Emanet 383. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 383

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@elzaribeiro9170 2 жыл бұрын
@buvaneswariramanathan3551 2 жыл бұрын
Sila and Halil are the back bone of this series. Extraordinary acting. Without them this series won't succeed. Lot of violence against women, poor story line, lot of negativity are there in this series. The producers and writer ruined the show. Now sila is also out of this. Sila did a great job but she importance is not recognised by the producers. Sila deserves more. Best wishes Sila. Ofcourse Halil too..
@52bellab 2 жыл бұрын
100% in agreement that the producers and writers ruined this series. Ufff!!!!
@52bellab 2 жыл бұрын
They didn’t care about Halil and Sila and their superb acting. Boo to Karamel production and writer, Nazmiye Yilmaz. The lady with the evil eye 🫣
@bharathisuppaya7591 2 жыл бұрын
@elisabethpyrsz9575 2 жыл бұрын
Emanet devait être une belle jistoire pour Seher Yaman et Usuf mais Nazmiye a toujours voulu pendant 2 ans que Seher et Yaman souffrent, soit avec un ennemi soit avec des blessures. D'une belle romance Nazmiye en a fait une descente en enfer, pourquoi ? Et tout cela tourne au drame pour Sial et Halil 😭
@zakialassoued1816 2 жыл бұрын
évidemment sila est maltraité par l écrivain est ses collègues.
@elzbietabetlej4085 2 жыл бұрын
Summary: Zuzu calls to Seher. Seher tells her upset everything is over. Zuzu is as always supportive and tries to convince her it is all for the best and she is there for her for the help. She tells her she though of renting the house in her neighbourhood. Seher cries because she has nowhere to go, no job nothing. What is she cannot do it? She remembers how she wanted to go and Yaman was all supportive to her. Yaman visits crying Seher . Seher tells him she is afraid she will not cope with the changes. He assures her she will never be alone. He will be always there for her. If she ever cuts her finger, or if her sink ever get broken… if her cornice ever fall or a chair get broken she is to call him. If she ever feel overwhelmed - she tells him to come. When she asks him what will he do now - he answers : I will continue to love you unconditionally. He covers her hands and says: I am assuming you now know you are not alone now. Seher goes to Yusuf to put him to bed. She assures him her love to him will not change even if she will live away. Evening. Seher and Yaman stands outside. Seher comes to Yaman and tells him she wants to be for him too, but he does not let her by closing the topic. Yaman then tells her how much he misses her every second of his existence. he says: you are not just the part of my life. You are my life. Nothing can separate me from you. She is not aware of it… but she is inseparable part of his life. She is his only reason of his existence. No her means no him.I have only one status… and that is with you. Seher is excited before going to sleep, she realized how deep is Yaman’s love to her. Seher puts back the picture of Yaman in her medaillon. She says: I found where I belonged just when I am drifting away. I love you so much Yaman Kirimli. Yaman touches his wedding rings saying he will not let her go. He remembers their intimate moments❤ Seher sits and marvels at Yaman’s words that divorce is their new beginning of finding each other. She goes with the wedding ring and drops it on the stairs. Yaman hears that and comes to her side. Seher tells him she dropped her wedding ring. Yaman helps her find it and tells her how he lost his ring once and she was very upset because of it. He tells her how they stayed alone and he left it in the kitchen. He tells her there were many things he wanted to do with her. (we know all Yaman…) . Neslihan spotes them and comments they love each other so much. Seher asks him what if she cannot find it? She wants to find it now… Yaman stops her saying how he found it and she was sleeping because of sleeping pills . And how he woke her with a note , not him. Seher asks further but Yaman fells silent. He tells her that was directing her to boat… seher concludes the accident happened when they were the happiest. Yaman assures her they will be happy again. Seher asks about the proposal… and he explains he wanted to propose with all his feelings he had for her. He tells her then how he took secretly her ring and how was she upset. She answers the sad thing turned out then to the nice surprise. Yaman spots then wedding ring, gives it to her hands and wishes her good night. Goofy Squad: Ali blames himself for keeping silent and not being albe to protect her. Now she is gone. Suddenly Duygu ghost appears and talks with Ali (🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️). she asks him will he go the easy way in blaming himself and giving up? She doesn’t believe what is she hearing bc Ali she knows always fights and finds the way, always helps everyone and never gives up even in the most difficult moment. She asks him: will you give up now? And she disappears. Ali remembers doctor saying the man who shot Duygu is in the hospital and decides to interrogate him. He declares he will find and punish those who did that to her. Firat comes by and asks for the improvement. Ibo says that no. Firat asks About Ali condition. Kara answers he is bad and he went out hearing about critical condition. Firat says he came back hearing from Aunt the news and he went as quickly as he could..he says to find Ali. He found himself and is going to the hit man. Gang goes to stop him but he locks himself and gets the confession out of the guy that they got someone from the inside. Ali orders to find the informant, Yasemin hears it. She knows she is finished if Ali gets her. Ayten runs that something is wrong with Duygu. Nurse runs saying they have blue code for Duygu (meaning her heart stopped). Yasemin drops Duygu’s belongings and cries she killed her own sister. Everyone sees the fight for the life of Duygu and Ali screams NOO! Hearing her heart stops. Duygu starts breathing after a moment. Yasemin cries for the forgiveness… and remember all the good times with Duygu. She sees the gun and decides to kill Ertugul and settle the score.
@elzbietabetlej4085 2 жыл бұрын
Resumen: Zuzu llama a Seher. Seher le dice molesta que todo haya terminado. Zuzu, como siempre, la apoya y trata de convencerla de que todo es lo mejor y que ella está ahí para ayudarla. Ella le dice que pensó en alquilar la casa en su barrio. Seher llora porque no tiene adónde ir, no tiene trabajo, nada. ¿Qué es lo que ella no puede hacer? Ella recuerda cómo quería ir y Yaman la apoyó. Yaman visita llorando a Seher. Seher le dice que tiene miedo de no poder hacer frente a los cambios. Él le asegura que nunca estará sola. Él estará siempre ahí para ella. Si alguna vez se corta un dedo, o si su fregadero alguna vez se rompe... si su cornisa alguna vez se cae o una silla se rompe, ella debe llamarlo. Si alguna vez se siente abrumada, le dice que venga. Cuando ella le pregunta qué hará ahora, él responde: Te seguiré amando incondicionalmente. Él cubre sus manos y dice: Asumo que ahora sabes que no estás solo ahora. Seher acude a Yusuf para acostarlo. Ella le asegura que su amor por él no cambiará aunque viva lejos. Anochecer. Seher y Yaman se paran afuera. Seher se acerca a Yaman y le dice que ella también quiere estar para él, pero él no la deja cerrando el tema. Yaman luego le dice cuánto la extraña cada segundo de su existencia. él dice: no eres sólo la parte de mi vida. Eres mi vida. Nada puede separarme de ti. Ella no es consciente de ello… pero es parte inseparable de su vida. Ella es la única razón de su existencia. No ella significa no él. Solo tengo un estado... y ese es contigo. Seher está emocionada antes de irse a dormir, se dio cuenta de lo profundo que es el amor de Yaman por ella. Seher vuelve a colocar la imagen de Yaman en su medallón. Ella dice: Encontré el lugar al que pertenezco justo cuando me estaba alejando. Te quiero mucho Yaman Kirimli. Yaman toca sus anillos de boda diciendo que no la dejará ir. Recuerda sus momentos íntimos❤ Seher se sienta y se maravilla con las palabras de Yaman de que el divorcio es su nuevo comienzo para encontrarse. Ella va con el anillo de bodas y lo deja caer en las escaleras. Yaman escucha eso y viene a su lado. Seher le dice que dejó caer su anillo de bodas. Yaman la ayuda a encontrarlo y le cuenta cómo perdió su anillo una vez y ella estaba muy molesta por eso. Él le cuenta cómo se quedaron solos y lo dejó en la cocina. Él le dice que había muchas cosas que quería hacer con ella. (sabemos todo Yaman…) . Neslihan los ve y comenta que se quieren mucho. Seher le pregunta qué pasa si no puede encontrarlo. Ella quiere encontrarlo ahora ... Yaman la detiene diciendo cómo lo encontró y que estaba durmiendo debido a las pastillas para dormir. Y cómo la despertó con una nota, no él. Seher pregunta más, pero Yaman se queda en silencio. Él le dice que la estaba dirigiendo al barco... Seher concluye que el accidente ocurrió cuando estaban más felices. Yaman le asegura que volverán a ser felices. Seher pregunta sobre la propuesta... y él explica que quería proponerle matrimonio con todos sus sentimientos que tenía por ella. Él le dice entonces cómo tomó en secreto su anillo y cómo estaba molesta. Ella responde que la cosa triste resultó entonces para la agradable sorpresa. Yaman ve el anillo de bodas, se lo pone en las manos y le desea buenas noches. Escuadrón tonto: Ali se culpa a sí mismo por guardar silencio y no ser albe para protegerla. Ahora ella se ha ido. De repente aparece el fantasma de Duygu y habla con Ali (🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️). ella le pregunta si tomará el camino fácil culpándose a sí mismo y dándose por vencido. Ella no cree lo que está escuchando porque sabe que Ali siempre lucha y encuentra el camino, siempre ayuda a todos y nunca se rinde ni en los momentos más difíciles. Ella le pregunta: ¿te rendirás ahora? Y ella desaparece. Ali recuerda que el médico le dijo que el hombre que le disparó a Duygu está en el hospital y decide interrogarlo. Él declara que encontrará y castigará a quienes le hicieron eso. Firat pasa y pide la mejora. Ibo dice que no. Firat pregunta sobre el estado de Ali. Kara responde que está mal y salió escuchando sobre su estado crítico. Firat dice que regresó escuchando la noticia de la tía y fue lo más rápido que pudo ... dice que busque a Ali. Se encontró a sí mismo y va al asesino a sueldo. Gang va a detenerlo, pero él se encierra y le saca la confesión al tipo de que atraparon a alguien desde adentro. Ali ordena encontrar al informante, Yasemin lo escucha. Ella sabe que está acabada si Ali la atrapa. Ayten dice que algo anda mal con Duygu. La enfermera corre diciendo que tienen un código azul para Duygu (lo que significa que su corazón se detuvo). Yasemin deja caer las pertenencias de Duygu y llora que mató a su propia hermana. Todos ven la lucha por la vida de Duygu y Ali grita ¡NOO! Escuchar su corazón se detiene. Duygu comienza a respirar después de un momento. Yasemin llora por el perdón... y recuerda todos los buenos momentos con Duygu. Ella ve el arma y decide matar a Ertugul y ajustar cuentas.
