Dyscalculia Test

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Arije-Aike de Haas

Arije-Aike de Haas

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@viktoriabelakova3822 2 жыл бұрын
12/12. Math, Physics or anything with many numbers makes me go into full panic/anxiety attack because I don't understand it and it makes me feel so anxious. Also, the fact that my family (and people around me in general) are so good at math, they think that I am incredibly stupid or acting like a child because I can't solve even the easiest stuff...please don't tell people that they are worthless, idiotic or "pretending" just because they can't do the same thing as you...
@Name.......... Жыл бұрын
The worst isn't that you can't do it or don't know how to do it I just shut down and have panic attacks.
@atoshimomena9744 Жыл бұрын
@@Name.......... this. the haunting thought that I'll never get better at it. I'm just the dumbest.
@GranVlog Жыл бұрын
... i skipped school because of this. Even if its just about sitting there and not having to do any tasks, it still triggers my fight or flight response.. so i cant do anything for a few days, it breaks me down mentally..
@NellPell_ Жыл бұрын
or the more time you take, the harder it becomes to do it and the more you get yelled at.
@aldemargd4478 Жыл бұрын
You're going to have nightmares if you see computer language guaranteed
@daniellebelia9043 Жыл бұрын
Can you make more videos about Dyscalculia? I find it so hard to explain to friends that it's not just about "having difficulties with math" but that it has an effect on how you live your whole life.
@tammyharn6578 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with “mirrored Vision when I was in 2nd grade and later diagnosed with dyslexia. I was in Learning Disabled classes up until my high school years. I have always suspected that I had discalcula . I was always reversing 2+ digit numbers, to this day do know know my multiplication tables and have to use my fingers to count things. I have a bachelor’s degree and am an art teacher. But I had to take the math part of the certification exam 9 times before I passed it. I have great anxiety when it comes to math. But I tell my students my story and I try to encourage them to go for their dreams no matter if they have to work harder then the next person or not. 😊
@ebethlouise2201 Ай бұрын
Wow that is perseverance!
@tammyharn6578 Ай бұрын
@@ebethlouise2201 Thank you!
@rahbeeuh 2 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with dyscalculia earlier this year and it was bittersweet. On one hand I was relieved but on the other hand I was saddened that it wasn't caught sooner. Tests like the one in this video are very useful. Thank you for making it
@rebeccadedycker8234 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, same for me
@nelsonfung7642 2 жыл бұрын
I really want to help you guys but are you guys willing to learn it back from the basics like grade 1 stuff ? I have seen too many ppl learning this subject on the wrong track . if I can fix a lot of you ... would you guys be interested ? Nelson
@rahbeeuh 2 жыл бұрын
@@nelsonfung7642 I sense that you mean well but when you offer to "fix" people it doesn't come off well. Thanks for the offer but I'm already doing the best I can.
@nelsonfung7642 2 жыл бұрын
@@rahbeeuh it's not easy for you to learn it by yourself...... 😓 this subject is extremely hard to teach and if you are thinking about the same stuff over and over again , you won't be able to improve .... 🤦‍♂️ you work twice as hard as others but the results are half...... the reason why smart genius dont need to work so hard is because they have different thoughts about the same thing we see.... just like music ..... my friends can hear notes but I cant only hear sounds ....... if i need to learn music i need their help to fix my problems . if you have friends that are great in math you should ask them how to do it as detail as you can . some of them will give you some insights but depending on how they present using what kind of words.... i bet you dunno for addition and subtraction there are many different meanings right ?🥴 and when doing addition , I sometimes use subtraction for them . subtractions I use additions sometimes . same as multiple and division .I use addition and subtraction for them . at the end we fuse everything together cause of the concepts and meaning go through each other .
@muurrarium9460 2 жыл бұрын
@@nelsonfung7642 I had my basics taught about 47 years ago. "New math" really sucks goats testicles. ("Old math" also did not help me much ;D ) I am currently learning 'new math' for a stupid exam. If you have another idea...plze let me know!
@kimberlyhaic1340 Ай бұрын
I STRUGGLED with math in school. Now I'm a 4th grade math teacher! lol I never knew I could have dyscalculia until right now. This explains a lot. I teach math in an extremely explicit, bit by bit way. Now I know why I do that. Struggling students always thrive in my class and end up loving math because of my teaching style. I'm so intrigued to learn more about this.
@ArijeAikedeHaas Ай бұрын
Happy to help!
@terryenby2304 Жыл бұрын
I’m already diagnosed as autistic and ADHD. I don’t need any more… but I’m pretty sure I fit this too! I have always struggled with maths despite having above average aptitude, things like remembering numbers, writing numbers down, writing numbers wrong, struggling with times tables, tips: I just put what seems like a fair amount for the time we have been there and the number of us, and all sorts… I love spreadsheets but only when they have words or simple things like adding up basic numbers.
