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Earthquake Compilations

Earthquake Compilations

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Segunda parte de una recopilación de videos del tsunami ocurrido despúes del terremoto del norte de japón en marzo del año 2011.
#tsunami #japantsunami #earthquake #japan #地震 #津波

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@RfyToy Ай бұрын
地震が起きたのがPM2:46、津波が家や車を飲み込みはじめたのがPM3:20。 逃げる時間は30分ほど。 なぜすぐに逃げない人がいるんだ?という人もいるが、足がすくんで動けない人だっている。 経験した人にしか絶対にわからない。 日本在住の人ならみんな知っていることだが、ここまでの規模の地震の場合、1度では終わらない。 数分ごとに連続して何度も何度も余震がくる。 巨大地震というだけでショックとパニックになるし、余震が続いていて動くべきか迷いも出るだろう。 家族の安否も心配になる。 そんな中、頭では早く高台に行かなければいけないとわかっていても、心が追い付かない。 子供や高齢者や体が不自由な人にとってたった30分ほどで高台まで逃げるのがどれだけ大変なことか。 私は東京にいたから深刻な被害ではなかったが、あの瞬間の揺れは背筋が凍り、血の気が引いたのを覚えている。 慌てて外に出たら、地面が波のように大きく揺れていたのを見てぞっとした。 被災地の方がどれほど怖い思いをし、どれだけ絶望したか、きっと私の想像では計り知れないと思う。
@pkittler8751 10 ай бұрын
Of all the footage taken, this compilation shows the most devastating possible. I pray for the fine people of Japan 12 years on. For a people who are so proud of their beautiful cities, this is unimaginable. Truly.
@snakemansnakes1 10 ай бұрын
We visited Japan some years ago. We were in the city of Osaka and it was eyeopening to notice how clean the city was. It seems to be a Japanese mind-set to keep places clean and tidy. There was not a speck of litter on the streets anywhere. Every vehicle on the road, buses trucks vans and cars were all immaculate, no dirt or grime on any of them. It was very surreal. We crossed a flyover during a bus ride and we looked down onto some rooftops and spotted a couple of workmen painting a flat rooftop white. This rooftop was only visible to traffic on the flyover. Japan is an amazing country and they are fascinating people. I doubt there is any other country in the world with this amazing obssesion for cleanliness.
@timjones147 9 ай бұрын
Gee I wonder why.
@maryfehrenbach9893 9 ай бұрын
This is how it is when a country takes PRIDE in itself!!!!
@maryfehrenbach9893 9 ай бұрын
Can we talk about New Orleans and Katrina? Just how much did America come forth in a timely manner to help those 'poor folk' recover? OR, did they? I went to New Orleans in 2017 and was still able to still see the devestation of Katrina!!!
@threeminuteshate 8 ай бұрын
There’s never a World Cup soccer match Japan plays that doesn’t include a story about how Japanese fans stayed and cleaned up the trash in the stadium after the match.
@davidgraham4807 6 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@maryfehrenbach9893 The devastation you saw in 2017 was not from Katrina. Katrina never struck New Orleans…it flooded the city 2 days after its passing due to levee failure in Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi Gulf Outlet. Hurricane Katrina devastated the Mississippi gulf coast, since it was east of the landfall near the Louisiana/Mississippi border. The run down houses and barren land you probably saw has been due to the terrible politics and a lack of planning/ zoning that has plagued the city for decades…due to corrupt city, parish and state governments. New Orleans is not the city it once was. The Mayor, Parish Sheriff’s office and local NOPD have failed the people of New Orleans and Jefferson’s Parish. The FEMA, State and local funding for rebuilding has been pissed away and lined the pockets of everyone from A to Z. A large majority of home and business owners refused to pay for flood insurance, and received very little to build back. It’s a shit storm and I live less than 1/2 hour away. I never will return to NOLA for a day, an eat or a game. Crime is rampant and law enforcement is not enforcing laws. There use to be zero violent crime in the French Quarter, now it happens daily…shootings, murders, rape, car jackings, assaults and robberies are an everyday occurrence. The city use to heavily patrol the French Quarter (protecting the bread and butter of the city) but not any more. Over half of NOPD have quit or resigned and hiring new officers are at a standstill. The current mayor does not support the police and continues with defunding certain departments. Bourbon street is no longer fun to visit for a day…it’s dangerous and scary. Jackson Square, Decatur and Royal Street and even the River Walk is unsafe. Sorry…but it’s the truth. Many who lost their homes over 15 years ago refuse to rebuild and fall blighted. The city hasn’t taken an active role in clearing these properties.
