Dutch Schools Are COMPLETELY Different Than American Schools (American's Perspective)

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Jordan Green

Jordan Green

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@jeppienl549 25 күн бұрын
Let me explain a litte bit more about the Dutch education system. The track on high school desides your next step. We have 3 type of higher education (after high school). 1, Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (MBO). These are school that educates you how to do a practical job. There are 4 levels of this college type, with the higher ones being relatively more theoretical. VMBO-basis leads usually to level 2, VMBO-K to level 3 and VMBO-TL to level 4. 2. Hoger beroepsonderwijs (HBO). These are universities of applied sciences and you can get associate degree/bachelors degrees here. I am currently following a study at this level. You need havo level or MBO level 4 to get here 3. Universities, this is the highest level of education and you get a masters degree here. To start a study at the university, you need either an vwo certificate from high school or an bacholor's degree from a HBO
@JordanGreenYT 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for providing more details!
@woutersplinter4981 25 күн бұрын
point 3 is not totally true, at Universities you first get a Bachelor and after that you can continue with a master degree, but not everybody does that. Also, with a "propedeuse" (a kind of certificate for passing the first year) from HBO, you also can get into some University courses.
@cosmo9816 25 күн бұрын
True, with a "propedeuse" (certificate you passed the minimum requirements of study points in the first year at HBO), you can enter some University courses in a comparable field.
@Pasunsoprano 24 күн бұрын
One can also do an HBO Master.
@51bikerboy 24 күн бұрын
​@@JordanGreenYTOne thing about HBO if you pass the first year (propaedeutic diploma)You are entitled to start a study at the university!
@Be-Es---___ 25 күн бұрын
An A for every test means you're at the wrong school.
@char2723 24 күн бұрын
Yeah, the students aren’t really learning anything if they aren’t failing!
@arturama8581 24 күн бұрын
@@char2723 Not necessarily what he/she means. I think it's more like this: if you get straight A's, you're obviously not getting enough teaching material to challenge you. Nobody, not even the greatest geniuses, have a universal talent for everything. There will always be things you're better at than others. Getting all A's means that even your weakest talents are not challenged. Let alone your best.
@Cergorach 24 күн бұрын
As was explained, an A means 90-100, for us that would mean a 9 to 10. If you hit 9s that means you're good, but not perfect. For us that would mean that if you're doing that at MAVO for all subjects, you might want to look at HAVO. HAVO => VWO, but when you hit VWO, what other options do you have? Advance a class (or two)? That's not good for the student either, and they only do that in extreme cases. You also need to realize that a 90-100 in a system that's catering to the range of students from VMBO to VWO, that 90-100 means something different in the US vs the Netherlands. What I've also noticed with US schooling is that there's a lot of rote that most Dutch people find insane and absolutely impractical. I think comparing the US schooling system with the Dutch schooling system is comparing apples with bricks, not even in the same ballpark. And it's not just the schooling system and environment that is different, what is taught, when it's taught, why it's taught, etc. Even withing a school system, there are differences between schools. As an example I did HAVO 30+ years ago. Our school had the option to choose Art as a subject, that comprised around 50% of drawing/painting and 50% art history. Most of us struggled greatly with the art history part (managed by the school), but when the final exams came around (managed on a national level) at the end of 5 years, we went WTF!? We looked at the art teacher supervising the exam, who smiled and nodded encouragingly, we blazed through the exams. What was thought during the three years of our art elective was way, way heavier then what was required at a national level. Part of us felt cheated by having to suffer through three years of heavy art history, part of us was elated because we scored very high in the final exam due to that heavy education, and now 30 years later I feel I got something out of that extra education (even though I don't use it professionally). education!=education
@withcherie 22 күн бұрын
It doesn't mean he got an A on every test. It means his average grade for every class was an A. For example, he may have gotten a B or even a C on a test or two. However, he could bring up his average by doing exceptionally well on other projects or tests. Also, you don't really pick schools in the US. Unless, your parents have the money for private school, you went to the one close to you.
@dutchman7623 24 күн бұрын
Do not compare things that cannot be compared. A Dutch kid can open the front or back door, 'going to play outside mom!' and leave. 'Be home before dark', can come from upstairs... Why would a kid 'escape' from school? It leaves home, walks to school and enters, it's not a prison. When they are small and have to cross busy streets, a parent will take them to school, one parent for several kids in the street, you take my kid today, i'll do yours tomorrow. After school kids cycle to football, hockey, swimming, skating or art school. Sport clubs are NOT associated to schools, but are their own entities, where kids of all ages and adults, male and female, practice their sport. Switching from elementary school to high school isn't such a fuzz. Sport, music, chess or whatever activity, simply continues. Even from high school to university, students can, and will, continue the sport and activities. Dutch society is different from the one in the US. In every as[ect of life. A school police officer is as absurd to me as an astronaut having to be present when I fly my kyte...
@dawatcherz 24 күн бұрын
kites are kewl
@annebokma4637 24 күн бұрын
Are you confessing to kiting without the proper professional supervision? Be mindful of the windmills every 100m 😂
@IliaKemp 19 күн бұрын
@henkvandervossen6616 10 күн бұрын
We do not have school nurses either
@annebokma4637 10 күн бұрын
@henkvandervossen6616 every school does have staff with basic emergency medical training though (at least they used too)
@annemarel 25 күн бұрын
Another big difference: Dutch education system fosters students independent critical thinking, creativity and personal development. It's very very different.
@James-b8d5h 23 күн бұрын
I dont think so.
@annemarel 23 күн бұрын
@James-b8d5h You had your education in The Netherlands? Because I'm talking from personal experience. Went to school in Belgium for a short while and the difference was huge!
@drersd 22 күн бұрын
@@James-b8d5h If you don't think so, it would have been nice when you had explained why.
@James-b8d5h 22 күн бұрын
@@drersd In Nederland is het zo dat het onderwijsprogramma erg oud is. Het onderwijsprogramma dateert uit 2006 dit is niet goed waardoor het management binnen verschillende onderwijs instanties verouderd en juist geen nieuwe innovatie toebrengt aan zowel scholieren als studenten in het onderwijs. Tuurlijk zijn er dingen veranderd, maar de meeste dingen die worden aangeleerd aan scholieren is vooral theorie erin laten stampen wat in praktisch zin niet werkt. We hebben school profielen die ons een richting insturen. Vooral tijdens de basisschool en middelbare schooltijd krijgen we veel theorie ingestampt, maar veel scholieren weten helemaal niet wat zij willen worden. Er wordt praktisch te veel tijd besteed aan het onthouden van de lesstof om goede cijfers te halen. Anno 2024 zijn er veel spookstudenten die niet eens weten wat zij willen worden of gestopt zijn met hun opleiding vanwege hun foute keuzes. Ik denk dat het BSA wat wordt toegepast op de uni en hbo niet werkt en alleen, maar talenten verspilt. Studenten letten niet meer op creativiteit, maar willen alleen de BSA punten halen om uiteindelijk te slagen. De laatste decennia ervaren veel studenten en scholieren stress, dat kan je ook zien met het aantal schoolverlaters in Nederland en klachten die meisjes en jongens hebben op de middelbare school. Lessen zoals Aardrijkskunde, Wiskunde en Geschiedenis zijn interessant op de middelbare school, maar tijdens je studie op de hogeschool heb je nauwelijks met deze vakken te maken. Het onderwijs stimuleert juist geen kritisch denken, maar juist het omgekeerde een onzin profiel kiezen om later spijt van te krijgen. In Nederland heerst er een probleem dat er te veel hoogopgeleide mensen zijn. In de toekomst zullen we problemen krijgen met de infrastructuur en allerlei vakberoepen. Minder mensen in Nederland kunnen nog met hun handen werken.