@MeatMatt71 Жыл бұрын
A "yes" to all of them. As an adult, tests scare the hell out of me. Thanks for your input.
@yaniwet Жыл бұрын
This explains a lot for me. If I have dislexia it’s very mild, I’m not 100% sure about it. But I definitely have this!! My problem has always been with numbers and it’s not that I’m not smart or anything, but I checked almost 10 of this things you asked. I will check if where I live there’s a doctor who knows about this and can do a diagnose on me. Thank you ver much for all this information you put here for free, it’s really helpful!! I have never heard of this type of dislexia before and now I can look for specific help. Thank you so much!!
@brightshining Жыл бұрын
1. Do you have trouble telling the time on an analog or 24-hour clock? 2. If you have a math task in front of you, would you start figuring out the answer without first estimating the result? 3. When you calculate, would you tend to use your fingers? 4. Is financial planning difficult for you? Do you have trouble sticking to a certain budget? 5. Is it hard for you to pick up new dance moves or choreography? (My guess, this also includes musical sight-reading and picking up on other physical rhythm-based tasks.) 6. At school, was it hard for you to memorise the times table? (My guess is that this might include basic additions too.) 7. In a cafe, would you avoid working out the bill or would you unintentionally give a wildly innacurate tip? 8. Do you think that math is like a foreign language? 9. Do you generally make a lot of mistakes when given math tasks? 10. Is keeping track of time an issue for you? Do you underestimate how long sonething takes or do you miss appointments? 11. Is math generally a cause of anxiety for you? 12. Do you tend to forget numerical information that other people seem to remember quite easily? Things like your phone number, your new house number, your friend's birthday.
@muurrarium9460 2 жыл бұрын
I have major dyscalculia while not being dyslectic at all. Trying to hold onto a number is my head is like grasping & holding superfine sand or water with my hands. It does not matter if I squeeze as hard as I can or relax...it will just get away from me, no matter what. Solving sudoku puzzles is equally easy / hard if I use numbers (1-9) or other random symbols ... my brain does not care. I have absolutely no issues with memorizing & remembering traffic signs etc.. Numbers just do not seem to have any significant individual meaning for me, while Roman numerals are somehow easier to work with... also very strange.
@_MD83n00t_ Жыл бұрын
As someone who didn't know she was already diagnosed with dyscalculia and who's mom was watching her do this quiz and once she finished told her "I think I might have this" and her mom said "You do have this" and she responds in utter disbelief and amazement "I DO??! NO WAYYYYY", this is relatable
@LauraoAirylea 9 ай бұрын
Having a term for this is a huge help. I can't estimate for the life of me. Percentages in a news report rarely make sense to me. I prefer pie charts to understand quantities. Unless I keep organize a system to keep track, it's difficult to decide whether I'm getting a good deal on a sale I have a stronger visual memory, so I find methods to compensate. I try to schedule dates, create pins or make transactions so the numbers are memorable, such as booking an appointment for, 7pm on September 7th. I have ADHD and a terrible working memory, so functioning at my greatest potential has been difficult.
@sc_endlessdreams Жыл бұрын
I didn't really know there was a name for this! Ever since I've encountered the term "Dyslexia," I've been really interested in it especially I felt like it's the same how I have difficulties in the way I approach math as well. I always felt mixed feelings seeing my classmates immediately beinf able to calculate simple arithmetic in their head while I'm still trying to imagine the numbers in my head and trying to understand it. I got 12/12 here, and it feels nice to know this is called Dyscalculia. Thank you for this video!
@aldiauliaali5260 Жыл бұрын
I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who has this problem.
@TheAngelita255 Жыл бұрын
This frustrates me so much, and seeing I agree with all of this makes me wanna cry
@donaastor Жыл бұрын
I don't think I have dyscalculia, but I am studying mathematics and it was hilarious to listen to these questions especially with the way you phrased them.
@dork_mork6953 2 жыл бұрын
I got a score of 9 and the first notion I’ve ever had of being understood or normal. I honestly always thought I was dumb and generally inadequate, but a lot of things seem to add up and I feel like this is a thing it’d be helpful for me to have diagnosed. I also know that I have a lot of mental health issues and neurodivergent tendencies though, so it’s always really hard for me to ever truly pinpoint something (other than ptsd, anxiety, and some variation of depression, those are incredibly concrete and impossible to write off at this point lol)
@Beloucif_Samuel 2 ай бұрын
I got about 9/12 i never understood math since middle school, but also in elementary school I remember the anxiety of learning those damned times tables, and in middle school how no matter how hard I worked, I got very low grades (1 or 2 average) even in the easiest of tests, and how in secondary school physics became like another language for me. Now, I associate mathematics and physics only with anxiety, failure, and struggle, for more than 10 years I struggled to grasp anything related to math, my mind simply don't grasp it. This struggle led me to fail graduating several times. I remember learning Biology in less than 1 month and improving so much in it, compared to all those years of trying to learn math, I really think there is something in my mind preventing me from learning math. This video helped me to be aware of what dyscalculia is, though I know I can't seek help.