@高柳二郎 4 ай бұрын
一生懸命働いて、建てた家が15分も掛からず、流されて終わるとは、誰もが信じられないだろう。 誰もが悲惨な叫び声を上げようとも、何も出来ない。 しかしながら、津波の恐ろしさ、これが現実です。誰しも決して忘れては、ならない。 私の町も現在、15mの防波堤が出来上がっていますが、これも第一波を防ぐのが、いっぱいいっぱいであろう。(これは東南海地震による津波対策である)
@i-on-u Ай бұрын
silent,……until it’s right on top of you, then it was pretty loud and confusing,…..I survived the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami in Phuket, Thailand.
@lillylemur167 9 ай бұрын
deep sadness and heart break for the people and pets and all animal;s that lost their lives...
@olgatrilogymartin3143 4 ай бұрын
Amen 😢
@nicheimburger2955 4 ай бұрын
Mir zerspringt immer noch das Herz, das habt ihr nicht verdient gehabt. So ein angenehmes und hübsches Volk.
@sharonhutchison5923 10 ай бұрын
The depth of horror those folks experienced that day is unimaginable. Like that wave was on a mission to devour every living thing in it's path. Stopping for nothing, like it was alive. Like it's life depended on it. My heart goes to the survivors. Hopefully they have found some peace and moved forward with their lives.
@TaslimTaslimtansi 4 ай бұрын
@Shawn-yp9ic 4 ай бұрын
It is very sad to watch. The devastation is complete. What strikes me as just stunning is the incredible volume of the noise thats produced by the sunami ripping apart every structure and carrying it away. The cracking and popping and breaking and crushing creates a huge volume of everything being further broken and crunched as it moves and tumbles and crushes against every other thing in water as it all moves along like some sick parade. All of the materials that just minutes before was homes and buildings snapping and breaking itself and everything down more into smaller pieces as it churns and grinds against everything else.Survival after being swept up in the water and debris was brutally short and horrible to imagine. When the camera shows the people watching they are in shock and devastated. It must have been so horrific that it was almost impossible to believe it was real. And that loud roar of snapping,breaking and popping just going on and on must have made it impossible to just look away or close your eyes to escape it. There was no escaping the sound of destruction and its hideous cracking.
@jamesexploringonline872 5 ай бұрын
@ご飯大好き-t3p 3 ай бұрын
日本において大きな震災と呼ばれた地震は過去何度も発生しており、今日も名前の知られる震災を挙げると、 1707年の宝永地震、 1854年の安政東海地震と安政南海地震、 1923年の関東大震災、 1944年の昭和東南海地震、 1946年の昭和南海地震、 私たちの記憶に新しいものだと、 1995年の阪神・淡路大震災、 2011年の東日本大地震(今回動画で取り上げられている大震災です)、 2016年の熊本地震、 今年の元旦に発生した能登半島地震、 とかなり数があります。 この中でも津波が到達したと記録される震災は、1707年の宝永地震、1854年の安政東海地震、安政南海地震、1944年の昭和東南海地震、1946年の昭和南海地震、2011年の東日本大震災、今年の元旦に発生した能登半島地震と、殆どの震災で津波の被害が確認されています。 特に、1707年の宝永地震は被害が凄まじく、地震・津波共に、その規模は東日本と匹敵するほどのものでした。3,11の東日本大震災が宝永地震を基準とし『300年ぶりの大震災』と呼称されるほど大規模な地震です。加えて、宝永地震の約1ヶ月後、日本一の標高として知られる富士山が噴火しています。