If I may just say a few things: *You should maybe practice your vocals some. You sounded like you were half-asleep while reading some of the story and some of your sentences are a bit more drawn out than they should have been. Also, I can barely hear the background music over your voice. It just takes away from the reading. *I do like that you credit both the songs used and their composers in the description (something a lot of readers just can't be bothered to do apparently, like they'll just say the composer's name or the site they found the song on but not actually give the song's name). But you should also credit the sound effects used. I recognized the one at 2:50 by yewbic. *Would you do a reading of "Panini's Jealousy"? It's on the same Land wiki you linked in the description of this video. And if you do so won't you heed the criticisms I gave here? Also, would you use a different thumbnail picture for it instead of the angry face from "Banned From the Stand"? Maybe the black cat from "The Bruised Bluenanna" for instance? Have a good one.