@renevanleeuwen1813 23 күн бұрын
Good observations Jordan. The scary and distopic stories about American education with the gun scares, the pledge of alliegence, the gates, the armed guards make me realise in how much freedom I grew up :)
@eli_as8521 25 күн бұрын
all the levels are very fluid, you can have havo and still be a plumber and you can do mavo and still learn your way up to engineer its not locked in but its just easier because its more personalized teaching so you get more difficult stuff at havo than you will get at mavo its not necessarily tied to certain jobs
@lucabrasi8609 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for your honesty and observations, Jordan. I like to hear your perspective about the country in which I was born and therefore cannot analyze everything as sharply as an "outsider".
@giselavaleazar8768 24 күн бұрын
You're set on a pathway, but you can still switch to another at the end of it. It's like a fast track. You can still can end up in the same place, but it will take extra time. That doesn't need to be a bad thing. Some need more time. Also, many easily switch education, because it's possible financially. They start one education, which doesn't fulfill expectations, and then start another. I have a son who did MBO, then HBO IT direction and now works in a restaurant, because that's what he actually likes doing in the end. Many in my family didn't end up doing what was their first choice. Another finished a HBO Communication study, but has now completed Nurse education. It's hard for people to know what they want at young age.
@ilseklaassen1563 23 күн бұрын
The kids in high school at every level starts at different times. School tries to let the youngest ones (first and second year)start at 9.00am. My youngest kid is 15 years old and her schooldays start sometime on 12.45 pm. Every day has another schedule. That’s the reason you see all the time students. They have different times to start en different times to leave school.
@DavidV328 25 күн бұрын
So the gates in USA schools are there partially to keep the students from escaping?🤣😂. That's hilarious. Schools have classes, classes have rosters. Sometimes you are done early, and you get to go home (or wherever you want or need to go).
@HaraldSeiwert 24 күн бұрын
The land of the "free"... 🙄
@dux_bellorum 21 күн бұрын
School to prison pipeline....
@jfw413 17 күн бұрын
School is not daycare; at least it should not be. Them's different animals
@lucas82 23 күн бұрын
A buddy of mine teaches elementary school and he is the one giving the advice to parents about the highschool level their kid should start. He gets into arguments with parents who think their child should be on a higher level than he does. In many cases a child will enter a level too high and has to drop down a level which is disastrous for its level of confidence. Being a blue collar worker is still looked down upon in this country, even though many skilled labourers earn more than white collar office workers. The tide is changing a bit, but we are not there yet.
@KootFloris 25 күн бұрын
The US approach is insane. Paranoia enlarges the danger, as do the gun laws, as does the bullying, as does the ranking and competition, that last one is insane too. You do probably never compete for a job with any of your class mates, and with diverse talents, you'll find diverse directions to study or work in. But the oppressive anxious system, makes people fantasise about resistance or strikes back. So the system claiming to work for kids actually hurts them and itself. And the pledge of allegience to a piece of cloth!? 5 times a week? Free country or heavy duty indoctrination? And big debts make you slaves to the system. You have to work your but of to make it and can't resist corporate power.
@dutchman7623 23 күн бұрын
Wow... You can use some temper management. To formulate your ideas and views in a far more pleasant way for the beholder. I agree with the content though...
@vast001 25 күн бұрын
In the last class of elementary school (when you are 11/12) you do a CITO-test. This test varies in disciplines, for example language, math and so on. Combined with tests done over the years for history, geography, math, language an advice is given about what kind of school you will be following next. Which can be VMBO (Voortgezet Middelbaar Beroeps Onderwijs), Mavo (Middelbaar Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs), Havo (Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs), VWO (Voortgezet Wetenschappenlijk Onderwijs) All these schools lasts for 4 years. You can move from MAVO or VMBO to HAVO with certain demands but it is possible. After graduating from MBO/HAVO schools you can go to a HBO (Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs) School for 4 years. I did MAVO for 4 years, graduated from that and then I did HAVO-MBO for 2 years and graduated from that too. Then I went to HLO (Hoger Laboratorium Onderwijs) to be a lab-rat but I flunked out in the first year and went in to computers and followed an acknowledged theory-practic course for a year. As my elementary and MAVO were close to home I went home for lunch, school lunches wasn't a thing in my time (late 80's, early 90's)
@Kleermaker1000 25 күн бұрын
Havo lasts 5 years, and VWO even 6 years. Havo-students normally graduate at 17, VWO-students (Atheneum and Gymnasium) at 18. Atheneum and Gymnasium diplomas give access to university (and then it depends on which courses you have followed which study you can choose).
@SuperPassionflower 24 күн бұрын
on a small note: V, as used in VMBO and VWO does not stand for "voortgezet", but for "voorbereidend". so in effect: VWO for example is pre(pairing) academic education
@gerritvalkering1068 22 күн бұрын
At around 12 years old you get an aptitude test that works as an indication. In the next school, which we call middle school and you equated to highschool, your first year is the 'bridge class' to verify that aptitude. The track you follow isn't definitive. You can switch up or down. My sister switched up after finishing HAVO and it was suggested to me to dwitch fown to HAVO after not doing well at VWO. The difference between Dutch college and university is generally applied science vs theoretical science. One will make you an architect, the other a material engineer (not sure on the translation here)
@sie11pervan 25 күн бұрын
College and University can both be 3 or 4 years, depending on whatever you study there. You CAN become an Engineer through college AND through university, and both can even lead to somewhat of the same BSc.
@MisterGrassHoppa 22 күн бұрын
In the last grade of elementry school you get a CITO (or similar) test to get advise on what you need to succeed MAVO (more known as VMBO) has multiple types of paths to guide them to appropriate education (flowery, haircutting and sports studies come to mind, but dont want to trivialize it). Its a study for practical jobs HAVO is a more scientific but focused on practicality. Examples that grows from that (from my family) are educators and social workers. Ofcourse not the only route VWO is preparing for scientific resources. Its like HAVO but more theoretical than practical
@ottot3221 22 күн бұрын
The Cito test at elementary school is (together with the insight of the teacher) an advice (it's not mandatory). Kids at elementary school are not in a competition with each other, teachers try them to evolve as well as the child is capable off. There is no homework as they are kids and need to play after school.
