The thing which he doesn't get is..... He is actually the "apprentice" at this stage... but he wants to be himself, or that he wants to be what he thinks the world wants as well ? If you like Korean songs, then you are NOT a competitor. Cos YOUR job is to knock THEIR socks off. So why would you want to be Korean !? You want to be Cantonese ! Or to embed Cantonese, the lyrics, the words, the language, into every single style of genre and COMPETE ! Lol.... I didn't realise how much influences, these individuals have, from the SE Asian singers.. and yes, they tour EVERYWHERE... globally, Korean music is super strong, and why isn't HK's music sector also just as strong ? And HK used to have a lot of music companies, agents... tour groups... And we're not talking about just.. basic.... ones that are local as well.. The music sector is HUGH. BIG.... and cross over is very easy. Even the Korean dance style was mirrored from Michael Jackson's basic moonwalk. And how long ago was that? That was from the 1980s.... Yes, it has gotten competitive.. but there would be opportunities. (And why it is important to let others do your hair, or your make up? Well... if you do tour abroad, and you need to have local make up artists, what are you going to do ? Push them down and say no? ) What if there are tours.. and some international band, want a smaller tribute band to follow them on tours as well ? Which that does exist..... So... They too, introduce THEIR work as well when they are on tour. So you have TWO bands, on tours.. while one rests, and get ready, the second band comes online to keep the crowd going etc. I don't think people have been thinking this through... it is time to make it internationally... and you need an entire team to tour together, and make things work.