wars is utter trash as far as writing goes. i'll give that series its props for music, special effects, even acting in some cases (mostly Han and Lando). as far as writing tho? complete shit. the whole "light side vs dark side" nonsense, the dichotomy between the empire and the republic - as if there's a difference (kinda the whole point of Dune btw), the more grneral cliches like the Chosen One and the Force as an interpretation of fate or destiny, etc...
@spyro257 5 ай бұрын
easy to understand... the Emperor is mad a House of Atreus, coz House of Atreus is more popular than the Emperor, so people go to House of Atreus for advice, and not the Emperor... on the other hand, the Harkonnens have more money than the Emperor, from the spice trading, which the Emperor ALSO dont like... lastly, House of Atreus and Harkonnen have a blood feud, an ancient vendetta, so taking money away from Harkonnen, and giving it to House of Atreus, will only end one way, a war, and to make sure the Harkonnens win, the Emperor send some of the best of the best he has with them, to make sure it goes as the Emperor wants, getting rid of the House of Atreus, who is more popular, and taking money away from the Harkonnens at the same time, who has more money... it's "2 birds with 1 stone" for the Emperor...
@LeMn680 5 ай бұрын
This guy looks bored af
@shubhamjatav6637 5 ай бұрын
Watch 12th fail movie, it has imdb rating of 9.3, finally a worthy compatitor for 3idiots from the makers of 3idiots.
@DVDhoarder 5 ай бұрын
High quality CGI, big names in cast, but... so boring, so grey 😕 SyFy channel's Dune mini-series are my favorite. Sure, CGI is old but eveything else is fantastic... cast, characters, colors, epic Soundtrack 👍 older movie was far from perfect but still more rewatchable than this newest version .😊
@lovelyman28 5 ай бұрын
Yikes Dude. LOL… Perfect way to tell us you have bad taste without telling us. LOL
@DVDhoarder 5 ай бұрын
@@lovelyman28 could you tell me what you didnt like in Syfy channel mini-series? What they did better in this new movie compared the mini-series? Yes, CGI was better but what else... 🤔
@DVDhoarder 5 ай бұрын
@@lovelyman28 ..and if 2022 version of Dune was superior, why there is theme song of 80's Dune on your playlist but no tracks from this new soundtrack 🙄
@AniMageNeBy 5 ай бұрын
Boring? I'm wondering if we watched the same movie, then. The only way you could feel this was boring, is when you find characterization and worldbuilding boring.
@DVDhoarder 5 ай бұрын
@@AniMageNeBy could be that I have watched older movie 4 times and SyFy channel's mini-series even few times more. I mean, this new movie is (half of) same story just directed way , w a y , less entertaining. Also, soundtrack was realy dull & forgettable when you compered it to the other Dune soundtracks 🙄👎