Please, advise: I ask for your most honest input: Is there a people on earth who are better than Poles at refurbishing and repurposing buildings; especially, rustic-industrial structures? Łódź is a global masterpiece of restored and renovated architecture! And the refurbishment of Elektrowina Powisle is incredible!! Furthermore, the reconstruction of the stare Miasto marketplaces of Gdańsk, Warszawa, Poznań, Wrocław itp., are essentially "miraculous!!" Given the facts that their reconstruction was done immediately post-WWII, with scant funds and with the USSR's iron grip on Poland. Proszę o radę: proszę o jak najbardziej uczciwy wkład: czy jest na świecie naród, który jest lepszy od Polaków w odnawianiu i przebudowywaniu budynków; zwłaszcza budowle rustykalno-industrialne? Łódź to światowe arcydzieło odrestaurowanej i odnowionej architektury! Ponadto rekonstrukcje targowisk Starego Miasta Gdańska, Warszawy, Poznania, Wrocławia itp., są w istocie "cudowne!!!" Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że ich odbudowę przeprowadzono zaraz po wojnie, przy niewielkich funduszach iw żelaznym uścisku ZSRR nad Polską.
@szklanedomy9675 Жыл бұрын
I think it is exactly as you wrote. Poland lost a lot after the war. Great Warsaw was practically wiped off the map of the country, and yet it was rebuilt. The Old Town of Warsaw is inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage. Many cities are currently experiencing dynamic development and post-industrial areas, buildings falling into disrepair, regain their former splendor and maybe even look more beautiful and magnificent than before. You will find many gems of architecture in Gdańsk, Łódź, Kraków and Warsaw. I think that Europe and the world see better the enormity of changes in our Polish cities, which are becoming more and more destinations for visitors from all over the world. May this trend only grow stronger and may Poland grow bolder and more beautiful.