@cathybreuer5316 23 күн бұрын
I started the 'lower' track of VMBO when I was 12. Graduated there at 16. Went on to MBO for 4 years to study graphic design and animation. Found out in my final year it's not what I wanted to do professionally and chose to become a primary school teacher, but you need a HBO (higher college degree) for that. So, I graduated from my MBO, used that to go on to HBO and am now in my early-twenties, midway through my 2nd degree and almost a fully qualified teacher. It might have taken me 1-2 years longer to get there, but I got the same opportunities to become a teacher as someone who was very booksmart at an earlier age and got higher grades at the HAVO. And now as a student-teacher I know very well how our eductation system works. Kids can move up or down from their "school advice" as we call it. And it's not all based on this CITO test anymore, not for a few years. The teacher decides what they feel is the best cource for that student and give an "ADVICE". So, if you're given VMBO-T (or MAVO) like I was, you can still decide to sign up for a higher or lower school, but you'll have to prove you can keep up. I tried to become eligible for a mid-way cource and took French for 3 months to see if I could handle going to HAVO (spoiler alert: I could not 😂) But I have a friend who got the HAVO advice, but had massive performance anxiety, so decided to spend her first 4 years at VMBO-T where her parents knew she'd excell to build up her confidence. Then after graduating cum-laude at 16, she did the last two years of HAVO as well, graduating semi-cum laude there and eventually moved on to a higher college degree (HBO). It's not about how fast you get there. Imo, the Dutch education (which definately has it's own flaws at times, not denying that) does a great job at letting students figure things out at their own pace and what they want to do.
@ErikNowhere 24 күн бұрын
Hi, something to add, The tuiition fee is around 1000 for the first year, 2000 for the next years (it is a law AND you can get a loan to pay it). A student loan is optional, provided by the state with low interest and a bit more than 300 Euiros per year,, however if your parents have a lower income, you can get up to 500 Euro's per month extra that you do not have to pay back (unless you do not finish your studies). So in principle anyone can study regardless your your families financial situation :-)
@bertnijhof5413 25 күн бұрын
I'm from May 1945, so I'm almost 80. I had a strange Dutch school career! I was in the old comparable school system. After primary school, they advised a secondary school for me, that would train me as a factory worker. The advice was probably also based on family background. My parents disagreed and protested, so they allowed me to do an entry test for a 4-year high school (ULO). I succeeded and went to that school. I had problems with foreign languages (qualification 2 out of 10) and was good at math (9 out of 10). I failed the 2nd class twice on the 3 foreign languages and was expelled from school. A school in a small village did give me a third chance, but now I understood the difference between studying math and languages, I had to work hard for languages and for math it was enough to follow the lessons in the class. So I needed 6 years to complete a 4-year high school. Being good at math, after high school I could go to a 4 year college (HTS) and I did choose Electrical Engineering. I did finish college in those 4 years and afterwards I had to join the Dutch army as a conscript for 1.5 years. I started working for Philips testing prototypes from main frame computers, and during that time I followed a 3 years evening course at the Technical University on Software Engineering, and I was one of the few, that finished that course. After a while I did run a software development department, that did develop software for Air Traffic Control Systems and my last job was chief architect for Eurocontrol (European FAA) in Brussels. I retired at 1-1-11, while my job had been taken over during my last year by somebody, who had their education at the Cambridge University. I was lucky with my parents and with the 3rd chance at another high school. What went wrong and could still be sub-optimal? The essential advice from the primary school is probably too early with 12 years and at that age it is influenced too much by the speed of your physical and mental development and your background (working class or immigrants). After all teachers are humans too. When I look at school photos of the first second class, I was by far the smallest person in the 40 person class. I was a small child. Two years later in that village I had comparable length as my class mates in the photo. What I missed in the first years at high school was assistance; ways how to learn languages, but for others it might be math.
@nfboogaard 25 күн бұрын
Bedankt voor uw verhaal meneer Nijhof, een mooie carriëre!
@KootFloris 25 күн бұрын
Seeing talent in time, and second chances are essential, or even third.
@namastelove5393 24 күн бұрын
Mnr. Nijhof brdankt voor jou uitleg
@mariadamen7886 24 күн бұрын
@@namastelove5393 Het systeem wat door hem wordt beschreven bestaat al lang niet meer.
@Veemerica 23 күн бұрын
​@@mariadamen7886nog steeds blijkt het schooladvies beïnvloed door sociale en culturele achtergrond.
@Chris-li4iy 25 күн бұрын
When I was in pre-school, I think I was 5 years old, I "escaped" with my friend and we walked far away, perhaps 2-3 miles, to a big canal were we stayed, looking at the ships passing by. The teacher called our mothers and my mother found us there. She was very angry, of course, and brought us back to school. The teacher was also very angry and punished us: we had to stay in a corner of the classroom with our face to the wal. When I came home my mother punished me also: I was not allowed to play outside with my friend for a week! 😭 Of course we did it never again! 😔 I never walked away anymore after that!
@dutchman7623 23 күн бұрын
Sad... I went on adventure time after time! Made my mistakes, learned from them and moved on. Learned to ask for directions when lost, knew who to trust and who not. Ahhh, wonderful times!
@mrflappie6553 17 күн бұрын
I still remember the biggest nerd at our high-school. At my level of education back in the days you had to take 8 different classes out of 12. This guy did all 12 and got an A+ on every single on of them, not only during the school-years but also at the final exam. Even before he finished high-school he had developed a sewer-cleaning system that made him hundreds of thousands of bucks. I have no doubt he has become extremely successful in life, where I was content with getting B's and C's on my finals and am now a working stiff, but at least I'm forklift-certified :)
@DenUitvreter 25 күн бұрын
11-12 years seams young for such a life determining decision, but let's be real, learning from books is not evyerbody's thing and in the last classes of elementary school the classes are far too easy so for those destined for university, their time is wasted. These were my elementary school friends, I didn't look down on them or consider them less smart in general, just not very good at what is important academically. If you want kids to learn the most they should have a class of mostly the same level so they can be taught at their appropriate level. Not to easy, not too hard, less stress and less time wasted.
@frdjuh 25 күн бұрын
Normally you change schools at the age of 12. You'll turn 13 in the first year of your next school. This next school is depending on you track taking you 4 till 6 years. Here you usually have classes of 50 minuten each for different subjects. These classes are not always consecutive and on some days you will have fewer classes. This explains the students biking home. Furthermore are kids in primary school off each wednesday afternoon.
@JordanGreenYT 25 күн бұрын
Ah, that makes sense. I think my girlfriend just started school a year earlier than most, so she ended up changing schools at 11. I appreciate the insight!
@mariadebake5483 25 күн бұрын
​​@@JordanGreenYTIn the Netherlands it isn't possible to start school a year early, 4 years old is the minimum age for everyone. It is possible however, if a child is really intelligent and has excellent results, to skip a class (very seldom even two), so he/she would then enter secondary school a year early.
