To be fair, Reverse Flash has always been overkill. In one Flash story, he went back in time multiple times in order to change his own past: He murdered his brother (so he would be an only child) and even caused a woman, who he was in love with, to have a mental breakdown after she rejected him. Seriously Thawne is the master of overkill.
@cjfhotshot28382 жыл бұрын
He also pushed kid Barry down the stairs, Killed Barrys boyhood best friend, Caused Zooms origin because Thawne hates Wally too, caused Hic, made Bart abandon his family in 2018 (Thawne is Bendis)
@GJBattles2 жыл бұрын
@@cjfhotshot2838 My God... *THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!!!*
@brandenmarcum4302 жыл бұрын
@@cjfhotshot2838 “It was me Barry”
@HELLO_KORO2 жыл бұрын
@Will N what if thawne is bendis and didio, he's the reason why the young justice kids keep getting deaged and cant grow into adulthood
@disposable_hero17252 жыл бұрын
Run Barry Run, so over used.
@mysteryone84622 жыл бұрын
I'll give Thawne this: That man is the definition of petty.
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Petty King
@adresebyndumthabasedgod19912 жыл бұрын
That's straight facts
@captaineri.2232 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official Sara lance recently killed him in a legends episode
@adrielcruz27362 жыл бұрын
@@captaineri.223 It was me Barry, I changed the script of the legends of tomorrow episode at super speed so I would die, making more people interested in watching that episode of legends and making the new flash episode look irrelevant in comparison.
@lunaa22702 жыл бұрын
He was so cool in s1 and scary But now he’s just: “I hate Barry but lets ask for help from the flash 🙃 because UwU I’m being erased UwU hewp me pwease” like.. r u kidding me
@Xehanort102 жыл бұрын
24:50 Joe was the worst part of this. "Barry you have to save the irredeemable psychopath who's killed loads of people and has dedicated his life to ruining yours just because he asked you to." The same Joe who like Barry has wanted Thawne dead for years.
@danielruiz82592 жыл бұрын
The same Joe that who shot Harrison Wells from earth 2 at first sight.
@bumbobaggins2 жыл бұрын
At this point e en if you bomb the whole ccpd and ask Joe to forgive you and let you walk away, he'll allow it.
@VetroMatt2 жыл бұрын
Joe had common sense there, he was 100% right. Just cause you didn't like it doesn't mean its right
@bumbobaggins2 жыл бұрын
@@VetroMatt Common sense is to let him die, moral implications it's not
@VetroMatt2 жыл бұрын
@@bumbobaggins um no? Joe made a excellent point. If Bar let Thawne die the entire world would know that The Flash would just let people die when he spent 8 years proving he won't be like that, and with Barry's abilities he has more options than someone without. But since your so held bent on your opinion you can open your eyes and accept other opinions. Joe was 100% right as he always is
@JayFolipurba2 жыл бұрын
The problem isn't Reverse Flash returning over and over again.. the problem with that is that he doesn't really do anything. At the start he was a menacing foe, the one person who could be dangerous to Barry, but now he just shows up to pull pranks and disappear again
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
I've never read a more accurate description of Reverse Flash
@stillvillian2 жыл бұрын
That’s basically what the reverse flash does in the comics too. He is just the most petty villain to ever exist and the worse part is, he never stops coming back.
@ВардотКапрелло2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. They returned Thawne in season 6 as tachyons, while in season 5 he had his physical body and they never explained how the fuck he is TACHYONS. And beat him in 2 episodes. And now he's not using his brains.
@ultimateloser34112 жыл бұрын
They should've included the part where Reverse Flash jerked off Barry so fast he didn't notice him
@reagan11972 жыл бұрын
He’s like Joker after those comic rules in the 1900s, just pulling pranks, and not really doing anything evil
@CrimsonFire012 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't go as far as to say it "saved" the show. It did exceed my expectations and actually had quality writing, so that's something.
@thedarkbrickstudio24522 жыл бұрын
Forgetting episode 4?
@CrimsonFire012 жыл бұрын
@@thedarkbrickstudio2452 yes. That had too many plot holes despite the good twist.
@thedarkbrickstudio24522 жыл бұрын
@@CrimsonFire01 Well, I was mostly talking about the writing. An apparent example would be "Why don't you love love?!" And it was at that moment that we all thought "Kill me."
@keithragin892 жыл бұрын
@TabalugaDragon2 жыл бұрын
@@thedarkbrickstudio2452 and 3 where Cecile acts completely unreasonably towards investigation of Joe's death. That part made me sick. These are his fricken kids and she acts like she has the priority in this over Joe's own daughter.
@ahmadkaien2 жыл бұрын
Joe telling Barry he needs to save people in general is stupid. Joe is so wrong. Let him get erased for his own actions. It’s not wrong to let him die realistically
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Like I said it wouldn't be the first time tram flash has let someone die
@ahmadkaien2 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official Forreal tho, and saving him so he can continue to be evil and inevitable hurt and kill others is such bs I don't see how letting him reap what he sowed as being a bad thing. You'd think a cop would put the needs of the innocent before the need of a sociopathic superhuman serial killer and it's actually not that weird that he'd return even if they let him die...the speed force and time travel is weird, i'm sure you could find a way to bring thawne back without making the main character act so illogically
@jrwll39402 жыл бұрын
@@ahmadkaien to be fair, when barry killed thawne in the comics, it fucked barry up. So idk
@zemox25342 жыл бұрын
Barry killed him to protect his fiancé.
@two43282 жыл бұрын
@JRWLL This is completely different. Barry isn’t killing Thawne. Thawne practically killed himself by messing with time like this, so it shouldn’t affect Barry in a negative way at all. In fact it would make him feel better about the safety of the city and planet.
@polycube86402 жыл бұрын
saving thawne is like the trolley problem, either let a psychotic killer die or switch the track to probably kill 100 people
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
That is a pretty easy problem if you ask me. lol
@heyitsmebil70682 жыл бұрын
So the options are, kill a killer, or kill innocents? Sounds like a pretty easy problem.