これは『宝永大噴火』と呼称され、富士山の中腹にどデカいクレーターを作り上げたことでも知られています。この時の噴火は結構特殊なものだったみたいで、富士山付近で現在見られる白くて軽い石はこのときに出てきたものです。 さて、そんな宝永地震ですが、これは『南海トラフ地震』と呼称される地震の一つです。ではその、『南海トラフ地震』とは何か。簡単に説明すると、静岡県の駿河湾から宮城県の日向灘にかけて存在するプレート境界を震源地とする大規模地震の総称です。 海外の方にもわかりやすいよう静岡県〜宮城県の距離を説明すると数字にして約445km、ニューヨークからワシントンまでが約328kmなので、その規模の大きさがわかっていただけるかと思います。 ここで最も気に留めておくべきことは、この『南海トラフ地震』は100〜150年の周期で繰り返し発生する、ということです。 1707年の宝永地震の他に、1854年の安政東海地震、安政南海地震、1944年昭和東南海地震、1946年昭和南海地震が『南海トラフ地震』であったとされていて、いずれの震災も死者は千名を超えています。 更に、津波の被害が目立たない1923年の『関東大震災』ですが、被害状況のみに着目すれば、上記のいずれの災害をも上回る被害を出しています。死者・行方不明者の総数は推定10万5000名にものぼるとされていて、これは東日本大震災の2万2318名の約4,7倍です。 日本人として恥ずべきことに、この死者の中には少なくない数の『人による被害』が含まれ、建物の倒壊による圧死や地震を要因とする列車の滑落事故、山崩れ、崖崩れ、土砂流に生き埋めにされた人の他、10万5000名の大半が強風を伴う火災により亡くなっています。相対的に被害が目立たない、というだけで、静岡県熱海市で6m、千葉県相浜(現在の館山市)で9,3m、洲崎で8m、神奈川県三浦市で6mの津波が観測され、現在は観光地として有名な鎌倉市由比ヶ浜では局所的に9mの津波が到達し、300名あまりが行方不明となる被害を出しています。 関東大震災は明治以降(海外の方にもわかりやすいよう説明すると、日本が開国して以降)の日本の地震被害として最大規模の被害を出しており、この時の写真を調べていただければ分かると思いますが、東京一帯が焼け野原になっています。少ないいくつかの地域を残して、何もない焼け跡の広がる東京の姿は、筆舌に尽くしがたい悍ましさがあります。 この地震は3,11と同じく、NHK等のテレビ局がドキュメンタリー番組を作成しているので、そちらを見ていただいた方が詳しい状況が把握できると思います。 こうして大きな被害を出した地震の他にも、日本ではほぼ毎日のように大小様々な地震が四十七都道府県のどこかしらでおこっています。明確に「今の地震、結構大きかったぞ」と反応できる地震は、だいたい2ヶ月に一度のペースで訪れます。 日本でこれほどまでにたくさんの地震が起きる原因は、ユーラシアプレート、北米プレート、太平洋プレート、フィリピン海プレートと地球規模で見ても大きなプレートが四つも重なる地理にあるからです。というかそもそも、日本という島国の国土は、こうしたプレートが重なり合うことで数億年という時間をかけて隆起した土地によってできています。つまり、見方を変えれば、地震こそが我々の住まう大地を作り上げた、とも言えるのです。 私たちの暮らしと地震は、切っても切れない関係性にあります。 私の故郷は、この四つのプレートのうち、ユーラシアプレート、北米プレート、フィリピン海プレートの三つが重なる場所にあります。静岡県、という名称で、富士山と日本一水深の深い駿河湾のある県です。そうです、前述した『南海トラフ地震』の震源地となるプレートの境界線がちょうど始まっているところが、私の生まれ育った街なのです。もしも『南海トラフ地震』が発生したとき、甚大な被害が予想される地域のうちの一つでもあります。 私たちは7歳で学校に通い始める頃から、大きな地震がきた場合を想定し、2ヶ月に1度の頻度で大規模な避難訓練を受けながら育ちました。『前回津波がきた時は静岡駅の南口があるところでちょうどとまった』という話は、恐らく、静岡市で育った人なら誰もが一度は聞いたことがあるはずです。 『今後、大きな地震が30年以内にくる確率は80%を超える』『君たちが生きている間に、絶対に大震災はおこる』そう耳にタコができるほど聞かされてきた私たちの信条は、『備えあれば憂いなし』。日本は台風や豪雨などの災害も多いので、大半の家庭に『防災セット』が常備されています。 さて、ここまで長々と日本における震災の歴史と、それに対する日本に住まう人、そして日本にかつて住んでいた人の努力を書いてきましたが、これらを踏まえた上で、伝えたいことは一つだけです。 私は、日本に住む1人の人間として『この規模の災害は滅多に来ないから』などと悠長なことは決して、口が裂けても、絶対に、言えません。 日本という国の、災害と共に生きる我が祖国の、こういった様々な歴史や努力は、国内の方ですらご存知ない方が多いです。珍しいことだから自分は関係ないと、そう考える方も少なくないでしょう。 ですがそういった『正常性バイス』が正にこの東日本大震災で多くの命を奪ったことは純然たる事実であり、私たちはそれを胸に刻み、『災害という非常事態を常に警戒すること』を後輩たちに伝えていかなければなりません。 今回挙げた震災は全て、例外なく全て、少なくとも200人以上の死者・行方不明者を出しています。私の持論ですが、軽率な言動、行動を取ってしまったり、こういった不測の事態において必要以上に慌ててしまったりするのは、8割型『無知』が原因です。いや、無知というか、シュミレーション不足が原因です。少しでも多くの人が、少しでも多くの災害や紛争、社会問題に、より興味を持ち、自ら調べてくれることを、極東の島国の山と海に囲まれた穏やかな地から、願っています。 長文失礼しました。 とある方へのコメント返信に書いたものだけど、折角だから、その人宛ての部分を除いてこっちにも残すね。全体的に海外の人にも理解してもらえるよう書いたけど、翻訳がちゃんと機能してくれるといいな。
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
Спасибо за подробный ответ❤
@haseulibae7083 4 ай бұрын
The power of water is absolutely terrifying.
