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Josh’s RC’s

Josh’s RC’s

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Пікірлер: 30
@SergFF Жыл бұрын
An excellent overview of how this beast works with fishing line. Thank you. I have not found a better review with examples. We have about the same dense grass and thickets in Ukraine. Your review helped me decide on this powerful trimer. Thank you!
@jdclay1547 Жыл бұрын
I have one and can personally say they are the best for a 30cc machine, can cut 20 acres and thick grass nicely, way more powerful, reliable then the Stihl 4Mix.
@skipro3 8 ай бұрын
I bought mine in November of last year, right before California banned ALL small gas power motor anything. No lawn mowers, weed trimmers, chainsaws, generators are now legal for sale in California if they are under 25 horsepower. Battery only. Today was the first time I had to actually run the thing. I have TALL wild land grass, maybe 2+ feet tall and very thick. I wack back to dirt. Takes a few passes to cut it down short to mulch size. It did a great job, but was a bit difficult to figure out how to load the string. Finally figured it out: pop the cover off the base, line up the inner and outer holes and thread a 25' length of .095. Rotate the outer and wind on the string. Pop the cover back on and adjust for proper length. My grass is so thick, I have to hold the throttle on full constantly as I cut. I burns through grass pretty fast, but figured it would under full heavy load. The best thing about this trimmer is that it won't stall or get clogged up. I was cutting very wet grass and wild artichoke plants that were 4' tall. This thing went right through, never clogged up. All my other trimmers will and I'll have to unwind the grass that twisted into rope around the head, but not this guy. So glad I got this when I did. I wack about 2 acres twice a year to keep the fire danger at bay from the house and to reduce the fuel ladder from grass to brush to tree. This trimmer also cuts brush well, at least poison oak. Later, I'll trim trees branches to at least 10' off the ground. With weeds and grass cut to dirt and tree brances cut 10' high, I should be pretty safe from ground fires. There's still the danger in crowning fires through. That's where the fire gets into the canopy of the trees and leaps from treetop to treetop. I'll hire a tree crew to thin the canopy to help reduce that risk.
@joshsrcs 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching man, appreciate the comment. As for loading the string you don’t have to take the end cap off, just line up the arrows on the top of the head and feed the string through. Hopefully that’ll make it easier on you. SUBSCRIBE!!!
@skipro3 7 ай бұрын
@@joshsrcs Thanks! Worked great. Best string trimmer I've ever used. I have acres of very tall, very wet and very thick spring grass and weeds I have to cut before they turn into fire hazard. By cutting wet, they mulch down instead of turning into fuel.
@AP-lh1bq 6 ай бұрын
Fantastic demonstration. Thank you 🙏
@DavidSmith-fr1uz Жыл бұрын
I have a Echo 410 U that I have used for years. I found that rotating the left side of the handle to lay back in the area of your hip gives you more stability. I don't know if you can do this with that model or not however.
@joshsrcs Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info.
@grahammitchell6435 2 жыл бұрын
That's a useful review.Thank you for posting.
@cyclonus01 3 ай бұрын
Do you still have it? How has it held up?
@joshsrcs 3 ай бұрын
It’s held up great over years of commercial service!
@shepc1169 6 ай бұрын
have the 3020T and I have to run .130 line just to keep the thing pulling and not revving to the moon. .105 is nothing for it to pull. super strong trimmer. these things go through tall brush like nothing
@kaloyanstoyanov1278 4 ай бұрын
Which trimmer head do you use?
@joshsrcs 4 ай бұрын
@kaloyanstoyanov1278 Speed-Feed 450
@tonysmith238 Жыл бұрын
How good will the flex cable hold together? I have ran shindaiwas hard for decades and inever had issues with shaft drive.
@joshsrcs Жыл бұрын
Flex cable is going strong. SUBSCRIBE!!!
@rellmonger7935 Жыл бұрын
What size string are you using? You answered the question a few moments later
@joshsrcs Жыл бұрын
@SuperOrion1977 10 ай бұрын
Can you also put a brush cutter blade?
@joshsrcs 10 ай бұрын
@SuperOrion1977 10 ай бұрын
@@joshsrcs Thank you. So this model comes with the accessories to install the blade or we have to buy it separately?
@joshsrcs 9 ай бұрын
It does come with the accessories to install the blade, yes.
@not_tiny4452 3 ай бұрын
The tall grass or weeds need to be mulched. Just do the same but start on the top of the weeds/grass and chop it all up. By the time you get to the bottom it’s all mulch
@joshsrcs 3 ай бұрын
It’s just a demo on a part of property no one cares about
@sararose8942 2 жыл бұрын
@TheAcenightcreeper Жыл бұрын
That looked like un mixed gas….it was way too clear…
@joshsrcs Жыл бұрын
Don’t worry… it’s mixed 50:1…
@eugenecrabs3954 Жыл бұрын
Red armor oil looks kinda clear sometimes, especially inside a RED gas can
@skipro3 8 ай бұрын
I use Maxima Super M Smokeless Premix oil @ 50:1. It has a slight orange tinge to it, almost like old gas gets. But my Echo loves the stuff; runs strong and cool. I have some Echos that are over 10 years old and still going strong, no rebuilds, just fill and go.
@HipaStore Жыл бұрын
Awesome and helpful review video.
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