Oh wow this is the first time I’ve seen the copper electrolyte/acetate made that way. Usually some peroxide is 50/50 with vinegar and no voltage applied. I’m going to be trying to copper plate a few things this weekend so I’m looking up all I can on it early. Thanks for the video!
@isographer Жыл бұрын
Yeah, i know about the peroxide method, but it did not work for me, the piece came out all black, dark-grey. Maybe I got a bad batch of peroxide, maybe it was contaminated with something (and that's a shame because I ordered 5 liters expecting this to work flawless and copper plate some more stuff) so I came up to this method instead.
@The_RC_Guru Жыл бұрын
@@isographeryou may find this funny, but today I followed what you did here but only had apple cider vinegar. I used an old phone charger for power (5 volts) and USA pennies for the copper. I very nicely copper plated 2 small metal keychain decorative things. A small helmet and tiny motorcycle. Rubbed a little metal polish on and they shine great. The funny part is I did all this in my semi truck with only stuff I already have with me. After those I tried it on a stainless steel filet knife and it wouldn’t stick after I wiped it off. I was doing the knife as a test because of other stuff I want to plate on my days off. So thanks for the method here it works.
@norbist2Ай бұрын
Copper powder or thin wire (in excess) put in acetic acid and bubble air through with aquarium air pump. In this way you can convert all acetic acid to copper acetate in aprox. two - three days. Those pumps can work continously more years so no worry about them.