@southerndigest8996 2 жыл бұрын
Yes to every single question! Though I always struggled with math, certain moments stand out-like the time in my thirties when I couldn’t get my checkbook to balance. I never trusted my first attempt and always checked my figures by doing it all again to make sure I came up with the same balance. But that time, through repeated attempts, I came up with two different figures consistently, and only those two. I couldn’t figure out which one was right, and didn’t know where I’d made a mistake. I was being so careful each time and even using a calculator! Finally, I asked someone to watch me do it and let me know if they noticed anything wrong. Sure enough, the mistake was in one particular entry. Every OTHER time I calculated I would enter 32.65 as 35.62. It was then I knew that math was hard for me because I was unknowingly transposing the numbers in some sequences. Now I’m in my sixties and less stressed about it. I still do math, of course, but I have simplified some processes (like tip computations-I’ve learned to estimate and then add some just because I like being generous). Also, I’m not ashamed to ask others to double check my figures.
@sillidill5227 2 жыл бұрын
Same here ❤
@pazalone2166 Жыл бұрын
11/12. I never knew I would have so many of these but one of the ones I can especially relate to is counting on my fingers. I still do it no matter if it's smaller numbers as well. In math I'd always make very small mistakes like this for an easy example: 12+14= 26 but I'd probably write 28 which would be a number that I was previously thinking of. In that same sentence I actually calculated the number to be 26, and I even said it in my head yet I still typed 28.
@nicomartins7874 Жыл бұрын
Got a 'yes' to all of them. Man. Adding this to my score on the dyslexia one, which was 8/9, I definitely need to talk to my psychologist.
@CazOSX 7 ай бұрын
I was never diangosed with this, all I know I have is autism & a learning disability, but I really struggle with maths, so I really feel I could have this as well. Nobody ever picked this up about me, but I always struggled with maths & could never understand it. I struggle with alang time & when people say time like "quarter two", confused the hell outta me, I find digitial time way easier. Times tables always confused me, money can confuse me & budging too, taking away is difficult too. I still use a calculator or my fingers when I need to. I find learning dances very diffcuilt, I always have. I can find keeping track of time difficult at times, yes & knowing how much time I'll need etc etc.
@FlowersMakeMeHappy Жыл бұрын
As a former "Gifted Kid" Who now is way too hard on myself for not knowing math knowing that hey there is a reason why this is harder for you! And now I can try it in a new angle so I can stop getting so burnt out. My goal is to know my times table in my head good enough to be able to answer "What's 7 x 9?" TYSM for the vid man
@eeko8374 Жыл бұрын
i'm almost 20 years old and just now learned about this. 12/12 holy shit i have never related so much. i have always had the worst anxiety about math since i was a kid and have repeatedly gotten terrible final grades in all of my math classes but excelled in all other subjects. even my freshman year of college i had a roommate doing my homework for me for math 110. for literally years i have been shitting on myself for being so terrible at math and feeling like the biggest failure in the world. watching this video and reading these comments made something click in me that i've never felt before and it makes me feel so much less alone. thank you so much for making this video, i wish i would've seen it years ago, but this helps little childhood me. :,)
@ArijeAikedeHaas Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad to hear that it helped you! You are definitely not alone at all.
@Monique-ps9zv Жыл бұрын
answered in the format of your dyslexia test... 7 definite yes, 3 i have some trouble, and 2 i have no issue with.
@Beespank Жыл бұрын
I had... no idea. My dad has dyslexia, and I thought I was always just pants at math; learning that I probably have dyslexia, and more specifically dyscalculia is really validating. I don't have much trouble with words, but math... hoo boy. I got 6/9 for the main test and 8/12 for this one. It doesn't affect me too badly, aside from being glued to my calculator, but I'm kind of glad I got curious and clicked on these videos!
@XAudacityX 6 ай бұрын
My grandmother has told me I have dyscalculia and I never knew what it was, this helps alot!!
@ItsTheGLife Жыл бұрын
OMFG I've never even considered this nor did I even know about this condition. I answered yes to 10 out of 12 questions. Now it makes more sense to me looking back. Now I'm interested in learning more about this disorder. This was very well made. Thank you for your effort!
