East London Longboard Adventure: Cruising to Brick Lane Market

  Рет қаралды 597



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Join me on an exhilarating longboard journey through the vibrant streets of East London! Experience the thrill of gliding down busy thoroughfares and discovering hidden alleyways as we make our way to the famous Brick Lane Market. This video captures the essence of urban exploration, showcasing the unique blend of modern city life and historic charm that East London offers. Watch as we navigate through the bustling crowds, past colorful street art, and iconic landmarks, all while riding the smooth wheels of a longboard. Whether you're a skating enthusiast or simply love London's eclectic vibe, this ride to Brick Lane Market is sure to captivate and inspire!

Пікірлер: 23
@loomfa Ай бұрын
Always pleasure to watch longboard cruising on the street!
@bartek... Ай бұрын
@@loomfa thanks mate!
@NEROFLYBOY 11 күн бұрын
Excuse me, never GET OUT 😂
@bartek... 8 күн бұрын
NEVER!!!! 🙃
@Vitos700x Ай бұрын
Cool ❤
@bartek... Ай бұрын
@@Vitos700x thanks! I see you have your own channel with long-boarding and stuff. What you uploading there?
@Vitos700x Ай бұрын
@@bartek... Mostly my trips as a keepsake. There are a couple of videos about the longboard, unfortunately I don't ride often.
@warp1geon Ай бұрын
13:09 What kind of magical camera sorcery is happening. I know I'm behind the tech times but the camera follows you! very cool. Also 21:13 now we know what it looks like to get kicked by Bartek. Haha
@bartek... Ай бұрын
Tech this day is amazing, autotracking works flawlessly. Sorry for that kick 😅
@bartekaleksandrowicz7289 Ай бұрын
Właśnie zamówiłem longa. Mam nadzieje ze kiedys bede mial taki skill. Pozdro
@bartek... Ай бұрын
Pochwal się co zamówiłeś
@bartekaleksandrowicz7289 Ай бұрын
@@bartek... nkx city action tak się nazywa. Na początek myślę że da radę
@bartek... Ай бұрын
@@bartekaleksandrowicz7289 Dobrze wyglada i widze ze niektore kolory sa niezle przecenione
@bartekaleksandrowicz7289 Ай бұрын
@@bartek... 460 zł zdaję się zapłaciłem. Cykam się tylko trochę hamowania i krawężników:p Ty to już jesteś szybki jak rower :p
@bartek... Ай бұрын
@@bartekaleksandrowicz7289 powolutku, Nie od razu Rym spalono, jarał się 3 dni. Znaczy się zbudowano 🙃
@gggototo Ай бұрын
Cool. Which do you prefer, mcfly or mcfly pro?
@bartek... Ай бұрын
I like PRO more. They accelerate nicer.
@ПодпРрпл Ай бұрын
Сколько километров проехал?
@bartek... Ай бұрын
That day about 30km. On this video is probably about 10.
@RasmusKudahl Ай бұрын
How long have you been longboarding?
@bartek... Ай бұрын
a bit
@german_novotiable Ай бұрын
Use the bloody cycling path, ****
@bartek... Ай бұрын
What do you think this blue road is for?
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