@Raison-ot5fq 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks a bunch darling. May God reward your kindness to us.
@elzbietabetlej4085 2 жыл бұрын
Streszczenie: Zuzu dzwoni do Seher. Seher mówi jej, że wszystko się skończyło. Zuzu jak zawsze wspiera i stara się ją przekonać, że tak jest najlepiej, a ona służy jej pomocą. Mówi jej, że myślała o wynajęciu domu w jej sąsiedztwie. Seher płacze, bo nie ma dokąd pójść, nie ma pracy. Czego ona nie może tego zrobić? Pamięta, jak chciała iść, a Yaman ją wspierał. Yaman odwiedza płaczącą Seher. Seher mówi mu, że boi się, że nie poradzi sobie ze zmianami. Zapewnia ją, że nigdy nie będzie sama. Zawsze będzie przy niej. Jeśli kiedykolwiek skaleczy się w palec lub jeśli jej zlew kiedykolwiek się zepsuje… jeśli jej gzyms kiedykolwiek spadnie lub pęknie krzesło, ma do niego zadzwonić. Jeśli kiedykolwiek poczuje się przytłoczona - każe mu przyjść. Kiedy pyta go, co teraz zrobi - odpowiada : Będę nadal bezwarunkowo Cię kochać. Zakrywa jej ręce i mówi: Zakładam, że teraz wiesz, że nie jesteś teraz sama. Seher idzie do Yusufa, aby go położyć do łóżka. Zapewnia go, że jej miłość do niego nie zmieni się, nawet jeśli będzie żyła z dala. Wieczór. Seher i Yaman stoją na zewnątrz. Seher przychodzi do Yamana i mówi mu, że też chce być dla niego, ale nie pozwala jej zamykając temat. Yaman następnie mówi jej, jak bardzo tęskni za nią w każdej sekundzie swojego istnienia. mówi: nie jesteś tylko częścią mojego życia. Jesteś moim życiem. Nic nie może mnie od ciebie oddzielić. Nie jest tego świadoma… ale jest nieodłączną częścią jego życia. Ona jest jedynym powodem jego istnienia. gdy jej nie ma, nie ma też niego.Yaman: Mam tylko jeden stan… i jest to być z tobą. Seher jest podekscytowana przed pójściem spać, zdała sobie sprawę, jak głęboka jest miłość Yamana do niej. Seher wkłada zdjęcie Yamana do swojego medalionu. Mówi: znalazłam swoje miejsce właśnie wtedy, gdy odpływam. Tak bardzo cię kocham Yaman Kirimli. Yaman dotyka swoich obrączek ślubnych, mówiąc, że nie pozwoli jej odejść. Pamięta ich intymne chwile❤ Seher siedzi i zachwyca się słowami Yamana, że ​​rozwód jest dla nich nowym początkiem wzajemnego odnajdywania. Idzie z obrączką i upuszcza ją na schodach. Yaman słyszy to i staje po jej stronie. Seher mówi mu, że upuściła obrączkę. Yaman pomaga jej ją znaleźć i opowiada, jak kiedyś zgubił swój pierścionek i była z tego powodu bardzo zdenerwowana. Opowiada jej, jak zostali sami i zostawił to w kuchni. Mówi jej, że było wiele rzeczy, które chciał z nią zrobić. (wiemy Yaman…) . Neslihan zauważa ich i komentuje, że tak bardzo się kochają. Seher pyta go, jeśli nie może jej znaleźć? Chce ją teraz znaleźć… Yaman powstrzymuje ją mówiąc, jak ją znalazł i przyszedł do niej, a ona spała z powodu tabletek nasennych . I jak ją zbudził listem, nie nim samym. Seher pyta dalej, ale Yaman milknie. Mówi jej, że kierował ją na łódź… seher dochodzi do wniosku, że wypadek wydarzył się, kiedy byli najszczęśliwsi. Yaman zapewnia ją, że znów będą szczęśliwi. Seher pyta o oświadczyny… i Yaman wyjaśnia, że ​​chciał się oświadczyć ze wszystkimi uczuciami, jakie do niej żywił. Opowiada jej wtedy, jak potajemnie zabrał jej pierścionek i jak była zdenerwowana. Odpowiada, że ​​smutna rzecz się wtedy skończyła się dla niej miłą niespodzianką. Yaman zauważa następnie obrączkę, oddaje ją jej w ręce i życzy jej dobrej nocy. Oddział Goofy: Ali obwinia się za to, że milczał i nie chronił jej. Teraz jej nie ma. Nagle pojawia się duch Duygu i rozmawia z Alim (🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️). pyta go, czy pójdzie na łatwiznę, obwiniając się i poddając się? Nie wierzy w to, co słyszy bo Ali, którego zna, zawsze walczy i znajduje drogę, zawsze pomaga wszystkim i nigdy się nie poddaje nawet w najtrudniejszym momencie. Pyta go: czy teraz się poddasz? A ona znika. Ali przypomina sobie, jak lekarz powiedział, że mężczyzna, który zastrzelił Duygu, jest w szpitalu i postanawia go przesłuchać. Oświadcza, że ​​znajdzie i ukarze tych, którzy jej to zrobili. Przychodzi Firat i pyta o stan Duygu. Ibo mówi, że nie ma poprawy. Firat pyta o stan Alego. Kara odpowiada, że ​​jest zły i wyszedł słysząc o stanie krytycznym. Firat mówi, że wrócił, słysząc wieści od ciotki i poszedł tak szybko, jak mógł.. mówi, żeby znaleźć Alego. Ali sam się znalazł i idzie do mordercy. Gang idzie go zatrzymać, ale on się zamyka i wyciąga od gościa wyznanie, że mieli informatora od środka. Ali rozkazuje znaleźć informatora, słyszy to Yasemin. Wie, że jest skończona, jeśli Ali ją dostanie. Ayten twierdzi, że coś jest nie tak z Duygu. Pielęgniarka biegnie, mówiąc, że mają niebieski kod dla Duygu (co oznacza, że ​​jej serce się zatrzymało). Yasemin upuszcza rzeczy Duygu i płacze, że zabiła własną siostrę. Wszyscy widzą walkę o życie Duygu, a Ali krzyczy NIE! Słysząc, jak jej serce się zatrzymuje. Duygu po chwili zaczyna oddychać. Yasemin woła o przebaczenie… i pamięta wszystkie dobre czasy z Duygu. Widzi broń i postanawia zabić Ertugula i wyrównać rachunki.
@grazynalutynska3680 2 жыл бұрын
thanks Elizabeth; I'm kind of watching, but it's so hard when you don't expect anything good. Apparently, Karamel issued another statement - they defend themselves as much as they can. For me, the only option of honor for them is to stop arguing, but to compromise with Sila. After all, they are losing in the eyes of not only Turkish viewers, but also international ones; can't they see it
@elzbietabetlej4085 2 жыл бұрын
@@Raison-ot5fq you are welcome. later in an hr I will post Al Duy
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
After Yaman found Seher's ring, and after he took the ring in his hand, he very much wanted to put the ring on Seher's finger, but after few seconds, with heavy heart, he kept the ring on Seher's palm of her hand and as usual, he folded her fingers and closed her palm! 😭😭😭
@radmilatrayceska662 2 жыл бұрын
@GABRIELFerreira-he3km 2 жыл бұрын
Emanet 383
@sunheri189 6 ай бұрын
I have only heard about it but I was also shocked she wouldn’t show up to collect the award for best couple on Tv. Too bad.
@kwiatekpolny 3 ай бұрын
Miała zakazane pojście po nagrodę .Chcieli ja jeszcze bardziej przez to upokorzyć.