@sabinabirnie3761 Жыл бұрын
I’m 53 and always struggled terribly with maths, it only got worse the older I got. Now I avoid going out with friends in case the bill is split because I can’t do it, I had an embarrassing moment years ago when I disappeared to the toilet to try and work it out on toilet paper with pen ( no mobile in those days) and by the time I got back, the bill was settled and my friends thought I had dodged paying ( they were laughing) but I was mortified…. That did it for me, if pushed I to go out, I say in advance it’s my treat because I never want to go through that again!
@kimjaime1141 9 ай бұрын
Gosh my struggles have a name! I had 11 of these. Thank you for sheding some light on using my fingers when i use a calculator.
@PatriciaDebrow Жыл бұрын
I just figured out that I have dyscalculia after teaching Dyslexia for 4 years! (I’m slow, I know!) I also am directionally challenged, if I THINK I need to go right, automatically go left and vise versa, and I will be accurate, meaning my sense of direction is opposite of what it should be! I’m surprised that wasn’t part of your test.
@AmaraJordanMusic Жыл бұрын
I figured this out when I was 11 because my teachers would tell me I made “careless errors,” and I’d get all the HARD parts of the problem right but simple things like subtraction or swapping 63 to 36 would make the whole problem incorrect. I’m a perfectionist and even then it bothered me that someone could think I’d be CARELESS. Finally I brought it up to the teacher, got no help, then my parents. Then they went in and eventually I got help. But it was in the area the “slow” kids went I got bullied pretty badly. I stopped getting help for it. So I still struggle with numbers more than with reading.
@fivenightsatfreddysworld1649 6 ай бұрын
I answered, yes for every single question thank you for helping me figure it out
@roahir Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed just 4 month ago and I have both. And like someone mentioned telling your right from your left can also be one of many signs (I have a rotten time and must think before I hold my the right hand)
@countcoupblessings979 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video . I could not comprehend as a young child , how an amount was a symbol . Above the black board were digits in 10 different colors . We were not allowed to use fingers to count. I taught myself to comprehend amts based on colors . I could reasonably do addition and subtraction that way , though not quickly . Multiplication in grade 3 was an upsetting of that apple cart , I could not pull that off .
@christinepoppy3277 10 ай бұрын
There’s so much shaming around not be able to do simple math calculations. I was in advanced math all throughout school, because I understood the advanced concepts, but I still struggled with simple arithmetic. Like I understood how to do it, but I would just get super fuzzy. Wished we stopped calling everyone stupid for differences in how our brains worked
@Not_Audreyy Жыл бұрын
For anyone who struggling to memorize their phone number, some thing that personally helped me with signing up for a bunch of different apps that required your phone number and keeping my phone number in my notes and just doing it over and over again for months untill I finally learned it.
@evanberger4155 Жыл бұрын
My relationship with math was very much based on understanding a logic VS memorizing arbitrary rules. Loved simple algevra stuff, but as soon as we had to remember formulas, I needed a reminder sheet. I can apply it, but won't remember it.
@Lyvvie Жыл бұрын
I like the way you say it better than I do "Disco-coolia" is better than "Dis-Cal-kyu-leeya" as I've been saying. I was off the charts for verbal, reading, and solving word problems but struggled with maths. School never helped me or kept me back because of the high reading scores. I could memorise by rote the times tables and 24hour clocks. when learning time I would often say "It's ten minutes before half past," or "It's five minutes before quarter past." When I got to learn Algebra, all the math went out the window because there were letters in the math and I was trying to find word patterns.(I had to pass Algebra in my first year of university to keep my place - I had failed 6 years of math by that time) I took your Dyslexia test and got 4 indicators but it was the reading numbers that threw me. I wonder if letters would have been easier. I cannot read my alphabet backwards but could do the months. Going backwards is very jarring for me but I always thought it was the ADHD.
@nava1436 Жыл бұрын
oh my god. So I have always struggld with math but i just though I was not studying or working hard enough but your telling me dyscalculia exists?? I finally know what ive been going through and that alot of others go through the same thing as i do. thank you so much for this video. (by the way Yes, i did get 12/12)
@rebeccaweikert7654 Жыл бұрын
I feel a lot less stupid now. I've been homeschooled all my life and me and my mom spent years just trying to memorize multiplication facts. I would learn all of the 7s in a week and then the set would disappear a few days after I could recite them all the way through. I was reading at a high school level in like 4th grade and I was excelling in things like history and english but math was always super difficult for me.
@BeeWhistler Жыл бұрын
6 yes and a couple of maybes. I can actually do higher maths (with a little practice since it's been a while) such as Algebra, but still get problems wrong because of the frequent errors in basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Or because of overlooking things I need to address. I know how to factor a polynomial but have to check and recheck it for "careless" mistakes. My daughter kept having to correct me when I was trying to help her with her math. Keeps her on her toes though.
