Great review! That bass is no joke. It almost sounded like if you had it hooked up to a sub.
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
However, if a subwoofer is added, the lowest two octaves (the very low frequencies in the audible band) will be much flatter, and the Core 59's woofer will be better able to handle the upper bass.
@YDNASLL6 ай бұрын
Yo~ 嘩!咩事啲sourse分析力咁H強嘅?講堅~
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
@cheelintw20076 ай бұрын
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
@cheelintw20076 ай бұрын
@@feverSoundHK 了解,謝謝您。
@stanchau6 ай бұрын
想請教,有冇邊部streaming transport 有質素digital volume 又有 digital out 可以同呢部匹配?
喇叭播放時嘅重要性等於錄音時(acoustic instrument/vocal)用mic嘅重要性, 想要高質嘅結果要考慮成條訊號路徑, 每個組件都有影響, 所以有個理論係除非設計需要, 零件/步驟越少越好, 錄音時麥克風位置要小心嘗試, 收集盡量多嘅數據, 用hardware mixer要記得gain structure (保持headroom優化S/N) mixer 通常用嚟平衡同處理多個唔同嘅音頻輸入, 睇下個規格會發現(喺預計之內)佢本身硬件會增加噪音, 再睇下電路圖你會發現通常用好多平庸嘅 Op Amp (成本原因) A pot of milk is ruined by a drop of poison 係呀, 係嚴厲嘅, 但呢個係事實 所以首先揀個合適嘅喇叭, 唔好畀你嘅純粹播放設備經過任何唔需要嘅嘢 除非你想每次都重新接線, 用passive audio switch box連接AB analogue切換唔同嘅source去喇叭, 冇添加, 冇污染, 平靚正, Paul 之前都提出咗同一個建議 唯一嘅嘢係要搵個方法去控制你個鼓嘅音量, 電子鼓可唔可以先入個 DAW?
@chrisusa81676 ай бұрын
@@philiptong4978 thx, 真係學到嘢。
@atpla3206 ай бұрын
Jriver可以dsd to pcm 64bit
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
對的,軟件層面處理也可以,再加一個電腦 Audio Interface 就可以(國仁)
@pak7lai956 ай бұрын
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
thanks 黎兄(國仁)
@dannyhung62786 ай бұрын
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
thanks Danny(國仁)
@guestng28776 ай бұрын
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
咁我又唔覺得佢似 Class A,但亦唔太似 Class D,其實出來嘅聲都係似高控制力嘅 Class AB(國仁)
The worst bass performance ever found on Feversound. Lack of DSD can just solve by using analog input.
@feverSoundHK6 ай бұрын
Whether it's live or recorded, it's hard to be as bad as you described "the worst." Let me put it this way, the songs chosen for this video recording are Cantonese and Mandarin songs from the 80s and 90s, rather than our usual selections of classical music, jazz, or vocals. This might cause a sense of disparity for viewers who are not familiar with these songs.
@philiptong49786 ай бұрын
thats why it is advisable to bring along music you are familiar with when auditioning new equipment, audio precision at this level is not easy to qualify but only to compare with known base line (which the listener have to establish its own) another way is to always playback the same piece of music at cost of entertainment value on YT