@bgschannel93572 жыл бұрын
Nah mna this problem is really hard...I think I'd have to let Thawne live on.
@saahithsreeram1680 Жыл бұрын
@@bgschannel9357 so ud rather let cicada die than thawne whos done way worse things
@arrownoir Жыл бұрын
That’s a pretty easy problem with an even easier solution. Let the trolley mangled the dead body.
@DemigodShmurda2 жыл бұрын
I'm very mixed on the event. I don't think it should've been advertised as a crossover tbh, since it really wasn't one. It was just a storyline that happened to include a bunch of cameos. The episodes themselves were a mixed bag, what with every other episode being just *agonizing* to sit through! Glad it focused on Barry though, since last season literally wasn't his show anymore. Episode 3 was alright though, due in no small part to the writers pretty clearly watching all of Black Lightning season 1 and taking notes!
@DemigodShmurda2 жыл бұрын
@Just_Vlogs Huh. That's news to me considering that they made it very clear that all these different characters from different shows and crossover events were appearing, as well as putting Atom, Mia Smoak/Queen, and Black Lightning on the season's major promotional poster. I genuinely couldn't tell that it was advertized as anything *but* a crossover event.
@kermitgotthesickkicks42652 жыл бұрын
@Just_Vlogs the posters alone made it seem like a crossover event
@VetroMatt2 жыл бұрын
1dt off it was advertised as a 5 part event, not a crossover, Eric Wallace himself even said a few hundred thousand times, that it was NOT a crossover
@VetroMatt2 жыл бұрын
@@kermitgotthesickkicks4265 well Eric Wallace said several times it wasnt, so read stuff lol
@bigcreator20842 жыл бұрын
@@DemigodShmurda The event was meant to be an attempt to revive major crossovers with COVID restrictions, although Eric Wallace was adamant that it was going to focus on Flash instead of the other heroes and that it wasn't a real crossover. That said, of what I could see Ryan Choi barely got to do something.
@golflefleur8872 жыл бұрын
When Gio says "For context", you know there's gonna be some points made. You summed up my thoughts perfectly. Great video!
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Thanks man. One day there will be a "For Context" shirt. Lol
@golflefleur8872 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official I will wear it with pride
@thetruesora2 жыл бұрын
5:30 given barry's speed, even if this was season 1 barry still getting a hang on how to use his speed, he wouldn't need to change his thinking, he can take them all out before they can even try to counter him. also, while that stuff of him taking out the royal flush gang is great, i feel chances are the rest of the season will have him back to his usual self and he won't realise how quickly he can take care of enemies
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
I hope not. I just want consistency.
@thetruesora2 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official same, that's what we all want. let barry be able to kick some ass
@0x00Fyou2 жыл бұрын
This has always been the problem with CW's Flash, he's as fast as the plot needs him to be. There have been times when people have ran away from him when they themselves don't even have superspeed.
@Sleeping_Doggo2 жыл бұрын
@@0x00Fyou almost every single episode villain walk around a corner Barry speeds after them Barry: there gone guess I have to give up now
@0x00Fyou2 жыл бұрын
@@Sleeping_Doggo that pisses me off so much
@mxn47192 жыл бұрын
24:46 I realised this as well when watching the episode for the first time. He twice tried to shoot Eobard before, 2x05, like you showed, and 1x20, when he shoots the Everyman thinking he's Eobard. I guess you can say Crisis changed it but it really shouldn't have happened and was out of character
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Yeah Joe is definitely trying to stand on a moral high ground when he has done questionable things as well
@KatzYRD2 жыл бұрын
Episode 2x05 I guess makes no sense, but episode 1x20 makes sense. He thought Everyman was actually eobard and was gonna kill Cisco. Joe had every right to shoot wells then and there. But in season 8 I think what Joe meant was that they shouldn’t let someone die if it’s in their power to keep them alive. But then again it’s Reverse flash we’re talking about so I guess joes wrong. 😂
@zlnd77802 жыл бұрын
I think it was Bc he’s a cop and he knows what it is. But he doesn’t want that for his children. Which still doesn’t make sense bc both his kids have already killed before, Iris shot Savitar to save Barry, and Barry I can’t rly remember but he’s def killed before
@mxn47192 жыл бұрын
@@zlnd7780 he killed the weekly villains in 2x01 and 2x02. He also indirectly killed Zoom into Black flash, Devoe and Cicada II
@blvsphemy82332 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you mentioned Joe contradicting himself. I was so mad when I saw him try to save Thawn. I'm like "fuck you, you tried shooting him with no questions asked asshoole." Madvocate coming through the portal was just icing on the cake lol
@peposo72 жыл бұрын
Joe actually shot other ppl too. Its just that he is a lousy shot. Even the special rifle given to him(to shoot Savitar) was not even used. My first premonition about Joe came when he saved Barry from Tornado Guy.
@blvsphemy82332 жыл бұрын
@@peposo7 And still, no one comes close to John Diggle. The mf would just pull up in a kidnap van bussin shots. For a while I wanted to believe he used rubber bullets but after a while I'm like "alright this nigga might be worse than Oliver"...
@jaypaul152 жыл бұрын
@@peposo7 the case is different here though, Thawne has surrendered and he is asking for help, but yeahhh that is not really a very convincing excuse.
@hey_kamm2 жыл бұрын
i wonder how Gio feels knowing he rlly makes peoples day
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
It's something I don't really think about, but it genuinely is the best feeling in the world when someone tells me that.
@Jacinto_Bilola_Akino_Toba2 жыл бұрын
Flash:* Runs * Bad writing: " There's no way to run " * Super Smash Bros song rocks out *
@smarvysmarv87352 жыл бұрын
Instantly started laughing when Madvocate came in. But I do agree with your points. Even thought this crossover was an improvement from season 7, it’s still pretty bad. And OMG, you hit the mark so accurate with that “protect everyone” bull crap they tried to pull with Joe.
