Hardo Pajulat on alati hea kuulata, sest ta on INIMENE!!! 🙏😇
@martraastas610011 ай бұрын
Hardo Pajula on väga tark loogika mõtleja , ja saadet juhib Taavet Kase on ka arukas , see on minu arvamus ☺👋👌👍
@L-dp8pq11 ай бұрын
Super hea saatejuht ja väga põnev külaline.
@kerttumass235711 ай бұрын
Hardo Pajula😂 on muidugi superinimene ja minu arvamus saatejuhi kohta tõusis ka väga palju! Palju jõudu ja olge hoitud!
@reccct2 ай бұрын
@IviLAAR3 ай бұрын
@katrivugt106911 ай бұрын
Oli huvitav kuulamine.
@marikakanna140811 ай бұрын
Olen just Thais üle 10 aasta tagasi, oli kanep keelatud, aga uimaseid kõik kohad täis, nüüd uus kuningas andis kanepi, kontrollitult vabaks, müüakse erilistes kioskites, kohvikutes ja üledoosiga inimesi ei näe.
@augustsoomre479511 ай бұрын
Pauluse kiri filiplastele 3:Kristuses hinnatakse väärtused ümber 1 Viimaks veel, mu vennad, rõõmustage Issandas! Üht ja sedasama teile kirjutada ei ole mulle tüütav, aga teid teeb see kindlaks. 2 Vältige koeri, vältige halbu töölisi, vältige mahalõikamist! 3 Sest ümberlõigatud oleme meie, kes Jumalat teenime vaimus ja kiitleme Kristusest Jeesusest ega looda päritolu peale, 4 kuigi mul võiks olla lootust ka päritolu tõttu. Kui keegi teine arvab, et temal võib olla lootust päritolu tõttu, siis minul veel enam: 5 ma olen ümber lõigatud kaheksandal päeval, olen Iisraeli soost, Benjamini suguharust, heebrea rahvast sündinud heebrea mees, Seaduse järgi variser, 6 innukuse poolest koguduse tagakiusaja, Seadusest tuleneva õiguse poolest laitmatu. 7 Kuid mis mulle oli kasuks, seda ma olen arvanud kahjuks Kristuse pärast. 8 Jah, enamgi: ma pean kõike kahjuks Issanda Kristuse Jeesuse kõikeületava tunnetuse kõrval. Tema pärast olen ma minetanud kõik selle ja pean seda pühkmeiks, et saada kasuks Kristust 9 ja et mind leitaks tema seest ega oleks mul oma õigust, mis tuleb Seadusest, vaid see õigus, mis tuleb Kristusesse uskumisest, see, mille Jumal annab usu peale. 10 Ma püüan ära tunda teda ja tema ülestõusmise väge ja tema kannatuste osadust, saades tema surma sarnaseks, 11 et ma kuidagi jõuaksin ülestõusmisele surnuist. 12 Mitte et ma selle oleksin saanud või oleksin juba täiuslik, aga ma püüan kätte saada seda, mille pärast Kristus Jeesus on minu kätte saanud. 13 Vennad, ma ei arva endast, et ma selle olen kätte saanud, ühte aga ma ütlen: Ma unustan kõik, mis on taga, ja sirutun eesoleva poole, 14 ma püüdlen sihtmärgi poole, Jumala üleva kutsumise võiduhinna poole Kristuses Jeesuses. 15 Kes meist on täiuslikud, mõtelgem just samal viisil, ent kui te mõtlete midagi teisiti, küll Jumal ilmutab teile ka selle. 16 Ometi, sealt, kuhu oleme jõudnud, astugem edasi sama rada! 17 Vennad, võtke mind eeskujuks ja jälgige neid, kes elavad nõnda, nagu meie teile eeskujuks oleme. 18 Sest paljud, kellest ma teile sagedasti olen rääkinud ning nüüd nuttes räägin, elavad Kristuse risti vaenlastena. 19 Nende lõpp on hukatus, nende jumal on kõht ja nende au on nende häbis; nad mõtlevad maapealsetest asjadest. 20 Aga meie kodupaik asub taevas, kust me ka ootame Päästjat - Issandat Jeesust Kristust, 21 kes meie alanduse ihu muudab oma kirkuse ihu sarnaseks selle väe toimel, millega ta suudab ka alistada enesele kõik.