@sie11pervan 25 күн бұрын
Regarding grades, you only get a '10/10' in elementary school, and sometimes in high school (simple multiple question tests etc). Bottom line, and something I've been told many, many times; "A 10 means your work was perfect, and you have nothing left to learn. There is always something to learn." When my research paper on fitness, obesity and the amount of time spent viewing sports in University was graded with a 9,2/10, that was deemed as 'insanely high'. "With a few alterations, that's ready for publishing. Good job." And that was it. Closest I ever got to a 10/10 in my educational career after high school.
@HaydenSebastian1215 24 күн бұрын
Hey Jordan, I've been following your videos way back since you made them with your friend, Kendrick? I can't remember his name at the moment. Anyway, I'm happy to see you still creating content. Do you think you'll make a video about learning Dutch? I've been really into learning languages as of recent, and I'm curious to see the progress you make if you decide to learn it. Best of luck and keep making content. - Hayden
@bastiaanalmekinders 24 күн бұрын
I watched about 20 seconds of this. I think starting an explanatory video by bragging about your straight A's is also something that we would see less of here in the Netherlands.
@RemseyYT 23 күн бұрын
That is Calvinistic mindset. Why not be proud of what you achieved?
@bastiaanalmekinders 23 күн бұрын
@RemseyYT ​@RemseyYT yes it is Calvinistic. Nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements, but you can be proud and not brag about it. Also, straight A's means you could have handled a more challenging curriculum. This happens a lot, I don't know why teachers don't act when they see that someone could achieve more with the proper stimulation.
@dutchman7623 23 күн бұрын
@@bastiaanalmekinders Yes, if you can finish all your homework in five minutes, it is time to join a chess club, or do another thing that challenges your mind!
@Alwaystired020 23 күн бұрын
I honestly thought it did add some context to his views. Someone who has straight A's obviously did benefit from his own schooling system but he still has critisism about it.
@TheGiur 22 күн бұрын
Bragging is so American. You never get used to it. Never...
@joyanna9433 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining it so well, Jordan. Its totally fine you dont know every single detail. You are learning, as do we. The american school system is a complete mistery to me. Your channel is a wonderful source of knowledge for both dutchies and americans. ( also, and not related but i have to, you are SO handsome!)
@SJP1504 24 күн бұрын
Hearing you speak about kids escaping from school or what so ever... You know what it all comes down to? Teaching the kids to take their responsibility at an early age.
@dutchman7623 23 күн бұрын
And having parents giving their kids space to grow and develop, make (hopefully small) mistakes and learn to LIVE.
@SJP1504 23 күн бұрын
@dutchman7623 exactly!
@sasje25021976 2 күн бұрын
small correction.. college degree here is between 2 and 4 years..which is called (MBO) level 2 giving you a free from school certificate and fit to work in the lower arrangements... a 3 year degree woud make you a worker in a certain field that can work functional without direct needed surpervision (which will also still be there) a 4 year degree would give you a leading job over that area....sorta
@mavadelo 24 күн бұрын
I am sorry but I still don't understand where this "4.0" comes from because you say the grading goes from 0 to 100 which is tied to a letter. So 4.0 seem ridiculously low while you say you got 90 or above for all classes. every 20 points graded is 1 point GPA? And if so should 90 or above not be 4.5 gpa then? I am so confused.
@Jgrvo 23 күн бұрын
Unweighted GPA goes from 0 to 4. Weighted goes to 5. A+ has 4 grade points and 97-100 as a numerical grade.
@annebokma4637 24 күн бұрын
While our education system is way better then the USA system, and my son's have cousins in the USA to proof that. The test is too early in live and switching between the tracks is way too difficult. My oldest went to the lowest track at age 12, he is now 25 and in his last year of university. He had to jump track twice and that took finding some holes in the regulations else he would be studying for a few years more.
@Bruintjebeer6 25 күн бұрын
I have friends with kids in different states and when they still went to school i always got the feeling that it was a competition. 8nstead of a safe environment where they can thrive on their own level and students help each other. One of them was even destroyed when she got a B 8nstead of an A. Because it ruined her record as a straight A student. In the Netherlands it is very difficult to get grades on that level. Just because tte leven of education is high. Only children with a real high IQ can gets only A's. That will be a 9 or 10 in my country. Many elementary school don't give grades anymore and use another system
@maktiki 23 күн бұрын
Dutch also use: Fail=1-5.4 Pass=5.5-7,4 Good=7.5-10
@TheGrimmReaper1 25 күн бұрын
What ever you study college universty it really doesnt matter. They know that the level you studied is okay. They know your thougt process is at that level ,so a other job at that thougtlevel is no problem.
@mrflappie6553 17 күн бұрын
The students passing you in the middle of the day probably had a 'tussen-uur', an hour where they don't have a class, either because of planning or because a teacher has called in sick. If we had one of those in high-school, we would go down-town to get a snack or some candy, and in college me and some class-mates would go to the local pool-center, play some games, have a beer and then go back to class slightly intoxicated (those were the days).
@MrLittle3vil 17 күн бұрын
The test you take to determine your path is a suggestion and doesn't mean it's fixed. You can work your way up through all the levels/paths if you start at the lowest one or you can switch directions.
@astv7481 22 күн бұрын
Every new video makes me realize how Montreal Quebec 🇨🇦 is just a perfect mix of both world (Us🇺🇸 and Europe) in every aspect
@g.nijsse1237 24 күн бұрын
Here's some Dutch directness for you: Please do better at studying your subject properly before posting videos full of errors. 😬 In the Netherlands, we absolutely have middle school, exclusively even, which students attend after completing 8 years of primary education. In the final year of primary school (year 8), after typically completing 2 kindergarten years and 6 primary years, teachers provide an advancement recommendation. This is supplemented by a nationally administered (CITO) test. Typically the children then visit multiple eligible middle schools for a couple of hours and give out their preference. (Sometimes they can end up at their second or third choice). Middle schools are allowed to refuse students who are unlikely to succeed based on these tests and/or recommendations, and ultimately the decision to accept a school lays with the parents. In the large majority of cases kids go their number 1 choice. In a couple of major cities middle schools have capacity issues though. Middle school starts around 12 years old and provides a general education, tailored to students' learning abilities. It prepares students for specialized education paths: - **VMBO (4 years, 12-16 y.o.)**: Prepares for middle-level professional education (MBO) in hands-on professions like cooks, hairdressers, nurses, and mechanics. MBO (4 years, 16-20 y.o.) includes internships that can lead to jobs or higher education (HBO). - **HAVO (5 years, 12-17 y.o.)**: Prepares for higher professional education (HBO) which offers bachelor's degrees in various professions like account management, biomedical science, computer programming, and more. HBO (4 years, 17-21 y.o.) requires HAVO level and leads to professional careers. - **VWO (6 years, 12-18 y.o.)**: Prepares students for university education. After VWO, students can pursue academic degrees in fields like medicine, law, research, and engineering. Additionally, you cannot become a doctor with only 4 or 5 years of university; it requires a longer, more intensive program. Deviations are possible: Besides Havo, passing v.w.o. or MBO also allows access to start at year 1 of HBO. Being 21 years old and passing an admission test too. Most university studies allow a HBO propadeuse (all study points for HBO year 1), similar as they would a v.w.o. diploma. One can advance within secondary education. 4 vMBO (diploma) allows to go to 4 Havo; 5 Havo (diploma) allows to proceed to 5 v.w.o. The Dutch education system is designed to match students' abilities.