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed the video man. And yeah Joe is pretty hypocritical here.
@EthanSnyman7 ай бұрын
-Actually! That's your Tamper? What you. Gotta, work about it's not even that much of afaire. To go to But you doing? Okay, in Flash's Armageddon.
@AIMPlayz2 жыл бұрын
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Thanks man! Glad u enjoyed
@bananaboi90672 жыл бұрын
Yeah glad mad was able to do this. Really hoping Gio gets the recognition he deserves. Mads audio and editing as phenomenonal but nobody can beat gio's passion. Appreciate his hard work and hope to see more flash videos if his blood pressure can handle it.
@JayFlea2 жыл бұрын
great video Gio! you and madvocate did an excellent job on this one and this “crossover” was good but disappointing of how much better it could have been.
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jay! Glad u enjoyed
@neekless2 жыл бұрын
Barry being surprised by the yellow suit makes no sense. Sure, from our perspective he changed his clothes in a split second. But from his perspective, he would be moving at normal speeds while everything else was staying still. He would definitely notice the yellow suit before putting it on.
@TheMartiin19972 жыл бұрын
Not in defense,just curious. You never put your shirt on backward?
@neekless2 жыл бұрын
@@TheMartiin1997 putting a shirt on backward is very very different from not noticing that your red shirt is somehow a yellow shirt
@xtinaxaiyavong2 жыл бұрын
@@neekless damn, you never had them days 😂
@hinamatsuro19082 жыл бұрын
@@xtinaxaiyavong Bruh it's a bright yellow suit how would he not notice?
@xtinaxaiyavong2 жыл бұрын
@@hinamatsuro1908 he’s focused on Joe being dead and reverse flash making his own timeline that’s why lol. Way more important than him changing to a suit he thought was his original
@Adventist19972 жыл бұрын
You know what would have actually saved Thawne? Putting him in the speed Force prison. Literally the perfect solution, and the only ACTUAL solution.
@owolabimichael42362 жыл бұрын
Locking a speedster in d speedforce is not efficient, somehow, someway they will find a way to get out
@thatfarmerwitashotgun96882 жыл бұрын
Thawne is thawne, he would have came back.
@Adventist19972 жыл бұрын
@@thatfarmerwitashotgun9688 Sure, but my point was that putting in there was the only actual solution. Taking his speed should have erased him faster. Remember when Nora was being erased but had to time travel like Thawne has to live? Thawne wasn't fast enough so slowing him down should kill him quicker.
@much2ask2 жыл бұрын
I honestly dont mind eobard or time travel, if its done right, but knowing the writers theyll butcher it again
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
The writers couldn't write a time travel plot to save their lives
@much2ask2 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official yh true, i hope cw replaces them with competent writers but they need money for that
@VetroMatt2 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official i mean if you dont nit pick you dont necessarily notice it lmfao
@kostina_2 жыл бұрын
I fully approve of the Cecile slander
@Xehanort102 жыл бұрын
Literally all she does is get visions and scream.
@icedflatwhite2 жыл бұрын
besides episode 4 as a whole, my biggest pet peeve with this crossover was despero speaking like a power rangers villain. he was literally just spitting out cringe-inducing villain one-liners. my god that was something else
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Dialogue has never been the flash's strong suit
@Arcturus2002 Жыл бұрын
A very short list of what Thawne has done: -Attempted to murder Barry as a child -Murdered Nora Allen -Framed Henry Allen for 15 years -Murdered Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan -Blew a partcle accelerator, killing countless people and creating metahumans -Stalked Barry for 15 years -Murdered Simon Stagg -Murdered two security guards -Threatened Joe with his daughter’s death -Handed Martin Stein over to General Eiling to be experimented on -Murdered Cisco in an alternate timeline -Murdered Mason Bridge -Arranged for Hannibal Bates to be used as collateral -Stalked all of Barry’s friends and family -Threatened Iris with her life -Kidnapped Eddie -Unleashed Grodd on the city -Attempted to murder Oliver Queen -Threatening Barry with his family’s lives before attempting to murder him -Unleashed a black hole on Central City -Murdering two more security guards -Attempting to murder Christina Mcgee -Allied with Damien Darhk to blow up New York with an atomic bomb -Murdered Rex Tyler -Allied with nazis -Held Martin Stein captive and tortured him -Kidnaps and reconditions Rip Hunter into a murderous psychopath -Murders two astronauts -Changes reality and mentally tortures the Legends -Rips Ray Palmer’s heart out -Murders future versions of the Legends -Allied with Earth-X nazis -Attempted to murder Supergirl -Manipulates Nora Allen resulting in her death -Possesses Nash Wells and mentally tortures him -Murdered Joe West -Murdered Barry as a child -Murdered an innocent version of himself -Attempted to destroy Central City
@Eric6761 Жыл бұрын
Huh, almost as impressive as Ezra Miller crimes
@SabaBurashvili15 сағат бұрын
you probobly still missed some
@Arcturus20025 сағат бұрын
@shaunroebuck2233 Жыл бұрын
That madvocate cameo was the funniest thing I've seen in a while 😂
@anes4chikiwa4202 жыл бұрын
this guy just kills me, was laughing for the most part of it
@lordexplosionmurderdammit42662 жыл бұрын
Thawne being overkill is what makes him who he is as a character especially when he's being overkill for the pettiest of reasons, frankly it's scary af.
@loturzelrestaurant2 жыл бұрын
Ya know, your The Flash is Inconsistent Video Series massively resebmles and mirrors what Jay Exci did with Doctor Who, what Hbomberguy did to RWBY and Sherlock and what Critical Drinker explains in his 'Why modern movies s--k'-Video-Series. Would be pretty cool and based if you make a /Short or small video telling your Fans those Guys totally exist and are not non-existent. Dont know how much your into lending a hand to your fellow content-creators, but oh well. I can speak only for myself but i think i would love to know theres videos mirroring yours if i had my memory wiped and didnt knew.