@anitacotton1344 2 жыл бұрын
Hello loyal fans. I want to send my deepest Congratulations to Halil & Sila for winning best couple award. You both deserve awards to show how amazing u both are as actors. You both brought a new intense electrical chemistry to the characters Yaman & Seher. I will always b your fan & will.look fwd to many more amazing projects. Shame on Kanal 7 for not respecting your talents Sila. They used u to cover up their mistake with Naz as writer & producer. Without you there is no Emanet. No matter who comes to b Yamans partner in season 3 it will never b the same or even close to what Emanet was in seadon 1. To me seadon 2 was a whole different story nothing was making sense except evil after evil after evil & them winning. So Sila as u move on you will always have my love & support. Stay true to yourself & as you move on this ugly abuse Naz fave u will b behind you & you will continue to amazing and respected were ever u go. But Naz will always b known as the worst writer in Turkey Good luck to both you & Halil
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
🙏💐 May God bless them 🙏 ❤
@harithamarri7728 2 жыл бұрын
I wish even Halil too leave this show..., So that we can kick this torture. Without them there is no Emanet.
@PedroHenrique-wm6kx 10 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤nosso apoio amiga ❤❤❤Sila Turkoglu é sensacional demais ❤️❤️❤️
@mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️This phenomenal and unique couple between Halil and Sila cannot be replaced by another couple or other actors for sure. Even in happy but sad moments, the chemistry between the two actors is special. In this episode you can clearly see the love between Seher and Yaman ... but because the amnesia is between them they try hard to be together again even if they divorced.❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ninoyochishvili9434 2 жыл бұрын
@user-dw9cn3km4x 2 жыл бұрын
انسحبت سيلا 🥺🥺
@user-dw9cn3km4x 2 жыл бұрын
@ranfijasquez1623 7 ай бұрын
A mi ne gusta más después en la tercera temporada con nana 😮sila no sé pero le falta mucho
@Car3639. 2 жыл бұрын
I only know that all fans of the world deserved an happy ending …We Have suffered until this moment ,with the hope that true love's power made everything right again."…. There are few left to watch the latest episodes…..This plot have literally exhausted us….SehYam will be forever in our heart no matter what the writer has determined….Sila We love you beautiful princess 🤍💫♾ SehYam forever SONSUZ KADAR !!!!
@anug8643 2 жыл бұрын
I will gladly watch season one over and over again. And may be the happy parts of season two...Gular teyze episode for example.
@Car3639. 2 жыл бұрын
@@anug8643 totally agree!!!I make the same thing!!!!I’m really exhausted now….and then after what We have known…:For me Emanet is ended here….
@ayeayekhaing8768 2 жыл бұрын
Yes,Love them both so much our SehYam couple.We want to see happy ending💙💙💙
@anug8643 2 жыл бұрын
@@Car3639. Watching something on a screen must not be this stressful. This is not some kind of life's lessons we should learn. It is entertainment for goodness sake. Become more of a self imposed torture than relaxing and enjoying the show.
@sarak9158 2 жыл бұрын
I’m really missing Zahida this week 😭🥺 Let’s hope she comes back to us soon 🙏🏻❤️
@rabiazeeshan9091 2 жыл бұрын
Inshaa Allah We are in shocked No Sila and No Zahida
@halimaa7010 2 жыл бұрын
@@rabiazeeshan9091 yes We are but Zahida will back inchaa Allah and not Sila 💔
@manoramatripathy494 2 жыл бұрын
Me too , hope everything will be fine.
@valmirakurbini2046 2 жыл бұрын
Me too I missed her positive things she always had to say.😭😭 But I am 🙏🙏🙏🙏 that everything is ok with her family. These are very sad episodes to translate😭😭
@almudenamartingarcia2280 2 жыл бұрын
@@rabiazeeshan9091 A mi también se me rompió el 💔💔💔al saber que Sila no estará en la 3 temporada. 😢😢😢😢
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
Even in their separation their chemistry is incredible, 😍💏 both Yaman and Seher are ready again for passing this trial , with their gracefull but intense love for eachother. Halil and Sila hats off to you ❤🌹
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
Never had i seen 😐 such a chemistry separation so lovely and attractive to everyone who is watching them right now .
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
Yes..Just like Yaman had mentioned it, this divorce will mark the new beginning for both of them. When they both love each other so strongly even after divorce, no one and nothing ( other than death, God forbid) can separate them!! 😍
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
@@Topaz3138 nothing can separate them.
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
@@Topaz3138 ❤❤🌹🙏
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
@@olivianabbanja4301 ❤️🙏
@ermasusanti3246 2 жыл бұрын
It’s hard to watching Emanet again specially now Seher step by step realize if she can’t live without Yaman after they divorced 😭😭😭, I wish Sila back to emanet again to finish theirs love story, I wish the producers have big heart to solve problems between them. And I wish screenwriter changes the evil plots🥹. Happy looks Halil in the Turkish award tonight he is so handsome 🔥🔥🔥🔥🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍 but sadly can’t seen Sila in there 🥹🥹. I wish Halil and Sila have a successful in the future, they’re so talented and brilliant actors ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ayeayekhaing8768 2 жыл бұрын
SehYam's love beginning from their legacy "Yusuf", if Seher left the series that the story is meaningless😔😔😔
@manoramatripathy494 2 жыл бұрын
Heartiest congratulations to Halil nd Sila for best couple awards .Your sizzling chemistry won our hearts ,you both will remain in our hearts for ever . Wants to see you both in future projects also . Stay blessed always .
@napisahbakar9949 2 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah . insyaallah N Aminn3 ya Rabbal Alamin 🤲 insyaallah
@azzilfarooqoi9658 2 жыл бұрын
It could have been more memorable and meaningful award if they receive it together. But if i were Sila i will really come to the award night because she work hard for it.
@sunheri189 6 ай бұрын
@@azzilfarooqoi9658yes it wasn’t fair to Halil that he was left alone on the stage. It is a few minutes appearance. She could have left right after but I thought that was unprofessional on her part
@dorbysmonterrosa7421 4 ай бұрын
Pero ya a esta altura sabes por qué SILA no fue a la premiación con el títere eso es más qué obvio
@sunheri189 4 ай бұрын
@@dorbysmonterrosa7421I must say I don’t know why 😮😮😮
@madeleineartinian347 Жыл бұрын
The conversation at the balcony and how Yaman told her how he is feeling is outstanding unconditional feeling I am sure most of the fans cried. What we can not understand how they could destroy such a nice couple and story. Perfect performance full of strong feelings it is very weird to understand what they did to Emanet. I am sure most of the fans is not watching season 3 as I am even though I love Khalil but can't bear to see people around him in season 3 and repeation of the story especially with very bad performance. They ruined everything that Yaman and Seher achieved for Emanet. But fans will never forget Khalil and Saher and keep on watching seasons 1 and 2. It's a shame what they did. Khalil and Sila deserve all good in their lives and will keep on presenting fabulous work together.
@Car3639. 2 жыл бұрын
Só sei que todos os fãs do mundo mereciam um final feliz ... Nós sofremos até este momento ,com a esperança de que o poder do amor verdadeiro fez tudo certo novamente."... Há poucos à esquerda para assistir os últimos episódios..... Este enredo literalmente nos exauriu.... Sehyam estará para sempre em nosso coração não importa o que o escritor determinou.... Sila Nós te amamos linda princesa Sehyam para sempre SONSUZ KADAR !!!💫🤍♾
@josefarita485 2 жыл бұрын
Só cho que deveriam ter um pouco de consideração por nós, pós estivemos esse tempo todo torcendo por um casal feliz, é no final ó meu termina vencendo.
@elmareyusubova1111 2 жыл бұрын
@rosangelaguimaraes2978 2 жыл бұрын
Que tristeza que decepção. A atriz ter que sair da Série por abuso e maus tratos de sua personagem. A série perdeu o encanto tinha tudo pra fazer sucesso. Fiquei revoltada.
@cidalealgodoy2117 2 жыл бұрын
Tudo o contrário. Sem palavras Zuhal tinha que sair. Muito mal uma cobra Não Sila. Ela trabalha. Muito bem
@user-eg4wh6ps1t 2 жыл бұрын
Уже, смотреть, не, интересно, сехер, нетакая
@assuntalaserra5435 2 жыл бұрын
A nossa novela emanet esta começando parabéns halilll da seu troféu vc merece
@cojocarucarolina7921 2 жыл бұрын
I think we have to be honest with ourselves! This movie suits perfectly for today's generation (all the world) 🌍🌏🌎 Although everyone's got pain, problems, sorrow in their life, still they hide it very nicely and pretend as if everything's fine and first class! Forbear to judge for ..., We are ... all! This Movie shows that Love has no Language, only Feelings. One of the few movies that satisfy both men and women equally. I truly appreciate the actors' work. Bravo 👏👏👏 Great and Strong Love Story! One Love, One Heart, One Destiny! God bless you 🙏 Maşallah! 🙌💫✨️❤️🇹🇷
@mariapereirapereira8107 2 жыл бұрын
Que Autora malvada. Nós Telespectadores , principalmente Eu , sofro demais , Esse Divorcio não Vale ,Sheer está sem Memoria. e Thughu💔😥Por Favor Muda Destino de Ali , Foi Muito Sofrimento e Terminar na Pior. Sinceramente Deixando Muitoa Desejar.
@danacojocaru7050 2 жыл бұрын
Well said, Cojocaru Carolina.