@dutchman7623 23 күн бұрын
Very well said! I did VWO and fellow students joined in at year 5. They did MAVO than HAVO-top. Took them 2 years longer, but I doubled in 4th grade. Having my birthday in october, meant we were the same age. At university there were students of all ages and walks of life. Some straight from VWO others with careers in business, but all there to get an academic grade. A 'fast' girl of 17 and a father of 37 sitting next to each other, and working on the same project together.
@AndreUtrecht 23 күн бұрын
Middle school in the US is something different than the Middelbare School in NL. That’s what he meant: you go directly from primary school to highschool (middelbare school) in NL. And after that to college or University if you want to study more …
@g.nijsse1237 23 күн бұрын
@@AndreUtrecht I understand, but it's actually not helpful to explain the Dutch education system with (only) American terminology, if you actually want people to factually understand how it works. Dutch middle school is not called high school for a reason: It's never meant to be the highest step in an educational path, as it's a (generic) secondary school that prepares for a specialization afterward (ie. MBO
@dutchman7623 23 күн бұрын
@@g.nijsse1237 Yep! In the Netherlands a car mechanic is a professional, someone who studied, chose to be one and a good one. In the US he is a drop-out, with no other option than work with his hands, no specialized education, looked down upon. Wouldn't trust him with my car...
@g.nijsse1237 22 күн бұрын
@@dutchman7623 That's quite an exaggeration; flattering to the Dutch mechanics, but it doesn't really reflect how that works in the states. In the U.S., the ratio of trained vs. untrained auto mechanics is roughly: - **Trained (formal education or certifications): 60-65%** - **Untrained (no formal education, but often with hands-on experience): 35-40%** ### Formal Education and Certifications For many roles, especially at dealerships, larger repair chains, or specialized service centers, formal education and certifications are required. Common pathways include: 1. **ASE Certifications (Automotive Service Excellence)** - ASE is the industry standard in the U.S. Mechanics can specialize in areas like engine repair, brakes, electrical systems, or hybrid technology. - Completing all eight core exams (A1-A8) earns the title of "Master Technician," which is highly sought after by employers. 2. **Automotive Technology Programs** - These are offered by technical schools, community colleges, and specialized institutions like Universal Technical Institute (UTI) or Lincoln Tech. - Programs typically last 6 months to 2 years and provide hands-on training in diagnostics, repair, and maintenance. 3. **Manufacturer-Specific Training** - Many major car brands (e.g., Toyota T-TEN Program, Ford ASSET, GM ASEP) offer specialized training for mechanics who want to work at brand-certified dealerships. - These programs often require a partnership with a technical school and include internships at dealerships. ### Untrained Mechanics While smaller independent garages may hire mechanics without formal education, these workers typically start in entry-level roles (e.g., oil changes or tire rotations) and learn on the job. However, career growth is limited without certifications or formal training. ### Where Training is Required - **Dealerships**: Require manufacturer-specific training and often ASE certification. - **Large Chains (e.g., Firestone, Midas)**: Prefer mechanics with formal education and ASE credentials. - **Specialized Roles**: Hybrid/electric vehicle technicians almost always need advanced training due to the complexity of modern vehicles. In summary, while about 35-40% of mechanics in the U.S. may lack formal education, most higher-paying and specialized jobs require certifications like ASE or degrees from automotive technology programs. credits for elaborating this much go to LLMs 🤓😬
@thomastoadie9006 25 күн бұрын
The US is basically a developing story around the core concept of “the tragedy of the commons”, sold to individuals as a dream to aspire to.
@spoilerz0533 25 күн бұрын
During Christmas holidays, there's no school during that period. The schools turn into daycares because the parents still gotta work.
@lindabroer8995 24 күн бұрын
About the test at 12 years of age. It doesn’t determine everything. The first year of high school is still very fluent and you can change track. In some cases, like my own, it is still possible to change midway of high school. I was in the third class of high school and completely bored and getting only high grades without studying. At my request all my teachers were asked if they thought I could move up to VWO rank. They agreed that I could and the following year I was in 4 VWO rather than 4 HAVO. Finally, once you graduate from one track it is possible to continue high school at a higher track.
@Anonymous-sb9rr 13 күн бұрын
Grocery stores near high schools are packed with kids at lunchtime.
@MrLittle3vil 17 күн бұрын
About walking into schools. Unless it's the end of the day, people will probably ask you questions if you just randomly walk into a school. I used to pick up my girlfriend, who was in another school, and I had to wait outside the school grounds. So it's not as simple as you say but it's more like a common sense thing. "Highschool" starts from 12 and above, depending on your birthday.
@tiedebles747 17 күн бұрын
if you dive deeper into the system, public vs private, you´ll see that it´s mostly a plan to keep things as they are:)
@vivalarance1840 15 күн бұрын
I know someone who became a doctor and for 6 years she had around 60-70k debt, but that's more the exception. A lot of people who move to Amsterdam and other big citys to rent expensive places have more debt. The people who stay at home generally have little debt. I will go back to college next september and i will pay 2600euro for the 1st year. Prob next year it will be 2700euro etc.. if you however finish college and get a bachelors/masters and you want to do a different study on the same level you will pay 10.000k euro per year, instead of 2600euro. This is because it is 10.000euro on average to study and government sponsors about 75% of it. If you switch a few times tho BEFORE you finish the degree, even if you already study for 3years you still only pay 2600euro.
@toaojjc 25 күн бұрын
It's not just a test. In groep 7 you get a pre advise based on your school achievements up to the in elementary school. So not just tests and graden but also attitude towards learning etc. And then in your last year (groep 8) you first get an advise based on your achievements from your teachers and that can only change to a higher advise based on the final test. Once in secondary school you start at the advised level. If needed you can switch levels.
@TheMarcelApp 25 күн бұрын
yes, your elementary school teachers are supposed to have known you for several years. They are making an assessment based on that, and standardised tests are supposed to give teachers feedback, to see if they missed something. Basically, there are three school types, formerly four, but that's TLDR
@williamgeardener2509 14 күн бұрын
Grades don't mean a thing in the Netherlands. As a former boss stated: "I don't give a shyte about your grades. I want to see how you work and how you get results. That's what matters. Your grades are fine as wall decorations. I don't pay you for your how nice your wall looks."
@itsdaan3022 22 күн бұрын
There is a middle school, vwo, mavo, havo, etc.
@rinynewton8297 25 күн бұрын
The fact you are talking about " escape school " tells me the vision students have about school ! A prison! Students here ,kids love school. Therefor they learn!
