The legendary theatrical artist Mr. Tesfaye and Mrs. Betseat with sweet musical voice, "የሚያጠግብ እንጀራ ከምጣዱ ያስታዉቃል።... ከእግዚአብሔር ቀጥሎ የሚያኖረኝ የእሱ ፍቅር ነዉ።.. የቂርቆስ ሰፈር ልጅ ብፅአት ስዩም ከተናገረችዉ አስደሳች ንግግር ተቀንጭቦ የተወሰደ። 25 years of marriage, still with love and respect . That is so amazing and great!!! Keep it up!!! May God help you to cherish your love more and more in the years to come. Mulualem Denbegna Degu Newcastle , the UK 🇬🇧
@Aberos5562 жыл бұрын
ብፀአትዬ ያራዳ ልጅ ይመችሽ እንወድሻለን welcome to Ethiopia 🇪🇹 your home Addis Ababa.