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
Today, we can't appreciate Yaman enough only with the words!! How well he convinced Seher that he will be always available for her and she can call him at any time for anything and even if she just want to remain calm! 😍😍 The signs that Seher had given us, such as placing Yaman's photo in her locket, asking Yaman about how he felt after their divorce, Seher's confession that she has started to remember few incidents when she was very happy with him, all these have given us positive vibes . Just like Neslihan, we too are wondering, what sort of love is this that is in between Yaman and Seher!!! 😍😍🤔🤔
@valmirakurbini2046 2 жыл бұрын
OMG it was amazing as always. 💞💞💞💞And the balcony scene made me cry. How he told her everything. 😭😭😭😭
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
@@valmirakurbini2046 ❤️🙏 Very true. Yaman has not left anything to make Seher to understand what does she mean to him when he told her that nothing and no one can separate him from her that is inside him and she is his life! 😍😍
@amalalmohamad5983 2 жыл бұрын
بدنه ترجمه عربيه
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
@@amalalmohamad5983 ❤️🙏 Ana Asif la aerif allughat alearabiata.
@celimaraferreira2571 2 жыл бұрын
A pior coisa é trabalhar num ambiente onde vc não é valorizado SILA está serta, tem muitos fans deprimido com tanto sofrimento nessa série imagina quem tem que vestir o personagem, era só tristeza e sofrimento para a coitada da atriz
@celiapiresmedeirosdecarval653 2 жыл бұрын
Ti amamos Sila Turkoglu queremos você na terceira temporada 😘❤️
@gabrielsamfira7643 2 жыл бұрын
@inokahewage7336 2 жыл бұрын
English translation
@ioanav25 2 жыл бұрын
We will live very happy in amazing memories 🥰 about our lovely couple Seh💞Yam… 👏🏻 Big applause and many thanks to our beautiful stars Sila💫💫Halil Ibrahim … ♾️ L❤️VE
@lilispatriah1594 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan who got the best trophy in this episode, so sad, so many sweet memories to remember
@safetarizvancevic1587 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Emanet family Zahide had family emergency and she is not being able to translate We should send prayers for her and her family
@loveisbeautiful4547 2 жыл бұрын
Ok. Thank you for the information.. I have been checking every time 😌
@thetasteofarewa3228 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for letting us know may Allah make it easy for her🤲🏾
@tizianacasarini2306 2 жыл бұрын
Per tutti noi il premio di questa sera è stato vinto da due grandi professionisti, Sila e Halil.Loro hanno lavorato insieme e, loro hanno vinto insieme. Quando lui ha ritirato il premio era molto emozionato, sono certa che nel suo cuore ha pensato a Sila e che sarebbe stato felice di averla accanto in una serata che doveva essere di festa e gioia ma invece era avvolta da una tristezza infinita. Spero che il loro rapporto si chiarisca perché sono due belle persone e che non cambino travolti dal successo ♥️
@sunheri189 6 ай бұрын
@ilvaferreira8029 2 жыл бұрын
Como pode ter tantos fios soltos , como pode zuhal ficaria apenas duas cenas na série e ganhou força é inadmissível que tenha sido desta forma pode se sentir a dor , a amargura, a angústia e o descontentamento dos atores do primeiro núcleo eles já não serão mais os mesmos não haverá mais alegria os semblantes e os corações estão marcados por traços mal escritos por uma história que poderia ter sido diferente , mas a Naz resolveu descarregar toda sua frustração, amargura e doença em cima dos atores agora culpam Sila por ter erguido sua cabeça e tentar respirar fora deste lamaçal que se tornou esta série é angustiante continuar assistindo mas vou até onde Sila fizer a sua última aparição depois adeus Emanet porque não terei condições de continuar assistindo lamento pelos atores do primeiro núcleo seria ótimo se todos deixassem está série que está fadada a cair mais ainda .
@ruteborge430 2 жыл бұрын
Eu também nem tô assistindo mais. Não tem coragem nem de assistir mais porque eu sei que não vai dar em nada mesmo então eu já parei para não sofrer tanto 😔🇧🇷
@rosangeladamy4107 Жыл бұрын
Enfim é a cultura deles, não se beijam,mas não tem respeito a mulheres,a autora só mostra o nível de cultura deles,a máfia,a crueldade e falsidade.
@natividadsosa8500 Жыл бұрын
Yo estoy igual solo espero el final en que seher muere y yo también ya no la veré más lo siento x yaman y Yusuf son excelentes actores mis respeto para cada uno
@gabrielatarniceru4536 2 жыл бұрын
Well, if Seher leaves the series, let the author of this series be sure that not even the ugly and black devil is watching this series, for sure, that is, after he mentally tortured us with this amnesia of Seher, from which he no longer recovers from so much bitterness. For a long time now, in these dry and banal episodes, Seher leaves the series and then what's the point of the series? really!
@eloisaelena2452 2 жыл бұрын
Seher chorou a temporada toda. Só dor. Cadê o amor 💘 💘 💘
@anug8643 2 жыл бұрын
The title must have been "Zalim" or "Ceza" not Emanet...Cruel or Punishment may have been a better choice.
@zakialassoued1816 2 жыл бұрын
maintenant sila qui souffre de l'ingratitude de l'écrivain et de ses collègues ..
@elianeariello1807 2 жыл бұрын
SEHER o tempo todo boba chega socorro .
@mirianadelarios4743 2 жыл бұрын
"Felicitaciones" Chicos por ese Premio muy bien ganado y muy merecido. Gracias Halil por tus palabras a tu querida socia Sila, que también tenía el derecho a recibirlo contigo pero no pudo ser, aún así dijiste "Estás Aquí"😍
@mariaveras6769 Жыл бұрын
Dónde encuentro esa información? Gracias
@jolantasznajder4997 6 ай бұрын
😘😘Jamam i Seher
@nelydaclavijo 6 ай бұрын
Hasta donde leí el nunca la mencionó.....no podía además el negocio su salida de Sila...la traicionó.........nazm....le lava la cara a yaman en estos último parte de emanet para congraciarse con el espectador y quede en la t3.....pero le fallo el calculo....
@elizabetelourenco9008 2 жыл бұрын
Não me conformo com a saída da Sila 😔 não existe outra tia pra Yusuf, e outra mulher pra Yaman. Que ódio dessa escritora 😡🤬
@josysantos7129 2 жыл бұрын
Nao vou ver mais já basta 😂😂😂
@brigittekohl5279 2 жыл бұрын
Ich werde da heute garnicht mehr sagen. Im Moment finde ich Ali und Durgu besser. Von den 55 Minuten spricht Serher 30 Minuten mit sich selbst. Sehr langweilig
@ziverresulova9120 2 жыл бұрын
@@josysantos7129 uzuuuzuuzuuzuyUzzuUuuuzzuzzyuUzuzuzuuuUzyuuzuuuzzdudyYUzyUUudyUgFhzigZugggggiugxuzggufozGzgiFgzggi
@kazimieraorman6468 2 жыл бұрын
Ja też ,co za wredota.
@bharathisuppaya7591 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed all of us hate her
@rachelandersson7696 2 жыл бұрын
I think that the translators think it's a waste of time to translate such heart breaking episodes.... Yesterday and today.... I agree with you... Thank you for translating all these days.....☺️
@safetarizvancevic1587 2 жыл бұрын
Zahida had family emergency and she is not able to translate MsCleo is very working and that’s the reason
@batik7079 2 жыл бұрын
Yaman tem tantos recursos e não consegue saber quem é a amiga da Seher. Se ela não tem memória como tem amizades.
@marinamartinsde3889 2 жыл бұрын
Seher está indo para a morte para a alegria de Zuhal 🐍
@heloisasantiagodelgadosilv6100 2 жыл бұрын
É por causa desses roteiros ridículos que eles não aguentam mais e estão caindo fora, a atuação deles é maravilhosa mas o roteiro que são obrigado a seguir estraga tudo, onde já viu, ir morar com uma estranha que conhece a pouco tempo e deixar yussuf de lado, essa realmente não é a seher que conhecemos, uma total desconstrução da personagem, francamente, se eu vivesse nesse país ia processar essa produtora por ter nos feito perder precioso tempo nos enganando nos desrespeitando ,afinal, isso é um produto, como cliente me sinto enganada, feita de boboca, sabem o que é pior? É que todas nós nos sentíamos um pouco seher, é ou não é, meninas? Então não critiquem Sila por ter saído, devia estar sendo muito ruim pra ela, assim como estava sendo para nós, essa produtora não tem funcionários, eles tem marionetes que pensam que podem mexer suas cordinhas e fazerem o que quiserem, karamel nunca mais, nunca mais, nunca mais... 😣
@ruteborge430 2 жыл бұрын
Verdade 🌚
@ruteborge430 2 жыл бұрын
@@heloisasantiagodelgadosilv6100 Heloísa vc está d parabéns com seu comentário.👏eu também Processaria ela também me fez de besta de otária nos largamos o que tinha de fazer para assistir as séries eu não via a hora de chegar em casa para assistir a série 😁e agora ela faze isso com a gente😡 sem noção 🙈 mesmo 🇧🇷🇧🇷
@marinaserrano1795 2 жыл бұрын
@@marinamartinsde3889 Abéis leído el comunicado de SILA asta ahora no avía dicho nada pero su comunicado me a dejado sorprendida como pueden hacer ésto con ella y sus compañeros que pena.
@vaishalikarkhanis2578 2 жыл бұрын
The Darkest Day in the History of Emanet...Yesterday we found out SehYam is over... And today we saw that SilHal are Done!! What a heartbreak for our wonderful Fandom!!