@rinynewton8297 25 күн бұрын
The pledge of ..... to me is downright brainwashing!!
@SUMERUP 24 күн бұрын
Nonsense! The first time I hear that….
@renevanleeuwen1813 23 күн бұрын
Not completely true, there was always a meme of "I hate school", but corona changed that drastically when children realised they soon missed their friends, their teachers, extracurricular activities and also missed progression in schoolwork
@nickjanssen6713 24 күн бұрын
Hey Jordan this one is amazing. Never have I seen it so well compared. I'm curious how you feel about something that the US might have more then NL and Europe in general: OPPORTUNITY. I know it might be a myth, but its known as the country of opportunity for a reason. It's an interesting mindset case study I feel.
@sandraensinck6424 25 күн бұрын
The combination of the test result plus all your other results, plus the teacher’s opinion about you will be leading to the decision about the track you will go. Every year after this it will be evaluated wether you stay there and got to one grade higher on the same path, or if it’s better for you to move up or down a step and go on from there. Everyone has their own school time depending on the classes they take.
@willemh3319 24 күн бұрын
dutch schoolingsystem is horizontal you can slide to a next level i.o. vertical like the US
@PeritashGaming 23 күн бұрын
some small explinations. the us has a debt baced economy system, this is not the case in the netherlands. the reason this is is to make sure companys most of all creditcard companys have a stable and a dedicated income from people that owe them money (something the mafia would do) also the reason wy dutch schools hardly have security is becouse school shootings arent a comon ocurance in the netherlands, the netherlands has more bikes than people but the same could be sayd about guns in amerika. also the netherlands has a masive difrence in work life balance when it comes to the u.s also the people in the netherlands are more happy that in the u.s.
@parmentier7457 24 күн бұрын
Not every child in the Netherlands gets the same opportunities. It also depends on the neighborhood, social class and primary school. I grew up in a working-class neighborhood with many migrants. Half of the students at my primary school had a different ethnic background, in the Netherlands these were also called 'black' schools. Everyone, including myself, was advised to go to the VBO (now VMBO), the lowest level of secondary education. And you are right, school says nothing about someone's capabilities, because many of my former classmates became entrepreneurs. I now work at the Ministry of Justice, but it has been a long road for me. After my VBO, I did the MBO, then HBO law and later university education through my work. I was always the oldest in the class, when I started my HBO at the time I was already 24 years old and I was in a class with younger students who just came from the HAVO. I have colleagues of Islamic descent, and they indicated that their children go to a 'Christian' primary school. I found that strange. But according to them, they get more opportunities, better education and perhaps also better school advice.
@dawatcherz 24 күн бұрын
i used to go to a 'black school' and i can tell you that parents are right to not want to put their children in one, but not because of the quality of the school. it is because some children have this culture that discourages doing well in school, you get teased or worse for getting good grades and erven for speaking properly. so if you have children that are easily influenced by 'the cool kids', you do not want to put them in a 'black school'. not because of the school but because of the other students.
@parmentier7457 24 күн бұрын
@@dawatcherzThat's right, in a black school the level is lowered by other students, at least children experience much less pressure from their parents. But my generation is also much more outspoken than when I was in primary school in the late 80s. Many parents were not so outspoken then and did not know how the school system worked. My Muslim colleagues that I was talking about live in Amsterdam Osdorp, but send their children to primary school a few kilometers away in the suburbs of Nieuw Sloten and Badhoevedorp. Those schools are more 'white'. But I know that they now have waiting lists or refuse children who live too far away.
@AsscherMazzelaar 23 күн бұрын
I don't get why you even refer to it as a "black school" when it has nothing to do with color
@goldpanvanman 22 күн бұрын
You're living the dream, loving it! New subscriber here, just started my own channel, having a blast with it. I'll keep tuning in, be safe.
@eeshtarr 24 күн бұрын
University _tuition_ is not as high as in the US, allegedly. However, students of 18+ (or maybe a little younger when they do one of the tracks that start at 16-17, but more often than the 18+ students, these will still keep living with their parents though) will usually get a scholarship grant from the government that is a _loan_. This loan can run into the 10,000's (I'm not sure anymore what it can be these days, but for me it was around 30,000 guilders at the time, which was, when the euro started, about 13,500 euros) of euros. Which is, when I just checked about the average still, but there exist students that have a 'studieschuld' (scholarship debt) of 30,000 or sometimes even 50,000 euros. In 2022 over 500,000 students had 30,000 debt, and of this group about 100,00 students had over 50,000 euros of debt, _at age 24_). So, it's not the _tuitions_ here, but it's the cost of living (rent is very steep for students, for example).
@bluepeter128 24 күн бұрын
The same in England. It’s great. 11-16;18, if u stay on it’s great. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@mdemarteau7693 25 күн бұрын
So mentioned mid level jobs in which you would take in my translation higher vocational Level. Being an accountant and get your RA you also go to university or private like Nyenrode
@co7013 21 күн бұрын
I think it would be a better format for this kind of video if you would interview someone who has the knowledge and let them answer your questions directly on the video.
@peterkulpe 25 күн бұрын
"America the land of the free!", please don't make me laugh!
@michielturkenburg9854 25 күн бұрын
The wrong comparison. USA is a country where individual freedom is very important. Total dislike of social schemes (smelling at communism in their eyes) with associated higher taxes. Freedom it is, but for a high price
@tulsacaupain2882 24 күн бұрын
​​@@michielturkenburg9854Prove that a YT comment section is not the place to discuss these subjects. All we end up with is platitudes and broad comparisons that say nothing of real value. In the end everyone strokes their a.. fluffs their feathers just to look good with the small amount of information they have gathered.
@bluepeter128 24 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thank you. BS…
@Liberty19845 23 күн бұрын
You do get a pre advise in group 7 , then group 8 cito test. I do think it's good because everyone gets a chance. Then in you want to do more like if you are done with havo you can stay a little longer i go for vwo maybe 2 more years. Everyone gets a chance. I did my mavo then 2 more years havo then HBO, so you can get there slow it you need to.
@corjp 24 күн бұрын
After 4 years of college you can enroll into medical school and take a course of several years to become an intern.
@MLWJ1993 24 күн бұрын
I had a €25000 debt from school, but in my time, if you graduated in X amount of time (years). The government would just take on that debt & you owed nothing. So, I'm not in debt for any sort of degree since I started my laboratory career.
@jasper7072 24 күн бұрын
Sounds like someone had a kneejerk reaction to something when they introduced those cards, and they just kept it to follow the rules. Or someone had a key card company when they proposed the measure
@michielturkenburg9854 25 күн бұрын
I was graduated in 1989 hbo = bachelor. Studydept was around €7500 and in 2024 is that equal to €20000. (comparing my first salary to a first salary today). A universitair study will be 50% more. But 10jrs ago it was even more because every money you get was a lone/becoming a studydept. In my time 50% was a gift and 50% a lone/becoming a studydept. So getting a grade is more expensive. Not like you said in the video. But anyway much cheaper compairing to the States Note: Don't forget the high taxes in the NL. A better comparison including taxes between the USA and NL makes the difference less.