@JBlooey Жыл бұрын
I scored 11 out of 12. Division was always the bane of my existence in grade school! Being homeschooled until freshman year, I cheated a lot in math just to survive. If it wasn't for the TI-83, I would have certainly failed high school! First-year college math was a nightmare that resulted in me dropping out. The only thing numerical I excel at at the age of 23 is memorizing numbers. Among other things, I've memorized most of my addresses and many phone numbers since I was 5, my social security number, and a couple complete sets of credit card information. That's the only point I didn't get.
@sokumachi729 Жыл бұрын
8/12, I absolutely love maths and logic, but I've always known I struggle with numbers and naming numbers, as well as "simple" mistakes that always bring my grades down. It's a very frustrating dichotomy of loving something that will never come out right Time and finances are my worst enemy. There is no place for either of them in my brain 😭
@inkamartiskainen1064 Жыл бұрын
Okay so today i learned i have dyslexia and dyscalculia, great lol. I didnt even know some of my struggles were dyslexia/dyscalculia symptoms. Now i definitely feel like getting these checked professionally...
@5Fem5Fem Жыл бұрын
Even though my mom was a maths teacher, maths was utter hell to me. Languages come way more easily. I always called myself ‘dyslinksisch’ meaning dysleftic, for always mixing op left and right and now through these videos I get to know that there actually is something that’s dysleftic😅 sort of funny and reassuring
@jroobz Жыл бұрын
I'm nearly 40 and I have always been shit at maths. At school i was placed in the very bottom set and barely scraped a qualification. Now as an adult I work in marketing, which relies heavily on data. For me processing or calculating numbers is always sketchy. If someone helps me and they go too fast I completely lose what's going on and can't repeat the steps. Pattens and sequencing things like music or learning dance steps is a nightmare. I've finally decided to go and seek support.
@Neon-hf2qq Жыл бұрын
I have been sort of skeptical about having it. Turns out that I might. My mother has a math disability that might have been passed down to me. I don't like self diagnosing myself with this, but I do have a very strong feeling I could have it. Pretty much said yes to all of the questions.
@uptowndisco2 9 ай бұрын
I never till today even knew this was a thing , now 67 I thought I was just dumb with numbers and was treated as such all through school years , I am still the same today with even what should be very simple sums , it is a shame it has taken so long to know about this and no one else said it was a thing , even when at primary level my own mum used to lose her temper at me when I couldnt do arithmetic homework she thought I just couldnt be bothered which was so far from the truth , a weight has now been lifted !!
@ArijeAikedeHaas 9 ай бұрын
You’re not alone in this!
@joanlaufnick9135 11 ай бұрын
I knew I had a problem with numbers, never knew that it had a name. I also have difficulty with direction, left from right, as well as spacial depth perception.
@Gaydragonfruit Жыл бұрын
Omg this makes sense in my life, i’ve always sucked at math, even tho i understood the topics and studied , i’d always get a failing grade. I always have problems reading analog and 24 hrs clocks.
@Bercuda Жыл бұрын
I definitely answered yes to around 7 or 8, while i didn't understand 2 or 3 questions. So there's definitely a chance I do have it. 😅
@luyun352 Жыл бұрын
This! But when the school test comes around and my results are good, they said i definitely don't have any problem with my studies when in reality my teachers will agree to disagree.
@thesausage351 Жыл бұрын
I worked in a spare parts shop for about 20yrs and I’m pretty sure I have something like this. I would constantly mix up part numbers, if I had to order a Z456, I’d almost always write down Z465. Even if I checked it a bunch of times I’d still do it.
@manders76 Жыл бұрын
Fun thing: The only way I could memorize the multiplication table is to think of it as words instead of numbers (seven times eight is fifty-six, as opposed to 7x8=56) because I'm hyperlexical/language-oriented. Said yes to almost everything else though!
@pablobruning4508 Жыл бұрын
I barely passed math but even though I have dyslexia and dyscalcula, by the grace of God, I was able to obtain a degree. Unfortuneately, I have a history of losing jobs because of my disorders.
@RosheenQuynh Жыл бұрын
I knew this existed but assumed what I had was a lesser version of it and didn't need to be named but after watching this, I very much have it... Doing math (especially without a calculator) physically gives me a headache. I sometimes forget my age, along with other people's ages. I struggle to remember long string of numbers and have to break them down into three digits.
@Basi11 Жыл бұрын
im a child, yet i took this for fun and got 12/12… i’ve always struggled with times tables, remembering stuff, ect. i didn’t know this could actually be a condition
@Agpals 10 ай бұрын
As a child and growing up I never was able to do mental math, I mean like simple math like 7+8 I would have no idea what that would be off the top of my head. I never understood how to make change either, and avoided jobs that required it. Also while trying to take dance classes in high school I could NEVER EVER get the moves down. It became apparent that something was wrong while taking statistics and chemistry classes in college that I failed all of them. It was so embarrassing. Later being dx with ADHD helped me understand that it was tied to something and it's very common for people with ADHD to also have dyscalculia.