@tiialister37682 ай бұрын
Väga hea jutuajamine, ka küsija on tasemel! Kuid kurb on kuulda, et tõenäoliselt üks Eesti targemaid mehi Hardo Pajula, kes on nii palju uurinud, lugenud suurepärased raamatuid ja tarkade filosoofidega ise rääkinud ning nende teoseid tõlkinud, vastab niiviisi küsimusele palvetamise kohta. Palve on ju kahekõne - kellega siis? Kas kogu selle pika vaimse teekonna ajal pole jõutud kaugemale Jumala tunnetuses, kui peab rääkima pilve peal istuvast habemega vanamehest ja Juri Gagarinist, kes kosmoses Jumalat ei kohanud. Kas tõesti ei ole ta kogu oma maailmavaadete uuringute ajal jõudnud "klaaslaest" läbi, et mõista Jumalalt, kui Kõiksuse Loojat, Igavest Armastust ja kõike seda, mida Piiblis kirjutatakse Jumala, Jeesuse ja Püha Vaimu kohta. See on nii kurb, et tarkadel meestel on nii raske Jumalat, Taeva ja Maa Loojat tunnetada ja leida Teda, kelle käes on KÕIK. Ka see osa Kõiksusest, kus pole aega ega ruumi ja on Igavik. Kui seda ei suuda mõista ega tunnetada, siis jäädakse ikkagi kinni kaduvikku, mateeriasse, õnneks mitte enam oma egosse (et mina ise olen enda jumal), aga siiski inimkesksesse maailma, mis pöörleb inimlike maailmavaadete, arvamuste ja ravivõtete ümber. Või õigustada psühhodeelikume ja narkot. Aga me kõik oleme teel ja vajame kõik sellel teel Jumal armu ja halastust!
@TheTykk11 ай бұрын
@theharshtruthoutthere11 ай бұрын
lets analyse the lies which are world wide believed: lie: schools are of use (fact. schools keep slavery alive and stands for dumbing down the population of mankind) lie: moon and mars landings, (fact: even masons know they cannot leave - earth is closed system, unless you want to drown, there is no other place created for us to live in.) lie: news channels share truth (fact: these are for politic propaganda) lie: voting matters (fact: politic propaganda) lie: money has a value of its own (fact: it is just a tool of this world, which value has been agreed upon world wide, it should be not loved, only used as needed.) lie: NASA lies (globe and all....) (fact: NASA stands for TO DECEIVE and 2 members expose their own lies, one is still alive, the other (Wernher Von Braun) place a clear clue on his own gravestone) - you havn´t searched - have you? lie: the lgbtq++++ propaganda (fact: it is a part of masonry depopulation agenda, 500 000 000 souls, thats their goal - Georgia Guidestones!) lie: Evolution and the dinosaurs. (fact: mankind is not hybrid kind) to keep stating that there was an evolution, then we ain´t humans, we aint then mankind, we are then hybrids. Are you a hybrid? Lie: holidays (xmas, Halloween, new year eve and so on) (fact: PAGAN HOLIDAYS, to praise BAAL, the god of this world) lie: U.F.Os (fact: they are demons/evil spirits in high places, against whom we fight daily = spiritual warfare) lie: rules and laws rule the world (fact: signs and symbols of masonry do) lie: believe in being educated (fact: found daily living with the lack of knowledge) lie: religions are ways to heaven (fact: JESUS CHRIST is only way to heaven. Religions, no matter its name = masonic garbage) lie: our dead loved ones stay around to “ghost” (fact: hunting and ghosting is job of demons, not of humans. We, humans, come from GOD and return back to HIM and all the stories of having been seen a ghost - terrifying, scary, dark, cold - again no job of analysing been done here by you- right?) Lie: Humans have no immune system and we need vaccines as these save lives (fact: humans HAVE IMMUNE SYSTEM and vaccines are created for one or two purpose: to kill or to cripple. If you took all their poison shots then later in life comes all kinds of medical diagnoses = vaccines crippled you - remember that) lie: there is no GOD (fact: There is GOD, who redeems sinners and created us directly from the dust of the earth: Psalms 139:14 (KJV) I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.) to keep claiming that there is no GOD and we aint created directly from the dust of the earth, we soon run out logic, regardless to we place “evolution” in our claims or not and our dead, whats happening to them as they sleep in their graves? - they decay away, becoming the dust form which they were taken, if it ain`t so then we are simply reality deniers. lie: 911 was terror attack (fact: 911 was an inside job, meaning the work of your loved government) lie: Tv watching is of use (fact: television (TV) = tell a lie