@shield35732 жыл бұрын
I love the cameo by Madvocate his videos on the flash being an idiot are pretty funny but right.
@e.s.ystudiotheenforcer74102 жыл бұрын
Ive seen the formula before. Season 3 started off strong, got worse later on. Season 7, the first 2 episodes were great and then it got awful. Season 8 started off good-ish. lets hope that it doesn't get even worse. The Episode is coming soon i think
@6-dpegasus4252 жыл бұрын
the problem is this arc is done, if this plays out like season 6 starting amazing and ending in the biggest bomb ever...
@Jayquinator-X2 жыл бұрын
6-A was pretty good too
@6-dpegasus4252 жыл бұрын
@@Jayquinator-X yep, i did actually enjoy season 6's first half (bloodwork arc). Everything after that i've absolutely cringed at, including everything in season 8 so far
@bravedestiny74972 жыл бұрын
26:00 I think you completely misunderstood what was said by Thawne, or somehow we both got different interpretation. If a speedster USES their speed, they cement in the timeline faster, which means Thawnes speed would be the thing that makes him disappear faster.. I’m curious to see what your interpretation is, but I’m pretty sure this is what was meant by the writers.
@trevturp68912 жыл бұрын
The love for the show hasn't ever been revised until maybe now.
@TotallyActing2 жыл бұрын
They overused thawn to the point in which he’s no longer even a relevant villain. We saw it coming a mile away or At least I did. It’s a progress but it still got many things wrong
@Xehanort102 жыл бұрын
After Season 1 Matt Letscher should have played Thawne permanently. His cover as Wells is long gone so Cavanagh still playing him makes no sense. And Thawne should have only appeared now and again not literally every season.
@TotallyActing2 жыл бұрын
@@Xehanort10 yes! And they should have made him a scarier villain and given him an actual reason why to hate the flash since the one they gave him is weak and lame. The flash should have focused on one specific villain per season instead of a new one every episode
@Xehanort102 жыл бұрын
9:41 Could have been worse. He could have done his usual naive "Don't do this. This isn't you" then ran off assuming she'd magically reformed while he was gone.
@FlarrowSpider2 жыл бұрын
I love how you did "it was me Barry"😂😂😂
@HeroSenseiKid2 жыл бұрын
Some parts of Armageddon was amazing and some parts were trash and I really don’t know how they’re going to the rest of Season 8 with Bart & Nora etc…..
@SoldierSpiderx2 жыл бұрын
I thought this arc/event was pretty good. It was the best story in my opinion since the bloodwork arc back in season 6. Barry was absolutely amazing, he was fast and strong and confident and powerful and was really using his powers in unique and cool ways and was the main focus of the whole event and really felt like his comic counterpart; and he finally got the gold boots and they look amazing. Damien Darhk was once again a great character regardless of the confusing parts in part 5. Some of the team ups were great like Ray Palmer and Black Lightning. Despero was a good and powerful villain for this event and I loved how it was Thawne messing with the timeline that was causing Armageddon. However there definitely were some low points that weren’t good. I wish they used Despero a little more. A lot of the time travel stuff didn’t really make sense I suggest watching the KZbinr Airricksreloaded’s reviews on parts 4 & 5 he covers all the issues I had with the time travel. Some of the team ups weren’t needed for the plot and outcome like Mia (even though I do want to see the Green Arrow and the Canaries storyline continued and resolved) and the 2031 appearances because there was setup and character moments that didn’t matter especially since the timeline was erased and changed. This wasn’t the best crossover and wasn’t the best arc of the show but it’s not the worst crossover and wasn’t the worst arc of the show. This definitely was a good storyline.
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
For me it was part 4 that really fucked it for me. And that is only because this is what the crossover was leading up to, so if the main reason your plot is happening, doesn't make sense than your screwed.
@SoldierSpiderx2 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official I totally agreed there some part that don't make sense at all, the write it still bad those and this prove they need either cancel the show or get better write and there a rumor that grant gustin want out cause how bad season 7 was written
@Alfazri572 жыл бұрын
Can we agree that we've seen enough of Tom Cavanagh reverse flash? I miss Matt Leschter reverse flash. I mean, i like Tom's portrayal as Eobard, because i can believe his ver. of Eobard can outsmart even fool Barry, but i always prefer Matt's portrayal when he is on Reverse Flash suit.
@abominable.78002 жыл бұрын
Same but will probably never see matt leschter as Reverse flash because he recently died in legends of tomorrow
@drlukas42422 жыл бұрын
@@abominable.7800 What? Recently? That happened in 2016. Also Tom died all the way back in 2014. Timeline bs would be made up if they really wanted Matt Leschter back.
@jamsandwichjesse88312 жыл бұрын
@@drlukas4242 nah Matt returned on legends of tomorrow and died again a couple months back
@OneGaurdian2 жыл бұрын
We need to see a Thawne who hasn't yet gone back and killed Barry's mom.
@NotShockX2 жыл бұрын
@@jamsandwichjesse8831 Do a flash move and say "time travel barry, it's complicated"
@sgcastle83892 жыл бұрын
23:38 this is the part, his reason for hating flash is totally different from the one he gave back in season 2. In season Thawne travelled back in time and discovered that he wouldn't be flash so he became his reverse. But here he's saying that Barry went into the future and stole his thunder. That's inconsistent.
@tabiusthompson81012 жыл бұрын
Yeah that actually confused me too, not entirely sure why though being inconsistent are these writer’s specialty
@chars_782 жыл бұрын
They're gonna use the "muh crisis" argument and say that they changed Thawne's origins.
@leehanishrak89992 жыл бұрын
@@tabiusthompson8101 The whole point was that Eobard wanted to be a "hero" by saving a crowd because he got inspired by The Flash. Eobard wanted to be praised and looked up to as a hero and idol just like flash. Flash then saving the crowd before Eobard was the reason he got pissed because he was never gonna be a hero as long as barry was "in the way"
@sgcastle83892 жыл бұрын
@@leehanishrak8999 The story Eobard told here is set up in his time. Therefore Flash went into the future. But Eobard revealed in season 2 that he himself travelled back in time discovered the truth about his future. They changed the original point of his hatred. So this is inconsistent.