@ArijeAikedeHaas 10 ай бұрын
It’s something a lot of us struggle with and I’m glad you figured out that you’re not alone
@Agpals 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words!@@ArijeAikedeHaas
@jenniferpardue16 Жыл бұрын
I have never been diagnosed, but I am about 90% sure I have dyscalculia. I still can't tell you when my dad's birthday is, I know it's around Thanksgiving, but the exact date, I don't know. I sometimes completely forget my social security number when asked, and have flipped numbers around in it, and it's really not a difficult number. I cam here from one of your dyslexia videos because I failed every number test in that video. From that video, I struggle with lefts and rights (my SO sometimes pokes at me for it). I am great with words. But numbers are a whole other issue. I never could wrap my head around fractions, multiplication, or division in school. The only class I have ever failed was math (and almost Biology). I was put into a remedial math class in college because I tested so poorly in it.
@xellagxnt Жыл бұрын
I got 12/12. I didn’t understand what dyscalculia was at first, but I figured it out and now I realise I have never known this had a name until now.
@cuedotfilms4427 Жыл бұрын
The amount of pain and distress for both the dyslexia and this video has coursed me is emenc. My maths has always been the worst. Thanks to spell check I'm more confident writing to people. It took my many years to be able to read, which I do quite well no. But put a pen in my hand and I'm useless. I have Asperger's too, while doesn't help. My middle school was a terrible experience for me and has left me with many mental illness's, including BDD and anorexia. I was made to feel worthless every day. I watched the video just to see what people think now. I just feel angry, I don't know why and utterly worthless.
@louisethomson3856 4 ай бұрын
Me too. I'm 64, they thought I was lazy and tried to beat it in to me! I excelled in English and art. I was told I was stupid. My two brother's are professors but eventually I got my degree. I knew I wasn't stupid. But when I was young it was difficult if you were different. I remember going to bed one night thinking wow I wasn't hit today.
@michellebp2010 Жыл бұрын
I said yes to all of them. Anything to do with numbers is a struggle calculators are my best friend
@wisecoconut5 Жыл бұрын
I really struggled with math in school. It wasn't until I did data entry that I realized I invert or reverse numbers when working problems. I can visualize amounts because I "see" amounts as blocks and shapes in my head. So, I can "see" a 10% slice of pie but write that slice size as number and I am lost. I have never been good at times tables either.
@pansypox 3 ай бұрын
When you said the thing about overtipping based on the waiters reaction i giggled because that has happened to me several times lol
@bananewane1402 Жыл бұрын
I'm about to complete a degree in physics and still struggle with shit like "what is 9 - 5.5". I can quite easily figure out the answer but if you randomly ask me I would probably either stare blankly or blurt a wrong one. An understanding of numbers and mathematics is not the same as the ability to perform calculations in one's head.
@blubberingbuffoons Жыл бұрын
yeah this pretty much affects me from me successful in all categories of life.
i have it and i hate maths used to get beating up by teachers because i didn't answer times tables quicker every day in school. this went on for a month until they just left me alone i live in Iraq so its normal i was 9 . just imagine how much people who have the same problems the schools needs to know about this stuff. it's not okay to beat someone who have problems like that
@winstonpotts9776 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always known I was worse off in the math department. It never really clicked and my dad would get so angry at me when I couldn’t figure out a math problem he perceived as simple. I have a really bad relationship with math and now I know why. It’s not that I was stupid, it’s a form of dyslexia, probably. Most likely honestly.
@sarabader9480 Жыл бұрын
11/13...... idk how but i got 13 questions out of the video... i was writing it down as well🥲and i was looking at the numbers
@mee9394 Жыл бұрын
I remember my mom found out how abysmal my math "skills" were in third grade (I was struggling with two digit multiplication, well after a week of the concept being introduced. She made me sit with her for longer than two hours trying to get me to understand how to do it, after a few hours she could tell I understood what was supposed to be done (what I got was 'one number and another number make bigger number') but was struggling with the actual math part, she said it was good enough and let me go to sleep. She told me that I could apply what she showed me to triple digit numbers as well and I, like a fool, felt confident the next day. I went to school and I was zooming through the questions, I ended up finishing on par with half the class and the teacher was suspicious, she asked ANOTHER STUDENT to check my answers which hurt my pride, but I could get over it, the kid looked at my sums, didn't even glance my way, he said "They're all wrong" and left That was the last time I was ever confident.