@Kleermaker1000 25 күн бұрын
Didn't you have a job during your study in order to reduce your study debt?
@michielturkenburg9854 25 күн бұрын
​@@Kleermaker1000 Yes, I had a part-time job. But also "kostgeld"-my share of the family budget-or, in my last year, rent for my small apartment. And, of course, free-time expenses. So no money was left to save for reducing student debt.
@AndreasScout 23 күн бұрын
Look EU schools ( Dutch, Belgian, French, German and so on) are 100% different in every shape or form than US ones. Even between countries its WIDELY different (though there has been some effort in making it the same its not in a longshot) in knowledge base and teaching methods for example Belgian schools are up in the top 3 of the best in ranked in the world based on imparted knowledge and what is taught... yes they rank way above the US ( you have UK then Japan, then Belgium and then S korea). Here is a higher education gap between Belgium and Netherlands... if a Dutch university student from University of Amsterdam wants to switch universities to go say to Ghent university in Belgium and has completely 2 years out of the 4 ( for a bachelor-masters degree) they will get pulled back into first year and second year classes because the education quality in the Netherlands ( university wise) is not as high as is in Belgium. Here is an example that illustrates it. I have dual masters in STEM, one of those i got from the best university in the world, Oxford university and the other from a certain Belgian university which is one of the group of oldest universities on the mainland. Because i was always in the top 3 best students of my class i got special privileges like going abroad to say Yale university as an exchange student. The sheer volume of materials, oxford university over 2000 pages not to mention a dozen + books ranging from 500-900 pages that were required reading material and the papers to write for one course DWARFED what i got over at Yale university where it was more akin to a first year highschool mentality and uber rich elite students whining about getting beaten out of the top 10 because of "all them foreign students".. not just EU students but also Japanese, S Korean and the occasional well educated Indian student who got education in the UK. Which was why i just took off for that semester visiting family all over the US while taking classes " online" because being present in classes was 45% of the grades already and the rest was on papers lol. My scathing review of Yale university is why it was taken off "the universities that can be chosen" list for exchange students. Now when it comes to early learning from 5 year old-12 well, US has a bad reputation. For example when children are 12 in most countries in the EU they know multiple languages and speak them fluently. In Belgium you get Flemish/dutch, French, German and English. Some schools even add Spanish to it but that is mostly an option for extra curricular schedule ( yeah i got that because grandpa insisted). In "highschool" 12-17/18" its all those languages again + if you choose Latin and Greek. Sidenote: if you struggle with French and don't get the "click" in your head.. first learn Latin and then the French, Spanish and Portuguese will make sense and easier because Latin is the root language those others evolved from. Also misconceptions to "free education". There is no such thing over here. Its paid through tax system and the cost of studying is way reduced vis a vis the US but then the US has its own issues. If you are "poor", near or below a certain euro amount, you can get way reduced fees. For university for example the average is between 800-900 euros academic fee. But if you fall under the reduced pricing you pay for that only 50-150 euros. It varies from year to year and you get reduced prices on everything even meals ( the restaurant kind not the schlopp kind) for 1-3 euros whereas normal university students pay 12-20 euros depending what they go with. Now generally speaking in most EU countries the school you go to from age 12-18 ( for me it was 11-17 because i was a year earlier) will determine higher education.
@davidvasconcellos6858 25 күн бұрын
It seems like other countries around the world have more strict procedures for students than here in America from people I have heard from in my life!!!
@luriham 22 күн бұрын
Where is JT ???
@pepijneefsting1229 22 күн бұрын
You do go in ded, but when you get a degree within (Ithink it was) 12 years it gets wiped
@daphnelovesL 25 күн бұрын
Please explain the US education! Did you get geographic education?
@tulsacaupain2882 25 күн бұрын
😂😂😂. Smart question
@nonyabusiness4151 22 күн бұрын
I last went to school in NL in 1993. Then we moved to America. They moved me back three grade levels to be with my age group. Went from learning division to 2nd grade. America has the worst schooling you can get.
@RivellaLight 23 күн бұрын
Keeping school costs this high and making people go into such ridiculous debts keeps the country dumb (and obedient) essentially.
@AndreUtrecht 23 күн бұрын
That’s sad no? Americans should watch these types of videos
@HeyJT-qi8ss 24 күн бұрын
Hello Jordan,How is ICECOLD JT doing mentally? Do you still talk to him?
@evanherk 24 күн бұрын
We don´t have metal detectors at the door in our schools...
@ohotnitza 24 күн бұрын
For videos this long, it's easier to have some graphics to help explain things and keep attention. I would recommend shorter videos as well. A script may help organize the information. Think of an essay.
@ronnie9187 24 күн бұрын
I think it also has to do with individualism versus being part of a society as a whole. The American system is driven by competition, from a young age you have to be better than everyone else and I wonder what that does to the lowest 50% of the whole group. I'm pretty sure everyone can add something to society and society as a whole only functions with a wide diversity of people and talents and a sense of being part of the whole society, not just a top 5% bubble that feels contempt for other layers of society. Wisdom, creativity but also ethical thinking I encounter in all strata, perhaps ethical thinking more so in people who do not have a university degree in the USA, they are less indoctrinated by the mantra that the only person who matters in this universe is yourself. Here in Switzerland where I live even more then in the Netherlands also craftsmen and other people with practical occupations are much more respected and valued, including financially, compared to many other countries. It is not living at others' expense but living with others. There is less stress in society and less of the “against the other” mentality that you see so strongly in the USA now and that can tear a country apart. Don't misunderstand me. Achievement and effort are also highly valued here, but children let you be children and this mantra applies more to the functioning of adults in companies and society.
@MrMark940 23 күн бұрын
*"You're going to share the classroom with people who are going to end up in prison"* - VMBO *"You're going to share the classroom with people who are going to become doctors"* - havo/vwo *"You might even share a classroom with the future president of the United States"* - Gymnasium
@annebokma4637 24 күн бұрын
My wife has a 50+k study debt in the Netherlands, it is not perfect in any way
@jeremylst1421 24 күн бұрын
It's bad etiquette to walk in a school when you have no business there. Also people are watching out for each other kids. I do it as well. 😃
@Tacko14 24 күн бұрын
I dunno about better. As a Dutchie, I wasn't prepared at all to face real life after I graduated, no more than any scholar. Maybe we were better versed in algebra, could be. I was the Excel whizzkid for years at the workplace. Other than that? Us Dutchies were just as flabberghasted as anyone. Clueless. We did as we were told. And that's what school is all about. Including asking for leave to go have a leak.
@johnveerkamp1501 24 күн бұрын
@maewyn01 24 күн бұрын
Niet als je van zon houdt 🤣.
@tjjones33 17 күн бұрын
lmao my school in the US did not have ID cards
@hardyvonwinterstein5445 25 күн бұрын
Very confusing. If you cannot describe a situation in about three simple sentences, you probably don't understand it. So this seems a bit premature.
