This is indeed an alarming trend which I was not aware of. Thank you for sharing this, and thank you especially for sharing alternative sites. I will certainly add them as a higher-priority option while looking for doujinshi and other things from outside the country. I have never understood the attitude that comics are not art or not worth preserving. I would argue sequential art as a whole is as old as, if not older than, the more highly-regarded art forms. What are the Bayeux tapestry, Greek vase scenes, and Egyptian wall art but earlier expressions of the same medium. It has given voice to many people, and especially to the oppressed. Perhaps not all of it is of equal quality, but all of it is worth preserving.
@hushicho3 жыл бұрын
It is truly telling that sequential art, in any form, seems to be the favorite target for these same malicious imbeciles, whenever they want a scapegoat. You're right about the sheer age of the medium. It could be stated that sequential art was the original storytelling medium for humanity. And probably ever since the first picture story was written, along came a band of assholes wanting to stamp it out, without considering how valuable it is to the entire species.
@TheDoctologist3 жыл бұрын
I always considered eBay sketchy, but that's just gross of them.