@constantinaniculae1873 2 жыл бұрын
Nazmie today's award was for the best couple not for the best actor or actress if the reason Sila doesn't come is because she is being pressured hard ... then Karamel and Nazmie are doing nothing but proving once again how lack of ethics and professionalism they and are also that Sila is right, .. in this way we the audience and our loyality was trampled on once again our because we voted every day for them and this is our rewarded ..... just as Naxmie si Karamel disappointed and trampled on our loyalty with the script and with what they did in season 2.
@beatrizherami2952 2 жыл бұрын
Hola fans de Sila Turkoglu, he leído que la productora Karamel ha decidido demandar a Sila Turkoglu por salir de la serie y también leí un comunicado del abogado de Sila que ella fue amenazada, amedrentada y maltratada emocional y psicológicamente durante las grabaciones, lo cual no es de extrañar cuando han intentado desacreditarla y crusificarla publicamente en el comunicado de la productora donde dice que Sila dejo a la audiencia perdón pero la audiencia ya se había ido hace muchos capítulos y los pocos que siguen es en definitiva gran parte por Sila Turkoglu y Halil Ibrahim no por un guión de refritos, patético y con pésima creatividad de la seudo esctritora nazmiye yilmaz es ella la única responsable de el rotundo fracaso de EMANET y honestamente estoy a favor de la salida de Sila Turkoglu es una extraordinaria actriz y un maravilloso ser humano que brilla con luz propia, es muy joven para enterrarse en esta serie basura que lo único que va a lograr es acabar con su prometedora carrera artística. Sila Turkoglu no te rindas no estás sola tienes una gran audiencia mundial de todas edades, creencias, culturas e idiomas que nos unimos en esta serie por ti y te seguiremos y apoyaremos a dónde quiera que vayas, éxito y muchas bendiciones 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@graziellaricci8539 2 жыл бұрын
@marisaarroyovivo38 2 жыл бұрын
Exacto, si algunos vemos todavía Emanet es por Sila y Halil, pero no hay quien aguante este guión, yo incluso me rendí hace mucho, no veo los capítulos completos, solo los trailers de aquí,y creo que ya ni eso veré, lo siento por los protagonistas, pero supera mi paciencia este mal guion
@malikamohamed1118 2 жыл бұрын
Llevas mucha razón. Esta actriz brilla sola .la que se ha cargados está serie y la otra donde ha estado el actor Gokberk dimirsi . Son dos series que por culpa de esta guionista se han ido al desastre .no por culpa de los actores que son muy buenos es por esta guionista que piensa que los guiones que escribe le da audiencia . Te equivocas nasmie .la audiencia es gracias a los buenos actores que hay . Que les deseo que tengan mucha suerte y bien lejos de tus guiones .porque eres un petardo como guionista .desde España.Cayaluña ucha suerte a estos actores .🙂🙏🤲❤️
@juanasantos6714 8 ай бұрын
Sigo mirando esta serie solo por Sila y HaLil no por su contenido,ya no vale la pena
@krystyna9008 7 ай бұрын
Witam z Polski 19.01.2024.Od kilku odcinków czytam,że Sila odeszła z tego serialu,ale nie było wyjaśnień,dopiero teraz.Przychylam się do wielu opinii,że tą telenowelę oglądamy od pewnego momentu tylko i wyłącznie dla Aktorów a w szczególności Sili,Halila i Berata.Pozdrawiam i życzę pomyślności z okazji Nowego Roku.
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
Yaman while answering Seher's question : what will you do here after, he told her that he will continue his life just like before. But he thought in his mind , while looking at Seher so lovingly that he will continue to love her unconditionally!! Ah Yaman, you have been loving Seher unconditionally from the day she had taken the bullet that was meant for you till now and today you have made it clear to Seher that your only status will be always with her and nothing can separate you from her that is inside You!! 😍😍😍👏👏👏 Halil, as Yaman you amazed us with your excellent dialogues and with your superb acting!! We are fully fascinated by you!!! 😍😍👏👏👌👌
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
❤🌹Aoa, Yeah there is no doubt Halil as Yaman has special place in our hearts, we really love them both . Halil and Sila are shining stars 😍❤
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
He very strong and reasonable man 👨. Yani he believes that seher will one day know where she belongs 😉. And that us true 👍. Wow 👌
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayesham1002 they will always be our series shining ✨ stars 🌟 🤩.
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
@@olivianabbanja4301 ❤🌹 Yaman is having pure soul, such a strong faith he has in their love
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayesham1002 ❤️🙏 Yes.. I agree with you fully.
@NinoNino-oi5pj 5 ай бұрын
Ali+dygu=❤ ve yaman+seher=❤
@halimaa7010 2 жыл бұрын
How to continue to watch when are broken ? I was so addicted to this couple, to SEYAM…. we were expecting to see them getting older together with their own children, and of course their Legacy Youcef but now our hearts are broken because they destroyed SEYAM and us as viewers, fans from all over the world : we loved them so much !!!
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
🌹❤ Very true , we love Sehyam from our hearts. we are so used to them, its really heartbreaking 😥
@kathryncarlson1654 2 жыл бұрын
I have to admit I fast-forward through the Zuhal parts, and will probably miss allot of it in the future (may watch later) but I can't stomach her and her chaos in their lives. Guess I just want happiness for SehYam...❤️. The heartache in this was hard. Totally addicted to this show 😉 💔❤️💔❤️
@halimaa7010 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayesham1002 😢😢
@halimaa7010 2 жыл бұрын
@@kathryncarlson1654 💔💔💔
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
Yesterday, we all of us were worried due to SehYam's divorce. But today, Emanet team made all of us happy, by incorporating the very beautiful scenes from the old episode in today's episode!! Bravo!!! Yaman's beautiful narration of previous incident when Seher had asked him to find the missing ring and about all the sweet moments that they had shared on that day too made all of us happy today!! 🙏🙏😍😍
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
❤🌹 ofcourse, their romantic moments are so lovely one can see them againand again without getting bored , thats why Seher and Yaman are our adorable couple near to our hearts💏
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
I really wanted all the stuff to watch them while looking for the ring 💍 it was funny screen and romantic.
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayesham1002 🙏💐💜 so lovely 😍
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayesham1002 ❤️🙏 Yes...You are right!! We will never ever get bored of watching SehYam's romantic moments!! 😍
@Topaz3138 2 жыл бұрын
@@olivianabbanja4301 ❤️🙏 You wanted to watch those scenes and you got the chance to watch it!! 😀 I know which scene was funny for you. The one, in which Yaman kissed Seher on her nose! 😂😂 Am I right ?
@user-ph6ho3qt3k 2 жыл бұрын
Dear writers and production company "Caramel" bring back our princess Sila Turkoglu in season 3. This is a request of a multi-million audience from around the world. Create for Force Turgoglu those terms of the contract that are acceptable, good working conditions, decent wages. Thanks to this great talented actress, the film "Emanet" has gained worldwide fame. In her young years, she played her role at the highest level, not everyone can convey their feelings, talent, charisma, as she did in these 2 seasons. Thanks to the Force, this film has become unique. Even if you invite another actress to the role of Seher, there will not be that love chemistry, excitement, interest, rating. The film without it, lost all interest!!! Think writers, you've lost one of the talented, beautiful actresses, haven't you? Yes, it's true, a multi-million audience from around the world agrees with me. She deserves an Oscar. Don't sue her, she doesn't deserve it, thanks to her your company has sold this film to screenings in 19 countries around the world. Is not it? Gentlemen, screenwriters, be prudent, honest, finally show your humanity to the Power of Turkoglu! Give her the "Best Couple of the Year" award that she didn't get because of your misunderstandings, she deserves it. There is one of the biblical commandments "Do not judge, and you will not be judged!" Return our beauty in season 3 "Emanet" if your company has even a drop of conscience, truthfulness left!!! Give her the "Best Couple of the Year" award that she didn't get because of your misunderstandings, she deserves it. There is one of the biblical commandments "Do not judge, and you will not be judged!" Return our beauty in season 3 "Emanet" if your company has even a drop of conscience, truthfulness left!!!
@rabiazeeshan9091 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks alot.your each and every word is true.
@sandramariaviana1694 Жыл бұрын
Concordo plenamente! Bravo 👏👏🤍🤍🇧🇷
@reginagoncalves3826 2 жыл бұрын
Que bom que hoje foi mais leve o episódio! Essa série sempre vai estar no meu coração ❤️ porque ninguém vai esquecer Yaman e Seher dois atores que simplesmente deu vida a série com sua química e olhares entre os dois atores.sila e Halil estão de parabéns por sua atuação maravilhoso! Desejo a Sila tudo de bom nessa nova caminhada dela . E Halil força para enfrentar todas as provações que Deus continue abençoando sempre vcs 🙏 .
@atasadiqov3325 2 жыл бұрын
@rahmanbagirov9128 2 жыл бұрын
ırkı ıkrıgılgojkyekkgökdöçfçclföokförökööfkflfllfölflörökkrkkkkköölrkkktkkukrlllrokkellrlkgljrkı🤨🙆😉😉😉🙆😉🙆🧐🧐🙂🥰🥰
@rahmanbagirov9128 2 жыл бұрын
@@atasadiqov3325 kırllf krhhdjfmöölrdldcfölfööfööflfloflkföfklflflflglkıflflfkkfkgkfkkkklgffkkyūhljrıllıuuılnčklglbbnvčhdmkrmmfpt
@zakialassoued1816 2 жыл бұрын
Halil 😮 il m'a choquée quel trahi
@marciafelipe1309 2 жыл бұрын
Gostei de ver Seher colocar a foto do Yamam de volta no colar, ela começou a lembrar que o ama. Que Deus ajude que ela volta a lembrar dos momentos bons que tiveram.