@darrenhartell 2 ай бұрын
Nothing more powerful than mother nature, will never beat it
@ハマの住人 8 ай бұрын
@SimonYoung-n7i 11 ай бұрын
My blessings goes out to the people who have lost their loved ones and friends 🙏🙏
@davidgraham4807 6 ай бұрын
To hear the woman in the background crying…sorrow and tragedy is not a cultural thing…it’s a human emotion. We all share, although we may not understand the depth, in this human painful experience.
@cleopatra1633 3 ай бұрын
Everybody is scared and emotional in this situations. But women always make it worse by shouting and exaggerating. Its universal.
@josephastier7421 11 ай бұрын
5:29 It even got the emergency vehicles. There was nothing anybody could do.
@chilled99 8 ай бұрын
Its amazing there were still people running from it given all the warnings that came before.
@ThePulsinater 8 ай бұрын
they were dumb to stay behind
@threeminuteshate 8 ай бұрын
The same thing is always said about Americans and tornadoes. You think the Japanese would be more reasonable though.
@jessicam5712 8 ай бұрын
I believe over 100 tsunami evacuation zones were hit by the waves, also many areas that were believed to be high ground turned out to be not high enough. I believe the tsunami turned out to be worse than predicted
@darrenhartell 2 ай бұрын
Yeah very good point, its sad to say that most of them running are no longer with us and they were given plenty of warning. The ones that annoy me are the ones just sitting there watching it coming and then it was too late to do anything!!!
@supernovero Ай бұрын
​@@darrenhartell people unfortunately have a little too much faith in predictions and in what safe guards exist: looking it up, some people felt they would be safe behind the seawall, plus the fact the both the earthquake and tsunami were apparently severely underestimated in the warnings. Look at Beryl; In the week and a half before landfall I was watching the forecast and keenly aware that it had a good possibility of affecting, if not hitting Houston. But almost the entire time it was forecast to hit Mexico or the southern Texas coast. I asked my employer what our plan was for landfall when it was clear it was at least headed toward us. I was told nothing special, we would just get a lot of rain. Up to practically the 11th hour it seemed everyone expected to just get brushed by the storm, not hit full force. Even in my own effort to try and plan for catastrophe, I was held back because everyone else thought it would end up being no big deal. It was "only a cat 1". So underestimation can severely dampen authorities plans for a populace's evacuation and preparedness
@maryfehrenbach9893 9 ай бұрын
In other videos I've watched of this disaster there were voices of emergency workers speaking over a loud system. And their voices didn't sound 'desperate'. I can only hope they were saying "Run, Run, Run to save your life". "Run, run, run, run"!!!!!! When I watch these different videos and see people 'standing' around I damn near scream at them to run!!!!! I do understand that this was a 'once' in a lifetime disaster but why you see the water and debris rising at such a rate does this not scare you into taking action to find higher ground? And yes, my heart absolutely breaks for those who lost their lives....the sadness in my soul is still overwhelming!!!! It's the end of 2023 and I still cry for them!!!! Such devastation?
@myrnin412 Ай бұрын
Miki Endo and others died because they were alerting the people to go to higher ground until it was too late for them to escape. The height of the waters was 62feet+ and they were in a 4 story building.
@irenedemarco1354 5 ай бұрын
I watched this as it unfolded, from New Zealand...i was striken by helplessness... The noise, the destruction, and the repeat waves... then, worse, things went on fire, and it was so cold it was snowing... The People of Japan lived through Hell on Earth... The work that has been done since this is amazing. To those who were never found, i hope their souls are at peace..🙏🙏🙏
@TaslimTaslimtansi 4 ай бұрын
@Dawne41 7 ай бұрын
Watching this I’m struck by the questions those watching the devastation must have asked themselves once the water receded .. “where do I go? What do I do? Where are my family, I’m hungry what can I eat?” I cannot begin to imagine how frightened everyone must have been.
@Shawn-yp9ic 4 ай бұрын
Totally, I too think of what that first night must have been like, fires burning in piles and ruble, fire and water seems so unlikely yet some places experienced a lot of fire. Just nightmarish. Hunger, thirst, cold, scared, dark, worried for your future many were missing spouses or children or parents. Imagine the children whose home and parents are gone and their in the dark with fire around and probably occasional popping and cracking of materials. So horrible and sad. I'm not the least bit religious but when things like this happen I think what must the religious do to kid themselves that a god is watching over us and he loves us etc. It would take some very deep mental gymnastics to align these events with a loving caring benevolent god.
@Trouble-Clef 8 ай бұрын
I wonder why some of them waited so long to flee. You could hear the sound of all that destruction yet some waited until it was too late. If you watch closely at 41:45 you’ll see a lady in black fall and it appears that a 😊roof runs her over. What happened was she ended up on the roof and when it got close to the people on the hill they pulled her to safety. There’s an interview with her on KZbin.