@sgcastle83892 жыл бұрын
@@chars_78 That's even more crazy. This Thawne is same from Season 1. He already got Erased from the existence by Eddie way before Crisis. so his origin can't be changed because his original future doesn't exist. So his origin should be the one he remembered back in season 2.
@KennyMcCormic02 жыл бұрын
My Man you have LEVELED UP!
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro! ⬆️⬆️
@l.a_flame64542 жыл бұрын
madvocate's intro dope asf,loved the vid,i watched till part3,,got bored went to jrk off,,then came back to SHE-ARROW,,i just died
@mjdragon122 жыл бұрын
Great Video. As someone who dropped The Flash around the 5th season, your videos were so entertaing men, thank you. Also, about Naome and Batwoman, i think you should talk with Az from HeelvsBabyface to do a collab, he is currently suffering in watching naomi And i think you guys could be hella funny together
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro! I'll keep that in mind l, but I will say this, im about to go nuclear on both Batwoman and Naomi
@o.8.p1492 жыл бұрын
I mean thawne is like the actual worst he screwed with Barry, Barry’s Friends, His Family, Wally, Hunter, Wallys Friends, I think he even killed his girlfriend so he could have a tragic backstory
@thomasraines13962 жыл бұрын
He also erased Barry’s childhood best friend from existence and pushed down Barry down a flight of stairs, just to fuck with him. There’s a reason the “It was me Barry!” meme isn’t seen as to far off from the truth.
@09.ineffable2 жыл бұрын
That picture when Grant is doing the peace sign made me laugh so hard lol 😆😂🤣
@Geobot30002 жыл бұрын
You know I just realized a huge plot hole... the rf in the crisis on earth x crossover escaped and the rf in season 5 also escaped. Now barry pulled the rf from season 1 to help him beat godspeed in season 7 and that rf was the one that caused armageddon. So now that this rf lost his speed there are still 2 rf that are roaming around freely 😐
@Geobot30002 жыл бұрын
Oh and there's also another rf still alive in dc legends of tomorrow so that makes 3 rf still alive
@thatfarmerwitashotgun96882 жыл бұрын
Barry didnt pull season 1 reverse flash. Remember when Nash was possessed by thawne? When they "exorcised" him, thawne was expelled in the form of negative tachyons. So he was still alive just without form. What Barry did was provide thawne with a form somehow. And there is actually only one thawne. Earth x thawne is the og thawne and thawne in season 5 idk what ur talking about cuz thawne wasnt in season 5 besides when Barry went to ask for help.
@brayden22542 жыл бұрын
@@Geobot3000 one in Legends got killed by the Sara Robot.
@jaypaul152 жыл бұрын
@bananaboi90672 жыл бұрын
Dude this video was amazing. I hope you get blessed by the algorithm gods. You deserve slot more recognition. Also I've seen madvocates videos before yours actually. But don't think less of yourself for not pulling his views. Your passion will be appreciated just keep up the awesome work my friend.
@robbyistheg.o.a.t52122 жыл бұрын
Honestly Catlin is the new Iris in terms of being useless imo
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
Caitlin just needs to leave at this point
@robbyistheg.o.a.t52122 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official I thought I was in the minority but yea there's nothing for her to do anymore she's stale
@robbyistheg.o.a.t52122 жыл бұрын
@@whocaresguy well damn doesn't the actress who plays Allegra count but either way I'm sure racist woke CW loves that
@jaypaul152 жыл бұрын
@@whocaresguy somehow every non white character absolutely sucks. Joe was decent until now. Cecile is just... a mess, the writers don't know what to do with her, the acting is garbage, and the sound effect they use when she uses her power makes me blllhhhhh like wtf is that cheesy shit? Iris sucks and the actress can't act, no fucking emotions at all on her face. Chester is just soooooooo fucking cliche it blows my mind, he makes whatever the fuck the plot demands, kind of like Cisco but this guy is the biggest cry baby I have seen in a superhero show, and Allegra, wtf is she and why is she in the show?
@Zoolander8242 жыл бұрын
when i saw Madvocate step through that youtube portal i popped holy shit he was great like always looking forward to seeing you both do another video one day on some youtube multiverse
@JcgLounge2 жыл бұрын
I actually don’t think Armageddon did much to bring the show back to glory. In most ways I honestly believe it was a lackluster, ultimately underwhelming crossover where certain events could’ve easily been done differently and characters had moments that should’ve never happened.
@Brandonhung952 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to your review of season 8 as a whole.
@victoriascholl46072 жыл бұрын
I kind of agree, there are moments when fools rush without any good planning.
@aaronbaron3155 Жыл бұрын
Dude that opening was friggin awesome 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Llurr-e9n2 жыл бұрын
If i were to try to do the writers job, i'd say that Thawne's plan was to make it harder to reverse his alterations by layering multiple separate new timelines over each other. He is smart enough that he knows that changes to the timeline get reverted all the time. So he realizes that in order to make something stick he needs to make changes, and then change them again, so that when they inevitably get reversed, some of his changes are still there.
@daizenmarcurio2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos bro. I don't watch flash anymore but i love catching up with your videos man!
@joeker52082 жыл бұрын
Madvocate got out of there faster than Barry left Flashpoint
@MrEditorBen2 жыл бұрын
Madvocate’s cameo was beautiful. XD
@redwardranger70342 жыл бұрын
The only problem I have with the idea of Armageddon is the Speed Force itself as since it was established that it was a conscious entity, it would not give Eobard access to its powers.
@mahmodana35772 жыл бұрын
The speed force does not have any conscience neither a human body the show screwed up this part, but if they want the speed force to be a person then They should introduction you to a female speedster named Sera Allen which the speed force itself,she was human but she connected to the speed force in way no one ever had done resulting in her becoming the speed force itself.