@SharkyLunasaurus Жыл бұрын
I have a problem with every single one of these. It was so frustrating because I'd constantly be told that, "You just aren't trying and don't want to be good at math." I had no problems in any other subjects in school. And even now at 40 I still can't remember my multiplication and have to use my fingers when doing any kind of math. It's weird though since in classes I could understand the formulas while they were being taught and I'd take notes and everything, but once class was over and I'd get home. I couldn't remember how they worked and couldn't even understand my own notes.
@MysteriousSubstance Жыл бұрын
I didn't expect to score high on this one. I'm 2 years ahead in math. But I still remember little 4th grader me having to do extra math lessons to remember the times tables. I would stay up late practicing with my parents and they'd get mad when I had to use my fingers instead of just... Knowing it. It's especially ironic because my dad claims that the numbers automatically fall into place. In Calculus and still count on my fingers 😂
@katherinerivera72 Жыл бұрын
I'm not dyslexic but here got 10/12. My 2nd son is dyslexic and he always have problems with numbers and can't do math to good, he is 29 years.
@roivinikmossel2998 Жыл бұрын
thanks a very informative video just wanted to say that if you have dyscalculia somethimes it can be mild that the problem is only arithmetic and not understanding of problem solving geometry or calcalus.
@_XRMissie 9 ай бұрын
Answered yes to 10 of them. For context, I'm on the path for an ADHD diagnosis, but I noticed something strange with me and numbers very early on. Unless I put absolute attention on what I'm doing and triple check it, I will end up transposing numbers unknowingly (eg 123456 becomes 132546), reading numbers in questions completely wrong (eg 600 becomes 900), I'll either key it into a calculator wrong, or I'll do everything perfectly and end up just writing down the answer wrong... Or worse, doing everything correctly, but because I misread the question, everything except my method was wrong. What sucks most about this is that I actually like maths, but it does stress me out very quickly. These "simple" mistakes ruined my maths grade.
@QueenPoppy882 4 ай бұрын
I also answered yes to 11 out of 12. I hope I don’t sound crazy here-Do you also feel like numbers “float around” in your head when you try to do mental math? I have always felt like mental math is nearly impossible for me compared to my peers, and they never seemed to understand what I meant. It is like the numbers don’t stay consistent enough in my head for me to do the math-they seem to “float around” in my head. I am now wondering if I have just had dyscalculia my whole life 😅
@mayak7831 Жыл бұрын
Oh god, i struggled so much at school. I studied actually really good, but had big issues just with math. The worst thing is that, I found out I have discalculia a few weeks after finishing school...
@icequeen4201 Жыл бұрын
I failed every year in math and had to go to summer school. I answered yes to all of the questions. I am 45 and trying to go back to school to make life better for myself and my daughter but I have to take algebra. This is devastating to me and I never even got close to taking it in high school. I have taken all the core classes and passed with As but I know I can't do the math. Trying to find someone to diagnose me has been a nightmare. They all want thousands of dollars to do evaluations and I don't have that. It is a nightmare with the math. Any suggestions for what I can do? I have such terrible anxiety from a lifetime of failure in this subject. Thank you for researching this subject and sharing what you found.
@scarletecarlate9467 Жыл бұрын
I knew I was struggling to understand maths when i started 5th grade. i got nice teachers to help me but by the end of the day i always have to apologise for taking their time only to get D's on their exams. I got 11/12 because reading time (analog and digital) became like a daily routine for me so i got used to it (im a manager in Mcdonalds btw so i have to keep track of time when to send my crew for their breaks)
@UrbanXFiles Жыл бұрын
My Dad has dyslexia bad, my sister also has it bad too. For me I have always said I DO NOT HAVE IT....HOWEVER my Son has been tested for it and i said nope, no way matey. UNTIL I took the test and FAILED it. I did think it was all about the Bs and Ds how VERY wrong I've been. Turns out I'm dyslexic with dyscalculia. I was diagnosed with ADHD in my late 30s and ASD in my 41st birthday. My son is autistic. He was gifted ASD from me. As when he was going through it the psychologist noted that most of his traits come from me. So I decided to get checked so he wasn't on his own. Turns out most of my life I've masked my way through it. I also have OCD too. I found out recently that when i was young my parents had me under psychologists as it caused havoc in my life. After they diagnosed me with OCD my parents decided to stop any more hospital appointments as they feared I'd be LABELLED. As my dad was in school, my sister also. I'm now 41 and learning so much about myself. Thanks for the video.
@tekuwolf5454 Жыл бұрын
I answered yes to almost every question here if not every question, but the thing is in middle school I was diagnosed with autism and a learning disability revolving around math, and I never got anything more specific than that, so I'm not sure if its just in general or if it would be dyscalculia specifically
@gutzy7262 Жыл бұрын
Well, i said yes to all questions. This might explain the amount of times i was holding back tears in math class even though i had way easier material than the others, the amount of times i had to go excuse myself to the bathroom to vomit.