@socorrorocha5927 2 жыл бұрын
Hallil é Sila deixaram de se seguir nas redes sociais.
@elisaft2196 2 жыл бұрын
@@socorrorocha5927 Mais gente o que será que houve? estão falando que ele só usou ela, vou começar acreditar nessa possibilidade.
@marinaserrano1795 2 жыл бұрын
@@socorrorocha5927 Si pero ya hace un tiempo de esto ella lo quito de su cuenta para no perjudicar lo con sus problemas, a demás HALIL tiempo atrás izo un comentario que en las grabaciones SILA pasaba mucho frío porque le acian llevar ropa de poco abrigo todos sabemos que tipo de ropa la han puesto siempre. Pero los actores masculino siempre llevan ropa de más abrigo las hermanas serpiente menudas chaquetas y abrigos llevaban pero Esther como era la tía pobre parece que su papel de protagonista le a echó pasarlo mal. SILA a echó bien en dejar la serie es muy joven y una GRAN ACTRIZ lo a demostrado en está serie que podía a ver sido mucho mejor ,la mayoría de los/as seguidores emos seguido por SILA Y HALIL LAS ESCENAS DE ELLOS SON INSUPERABLES, RESUMIENDO EMANET SO SEHER YAMAN YUSUF SIYA . YUSUF ME ENCANTA CON QUE NATURALIDAD ACTÚA, REALMENTE ESTÁ SERIE TIENE UN ELENCO DE ACTORES ESCELENTE LES DESEÓ SUERTE A PESAR DE LAS CONDICIONES EN LAS QUE TRABAJAN.
@jaynealmeida5353 2 жыл бұрын
@@elisaft2196 são comentário de pessoas negativas, invejosas. Os dois fizeram um ótimo trabalho. Se eles pararam de se seguir nas redes sociais, foi só para se preservarem das más línguas.
@tania_hic_vzlafc Жыл бұрын
Las escenas en el hospital fueron epicas, todos preocuoados por Duygu Ibi, Kara, firat, Ali triste por Duygu, con miedo de repetir la historia de Kiras, verlo sufrir me partio el corazon, Yasemi se dio cuenta de su error. 👏 ya era hora de que valore a su hermana. Yaman y Seher hermosos, ellos pueden transmitir cualquier sentimiento, ya sea tristeza, felicidad, con solo una mirada o un gesto se siente tan real sin duda, emanet tiene excelente actores.
@maldoori238 2 жыл бұрын
A superb magnificent performance from Halil and Sila, especially Halil emotions beyond words to describe, and expressions that grips the heart and attention. Superb! Brilliant! That’s why he so deserves to be best actor Bravo Bravo 🏆🏆🏆🏆💐💐💐👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹Missing Sila at the ceremony
@fatimamendes4941 2 жыл бұрын
Hoje foi mais triste que ontem, não aguento vê tanto sofrimento dos dois casais.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, Ainda que no final a comissária voltou!
@rabiazeeshan9091 2 жыл бұрын
May Allah grant Sila happy healthy long and prosperous life Aameen 🤲😊🎂🌹🌸❤️ Justice for Sila
@udbiabdi742 2 жыл бұрын
Amiin yaa Allah.
@stxpolaris 2 жыл бұрын
Today's conversations between Seher and Yaman were so accurate for the current situation 🥺💔
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
When seher said that she loves yaman kalimil so much ,💮🌸💐 I wish yaman was behind the door 🚪 🙂🙂 like he does .their love ❤ is so strong 💪 and connected ❤ 💙 💖. When both were looking for the ring 💍 😍, they looked stunning and funny I really loved it and very screen if theirs today 😍 ❤ .I'm missing yaman's smiling 😃 eyes 👀 with full of love ❤.
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
🌹❤Exactly, the charm and magic both created on screen is incredible , they just win our hearts, Sehyam will always be lived in our hearts❤😍
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayesham1002 🙏💜💐 so great and talented 👏 👌.
@brendamaharaj4912 2 жыл бұрын
@MariaConceicao-bo2ng 2 жыл бұрын
Eu não consigo acreditar que o casal mais lindo da TV não vão estar mais na 3 temporada
@raquelgomesdasilvagomes Жыл бұрын
Mim desculpe mas a outra não tem essa química.
@anitacotton1344 2 жыл бұрын
I just wanted to say that they acting skills of Halil & Sila have far surpassed any previous team I have watched. When i see them together talking or saying nothing but showing their love, anger, pain, happiness etc the electricity that flies between them gives me goosebumps & tears . I have never felt this with many actors & certainly not as couples. Inspite of trashy scripts these two actors carry the show. For Kanal 7 to not recognize this & respect them both makes them the fools.
@safetarizvancevic1587 2 жыл бұрын
Rayan and Miran from Hercai where amazing
@anug8643 2 жыл бұрын
The production house is so small minded that they did not allow Sila to attend a award ceremony meant for her and Halil quoting legalities. I am glad in a way that Sila is leaving this crappy production house. I hope Halil will follow her. 🤞🏽 Both of them deserve better.
@anitacotton1344 2 жыл бұрын
@@anug8643 absolutely. Im with you !!!!
@anitacotton1344 2 жыл бұрын
@@anug8643 Hello my friend. How was ur weekend. I worked alot but am.off for 3 days. Nice to relax & get caught up with my friends. I am sad as I don't have a really great drama to watch. The last 2 were short , The Raven & Hercai I looked but nothing caught my attention Do u have any more sujestions. Hope u are doing well
@anug8643 2 жыл бұрын
@@anitacotton1344 Hello Anita. My weekend was slow and relaxed....made smores with kids and got sugar high🤣....will think again before eating those. Getting too old for all those camping snacks I guess😜 I finally watched today's Emanet episode. Kinda reminded me of #98 and #99. Was a breath of fresh air after traumatic couple of weeks. Did you watch Inadana ask and Dolunay? They are light and funny romcoms. Askin tarifi is also nice with no traumatic scenes in it. I liked it. I am watching HIndi dubbed version of Cesur ve Guzel but am getting bored with it. Not going anywhere with very little story development and again with villain getting upper hand. I watched a couple of Indian movies on Netflix and Amazon prime.
@carolinatrindade1905 2 жыл бұрын
.Nunca vi uma novela com tanto sofrimento, agente entra em depressão.
@celiatoledo8482 2 жыл бұрын
@valeriapereira5689 2 жыл бұрын
No próximo episódio a Desnecessária Zuhal parece que vai oferecer a casa dela para a Seher...o cúmulo! herdar uma fortuna e ir viver numa casa simples com alguém que mal conhece mas confia...sair da família...enfim já não existem palavras para definir um roteiro desses.Tanto desrespeito com o público e os atores deveria ser visto por alguém com consciência e poder para mudar essa história que poderia ser linda.
@elizabetelourenco9008 2 жыл бұрын
Escritora que não sabe escrever uma novela, Dá nisso. 😡
@cristinapiresmuniz492 2 жыл бұрын
Pra ver como ela rscreve muito mal. Falta coerência e criatividade.
@nilvapereira5664 2 жыл бұрын
Ranço dessa Naz sem falar na louca da zurral
@marinaserrano1795 2 жыл бұрын
Estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que escribes no es justo lo que están haciendo una istoria tan bonita y que forma de estropear todo lo anterior . Emos seguido por SILA y HALIL si ella no sigue no será lo mismo perderá muchos seguidores suponiendo que no se valla también HALIL normal mente suele ser así con está escritora y productora que es la misma.
@migdonipineda3966 2 жыл бұрын
With all those Millions...Seher should go find herself in another city, or country...while she is confused🤔
@Raison-ot5fq 2 жыл бұрын
@ Zahida Propal may God strengthen you and your family at such time. My 🙏🙏🙏🙏 for you.
@marciafelipe1309 2 жыл бұрын
A sena do Yamam e Seher na sala procurando a linhaça foi muito emocinante. Poderiamos ter mais cenas assim com nosso casal e voltarem ser uma nova família.
@sharonbratslavsky982 2 жыл бұрын
This is torture
@elianeariello1807 2 жыл бұрын
SEHER o tempo todo abobado. Enjoado
@bessieguevarra5272 2 жыл бұрын
I ' m watching emanet legacy because of sila and halil,i like the chemistry of seher and yaman ..without seher nothing
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
Seher's oooooffffff sounded very clear to her that she really made a wrong decision so sad 😞 but don't worry he still loves you as always ❤ ♥ 💙 💖.
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
❤🌹🙂 Yaman ❤ Seher , we are witness of their beautiful love
@olivianabbanja4301 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayesham1002 certainly we are and always we will 💐🙏💜
@halimaa7010 2 жыл бұрын
So Sila didn’t go to the reward ceremony, she posted videos of Halil : but we voted for the couple and even this , she can’t enjoy it !