@redwardranger70342 жыл бұрын
@@mahmodana3577 Wait didn't Season 7 gave us a "human" Speed Force? Now don't get me wrong, I am asking since I didn't really watched S7
@mahmodana35772 жыл бұрын
@@redwardranger7034 they did but is a CW original idea none of that happened in the comics the speed force is just like the sun can’t choose or think, However I wished Sera Allen was there instead of speed force in human body sadly that ain’t happening.
@redwardranger70342 жыл бұрын
@@mahmodana3577 Oh I thought we're still talking about show limited issues
@mahmodana35772 жыл бұрын
@@redwardranger7034 both actually , Norh or the speed force will choose you no matter what in one condition if you hit by the same lightning that hit Barry it’s that easy to get the speed force but despite the speed force infinite power, refers flash while always be faster then Barry this why he actually doesn’t care about getting the speed force for himself.
@thecrimsondragon23792 жыл бұрын
“The plot is more dysfunctional than the US Congress.” Jesus Christ didn’t have to roast it that hard.
@archerassasin12782 жыл бұрын
Man I gave up on the flash in after the last few episodes of season 6 I have know idea what's happening anymore....but I think we can all agree that season 1 was the best season
@EthanSnyman7 ай бұрын
Hey. Not, just at likely! CSI Biology in Central City! Star-Labs director as Fictional Descovers. Agentsies by way After, Flash's Armageddon.
@the_travelingbreeze2 жыл бұрын
You had me at “feat. Madvocate”
@paulgreen30302 жыл бұрын
The only thing that can show/explain why Thawne did what he did was his most basic character drive: to fuck with Barry. Killing Joe, having Barry investigated, taking STAR labs, going back and turning himself into The Flash and Barry into the Reverse, etc. And then killing Barry is his final nail in the coffin. If he was going back in time and messing with things in a certain order, and not all at once, it would make MORE sense, but not all.
@thomasraines13962 жыл бұрын
Thawne is probably one of the pettiest character in fiction, he lives solely for fucking with Barry.
@tabiusthompson81012 жыл бұрын
I said at the end of season 7 that I am finally done with this show that it’s never gonna get better and that I’m just torturing myself at this point. But then I saw that royal flush gang clip and heard people saying the crossover was actually good, against my better judgment and like a drug addiction I went back and watched part 2 -5. From part 2-4 I actually thought it was okay (Until you opened my eyes about how stupid it actually is). But it was at part five that I just went into complete rage. There shouldn’t have been any sort of discussion on whether or not they should let Thawne die. As you said this man is straight up evil and has committed so many atrocities to Barry and other people in general and they wouldn’t have even been killing him, they would just let him die as a result of his own actions. But then later I was relieved when it SEEMED like the writers were becoming competent and had the characters agree to let him die. UNTIL Joe comes in and just ruins everything, I was fuming at that stupid speech that He gave to Barry and Iris. But this crossover has somewhat convinced me to give the show one more shot and that in itself is an accomplishment.
@maxcedeno13872 жыл бұрын
Yooo Madvocate!!!! Good crossover!!!
@zachryder31502 жыл бұрын
Thank fuck Superman wasn't included in this.
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
I know. Superman needs to stay as far away from these crossovers as possible
@lesgrossman63322 жыл бұрын
Yknow your criticism for thawn in part 4 makes sense but that’s how his character is. He doesn’t do the easiest option and calls it a day. He is obsessed with flash and wants to make his life a livin hell. Having him go through all of that then at the end dying so that he can’t do anything is smart for torturing someone. Make them live through the worst day of their existence then make it to where they can’t change it.
@elugg182 жыл бұрын
That throwback of joe trying too kill reverse flash from season 2 was priceless 😂
@outermarker58012 жыл бұрын
I'll never know. Quit this show long ago, will never torture myself catching up👎
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
You are a smarter man than me
@outermarker58012 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official Lol - actually a disappointed one. I really liked this show once, till 'the CW effect' devolved it into a cheesy daytime soap🙁
@vortexfn4082 жыл бұрын
@@outermarker5801 what season did u stop watching
@JohnniMe2 жыл бұрын
@@vortexfn408 season 7 part 1
@Clutchjigsaw Жыл бұрын
The fact that your lightning when you sped on screen, looked better than The Flash's does now.. says quite a lot
@codibooker50912 жыл бұрын
I really liked the twist in episode two of star labs being closed down and Joe bein dead and genuinely for some naive reason thought they would stick. Cause a change like that would heavily shake up the show and its formula, and with the characters at that point looking better written then in the past I was quite excited to see what they would do with it. Sadly however, neither twist held any long term consequences and were rectified by the end of the crossover.
@nycholasgreen90782 жыл бұрын
Yow were too generous with the points. There needs to be some sort of Annoyance Factor with these critiques. Excessive use of “Level Up”, terrible card and ice puns, and the always irritating Runk. Great work on the video, I appreciate your efforts! Good luck with your future projects!