@misspapillon24 8 ай бұрын
I still wonder what happened to people on the other side. The ones trying to help the people who couldn't walk, at least two were swept away 🙁
@alexmartin3143 5 ай бұрын
@@misspapillon24I heard one of the helpers made it. The one wearing red.
@darrenhartell 2 ай бұрын
No brains
@darrenhartell 2 ай бұрын
Nothing up top, thats why
@momo-kuro-maro- 11 ай бұрын
2011/3.11fukushima 津波発生!仕事の有給を使って、ナビで、7時間を掛けて、5日の、ボランティアへ、行きました。人の死体を何度も見て、恐ろしさを知りました😢🙏
@lolielatrille5712 9 ай бұрын
There is a documentary series on netflix about Fukushima, everything, everything has been very shocking, it seems like science fiction. The Japanese people are strong, very strong, in reality you are admirable.
@日々感謝なの 10 ай бұрын
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
Вы очень мужественный народ❤
@joycebarker1488 8 ай бұрын
Horrible tragedy!My condolences to the survivors!
@Kimberly-qg3ks 11 ай бұрын
And this was only the first tsunami wave to hit. Seeing the back flow drag everything away and them more waves. 😢
@zebra2346 7 ай бұрын
I don't care how good of a swimmer you are, if you get caught in that fast moving water with all of the shit in it, you're probably not going to survive
@josephastier7421 4 ай бұрын
This has been reported in actual tsunamis. It is like trying to swim in a tumbling wave. You can't.
@darrenhartell 2 ай бұрын
Definitely more like it, you get caught in that, kiss your ass goodbye
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
Без вариантов.Там перетирает все😢
@Trouble-Clef 8 ай бұрын
Every time I see footage of the 2011 tsunami my heart breaks for the people of Japan. It was such a great loss of life and utter devastation. And I’m sure every time they suffer another quake they’re traumatized again and again. I live across the ocean from Japan in the same “ring of fire” and we have approximately 500 quakes a year, and my fear is always the water. The quakes scare me, but the ocean scares me a lot more. After the 2011 tsunami our shores were littered with debris that made its way to us. It was so surreal to look at random items that were once pieces of someone’s life. It almost felt like I was invading their privacy, or even attending a funeral. And as ruined as it all was I still felt like I wanted to return it to them.
@鈴木加奈子-o6t 5 ай бұрын
@dianalee3059 10 ай бұрын
Even as I watch this I can’t get my head around it
@chrisnizer5702 9 ай бұрын
Tsunami's have a wavelength several MILES long. That's why they look more like a raging river than a breaking wave. Everything you see in a tsunami event is a byproduct of the enormous wavelength. An 80ft. wave at Nazare' Portugal is huge but it's wavelength is between 200-250 meters. Surfer's ride them and they do no damage. A tsunami may be only 20-25 ft. in height but it's wavelength is measured in MILES so it keeps coming and coming and coming.
@map327 8 ай бұрын
この大津波で多くの人が亡くなりました もう言葉が出てこない…胸が張り裂ける 南海トラフがきたらどうなってしまうんだろう
@toniaRucc 8 ай бұрын
А что это?
@清美小俣 11 ай бұрын
@darrenhartell 2 ай бұрын
Mother nature can never be beaton
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
Если только это не было сделано теми,кто управляет сейчас погодой.
@LTHanlon 11 ай бұрын
I hope the people seen at 15:29 and 16:19 made it to safety.
@josephastier7421 11 ай бұрын
Neither were running fast enough to escape the wave
@mariocostantini7192 6 ай бұрын
I believe they where ok. @@josephastier7421
@sillyworm 5 ай бұрын
​@@josephastier7421I believe they made it.
@josephastier7421 4 ай бұрын
@@sillyworm Watching again I think the latter survive. The former appear to be too slow, and running in the wrong direction, to have escaped.
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
​@@sillyworm Очень надеюсь тоже.
@abdulrahmanabdullah2629 5 ай бұрын
Now thats is one absolute strong house foundation and framework. Double thumbs up to its builder for build a such building in full compassion, love and respect.
@aquamarine9ix656 5 ай бұрын
Wait which one? The one with the red roof in the second video that was completely submerged?
@josephastier7421 11 ай бұрын
6:10 The floating house doing a backflip after getting clotheslined on the utility wires.