@JordanGreenYT 25 күн бұрын
I appreciate the feedback! That said, I'll never fully understand the nuances of the Dutch education system as I myself was never a part of it. This video is simply an outsider's perspective on the matter--nothing more, nothing less.
@jsb7975 25 күн бұрын
C'mon from which perspective are you talking...I don't think YOU understand from which perspective HE is talking. Go back to school please 😊
@Eldalote87 25 күн бұрын
Well we have preschool 2 years, 6 years primary school and than (mostly after taken a citotest) high school. All the vmbo versions are 3 or 4 years, Havo 5 and VWO has two levels and takes 6 years. After VMBO you can go to the MBO Middle niveau education, Havo HBO Higer education and VWO university. If you want to you can also do HBO after MBO and so on. I can't imagine calling children leaving school being called escaping. It's no prison. If they build high gates and all that my kid won't go there. About the debt. 40.000 is normal around my age. It takes years paying it back. If you didn't get your diploma moight be much more. And than we're not talking about the poor people that got the full lone during 4 years. But these kind of debt are probably if you didn't live at home. I think this topic needs a little more time to work out. :) But you got a good start. It doesnt help either thta they change the schoolingsystem every few years XD
@wimschoenmakers5463 25 күн бұрын
Yeah... but ..... if your father worked on a low skilled job or a miner or carpenter, you would never end up at the best schools. Back then the kids of the doctor, CEO's or businessmen in town would always be advised a higher education, because the teacher didn't want any conflicts with the parents of these kids.
@michielturkenburg9854 25 күн бұрын
Not entirely correct. In the Netherlands, universities are accessible to low-income individuals. However, they require more perseverance and will have less or no parental support. They will graduate with approximately €50,000 or more in student loan debt. Wealthier students with parental support will have less or no debt. So, it is possible, but it is not equal. By the way, the difference in quality or cost of schools and universities in the Netherlands is almost negligible.
@tulsacaupain2882 25 күн бұрын
Het is toch YT. Ik mis Nuance. Deze Amerikaanse filmpjes over NL blijven steken in platitudes. Ik weet echt niet met wie ze praten en waar ze hun info vandaan halen. 😅😮 😡.
@michielturkenburg9854 24 күн бұрын
@@tulsacaupain2882 Het is zijn visie vanuit een Amerikaans perspectief en dat vind ik juist wel interessant en doet mij de yank wat meer begrijpen. (Al doe ik dat door mijn half Amerikaanse in NL opgegroeide stiefbroers wat beter dat de gemiddelde Nederlander). Alleen een veel langere video zou meer nuance/diepgang kunnen brengen, maar een langere duur maakt het weer onaantrekkelijk. Ik vind het prima zo. Zijn nl vriendin is zijn bron en wellicht heeft hij daarnaast wat gegoogled. Wat hij verteld over ons school/studie-systeem klopt wel, behalve dat de studieschuld in NL gemiddeld 2x hoger is dan hij zegt. En het feit dat de hogere belasting in NL ook lagere studiekosten mogelijk maakt en logischerwijs de lagere belasting in de VS dit weer makkelijk terug te betalen valt. Tja, de (on)veiligheid, wapenwet, hardnekkige (redneck 😅) discriminatie en aanklaag cultuur maken de VS vanuit Nederlands perspectief onleefbaar.
@CKlegion7272 23 күн бұрын
Wanneer was dat dan? Ik ben 52 maar heb dit nooit meegemaakt.
@michielturkenburg9854 23 күн бұрын
@@CKlegion7272 Weet niet of je dit vraagt nav mijn reactie? Wellicht doel je op mijn laatste zin over het Amerika van nu. Ik schreef dit omdat in de video verteld werd dat er in Amerika hekken om scholen heen staan en hier niet.
@berendsasker6172 24 күн бұрын
It sounds nice "you can be in the same classroom as (future) doctor, president and electrician." But ...., is it really ? Pretty sure in the US the doctor sends his kids to private school, so the cut, based on income, seems pretty massive and utterly money-based. Making for a solid glass ceiling, firmly putting the breaks on social mobility. Given that we consider that to be a bad thing, all those schools you name are public and merit based. But more than any of the details...., the schools you describe...., shocking. I know the US is a fan of incarceration, but to start at school..., wow. Dystopian.
@Magnetroman 19 күн бұрын
I would say making children say the pledge of allegiance without asking them if they mean it is against the 1st amendment. But yeah, who is gonna tell that to the governor of Texas?
@c.derecht3 24 күн бұрын
so wrong college is min 3/4 years university 4/5 years all depending on the study you will pick
@paulmertens5522 25 күн бұрын
Quite a lot of incorrect information in this video which is easily referenced on Wikipedia…
@Fergus_Fromwalking 14 күн бұрын
@themadsamplist 24 күн бұрын
School is school, not a prison.
@karinminderhoud9214 24 күн бұрын
The worst part of our system is that you are 'defined' and selected for further education on the basis of your worst subject. Weird system....says a University teacher. Way to nurture talent (not!).
@vansradjmadho8365 22 күн бұрын
As a victim of:"You can't do VWO because your german and french aren't up to par." Followed by going to VWO after completing HAVO where I didn't need french or german to get a VWO diploma because you don't need it to get a havo diploma 🤔
@dux_bellorum 21 күн бұрын
13:00 its straight up indoctrination, amd it worked on my butt cause here I am almost 20 years in the Army 😂😂😭😭😭
@MoAdan28 25 күн бұрын
And add that with healthcare costs compared to Canada at least even if you on debt at least you got one thing to worry about but America ho ho with Healthcare not free and you on debt and maybe credit card debt if you have one you are cooked my man. Even in the Uk, you can only pay 9% of your salary from your normal job and in germany yh it's free education.
@JordanGreenYT 25 күн бұрын
And it only seems to be getting worse smh. Let's hope that the US starts to turn things around in the near future (though I wouldn't bet on it).
@MoAdan28 25 күн бұрын
@@JordanGreenYT Well with the current lineup they got in the presidental court it's unlikely they would ever do universal healthcare and do urban design to make sure you not forced to drive cars and walk Instead. That goes with Canada too, but depends where you go in Canada since usually in most cities they have lots of people walking by.
@AllenMorris3 24 күн бұрын
Home of the free, land of a the brave.
@Salwa88ty 23 күн бұрын
School shoutings are the reason I am leaving US for good! Insanity is how can I define it. I worry every freaking day that my kids won’t make it back from school, mall, college etc. God bless America! But I am out…
@mymemeplex 25 күн бұрын
"some kids did escape!" you mean the prison?
@tulsacaupain2882 25 күн бұрын
Please don't be Dutch dumb.
@nfboogaard 25 күн бұрын
USA you can keep your "freedom" away from me 😂😂 ✌🏼🇳🇱✌🏼
@Lance.planes.and.more1 18 күн бұрын
I would cut my loss and remove this video bro. Do some research and repost
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