Bonega video. En estonta video mi petas ke vi aldonu Sir Harold Wilson. Li estis chefministro de Britujo kaj studies Esperanton kiel skolto. Li diris angle "I learnt Esperanto as a boy scout" Krome estas multaj lingvaj eraretoj en la angla. Mi pretas helpi ghustigi tiujn erarojn se vi refaras la videon. Intertempe - Gratulon:)
@RokuRG11 жыл бұрын
There are many countries where knowledge of English is very small. Most of the people in the world DOESN'T speak English at all, or speak it very bad. Even most of Europe doesn't speak English that good. In fact, only a few countries (excluding countries where English is an official language)knows english very good, like the Netherlands, Danmark, Sweden, Norway ect.So, only the people who are in the same language group (germanic languages) speaks english very good, it's much harder for the rest.
@neilnachum112 жыл бұрын
Castro's statement was video-taped during his reception of many Esperantists at the World or Universal Congress of Esperantists in Cuba, some decade ago. I've seen it.
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
I didn't like the N at the beginning, after I bit I started to appreciate it a lot. I don't know how it is in Ido, could you explain it? When you talk about question-words do you mean correlatives like: kial, kiel, kie, kiam, kiu? It was difficult for me too at the beginning, but again after a week I fully mastered them and now I found them genials.
@jmartin316812 жыл бұрын
This video is a good idea, congratulations. But...what a pity ; SOME QUOTATIONS AND NAMES ARE ALMOST ILLEGIBLE (e.g. Louis Lumière,Tolstoy...) because of the yellow font used which often appears on a clear background. I am looking forward to viewing an improved version. THANK YOU. PS: About Chomsky's " Esperanto is not a language", I have been unable to find any details or arguments. Can you please help me? PS2: translation correction needed for Piron (6'30), Eco (7'10) & Willy Brandt (7'45).
@Mecklybver11 жыл бұрын
The idea about Esperanto being a lingua franca is to avoid people having privilage over others or imposing a country's culture on others. Personally I do not like English because English reminds me of my job.
@RokuRG11 жыл бұрын
Oh of course, I'm not saying that Esperanto is more popular, I'm just saying that English is popular, but it's not as widely spoken as some people may think, and that English is just difficult for most of the people :) I don't even speak Esperanto very well, I know just the basics, but I think it would be a better world language simply because it's much easier to learn, and it's more neutral. Of course it's not perfect either, but creating a perfect language is just impossible.
@ulrikof.2486 Жыл бұрын
Bonega kolekto kion mi ŝatus esti koninta antaŭe! Ĝi utilas al esti distribuebla informpeco al amikoj, kolegoj, konatoj ktp.
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
China is the second country after Brazil for Esperantists. After the Chinese revolution made by Mao, many Chinese politicians wanted to make Esperanto the official language of China. So you can see that Chinese and other people don't feel discriminated at all by Esperanto, because they are not. They are helped by it. Buddhists there literally love it.
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
Esperanto is both agglutinate and analytic. The agglutination which you're talking about is just a part, and it concerns the last parts of the words as: -o, -a, -i, -e etc., but at the same time every word, every suffix and every prefix are words. They all are verbs, adjectives and objects. This is in common with Chinese. If you look my other video "i luoghi comuni sull'Esperanto", there you'll find Piron (a linguist) who shows the process of making neologisms which is the same in Chinese.
Vi povas fari ĝin aŭ aldoni subtekstojn ĉi tie. Kiel vi preferas. Ĝis.
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
I don't speak Chinese but I do know the difference between agglutinative/flexed languages and isolated/analytic ones and I did also know that Chinese is not agglutinative. But even if Esperanto is agglutinative, it has the particularity of Chinese (from what I know), for which a word, even a preposition or a postposition has the ability to become a root and therefore it can combine itself with others. This phenomenon is not present in European languages, but it does in those of Asia. Isn't it?
@wolframhuttermann75198 жыл бұрын
Esperanto is the only language ex nihilo which has its own proverbs, phrases and lexemes. It is even the only language where its constructor had to accept one aspect unwillingly. If an Esperantist says that something is not understandable for him, he uses the word "volapukajxo", litterally something in Volapük. Zamenhof would never have created this phrase, but it came up during his lifetime as Volapukists changed to Esperanto. Esperantists considered Volapük as something non-understandable, so it was volapukajxo for them.