@alexmartin3143 5 ай бұрын
People could be in there
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
Ужас! Ждали волну,а пришёл весь океан😢😮
@geraldinemclaughlin3229 10 ай бұрын
The wardens really work hard to make sure the people get to safety ❤️
@mattysones 2 ай бұрын
i hope the person at 43 mins was able to get out of the building before it was completely underwater ;;
@Selly.saad24 Ай бұрын
للأسف لم يتمكن من الهرب كان محاصرا بالمياه و ف الأخير جرفته هو و المنزل 😢
@Rebander1549 5 ай бұрын
In a video compilation you can see a man on top of a house floating out to sea. It was likely the most helpless feeling for those on shore who saw him to know that no one could do anything at the time to help him! So much devastation and loss of life from this disaster! 😢
@jonathanmendoza4254 9 ай бұрын
@curtisduke7553 9 ай бұрын
Can anyone translate please?
@dlm9477 9 ай бұрын
​@@curtisduke7553 it's says, it was the most terrifying tsunami I've ever seen in my life.
@curtisduke7553 9 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@bicicletacaloi2489 6 ай бұрын
Também moro no Brasil jamais irei no Japão
@icosthop9998 5 ай бұрын
You had a damn break in Brazil and that was pretty bad.
@geraldinemclaughlin3229 11 ай бұрын
I cannot imagine what it’s like to loose everything , your home , family , totally devastating 💔💔💔😢😢😢
@thaismatsumoto 6 ай бұрын
Yeah..unlike most natural disasters, this literally wipes out everything. As you said your home and all your personal possessions ,and possibly your family.Also Your job for a lot of these people. Your vehicle. Your stores that you shop at. If you have children ,their school. Your neighborhood too.I know that a lot of the people are still struggling with rebuilding their lives and financially, more than a decade after this happened. And at the time it happened it was also wintertime. A considerable number died from hypothermia in the following days before help could get to them. If you have watched a number of these videos that isn't too surprising since you see people only wearing their work uniforms, not even a winter coat. Because they thought they would be returning to work once the threat was over.Instead they were stranded outdoors or on rooftops.And the temperature dropped and it started snowing. I can't imagine how it felt until help arrived.
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
​@@thaismatsumoto Да,я тоже знаю,что такое без одежды в Марте и когда идёт снег.Выросла в Сибири,среди сопок.Эти места на видео очень похожи на мои родные места.Поэтому пока смотрела,у меня волосы на голове шевелились от ужаса.Я представляла свой родной городок .😢😢😢
@Stand_By_For_Mind_Control 7 ай бұрын
It's good that the people of Japan know the drill on this for the most part. They have high ground and they know this can happen. A lot of those poor folks in 2004 had nowhere to run or hide. As well as far less emergency infrastructure. Relatively it could've been hailed as a success against that level of disaster if it weren't for the melted down reactors.
@libertylost8286 10 ай бұрын
Is there a video with the other episodes? I only see 2/5 and 5/5. Thank you.
@donnalynch6845 3 ай бұрын
Where is three /3 /🤔5 five
@wtrskr59 Ай бұрын
As I watched this horrifying destruction unfold its ugliness back in 2011, Now it's 2024 has all the destruction from this massive Tsunami been all cleaned up. It makes me shudder to think how long it would take to clean up this widespread massive mess and to think of all the Homeless people of Japan that have been affected by this Tsunami But thank goodness for the EWS Early warning system that people were able to escape to the hillside. If anyone has any good updates, I'll read them in the comments below.
@johnmehaffey9953 9 ай бұрын
The force of nature when it’s angry is frightening
@sushilily58 7 ай бұрын
Years later debris like fishing boats was still washing up the the BC coast.
@장용순-c9p 8 ай бұрын
자연의 위력은 정말 인간이 다가설수가없습니다
@jessicam5712 8 ай бұрын
The noises and the sounds of panic are chilling.
@paris6378 5 ай бұрын
This is one reason I thank Almighty God for his blessings and mercy for where I live because it could be so much worse like this.❤❤
@sssamsung112 8 ай бұрын
@lisawhite3648 10 ай бұрын
So tragic😢.God Bless Everyone❤
@Shawn-yp9ic 4 ай бұрын
Everyone? I don't think he was blessing everyone in this video unless blessings from god means total death and destruction, is that what you mean? If I believed a god was in control I think I would just keep that to myself on days or videos like this. He is definitely not blessing EVERYONE as you say. Thats a bizarre thing to say! "So tragic. God bless everyone?" What TF?
@bluedragonfly5 3 ай бұрын
What time of day did the tsunami hit? How prepared for it were the people? Did they leave their homes and go to higher ground?
@RfyToy Ай бұрын
地震が起きたのがPM2:46、津波が来たのはPM3:20です。 地震でライフラインが破壊され、正確な情報を得ることもできません。 地震は1度だけではありません。 数分ごとに何度も何度もおきています。 揺れている最中に、たった25分で高台まで逃げるのは容易なことではありません。
@jamesexploringonline872 5 ай бұрын
@matteopertegato 5 ай бұрын
L'acqua non domanda permesso ed ha una forza distruttiva
@mensageira173 10 ай бұрын
No comeco da escada,se forma uma sombra negra,parecia vir atras do homem que o bombeiro desceu e pegou,o bombeiro olhou pra tras,como se sentisse algo,e dai a sombra se deafaz.