@therenegade44822 жыл бұрын
For me the weirdest thing is how did despero’s future happened if reverse flashpoint got erased, also i think the creators made team flash save thawne is due to 1) they need a villain, and 2) in the comics flash forgave thawne for everything he’s done and locked him into the timeline changing his future
@BULLETSCARER2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the crossover for the most part. I've been rewatching the Arrowverse cuz I feel like before the final season of Flash is out, I wanna see the whole series. I feel like I owe the series to watch it thru. Also, I keep rewatching the video cuz I think it's a good video and your reactions to some stuff is hilarious lol. That's why I keep editing my comment cuz I then think of something to add. I liked this crossover with how they made Barry actually a leader. And he didn't need a pep talk to fight a villain or try to talk his way out of stuff. And he's more confident in his powers. I also liked the idea of Reverse Flashpoint. I thought that was a cool idea and it made sense for Thawne to do ig. But there is some issues tho with it. But I still do think the idea is a cool idea for Thawne to come up with. And I liked how some of the other heroes connected to the crossover. Like Ray Palmer, Mia's Green Arrow. I also liked Damien Dark teaming up with Barry to fix the timeline. Also, the idea of the Injustice protocol is cool but the execution of said idea tho is lacking (I'll explain in a sec). I wish we saw the reason for why that was created. Not just something that happened off screen tho. Also, I don't get why people hate Joes speech to Iris and Barry. He's not wrong. Being hero means trying to save everyone. Even bad guys. And people bring up Season 2. Fine, but everyone seems to be forgetting a key thing in what they are referring to in Season 2. When Joe shot at Harry, he thought that was Reverse Flash. Anyone and I mean anyone would've done exactly the same thing Joe did in Season 2. Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. Joe didn't even think, he just acted. Cuz Joe saw a man with the same face of the guy who killed Barry's mom in front of him. And Joe being the protective father he is, he instinctly (is that a word, idk) was trying to protect Barry and everyone else by trying to shoot Harry. Cuz he thought Harry was Reverse Flash. So, trying to show Joe is dumb or whatever by referring to what happened in Season 2 is just stupid. All that being said, I do have some things I didn't like. I hated how Despero's CG looked at times. He looked like PS2/PS3 graphics sometimes. He looked terrible. And the execution of the Injustice protocol is kinda lacking and stupid, like Barry creating the device to stop him. But if Black Lightning is supposed to stop him, shouldn't be know how to make it? Like you said. And while I liked the idea of Reverse Flashpoint, it's very flawed in the execution and failing to remember the rules of time travel and stuff set up in earlier seasons. It's not a perfect crossover, but I did enjoy it. And this crossover got me back into the show.
@crosforussolos2 жыл бұрын
@thomasraines13962 жыл бұрын
I only watched the bit where Joe whines to Barry and Iris about letting Thawne die, aside from the fact Joe comes off as completely delusional, any arguments that can be made to defend him are ruined by the fact he gives them a ultimatum in doing it, I can’t remember exactly what he said but it was something like “Thawne won’t be the one who destroys this family” or some other melodramatic nonsense. Also i could care less about Cecile, she’s literally only there as a plot device as they keep adding to her extremely vague powers. Barry also killed Atom Smasher (by having take in to much radiation), Black Out (he overloaded himself when absorbing Barry’s speed) and Sand Demon (he turned him into glass and shattered him).
@jordan_styla76552 жыл бұрын
All in all, this crossover didnt save the show but gave some hope for some consistency and character development for barry and iris
@skydoesblue48542 жыл бұрын
27:43 LMAO the sudden change of tone
@theyokester35412 жыл бұрын
I have always been a huge Flash fan, but even then I knew the show was going downhill. Don't even get me started on season 7, I almost couldn't watch it. I wouldn't go as far to say Armageddon saved the show, however it is definitely a step in the right direction and actually had me interested for the future episodes. I do however think that if the remainder of season 8 can keep this same quality, it definitely can be saved
@MishaMoonlight2 жыл бұрын
i just blame season 7 on covid and move on. same thing with the rushed ending of season 6. is that the real reason? maybe not, but its better than just accepting the show went downhill in my mind idk
@WarhawkBeyond20402 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say Armageddon saved the show but It was a huge step up, I would go out and say that it was the best thing that they've done in quite some time, it actually felt like The Flash's show again and we got to see Barry as the main lead character again as he tried to stop this event of armageddon happening and having him team up with different Arrowverse heroes was very well done. The writing for all five parts was brilliant, I just wish that we got this level of top quality again because it's showed that when they bring their 'A' game, they can actually deliver.
@lordgonk44252 жыл бұрын
I literally screamed when I saw Madvocate. Best crossover ever!
@AuthorizedLPJ2 жыл бұрын
For sure! I laughed when I saw his entrance.
@xero10482 жыл бұрын
I was annoyed with the show that they didn’t expand on the negative still force. It’s mentioned once, then never explained! Did eobard create and use it? If so, does that mean he also created negatives of the other forces? Why doesn’t he seemingly have those forces then? Why didn’t he use the negative still force against Barry? It was something I was excited to hear expanded on, but it never was!
@KuroAceVT2 жыл бұрын
im gonna hope you watched the rest of the season
@xero10482 жыл бұрын
@@KuroAceVT indeed
@KuroAceVT2 жыл бұрын
@@xero1048 oh thank god. i was afraid id have to spoil
@xero10482 жыл бұрын
@@KuroAceVT nah man. But I do think they still dropped the ball with the explanation on the other forces. Like my original question on if eobard created the negative forces was left unanswered. I vaguely remember them saying the negative forces have always existed, but if that’s the case then what about when Barry created the positive forces? Does that mean the negative are older? Might have not remembered it correctly, so this point could be mute. It is also left ambiguous as to whether eobard actually used the negative still force in the other timeline. It’s stated he did, however eobard was clearly surprised by the negative forces and didn’t even seem familiar with them until the most recent season.
