Рет қаралды 860,700
Hijretin is the fourth year.
A year in search of two births in Medina,
Two feasts, two months ...
Parents of the best friend of the earth are born.
Rasû »l-üs Sakaleyn's smells
Fatıma't-üz Zehir's blossom saplings
Ali'yi Mürteza's unique heroes are born.
Two of the youngest of heavenly sisters.
The first spoiled flowers of Ahl al-Bayt ...
The two-month piece says, "Hello,
His name is Rahman, Gabriel is breathing
You call them the two bounties of Allah;
One's name is Hasan; the other is Hussein.
When time is ripe for leafy leaves
They were raised in the line of the prophets
And already they are bigger in the sema.
One day the bible of the prophets is sitting.
la Hussein
In the game of catching each other ...
"Ha Hasret Hasan! I'll catch you, Hussein. "
Hz. Ali; "Ya rasulAllah!" He says,
"Should not you be a party to Hussein?
Hussein is smaller. "
Rasulullah they say;
"Look! Gabriel also holds Hussein;
Try hard Ha! My opponent says you. "
Once again,
Sir, they walk with their troops.
Hz. Huseyin plays with the children.
Our Prophet opens his hands;
Hussein to hold ...
Hz. Hussein, he's running out here and there.
And he laughs and catches him, the Nebis server.
Behind an elmin's head,
He puts the other hand under his jaw, kisses, smells, kisses.
Then time and space are calling;
"Let me be happy, I am Hussein!
He loves Hussein who loves God!
Hussein, a grandson of grandchildren. "
And one day Gabriel comes with a message;
Hussein will be martyred on the Euphrates coast.
The place is sad, sad, mysterious and troubled.
Nearby Karbaladır!
Sixty-first year of Hijra.
Muharrem for months ...
Blood in blood color
Burning in blood color.
And the lips are thirsty,
Hearts are thirsty ...
There is a son in the vulture,
The sons are feda.
It's fifty years away from your grandfather.
White as she is dressed
White face.
Calls over his horse
To the ones whose hearts are sealed
To those who lack mercy;
"Am I not the son of your Prophet's daughter?
Am I not the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa?
Martyrs seyyidi Hamza is not my father's uncle?
Cafer, a double-winged martyr, is not my uncle? "
There is a son in the vulture,
Oaths around are the martyrdom.
And each one falls to the ground
The first flower of the Ahl al-Bayt was Aliyyul Ekber.
Then the rows of left-handed people;
Avn b. Abdullah b. Jafar,
Muhammad b. Abdullah b. Jafar,
Abdurrahman b. Mind,
Cafer b. Mind…
Look here, one more walk to death;
Hz. Hasan's son, Kashim!
His face is a moon piece.
You have a sword, a shirt and a cape.
One of his footsteps is tied up.
A sword comes down on your head,
And he says "Uncle!"
There is a son in Karbala
There's a hawk.
A three-year-old seyyid in his lap;
His name is Abdullah!
And an arrow shoots Abdullah from his throat
Hz. Hussein, his palms are filled with blood
He says, "O Lord!
"If you will not help us in the sky,
Bestow us better than we do. "
Sixty-first year of migration
The moonlight is her ...
There is a martyr in kerbelada
Exact thirty-three spear wounds,
Thirty-four sword wounds
Where is my Prophet Muhammad?
The head of Hussein is somewhere; somewhere in the body!
This is Hz. It is Zeyneb's crybaby;
"O Muhammad! O Muhammad!
The angels in the sky salute you.
Hüseyin is the next steppe steppe
The dust, the soil, the blood,
They are cut down.
O Muhammad! your girls have been captured,
Your freedom has always been murdered.
In the morning they blow dust over them. "
Abdullah bin Abbas also said that Medine
Rasulullah aleyhisselam see the dream
there is a glass of blood full of blood,
And he will say:
"Do you know what my Ummah did after me?
Hussein is martyred.
This is the blood of Him and of His companions.
I will present it to God. "
Ya RasulAllah!
We came after centuries.
If we were that day in Karbala
Become a saint to God
Just as your Ashabin protected you
We protected the Ahl al-Bayt
Or that we gave it to you.
This is a present
Today we are your door.
The names of the people we bear.
Who are Ali, who are we
We are harassment and well-being.
And proudly bear your name is our plumber.
God our soul in your door
The Ahl-i Baytine is worthy of our worthy.
Aliyi Asagar,
With Zeynelabidin opening flowers every year
On the cheeks,
And every one of them has a smell in your life.
God, do not separate us from them.
Do not separate us from you and your favor.