For any discerning people,the problem is how to reconcile gospel worship in spirit and in truth with the common sense dictum of FOLLOW THE MONEY. Calvary Chapel virtually nominates every pastor as an absolute potentate who functions above his handpicked board and outside the say of the financially supporting congregants. No wonder most converts, adherents and even pastors are former Roman Catholics. These have had no prior experience in the direction of the diocesan churches they attended or how their monetary contributions were allocated. So they neglect this responsibility of congregational oversight. In Calvary Chapels there is no roster of church members, no recording of baptisms, professions of faith, but dare anyone contradict any of the polity or theology of the pastors/elders, that one is civilly shown the door. Meanwhile, their comfortably being fed in the Word is at odds with no say in how the corporation is financially managed. Calvary Chapel's right wing American politics follows the course of supporting such despicables as Tricky Dick Nixon and the current liar, adulterer and rehearsal for the antichrist who is POTUS. There are other non-cha-ching,non-cultish options for NJ seekers and brethren. Fare ye well.