@ayesham1002 2 жыл бұрын
❤🌹Allah bless them both Halil and Sila❤
@grazielaasaad4603 2 жыл бұрын
Today was supposed to be a happy day! A day when our favorite couple is rewarded for their talent and hard work. A validation on our part of those who voted for them that we appreciate their effort and dedication. Unfortunately, today we cannot enjoy this success because all this diabolical scenario of a psychopath left us with great pain in our souls. I have never seen a series more traumatic than this. We are sad, very sad. We love you our dear Halil and Sila! You are wonderful and you will remain in our souls forever. We wish you all the best in life because you really deserve it.
@masumasomji302 Жыл бұрын
Ufff Yaman Ufff ❤ “I will continue to love you unconditionally “ your words made this episode worth watching for me
@bandanajoseph9187 Жыл бұрын
The brightest part of the drama is seeing Yaman &Saher together in this loving moments, and its so rare.. Love you HALIL IBRAHIM. you and SILA are perfect match.
@sophielagirafe8390 2 жыл бұрын
It’s SCARY to think that Seher will be gone son since she won’t be around for the 3rd season !,!!
@amarjeetkaur3935 2 жыл бұрын
Quit the series is the best all of us
@safetarizvancevic1587 2 жыл бұрын
No SILA no Emanet
@emiramirojevic5909 2 жыл бұрын
I will try to watch the episode today. I couldn't for the last two. All this is sad. I have nothing more to look for here, but I stare at my cell phone every night. I hope for something good, and I know that everything has already failed and ended. We saw that it was hard for the actors, Sila was freezing, her hands were always red. She and Halil are tired, you can see it on their faces. In the clips behind the camera they are always wrapped in blankets. The working conditions were horrible, but they acted as if they were in an American A production. Everything will be revealed. Justice always wins💔💔💔💔
@nicolealfonso757 2 жыл бұрын
Yes i do the same I stare at the phone on Instagram and Twitter hoping Same thing good new will come but things are getting worst everyday I wish sila never experienced all harsh things.
@emiramirojevic5909 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicolealfonso757 That's right. I've been looking for new news about Sila and Halil all day. Pathology at work, maybe I need a mini Dr. Aziz too🥺🥺🥺
@s.i3434 2 жыл бұрын
Same here , I pray and wish that writer n production team just become humble and apologize to Seher full fill her demands and continue the show with Sila. Believe me the writer n director will gain a lot of respect with millions of peoples blessings otherwise they will doomed. Karma will be waiting for them
@emiramirojevic5909 2 жыл бұрын
@@s.i3434 Or at least they agreed to end the season peacefully and everyone shook hands and continued in peace, each in his own way. Thus, all that is happening in and around Emanet, Sila and Halil has become very painful to watch. To stand on someone's side, to insult Halil or Sila, I think is completely unnecessary. Everyone has their reasons, we are all human. Very ugly things should not have happened in reality. They tortured us enough with a horrible scenario. We endured everything and did not get what we hoped for the most, a happy ending.The real culprit is the production, they destroyed everything😔😔😔😔
@mariarosapantoja4072 2 жыл бұрын
No puedo creer al extremo que ha llevado la historia de amor entre Sheger y Yaman. la guionista de EMANET y como estos dos grandes actores han aceptado protagonizar estos capítulos que no son lo que esperábamos de ellos, no creo que sea por dinero. No puedo entender como la ofenden a Sheger volviendola amiga de Zuhal y creyéndole todo a ella más no a YAMAN. Está perdiendo interés está novela y seguramente muchos fans, que pena.
@doloresfernandeznunez6842 2 жыл бұрын
Pues si que da pena sean cargado la serie y sin Sila no hay Emanet 🙏🏼🙏🏼🤦‍♂️
@dilciarodriguez109 Жыл бұрын
Estoy de acuerdo era una series trenda hasta k. Ganó el mal . La escritora tiene problemas psicólogo como todas las novelas turca empiezan bonita y terminan donde siempre triunfa el k depsecion con esta series me inmagino k perdió el 85 por siento de lo seguidores
@jadwigawrobel5588 8 ай бұрын
Zgadzam się całkowicie nie wiem czy oglądała Pani więzień miłości. Też koniec byl bez sensu. Główni bohaterowie zginęli w pożarze. ❤
@lizacorreia5091 7 ай бұрын
Gente os escritores turcas , tem problema em preservar a felicidades, já havia notado, já assiti algumas série turcas seus protagonista a maioria morrem finais trágicos. Os escritores são cheios de crueldade ódio ,tradição, muita das vezes eles não conseguem transmitir um amor que eles colocam no início da série, nota zero pro escritores turcos😂.
@MariaLuiza-yo6mm 2 жыл бұрын
" É...a perda de memória quase me matou,mas os flashes sufocam-me...mas, sinceramente,a diferença não é assim tão grande."😞
@mariaandnickdean8586 2 жыл бұрын
And Zuhal still around , that kill me completely 😔
@jemDstables 2 жыл бұрын
Admiration for Sila for standing up for herself. I do hope they don’t bring in another actress to play a love interest for Yaman after Seher leaves (probably dies 🤷🏼‍♀️?). That would completely undo the character of Yaman that has been so carefully developed …. RIP Emanet. I’m out
@lanlindramafan7685 2 жыл бұрын
I'm still holding on for a little while but if that does happen really then I'm also out.
@mamn3032 2 жыл бұрын
Ooo mi Comisario si fuerte y veras como se recupera mi Comisario Duygu
@MO-rg4ti 2 жыл бұрын
I have never been saddened in my life like I am feeling this week, because of what happened to this series especially between Sila and kalil. Even when my parents passed away in the same week, I got different kinds of sadness. But with this, I felt like I got robbed, lost 😞 something really precious to me😢😩, abandoned and left alone😔😔😔
@sarachgonzl 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way it’s an a indescribable sadness I been crying almost all afternoon try to figure it out what happened why I feel this sad but really I can’t .
@MO-rg4ti 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarachgonzl I hope everything will be ok between all of them, especially Sila and Halil also we get over this sadness😪
@rabiazeeshan9091 2 жыл бұрын
Rest in peace
@MO-rg4ti 2 жыл бұрын
@@rabiazeeshan9091 but I am not dead yet
@patriciabradberry3118 2 жыл бұрын
You’re not alone honey, we have spent hours watching this series and we are all very disappointed in the writers. Also disappointed by the way Sila was treated. The fans are really the ones who have been treated bad. What a shame😔
@mariahernandez-es2rx 2 жыл бұрын
firat por fin llegaste pense que nazmiye te habia sacado de a serie seria bueno que firat hable con seher y le aclre lo del disparo para que seher confie plenamente en yaman y se disipen toda sus dudas
@isabellahtun2653 2 жыл бұрын
Summary for episode 383, 1. SEHER not confident on her own and confused herself to be alone , Yaman-- you are not alone , call me any time, I will always there for you. 2. Questions on Yaman bey, how he deals with the separation. YAMAN-- you are not part of my life but you are my life, ERES MI VIDAS ♥ 💖. You are my forever always. Glad that SEHER confess her love for Yaman, place back Yaman 's photo in her locked with Yusuf, close to her heart. 3. Doctor Aziz crush on SEHER, keep the tissues. He is smiles when Nazil gave the news of SEHER divorce. 4. Glad SEHER care for the ring, looking for seriously. Yaman flashback when he miss place his wedding ring and SEHER very much serious and asked him to looking for immediately. Heartbreaking sense when Yaman would like to put the ring on SEHER finger 😢 😔. LEGACY == Flashback 😃 😊I don't understand, scriptwriter at all. Why making SEHER character, if she love Yaman Kirimli so much, how come making her demand for divorce? I see through the perspective of scriptwriter, the past abusiive of Yaman, cause SEHER doubtful and plus the toxic of ZUZU, create untrue dreams, making SEHER in poor decisions making, confused, untrust on Yaman, on the top let Sila in bad place. The production of Emanet let Both Turkish and international viewers down and underestimate. 😔 😟
@yolandapapadopoulou715 2 жыл бұрын
It's really frustrating to watch emanet after the news of Sila. As many wrote here,we deserved a happy ending. After all this suffering pain bad people always winning,we really hoped for happiness. Naz really hates people being happy, hates women and even her ethnicity. She depicts Turkish people as smugglers, traitors, members of the mafia, killers,easy to be bribed. Good women as naive, stupid easy to Fool. Bad women genius, ready to do anything to win. Even yaman a clever rich businessman couldn't understand anything that was happening in his home. In the psycho world of Naz ,be a Sila. Even if she is young, she is brave to say enough. I wish her a successful career and personal happiness. She deserves it. Emanet is finished for me. I will finish this story in my mind with the two of them together happy with their children and Yousuf. I have the right to dream of happiness and love in the world. After all we have to believe in something to carry on.
@safetarizvancevic1587 2 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely right
@rabiazeeshan9091 2 жыл бұрын
I have been crying for 2 days.we are attached with them and now Naz cruel destroyed her and us also. First they destroyed Seher beautiful character, her clothes, her makeup and they are destroying her career.they are evils
@yolandapapadopoulou715 2 жыл бұрын
@@rabiazeeshan9091 So true. I must admit that for so many episodes,we witnessed the destruction of seher character. I wondered many times for her hair and makeup. She seemed sloppy. They tried to destroy her beauty.
@aineomugishasarah1314 2 жыл бұрын
To hell with Naz and his scripts, we will see Sila in other series
@mamn3032 2 жыл бұрын
Oooo por fin ha venido Firat , esperamos que pronto ayude a mi 🌼🌼🌼🌼
@encarnanion9689 2 жыл бұрын
Ahora Seher se dio cuenta de q está enamorada de Yaman, y volvio a poner la foto de él en el otro lado vacío del relicario.
