ብዙ ክብር ላዳነንና ለአምላኩና ለአባቱ መንግስት ካህናት ላደረገን ለመድሃኒታችን የሱስ ክርስቶስ ይሁን! እረኛ አስፋው በቀለ ስላንተ አምላኬን እጅግ አመሰግነዋለሁ! በህይወትህ ስለገለጠው ስለጌታችን ፀጋ አሁንም ምስጋናና ክብር ለዘላአለም ለእርሱ ይሁን! ንፁህና ጤናማ ወንጌልን ስለምትሰብክ ለክርስቶስ ስለምትቀና አሁንም ይባርክህ! ፊቱን ያብራልህ! እኔ ሃሳዊያንን ከእውነተኞች መለያዬ አንደኛዋ ማጣሪያዬ ቅናት ነች! ሰዎችን የቤቱ የቃሉ ቅናት ሲያበግናቸው ሳይ ወዲያው ዘመዴ ይሆናሉ! የቤቱ ቅናት ስለሚበላህና ቃሉን በመንከባከብ ስለምትይዝና ስለምታስተምር አሁንም የአምላካችን ፀጋ ይብዛልህ! Sadly, worship has become entertainment in this age. People wake up, entertainment is not worship. Hype is not anointing. Religious rhetoric is not an exposition of God's word. Clairvoyance is not a prophecy. Case closed! Some of these preachers take Christ (Yeshua) as consciousness. This teaching comes straight out of kabbalah. In the kabbalah tree belief, the highest form of a man consciousness is to become a god - the demigod and or Christ-like. Consequently, they argue that anyone can be equal to Christ. They claim that Christ is a state of consciousness as suppose to being a person and Son of God. On the subject of the movies and songs, from my findings, there is no movie or a single song that doesn't pay tribute to Satan. Movie and songs are deeply occultic, anyone who subscribes to such entertainment is eternally bound to it. I want to thank you again for being an obedient servant of Yeshua Hamessiach!
@asfawBekelepastor4 жыл бұрын
thank you the beloved daughter of Yah for your encouraging, kind and wise words. it is true we need to be more vigilant for the word of truth. in the last days for many shall walk away from the truth. Satan uses many counterfeit spirits to invade and dilute the true spirituality. we are called for the battle, we are soldiers of the truth. whatever it takes we need prepare for the final battle. Jesus is the winner and we shall overcome!
@@asfawBekelepastor hi pasterye how are you? I really thank God for his grace that has been upon u paster I want to ask you if u have teachings on romans if u don’t could you teach on that..please
@asfawBekelepastor3 жыл бұрын
ሰላም @@graceofholyspirt5766, God willing I will be teaching New Testament survey as soon as I finished the Old testament survey. Hopefully, by the spring of.2022?