@mothman847 жыл бұрын
Even in the domain of geeky inside jokes, that's just sad... Esperantists picking on Volapük. I mean, really?! Beggars who live in glass houses should not choose pots that call the kettle black...;-)
@ulrikof.2486 Жыл бұрын
Esperanto is not a language ex nihilo, and phrasals and proverbs did or do, to a much smaller extent, exist also in volapük, ido, occidental, and interlingua. From the later ones, like klingon, tokipona, or laádan, some gained a higher amount of speakers, some hundreds or even more, and they also developed some elements of natural languages, e.g. idioms.
@ulrikof.2486 Жыл бұрын
@@mothman84as a volapükist, I find it funny. The one who is in a bad mood, he always sees bad things.
@mothman84 Жыл бұрын
@@ulrikof.2486 Does that apply to you too? You're clearly seeing my 6-year-old comment as a 'bad thing' just now, aren't you?
@ulrikof.248611 ай бұрын
@@mothman84 Yes, it's very negative. That is expressed explicitely by your wording. But the saying of the esperantists is not necessarily, the judgment was made by you.
@NikolajMihajlenko12 жыл бұрын
Samideanoj! Allighu al "La Tutmonda Deklaro por Esperanto". Jam estas ricevitaj 390 subskriboj el 50 landoj. Guglo montros al vi la adreson. Demandu ghin.
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
In Esperanto you do know where to put the N, the first phrase you wrote is incomplete. You have to put it always to the object which receives the action. The dog hunts the cat = la hundo ĉasas la katoN. The dog is hunted by the cat = la hundon ĉasas la kato. Besides that you don't use it when the object doesn't receive any action, for example the phrase "the cat appears so to me" will be "la kato aperas tiel al mi", without the N because in this case the cat isn't receiving any action.
@ansardom10 жыл бұрын
Post tiom da interesaj komentoj, mi nur povas laudi kaj gratuli vin pro via interesa laboro. Ghi vere indas esti subtekstigita en esperanto kaj en aliaj diversaj lingvoj.
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
I read it somewhere when I started learning it. Yes the accusative is from Latin but the way to mix words and to make roots indipindent words should come from there. Isn't so?
@Mecklybver11 жыл бұрын
I am pretty sure that there are more people who study English than Esperanto. In a meeting if two guys are from different nationalities they usually speak in English just we are doing it right now, most people who use English are not even native speakers. About how good their English are, well that's a horse of a different colour.
@Ronaldeto11 жыл бұрын
Esperanto - The Bridge to a better world!
@cristovaosantana652111 жыл бұрын
Gratulon pro la tre bona laboro! Kia bona Laboro!
@IjazOmnid11 жыл бұрын
Ido don't has the n-Ending except you make the subject before the verb. But this will happen not many times. La hundo chasas la kato - The dog hunts the cat La hundon chasas la kato - The dog is hunted by the cat In the case of Esperanto you don't know when you have to put the "n" although my native language is german and we have that sometimes too.
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
Vuoi un documento con le varie citazioni?
@Efilzeo12 жыл бұрын
I know, I noticed it while I was doing it, but I thought that using more colors would have been non-elegant, and even if difficult I can read everything in it. Can't you? Maybe I should have chosen better photos. For what concerns Chomsky's phrase, I'll send to you the .pdf which talks about it, there's an entire paragraph talking about it. I advert you that is not that interesting, simply Chomsky has no idea of what he talks about in fact he also said that "Esperanto is based on Spanish". Bye
@Navictor212 жыл бұрын
Mi sxatus traduki hispanen!
@Efilzeo12 жыл бұрын
I saw it too here on KZbin. Ĝis
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
Esperanto grammar is based on Chinese. The creator had to choose only one alphabet and he choose the Latin one because everybody in the world know it. Asians, Arabs, Russians etc. have a Latin name. There are also African things in Esperanto. Of course it's not "perfect" because perfection is impossible. If he had used all the languages at the same level the language would have been a mess. Instead, doing like that, it' genial, and a lot of Chinese love it.