@YatoKonyak-t1h 8 ай бұрын
Watching those victims and the encouraging words from authority.. Tears in my eyes.. How could natural calamities be so cruel against humanity. 🤠🙏
@Goodcola1 9 ай бұрын
At 42:30 the person in the red is trying to help the person in dark blue the up the stairs(?) and the dark blue get taken by the wave and the one in red barely escapes getting taken aswell. The person in the dark blue I think did not survive. RIP
@crissofia9488 6 ай бұрын
El de azul oscuro había bajado para ayudar y la ola se lo llevó, que triste😭
@thaismatsumoto 6 ай бұрын
They all survived.
@darrenhartell 2 ай бұрын
I saw that too and they put a stupid suitcase full of stuff before their own life, not very smart if you ask me!!!
@elenaagasyan9499 Ай бұрын
​@@darrenhartell Согласна.
@darrenhartell Ай бұрын
@@elenaagasyan9499 ???? Dont understand
@larrypaculdar3255 11 ай бұрын
The terror of it all. Part 2. 3 to go. smh.
@MrMoosekiller31 Ай бұрын
Can't even imagine the massive mess that must leave afterwards an how long it must take to clean up an get somewhat back to normal
@icosthop9998 5 ай бұрын
TY . . 👍
@PeterNebelung 9 ай бұрын
I can only wonder how many people would still be alive if the immediate reaction was "Earthquake?! Time to head for the hill RIGHT NOW." Too many people stood around watching until it was too late.
@josephastier7421 4 ай бұрын
Sadly true. Survivors keep saying the same thing: "Evacuate sooner, farther, and higher". Something like half of the designated tsunami evacuation points in Minamisanriku were inundated. People who took timely appropriate action were killed, simply because nobody had ever planned for a wave that huge. Even if you reach a designated safe area, if you still have energy keep running to higher ground.
@PeterNebelung 4 ай бұрын
@@josephastier7421 very valid point. The wave was a lot higher than anticipated.
@Shawn-yp9ic 4 ай бұрын
True, I'm certain that it's a case of the boy who cried wolf too many times. They'd heard it time and time again and ran to higher ground too many times and nothing ever happened so they see everyone else blowing it off so they do too. And then this.
@blaze1148 5 ай бұрын
The car that goes in the tunnel @ 38:09 R.I.P.
@peterm3964 9 ай бұрын
Love to the Japanese people .
@PowerSNature 4 ай бұрын
It's terrible, I hope no one was injured
@АлександрЩербаков-м6ы 8 ай бұрын
50,50 не показывает -- где люди? Надо кричать идёт волна -- спасайтесь где люди чё ты волу снимашь людей надо снимать !
@paris6378 5 ай бұрын
Nature is powerful and living in an area known for this kind of disaster. I pray they have healed some and somewhere higher. Power of Almighty God.
@Shawn-yp9ic 4 ай бұрын
So are you saying "Nature is powerful" like this was nature's doing not god's? If nature is more powerful than your god why would he have made it? Right after insinuating nature is the powerful entity responsible for this you state Power of Almighty God? What does that mean? Your just insane is what I tend to think and your logic escapes me but Im sure it somehow is crafted to make you believe your loving all powerful daddy isnt to blame for this? Either that or youj ust got scared shitless by seeing this and think you better do some butt kissing right now lest your next on the mass murderers list. It's all too sick and depraved.
@EliWCoyote 9 ай бұрын
42:40 was filmed across the street from 29:57
@muhamadkurniawan5485 8 ай бұрын
pray from indonesian moeslim,,,for japan people,,,safe and healty
@donniejamesrio7719 3 ай бұрын
its happened before, too many people in a small land. its mother nature..
@FrancoChalaca Ай бұрын
Unas imajenes muy impactantes😮
@Kknah91 Ай бұрын
Was there someone inside the house that was washed away at 23:20 ?? It looked like the front window curtain moved how it would if a person were to look out. Maybe something just fell over and moved it…I hope it wasn’t a person.
@Manfred-w1c Ай бұрын
Not a nightmare but the bitterest reality - unbearable!!
@mackenzieleopeng4272 6 ай бұрын
I wonder how many people perished because they just curious initially.
@pa5287 8 ай бұрын
As terrible as this is it happened in day light... just imagine this to happen the early hours of night when people were sleeping in there beds .
@threeminuteshate 8 ай бұрын
Dealing with this in the pitch black would be even more terrifying.
