佢哋質疑all in呢個舉動 可以收返埋你哋嘅吹捧 地下做到最紅 唔會情節雷同 sorry我就係要同你哋都唔撚一樣 Now I made that different right Lame shit get the fuck off my way Now I made that different right Lame shit get the fuck off my way 洗腦式同樣嘅教育 扼殺左幾多人創意加question 幕後黑手需要逼你着校服 顯示你loyalty fuck that 唔使你教導 unstoppable I ain’t controllable 靈感似瀑布 癲左咁整歌 取代你信仰 將你哋變成異教徒 Fact you should know that 佢哋戴帽 但口上講住 no cap 出街好小心 街區遍佈rat sad 其實我都唔想將同行睇低 2022人哋條女仲係雞 我已經成年人 喺呢個年齡層 思想更成熟 將衝動平伏 佢哋嘅家嫂 我雞蒜咁批 Fuck it up Fuck it up Fuck it up Fuck it up 佢哋質疑all in呢個舉動 可以收返埋你哋嘅吹捧 地下做到最紅 唔會情節雷同 sorry我就要同你哋都唔撚一樣 Now I made that different right Lame shit get the fuck off my way Now I made that different right Lame shit get the fuck off my way They told me要去創作 但要跟規律 城市最靠效率 講乜嘢藝術 藝術加修養 好難得件tee shirt 但創作就已經幾萬蚊 自述 你記住返工 我滋養緊音樂 佢哋話冇錢 唔使咁認真喎 I be the different I create the different 我清楚邁向偉大呢條路上 我唔可以出差池 養得起兄弟同daddy and Mami 或者你追求high-class Versace 但我享受同SP每日坐住架巴士 穿梭錄音室 同兄弟發過誓 要做到呢個產業鏈龍頭 我承認唔討厭銅臭 但更想成為文化沙漠的綠洲 Bitch