@ronaldonmg3 жыл бұрын
obviously, Zamenhoff never knew "all languages", and I don't think he knew ANY Chinese. He worked with what he did know - prefixes and suffixes are not unknown fenomena in Europe
@Mompellion11 жыл бұрын
Actually, the method you're talking about where Esperanto mixes words and roots is called agglutination. Agglutinative languages are actually not common at all in the Oriental East. They're actually so uncommon that it's really hard to find one in most countries. Chinese, which I've been studying for 3 years now, is called an isolating language, where independent words carry grammatical meaning. If you want to learn more about the three types of languages, check out Wikipedia's great articles.
@ulrikof.2486 Жыл бұрын
There are many agglutinative languages, they are only rare in Europe where finnish, estonian and hungarian are the only ones. But all turkish languages are agglutinating ones, in a band of hundreds of languages between Istanbul and the western part of China, almost all caucasian languages are agglutinating, about 50 or so, in Russia many are as e.g. the ugric languages, and then in the far east korean and japanese are.
@Mompellion11 жыл бұрын
I said oriental Asian language. I understand that these languages you listed fall into the agglutinating category, but they are western Asian and European languages.
@Chali197111 жыл бұрын
If the N is written at the beginning the object is emphazised. If the noun is at the beginning, then the noun is emphazised. Is always the noun the center of attention in the sentence? Im Deutschen kann man sagen: "Den Mann küsst die Frau". In einem solchen Satz ist vielleicht der Mann der Hauptprotagonist. In dem Satz: "Die Frau küsst das Mädchen". Was ist da Subjekt und was ist Objekt ? Deutsch ist nicht nur sehr schwer, sondern auch lückenhaft.
@IanClarkOM11 жыл бұрын
posso avere il testo di questo video? :D
@kalanaherath30769 жыл бұрын
Esperanto estos tre bona
@RokuRG11 жыл бұрын
Though I agree that Esperanto may never achieve it's goal. Before, the French was a "world language", and before that it was Latin ect, ect. Now it's English, and for another 50-100 years it will probably be something else, like Chinese. The "world language" will pobably be changing forever. Though I also like the idea of Esperanto being the world language (or other neutral language, it doesn't have to be Esperanto).
@isabeladimu18432 жыл бұрын
Το ενδιαφέρον στην Εσπεράντο είναι ότι αν κάποιος ξέρει λίγα αγγλικά και γαλλικά, ή κάποια άλλη λατινική γλώσσα, θα βρει ήδη πολλές λέξεις γνωστές μαθαίνοντας τη γλώσσα αυτή. Επίσης είναι παρήγορο το ότι η γραμματική της Εσπεράντο είναι απλή ώστε όλοι να μπορούν χωρίς δυσκολία να την μάθουν. Η ιδεολογία που υπάρχει πίσω από αυτήν είναι ωραία και επίκαιρη στην εποχή μας όσο και διαχρονικά.
@crandallaj11 жыл бұрын
dankon por la video
@baja397 жыл бұрын
Esperanto estas bela lingvo, sed malbele sonas en kantado. Esperanto neniam anstatau^os naciajn lingvojn, sed povas esti bona interkomunikilo por c^iuj.
@fabigen15 жыл бұрын
Mi konsentas kun vi. Ĝi sonas malbele en kantado ĉar ekzistas multaj eternaj komencantoj ankaŭ inter tradukistoj kaj kantantoj. Jen kontraŭekzemplo:
@carloscapyvarov80854 жыл бұрын
Mi malkonsentas kun vi. Estas granda kvanto da belaj muzikoj Esperante, sed ne tiom, kiom naciaj lingvoj.
@LaPingvino11 жыл бұрын
Ĉu vi povus meti kiel priskribo?
@IIARROWS11 жыл бұрын
No, it's not on Esperanto but is the basic concept on why it exists.
@austincaudill89397 жыл бұрын
Esperanto estas tre bela lingvo.
@Chali197111 жыл бұрын
Ich halte Ido für eine egoistische Reaktion auf die Genialität des Esperanto. Warum eine Sprache als Vorlage nehmen, sie zu vielleicht 5 Prozent verändern und sie als neue Sprache deklarieren ? Warum nur Buchstaben und Zeichen aus romanischen Sprachen nehmen und nicht osteuropäische Zeichen akzeptieren um diesem Sprachraum entegenzukommen ? Oder ist Ido eine romanische Sprache ? Schade eigentlich !