@prismicle55722 жыл бұрын
hate or love armageddon, you gotta admit its a big improvement from the usual "new villain per episode time to struggle the first time then capture second time with ease" trend
@AJ-xc4qe2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad they brought Mia back for closure on her storyline but I think it should be its' own episode. I'd love to see a flash forward episode where Bart and Nora help Future Team Arrow rescue William. On that note, here are a list of Arrowverse shows that need to happen. Static or Thunder and Lightning The Atom (I thought they brought Ray and Ryan back so we can see Ray pass dowkn the torch but at least the last episode solidified that he WILL be The Atom in the future.) The Outsiders(including Katana) Lobo(I gave up watching Syfy after they cancelled Krypton and the Lobo spinoff that was in the works. But they could make one with the same actor) The Question (haven't read the comics, but I have heard that Renee Montoya, who's now on Batwoman, takes the original guy's place in the comics. Except the original guy still hadn't debuted yet because Warner Bros won't let the writers even when they themselves haven't used BECAUSE THEY KEEP MEDDLING WITH THEIR MOVIES!!!) Kid Flash(because the show is showing its age. Also, I miss Wally) Dreamer The Martian Manhunter They don't even have to be on The CW. I'd rather the Arrowverse expand beyond The CW and alongside HBO Max. Speaking of, there's no word if the Green Lantern and Justice League Dark shows are in the Arrowverse since Diggle's a GL and Constantine left the Legends. Maybe it's not? Maybe they're keeping it a surprise? Who knows? And had Wonder Girl gotten picked up, my idea would be to make the 70s Wonder Woman show canon as the show's universe is one of the other universes that became Earth Prime. Earth 96 Superman deserves his own show, too. Even though compared to all my other suggestions, it's not necessarily needed. Just fan service. Edit: I just finished rewatching Crisis on Infinite Earths for the first time. Reminded me that Jonah Hex and The Wonder Twins deserve their own series and Sargon the Sorcerer would make a perfect villain for Justice League Dark.
@eastonrice3682 жыл бұрын
Are we not going to talk about the part where thawne throughout the series it’s stated he avoided time line changes by running into the negative speed force, I think it was established in the season with Nora. I don’t understand why he can do the same thing, and he clearly didn’t just forget because when thawne tried to Save Nora having her take cover in the negative speed force.
@bmaniastudios25782 жыл бұрын
The Flash Season 8 has actually been really good in my opinion and I hope that you will do a full season 8 review. Also what are your thoughts on Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman being cancelled?
@kidkatanatv2 жыл бұрын
It was the Madvocate cameo for me
@robertwoodanimations46922 жыл бұрын
26:00 What Thawne meant was that if Barry does use his speed, he will forget faster.
@amrrabie55352 жыл бұрын
I don’t know bro, but If I would think like that in every episode that I will watch for the rest of the season I would hate my life. We all know this show way beyond saving; however, I hope that it gets a great ending and gives what this show once stood for which is Barry becoming the best version of himself and become the fastest man alive, i hope we could feel this.
@stonalisa37292 жыл бұрын
The best version of Barry is the one that isn’t plagued by the CW writers
@shyanhayder75652 жыл бұрын
I waited for this video for 4 weeks! Finally!
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
It was a long time coming. I hope you enjoyed
@shyanhayder75652 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official I fell asleep watching it cuz it was 3am. I’m gonna rewatch it now 😂😂😂😂 sorry
@Skywalker-lz5qj2 жыл бұрын
25:48 um wouldn't it actually imply the opposite? He said the more you use it the faster you lose your memories so how does that imply that using speeds slows down the effect?
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
I think I should have phrase that better, what i mean is that Barry is losing his memories and his speed the more he uses it. (This can be seen when he tries to catch wally in 3x01 but fails). So if Thawne doesn't use his speed, but still has the speedforce inside him, them he shouldn't lose his memory or settle into the new timeline has fast. hopefully taht better explains my point
@Skywalker-lz5qj2 жыл бұрын
@@GIGio_Official not really because your entire point is that taking away his speed would make him die faster but the show actually said the opposite. In any case I digress I agree with your overall sentiment that the time travel was brain dead imo the flash is dogshit and has been since season 2
@akiboi96362 жыл бұрын
I don't think it matters how many arcs they do, it doesn't seem like they know how to end the show and it's just going to eventually fizzle out.
@carlosaranda64992 жыл бұрын
Thawne is petty as fuck. I love it😂
@IgnoreMeImWrong2 жыл бұрын
That's bad faith man, that scene you showed from Flashpoint also has Thawne explain WHY he's unaffected by the timeline and it's due to the speed dampening cage he is in, so his *lack* of speed was saving him. Now, my problem with the idea of removing his speed is that he gave it to himself, meaning he can get it back.
@nathanestrada73542 жыл бұрын
When Madvocate appeared I instantly realized that he is actually going to continue destroying and exposing the series as being the trash that it always was
@fla5hbin1422 жыл бұрын
It gives me hope. I don't think the show will ever be as good as it was but I think that it can be a good to ok show aslong as they make the right choices
@jacobcenter73742 жыл бұрын
Yeah this didn't save the show. It gave me a bit of hope, but the next part is gonna focus on Bart and Nora, which I'm really not on board with. Also, 26:38 not only that, but in the first 2 episodes of season 2 Barry outright killed the villains. He killed atom smasher with radiation poisoning and turned Sand demon into glass and shattered him. We never saw either of them again.
@thomasraines13962 жыл бұрын
And none of the characters react or care.
@bfocbloops2 жыл бұрын
Madvocate cameo is the best thing coming out of dc rebirth
@joex2332 жыл бұрын
Stopped watching the flash after crisis on infinite earths and I'm happy to see there's no reason to return
@101damnations72 жыл бұрын
The crossover we came for was for The Flash, but the crossover we needed was GI and Madvocate
@m0narkh2 жыл бұрын
tbh the reverse flash part makes sense. Thawn absolutely hates barry to the core, even if all he had to do was sit still he wouldn't. He will always do more and more to hurt barry and make his life a living hell, it's not enough for him to win, he has to do every conceivable thing to make barry's life worse and worse, it doesn't matter whether it could lead to his defeat. That's the character of the reverse flash, its who he'll always be and the reason for his downfall.
@GIGio_Official2 жыл бұрын
What about season 1 where Thawne was very persist and patient, maybe in the comics its consistent with his character but in bothe s1 and s5 Thanwe made smart decisions to get what he wanted
@Pluto6242 жыл бұрын
'You pushed you down the stairs. You killed your best friend. You made yourself super duper extra late to work. You gave me the recipe for speed. It was you, Barry."
@marveldcextinctionwrestler77732 жыл бұрын
I'm Very Mixed on Armageddon because Episodes 1 and 2 are 10/10, but after Episode 3, that's where it went downhill