Good looking hardwood floor here. Oh the bike trainer? Yeah, I think it looks pretty nice as well. I dig the design. Glad these highend trainers are adding the easy start erg mode feature. My weak legs like this feature. 💪🏻
@DesFit2 жыл бұрын
I'm digging my new floor as well :) ...oh, as well as easy start ERG! Thanks Matt!
@jmvdigital2 жыл бұрын
Nice video! This Justo is up next on my wish list. Pair it with the Rizer.
@DesFit2 жыл бұрын
Thanks man!
@MaxxxiorPL2 жыл бұрын
I bought it earlier today. It is waaaay cheaper than Tacx Neo 2T or Wahoo Kickr v6 in Poland.
Жыл бұрын
What's your opinion after one month ?
@PaweEwertowski Жыл бұрын
Hej, mam kilka pytań odnośnie Justo, jest szansa, żebyś pomógł z odpowiedziami? Z góry dzięki :)
@drake29a Жыл бұрын
I jak się spisuje?
@PaweEwertowski Жыл бұрын
@@drake29apolecam grupę na fb dużo odpowiedzi tam uzyskałem na temat trenażerów
@PaweEwertowski Жыл бұрын
@@drake29a Ja nie kupiłem jeszcze ale bardzo dużo informacji znajdziesz na tej grupie. Ludzie super zadowoleni pod każdym wzlgędem. Ja szukałem porównania do kickr core i rozmawialem z kilkunastoma posiadaczami justo i kilka osób też miało inne doświadczenia z droższymi trenażerami- wszyscy mega zadowoleni ;)
@thesmartsnake2 жыл бұрын
Great review!! How do you compare it with the kickr v6? Thank you!
@the_real_cansin Жыл бұрын
I don’t understand why this trainer is not popular as the similarly priced direto or as a kickr which seems like the closest rival. It’s specifications are very very nice at least on paper but I can barely find few reviews on the internet also almost no long term reliable reviews for it. I am a direto x user and I am not totally happy with the direto but I am wondering that if it is worth to upgrade to a Justo. Unfortunately there is no useful user data around… I think this product is a technical success but not advertised properly. Such a shame for Elite.
@ninjutsustyle7618 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if you're still looking around but I just bought a direto xrt for like $600. Also a couple features from the just just trickled down to the xr/xrt, like power ramp up and power display smoothing
@the_real_cansin Жыл бұрын
@@ninjutsustyle7618 hello. I bought thr Justo and using it for the last 3 months. It is a great trainer much better than direto x. I also paired with rizer which makes the experience even better.
@dominikk72372 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the review. Could you please compare erg mode on Justo vs. Direto XR. I have Direto XR and I am not happy with ERG mode, and dont't use it any more. Is there any progess in Justo in this field?
@robinseibel75402 жыл бұрын
I've been using a Suito for the last year and a half and have been pretty chuffed with it. Does the bit more than 2x more massive flywheel of the Justo make a noticeable difference compared to the Suito? I have noticed that with the Suito if there's a quick change in grade (I use Fulgaz), I have to get on top of the pedals quickly, or the trainer kind of bogs down. All else being equal, a 2x increase in a flywheel's moment of inertia would result in half the angular acceleration for the Justo compared to the Suito when encountering the same grade change. How would you compare the noise of the Justo to the Suito?
@the_real_cansin9 ай бұрын
I own both. The ride feel is different. If you sit on both trainers and push the pedal for the first time you will be suprised by how Suito's flywheel is lighter than Justo. Justo feels more premium in terms of everything but during the ride, especially if you use erg mode there is virtually no difference. For the simulation mode definitely there is some difference in ride feel but for the price difference it is quite normal and you will not feel any difference after you get used to one. In terms of noise Justo is much quitier but Suito is already quite enough. So I think Suito is enough for many people. I would suggest you to get Suito & Rizer. Most people thinks that Rizer kind of devices are just gimmick but they are absolutely wrong, they should ask to their bottoms after a 2-3 hours of indoor ride to see if it is a gimmick. It allows you to distribute your body weight more like outdoors via changing your position on the bike as well as making the ride more realistic and enjoyable.
@robinseibel75409 ай бұрын
@@the_real_cansin, I think I'll ante up for the Justo once I kill my Suito.
@pounet4027 Жыл бұрын
Interesting video. But how wide is the Justo with the legs fully extended? Can we put the Justo on a rocker plate?
@sobhanmokhtari201611 ай бұрын
Hello, can you help me with something? While cycling with elite justo, I notice that the display power meter goes up and down a lot. For example, if I want to move 200 watts, it will display like this: 210, 180, 120, 240, 210, 140. The way you show it in the graph or while riding a bike, it shows much more accurately and the wattage does not go up and down too much.
@hannahjm93 Жыл бұрын
What is elite customer service/warranty like? I'm interested in this trainer but no info on their site about warranty and seems to be no way to contact them?!
@panpaszczurski2 жыл бұрын
Comparing to Wahoo Kickr/Kickr Core how much louder it is?
@DesFit2 жыл бұрын
Just a smidge louder but kind of splitting hairs. It’s very quiet.
@Dylansftp Жыл бұрын
Is this trainer compatible with the canyon ultimate (rim version)?
@bike3142 жыл бұрын
Unrelated question... Are you going to review the new Garmin LTE watch the bounce?
@DesFit2 жыл бұрын
I don’t have any kids so likely won’t be covering it but it’s certainly interesting from a technology standpoint!
@bike3142 жыл бұрын
@@DesFit It is. I'm excited for what it might mean for next gen watches from Garmin. I've been wondering what they have been working on in the LTE space since the 945 launched
@mikebeattie976 Жыл бұрын
If it came with a cassette fitted I’d probably get one
@PedroPrego Жыл бұрын
I don't get this requirement. nowadays there are so many standards. fitting one is just a waste of money and of resources (what does one do with a cheap cassette that does not fit our set?!). so much talk about being conscious about polluting and stuff and then people want this.
@bernardjukema508 Жыл бұрын
@@PedroPrego I couldn't agree more. So many people don't realise that chainlength etc should be adjusted in regards to cassette dimensions. It's better to keep the cost of the trainer lower without a cassette and then everyone can just buy whatever cassette they need.