@toniaRucc 8 ай бұрын
Откуда столько воды?море вылилось
@conceicaogomes5894 10 ай бұрын
@АлексейБахрачев 5 ай бұрын
В 41г японцы поддержали немцев и напали на ссср
@lemar5580 2 ай бұрын
Massive destruction
@brucherrin8947 7 ай бұрын
The consequences of building on tsunami flood zones are disastrous.
@cleopatra1633 3 ай бұрын
Indeed same goes for rivers that need space to overflow but they still build in that zone. Its so stupid.
@Kimberly-qg3ks 4 ай бұрын
How fast was the water flowing?
@bassman_pubg 6 ай бұрын
23:07 凄いコントラスト
@joelarama 5 ай бұрын
OMG! That poor man clinging on to the roof at 0:47. He couldn’t hold on….so sad. 😧
@kellymerino3808 3 ай бұрын
where do you see him?
@dawnbarber5307 Жыл бұрын
What does the man repeat on the speaker
@lyndaboot7413 11 ай бұрын
I hope no one believes that. I suppose you are under the belief of lest we forget. These poor people lost everthing. Let the past be the past
@swithinbarclay4797 11 ай бұрын
@@Primarch19th Gee golly!! Are the Germans STILL all National Socialists?? Should we still keep it up, with the firebombings??
@aliciaclara1080 11 ай бұрын
Guessing along the lines of tsunami coming warning. Get to high ground that sort of thing.
@mattysones 8 ай бұрын
"Please hurry to high ground. Please do not panic." There's other stuff that I can't understand
@cleopatra1633 3 ай бұрын
Go to higher ground. What else can he say.
@donnalynch6845 3 ай бұрын
Yeah i don't see 3/5any where 🤔🤔
@八匹のお猫様 3 ай бұрын
42:31 流されかけたおじいちゃん、妻の手を離してしまったって言ってたな
@liliansalamun7370 7 ай бұрын
@geraldinemclaughlin3229 11 ай бұрын
Where and just how do you start again 😢😢😢💔💔💔
@dipaksingh8039 8 ай бұрын
"Flash floods like these are a cause for serious concern. Are our emergency response systems robust enough to handle such crises?"
@lunawarlu2745 5 ай бұрын
not a flashflood
@andrewQueDeLlee 5 ай бұрын
Приезжайте.... Научу вас действовать во время тревоги " Цу на ми"... Бесплатьно.... Дрочку обещаю.... Вам на пользу!
@JBLXVI 5 ай бұрын
AT 41mn51 : what happened, at least, of those poor people ???
@4potslite169 9 ай бұрын
Horrific. Incomprehensible destruction.
@EerErr-lb1cq 9 ай бұрын
沒有建造房屋的話只是海水大倒灌 但現在卻是雜物洪流
@tairon1227 6 ай бұрын
Ужасающая мощь природы
@robinholland9423 8 ай бұрын
What a shame that this video recording was run so fast,
@АлександрЩербаков-м6ы 8 ай бұрын
Оператор видиосвязи в первые видит такую трагедию поэтому снимал грязную воду и разбитые дома , слады, помещения , А надо было снимать ЛЮДЕЙ успели ли они добежать до холма на возвышенность или что стало с машиной которая пыталась выехать из зоны бедствия.
@斉藤英子-h7e Ай бұрын
@トニービン-y8l 8 ай бұрын
@kumakuma4929 9 ай бұрын
@maxibaeza3850 8 ай бұрын
@bubismaa1797 3 ай бұрын
ich weiß nicht, was schlimmer sein kann( tsunami oder tornado ) !! .
@heaven3021 10 ай бұрын
Why do these people build in such a dangerous area.can they not build in their they can be safe? Scaryyyyyy!!
@CampingforCool41 9 ай бұрын
Because it’s not easy to build cities on steep slopes. Everywhere in the world people build cities and homes in vulnerable places.
@Greblav 6 ай бұрын
@heaven3021 Why do people live in San Francisco, live and build in the tornado alley and where there is danger of sink holes?
@supernovero Ай бұрын
Why live anywhere there is danger of rain? you may be hit by lightning! This was a very horrific tsunami and there was just no predicting for it. They already had safeguards in place and they failed. You cannot plan for a meteor hitting your house out of no where
@ЮрикСвой 11 ай бұрын
@АлександрЩербаков-м6ы 8 ай бұрын
41,34 надо было помочь женщине ,а ты даже не спустился не пытался помочь и убрал камеру специально чтоб не видеть успела ли добежать вот такие вы в нутри.
@christopherhutchings9621 5 ай бұрын
Y'all gotta remember, property and jobs is $1 human life is. Secondary.. Asian
@Kirby2014 Ай бұрын
42:28 😢
@こんここ-s8w 8 ай бұрын
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