@IjazOmnid11 жыл бұрын
I wrote the sentences in Ido. And I think you don't need the "n" in normal sentences.
@seop17216 жыл бұрын
This would be a great promotional video for Esperanto, if it wasn't for the Chomsky quote. Chomsky is obviously wrong. Claude Piron's quote is also rather bizarre, because it's so wrong. The rest of the quotes are great, but there's little point sharing the video to increase interest when Chomsky weighs in so negatively. Which is a pity.
@Mompellion11 жыл бұрын
Esperanto grammar was absolutely not based on Chinese at all. It has inflections based on tense and an accusative case. Chinese has neither. Where are you getting this idea?
@Mecklybver11 жыл бұрын
I am afraid that as far as there be countries and frontiers and ruling powers in the world, Esperanto will never achieve its goal. I like the idea of a universal language which is neutral (since nobody speaks it as a native language) but Capitalism rules the world and that's why English is the syllabus of primary schools in every country in the world ( if there is any country where English is not taught in schools, pls let me know). I know it is a bugger and discriminating but that's reality.
@N00bcrunch3r11 жыл бұрын
Not common? What about Hungarian, Estonian, Persian, and practically every Uralic language?
@IjazOmnid11 жыл бұрын
I don't like the n-Ending in Esperanto, this is better in Ido. But Ido has also thing I don't like. But you have to say that question-words of the table are difficult to learn.
@UlsterOrange11 жыл бұрын
Yes, lets blame language diversity on capitalism. If Esperanto is applied as a universal language then you the same problem of 'buggery and discrimination': Esperanto is a Western Indo-European (if not simply a reinvention of lingua franca) language written in Latin. If you fell discriminated by English then others will be discriminated by some European amalgamation. I for one will not regress to a more comprehensive, albeit robotic, language like Lojban.
@ronaldonmg3 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Capitalism reduces language-diversity as it serves the biggest markets first. Esperanto is not "universal" - not in the sense that all other languages become obsolete, not in the sense that every human thought and feeling can be accurately expressed in it
@philipshearer52864 жыл бұрын
i lost to funmbi
@leonus_014 жыл бұрын
Mi perdis al funmbi
@philipshearer52864 жыл бұрын
@@leonus_01 mi venas en la sinjoro lang
@leonus_014 жыл бұрын
@@philipshearer5286 Ne, Edvard fartas tiel. Sinjorino Lang mortigos vin.
@N00bcrunch3r11 жыл бұрын
Excuse me!
@Efilzeo11 жыл бұрын
I agree but history is long. Capitalism is recent, and the history of English is even smaller. It is the lingua franca only since 30 years. Latin was the lingua franca for more the 2000 years and then in just 50 years disappeared. The same will be for English. Usa won't be forever the first power. Another country will rule the world and that country will impose its language (China is doing it right now in Tibet forbidding the Tibetan language). Esperanto will win, but not in our lifetime.
@Mecklybver11 жыл бұрын
Latin is not the lingua franca or the native language of anyone but it still used in sciences and taught in humanistics. The classics never die,
@ENOTERINE11 жыл бұрын
Dankon. Sed mankas la matematikisto kaj ekonomistoReinhard Selten , nobelpremiito en la jaro 1994...
@BettyChatterjee8 жыл бұрын
On the whole a good film, but ... The yellow texts are on the light backgrounds are not easy to read..Quoting Ghandi's assertion that teaching English to millions enslaves them is counterproductive and says nothing useful about Esperanto. Jen sufiĉe bona filmo. ...sed, la flavaj tekstoj sur la malhelaj fonoj estas malfacile legeblaj. CItante la aserton de Gandi ke la instruado de la angla al milionoj da homoj sklavigas ilin estas malproduktiva kaj ne donas al la spektanto utilan informon pri Esperanto.
@DimitarBerberu7 жыл бұрын
The Quotes don't all favour Esperanto, & why should they favour English. Gandhi was telling what he thought, & probably 80% in the world would agree, if not forced to seek jobs via English.