@anxietycherry Жыл бұрын
I just spent four hours working on a basic math assignment.😪 I still prefer that to the quick math time tables they used to make us do in elementary school. An absolute nightmare.
@mckenzyworthington5459 5 ай бұрын
Yes-8 No-1 Sometimes-3
@shayxie8318 Жыл бұрын
whew I'm still horrified about maths my freshman year in high school. I was put into whatever class typical freshman take, but a few failed tests in, they decided to give me a placement exam. I remember freezing and panicking because I did not know how to turn a fraction into a decimal. I was put into special math, and that teacher was amazing. She frequently commented on how cute it was that I used Ls instead of 7s or vice versa, and turned 5s into Ss. There are so many bloody early signs that everyone around me just ignored, and I was a child. I never could learn my times tables, except for 5s and 9s. If I weren't able to carry around a calculator in my pocket I would be so screwed.
@shayxie8318 Жыл бұрын
My earliest math traumas were from doing homework with my parents though. My mom would pawn me off on my dad who was not a patient person and I just couldn't freaking do it. He couldn't explain things in ways that I could understand and it was so frustrating for both of us.
@alonso3998 Жыл бұрын
i dont want to be like this, but deny will not solve it. I'll try to see it first with someone who can give me an official diagnosis, thanks for the tests.
@chronosunflower129 Жыл бұрын
I got 11 out of 12. I've always had trouble doing any sort of Maths, even when it comes to simple additions. Somehow I always end up with the wrong result but I don't figure it out until my friends say, "hey, that's not right", and only then I realise I've mistaken the numbers in my thinking process. I also have a hard time remembering the codes to my cards, birthdays, and other people's phone numbers. Like hell, for the longest time I couldn't even remember my own number. I feel like it was easier to remember all of these things when I was a child but as I grew older I became more and more clueless regarding numbers and Mathematics. Safe to say I didn't excell in Maths nor Physics, and although I understood Chemistry and formulas, my grades would suffer because I couldn't do the Maths related exercises.
@ragdollrose2687 Жыл бұрын
I've only realized in the past couple years that I might have dyscaculia. I was excellent in many academic subjects, but average in math and science, even tho I could help others understand concepts I was struggling to solve on my own. They even put me in advanced math class in middle school, but I still struggle telling time and counting change to this day. I'm in this weird neurodivergent space where my highest skills hide my disabilities to the point of just being average and not getting the help I need with the challenging parts. That's how I coasted through my education with high-average grades, but also high anxiety around simple tasks like remember an important date or dialing a phone number correctly on the first try. TL;DR: Brain weird, I'm smart but can't tell left from right 🙃
@xp_musician Жыл бұрын
I relate to all of these expect that I’m good at math. So it’s probably just autism, and anxiety, and possible undiagnosed adhd
@suzume_kikuo7560 Жыл бұрын
I didn't know dysnaculia was a thing. I thought it was just a me thing and thought I was just dumber and slower than others but hearing this makes more sense to me now
@cloudwalker2807 Жыл бұрын
I always don't underestimate time, for me it's overrating time. I'm the person who leaves (in my mind) somewhat early for a train, but it's actually so early I can take the train, before my train😅. I do have Dyslexia and Dyscalculia, fully diagnosed. Weirdly I didn't struggle with the number sequence tests from the Dyslexia video. Neither the in order or reverse order version. Also I find reading texts to me much more easy when the text is printed bleu on yellow. This because of the lower contrast between the two, as opposed to black on white text.
@DatDapperBoi Жыл бұрын
I am currently a computer engineering major student and recently realized I might have dyslexia and probably dyscalculia. I got 8/12
@real_lampcap Жыл бұрын
Said yes to about 10. (One of them i sort of go back and forth on) but ive been wondering for a while if i had dyscalculia. In high school i took Algebra 4 times and all my other math classes twice. I am afraid to even get a job bc the last two jobs i had i was forced to work cashier and my drawer was short or over every day. I hate it. So i honestly dont know what im going to do in life if i cant do simple math.
@livinghomosapien123 Жыл бұрын
The time tables are like...still hell for me to memorize, i mean..what type of maniac knows what's 7 times 6 in an instant😭
@creif Жыл бұрын
I also got 11 out of 12. Interesting. Thanks for the info.
@TheJoyFinder Жыл бұрын
Oh, I relate. 11 also.
@Krissyisawake Жыл бұрын
I got 10 out of 12 I was unsure when i first read about it and now i am finally know that i have it feels really weird but still feels like atleast i got a answer to why that happens to me instead of blaming that i am not studying well
@MikeB-nn4nh Жыл бұрын
I was fairly decent at maths on paper at school…, never memorised the times tables after 2., had the same phone number for 12 years and would still struggle to tell you why it is.. I quickly forgot the numbers on the other video too… 😅
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