vision, a weapon for our minds, keeping it under MK ULTRA) half lie/half truth: earth is a stage where everyone plays rolls (fact: earth is stage, a freemasonry checkerboard, where both side, black and white are masons and humans both in politics and regular souls = the naive public gets daily played) lie: children are government to raise (fact: children are parents to raise, it takes 2 to make them, it takes 2 to raise them). Lie: we live already in the matrix (fact: we live since birth in BABYLON which is to become “matrix” as Man - us, must merge with machine aka take the mark of the beast and then matrix aka false reality becomes to be 100%) lie: humans are not intelligent enough (fact: it is forgotten fact, we all are intelligent, many have suffered the illness from this world, being indoctrinated by masons, cause who give us the school system which we have? masons did, because they need slaves. Lie: love is low standers and = lust (fact love is high standard as love means> John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Lie> do what thy wilt there is no body who has the right to judge you (fact> GOD SHALL JUDGE YOU AFTER YOU HAVE DEPARTED ON EARTH and Christians are also called to give out righteous judgment, therefore repent * born again * go and sin no more) 23 lies, should i go on? This world ain´t deceived, out there to deceive? masons quotes, which to know: “To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.” ― Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages “Man's status in the natural world is determined, therefore, by the quality of his thinking.” ― Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages “We can only escape from the world by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but only wisdom can take the world out of the man. As long as the human being is obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he still dwells physically among worldly things.” ― Manly P. Hall “When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling to regain their consciousness of divinity.” ― Manly P. Hall, Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire Many succumb to their fleshly desires /lust = fornication) which is kept "alive" through the illusion of the eyes of man = males and females, which are never satisfied. Quite a long time all real is bushed out and fake is allowed more in. Mankind is allowed fake beauty in their lives. Lust and fornications = love to many, which keep many in the abundance of abuse others and get abused. We are deceived daily mostly because we simply allow it to be so. Free will we all have, which give us daily an opportunity/chance to start seeking truth and to put an end of being deceived. Easiest way to seek truth is questioning and analyzing =thinking skill, which many say they have, but few practice. It is easy to be lazy and count always on somebody else, who would do all of it for us. And many do so: many stay as endless learners, who never reach knowledge. 2 Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Many seek uni. professors whom lessons to go and hear, not listen, only hear, as if they`d be listen also, then they shall come to the knowledge of truth as they shall put together lies shared through school systems. And unless all these needed channels (like Angel Price and some more, which are seen in my playlists) through whom the darkness and evil is exposed shall be seen more and more souls, not to laugh and mock their hard job, but truly analysed through and accepted as finally souls met the truth about the world in which they live in , the same souls won´t step out being deceived. It is not easy task to GO AND SIN NO MORE as it takes strong fight against each souls flesh and its unholy desires, but it is worthy. Backslidings should not happen, but since these sadly do, lets know it that: Hosea 11:7 And my people are bent to backsliding from me: though they called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him. Hosea 14:4 I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him. Jeremiah 49:4 Wherefore gloriest thou in the valleys, thy flowing valley, O backsliding daughter? that trusted in her treasures, saying, Who shall come unto me? Jeremiah 3:22 Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the LORD our God.
@ylovaht209711 ай бұрын
Kassidele on video kuidas linnud söövad aaga ei ne hooli sellest nii kui siin on