@ligianovelodesouza1461 2 жыл бұрын
Meu total apoi a atriz Sila Torkoglu sucesso em seus novos impreedimentos garota va ser feliz vc e uma mulher linda e cheia de talento .pra ficar neste personagem que nao caminha pra lado nem.porque a Naz nao quer. 👍😜😜😜🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷😘👏👏👏Sila Torkoglu parabens ao cadal da novela .pelo premio que iram receber
@marciafelipe1309 2 жыл бұрын
Seher não pode ir morar com a Zuhal. Isso séria uma vitória para Zuhal, mas ela têm que ser pega para ser punida de todas maudades que fez as pessoas do bem. Affff
@razanibrahim9250 2 жыл бұрын
يمان ترك لها الكثير من العقارات .. لماذا لا تعيش في واحد منهم .. لماذا تذهب إلى زوهال بالتحديد ؟؟ .. بالفعل الكاتبة مختلة عقليا
@sandrareginasorrilha7688 2 жыл бұрын
Que término mais inaceitável heim...o legado que é a criança foi deixado de lado. Divórcio até é compreensível, porém a autora não pensou no legado a quem a protagonista tanto lutou. Decepcionante 😔! Triste 😢! Incoerência de enredo 😞
@niakusniati6697 2 жыл бұрын
sutradara dan penulis yang egois saya berharap sila dan Halil akan ada proyek yang mempertemukan mereka kembali dengan naskah yang lebih menyenangkan
@isabellysantiago907 2 жыл бұрын
@natividadsosa8500 Жыл бұрын
😡😡😡😡🥵🥵😊🥵😡😡😡🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵estoy indignada
@mariacristinateixeiramende5546 2 жыл бұрын
Troféu de Halil muito merecido Tá difícil aguentar até os comentários Até as opiniões são desanimadoras Autora continua dando demasiada importância para zuhal e o psicólogo Essa escritora tem o coração negro demais Será que é filha de alguma maldição?
@elidepires 2 жыл бұрын
from Elzbieta Betlej (translation in English, her, Portuguese and Spanish, me) Summary: Zuzu calls to Seher. Seher tells her upset everything is over. Zuzu is as always supportive and tries to convince her it is all for the best and she is there for her for the help. She tells her she though of renting the house in her neighbourhood. Seher cries because she has nowhere to go, no job nothing. What is she cannot do it? She remembers how she wanted to go and Yaman was all supportive to her. Yaman visits crying Seher. Seher tells him she is afraid she will not cope with the changes. He assures her she will never be alone. He will be always there for her. If she ever cuts her finger, or if her sink ever get broken, if her cornice ever fall or a chair get broken she is to call him. If she ever feel overwhelmed - she tells him to come. When she asks him what will he do now - he answers : I will continue to love you unconditionally. He covers her hands and says: I am assuming you now, know you are not alone now. Seher goes to Yusuf to put him to bed. She assures him her love to him will not change even if she will live away. Evening. Seher and Yaman stands outside. Seher comes to Yaman and tells him she wants to be for him too, but he does not let her by closing the topic. Yaman then tells her how much he misses her every second of his existence, he says: you are not just the part of my life. You are my life. Nothing can separate me from you. She is not aware of it, but she is inseparable part of his life. She is his only reason of his existence. No her means no him. I have only one status, and that is with you. Seher is excited before going to sleep, she realized how deep is Yaman’s love to her. Seher puts back the picture of Yaman in her medaillon. She says: I found where I belonged just when I am drifting away. I love you so much Yaman Kirimli. Yaman touches his wedding rings saying he will not let her go. He remembers their intimate moments. Seher sits and marvels at Yaman’s words that divorce is their new beginning of finding each other. She goes with the wedding ring and drops it on the stairs. Yaman hears that and comes to her side. Seher tells him she dropped her wedding ring. Yaman helps her find it and tells her how he lost his ring once and she was very upset because of it. He tells her how they stayed alone and he left it in the kitchen. He tells her there were many things he wanted to do with her. Neslihan spotes them and comments they love each other so much. Seher asks him what if she cannot find it? She wants to find it now. Yaman stops her saying how he found it and she was sleeping because of sleeping pills. And how he woke her with a note, not him. Seher asks further but Yaman fells silent. He tells her that was directing her to boat. Seher concludes the accident happened when they were the happiest. Yaman assures her they will be happy again. Seher asks about the proposal, and he explains he wanted to propose with all his feelings he had for her. He tells her then how he took secretly her ring and how was she upset. She answers the sad thing turned out then to the nice surprise. Yaman spots then wedding ring, gives it to her hands and wishes her good night. Goofy Squad: Ali blames himself for keeping silent and not being able to protect her. Now she is gone. Suddenly Duygu ghost appears and talks with Ali, she asks him will he go the easy way in blaming himself and giving up? She doesn’t believe what is she hearing bc Ali she knows always fights and finds the way, always helps everyone and never gives up even in the most difficult moment. She asks him: will you give up now? And she disappears. Ali remembers doctor saying the man who shot Duygu is in the hospital and decides to interrogate him. He declares he will find and punish those who did that to her. Firat comes by and asks for the improvement. Ibo says that no. Firat asks about Ali condition. Kara answers he is bad and he went out hearing about critical condition. Firat says he came back hearing from Aunt the news and he went as quickly as he could, he says to find Ali. He found himself and is going to the hit man. Gang goes to stop him but he locks himself and gets the confession out of the guy that they got someone from the inside. Ali orders to find the informant, Yasemin hears it. She knows, she is finished if Ali gets her. Ayten runs that something is wrong with Duygu. Nurse runs saying they have blue code for Duygu (meaning her heart stopped). Yasemin drops Duygu’s belongings and cries she killed her own sister. Everyone sees the fight for the life of Duygu and Ali screams NOO! Hearing her heart stops. Duygu starts breathing after a moment. Yasemin cries for the forgiveness, and remember all the good times with Duygu. She sees the gun and decides to kill Ertugul and settle the score.
@elidepires 2 жыл бұрын
de Elzbieta Betlej (tradução em inglês, ela, português e espanhol, eu) Resumo: Zuzu chama Seher. Seher diz que está chateada e que tudo acabou. Zuzu como sempre é solidária e tenta convencer de que tudo é para o melhor e que ela está para ajudar. Ela conta que pensou em alugar uma casa em seu bairro. Seher chora porque não tem para onde ir, sem emprego, sem nada. O que ela pode fazer? Ela lembra de que quer ir e do apoio de Yaman. Yaman visita Seher chorando. Seher diz a ele que tem medo de não saber lidar com as mudanças. Ele garante que ela nunca estará sozinha. Que pode contar com ele sempre. Se ela cortar o dedo, ou se a pia entupir, se a cornija cair ou uma cadeira quebrar, ela deve ligar para ele. Se ela se sentir sobrecarregada - ela diz a ele para ir. Quando ela pergunta o que ele vai fazer agora - ele responde: Eu continuarei te amando incondicionalmente. Ele cobre as mãos dela e diz: Estou supondo que você agora, sabe que não está sozinha. Seher vai até Yusuf para colocá-lo na cama. Ela garante a ele que seu amor por ele não mudará, mesmo que ela esteja longe. Á noite. Seher e Yaman estão na sacada. Seher vai até Yaman e diz que quer ficar com ele, e ele não deixa ficando calado. Yaman então diz a ela o quanto ele sente falta dela a cada segundo de sua existência, ele diz: você não é apenas parte da minha vida. Você é minha vida. Nada pode me separar de você. Ela não está ciente disso, mas ela é parte inseparável de sua vida. Ela é a única razão de sua existência. Não, ela significa, não ele. Eu tenho apenas um status, e esse é com você. Seher está animada antes de dormir, ela percebeu o quão profundo é o amor de Yaman por ela. Seher coloca de volta a foto de Yaman em seu medalhão. Ela diz: Eu encontrei onde eu pertenço justamente quando estou me afastando. Eu te amo muito Yaman Kirimli. Yaman toca em sua aliança dizendo que não vai deixá-la ir. Ele lembra de seus momentos íntimos. Seher senta e fica maravilhada com as palavras de Yaman de que o divórcio é o novo começo para se encontrarem. Ela sai com a aliança e a deixa cair na escada. Yaman ouve e vem para junto dela. Seher diz que deixou cair sua aliança. Yaman ajuda a encontrar e conta como ele perdeu sua aliança uma vez e ela ficou muito brava por causa disso. Ele conta a ela como eles ficaram sozinhos e ele deixou na cozinha. Ele diz a ela que havia muitas coisas que ele queria fazer com ela. Neslihan os vê e comenta que eles se amam muito. Seher pergunta a ele e se ela não encontrar? Ela quer encontrar agora. Yaman a impede de dizer como ele encontrou e ela estava dormindo por causa das pílulas para dormir que tomou pensando que eram analgésicos. E como ele a acordou com um bilhete, não ele. Seher pergunta mais, e Yaman fica em silêncio. Ele diz a ela que a estava direcionando para o barco. Seher conclui que o acidente aconteceu quando eles estavam mais felizes. Yaman garante a ela que eles serão felizes novamente. Seher pergunta sobre a proposta, e ele explica que queria propor com todos os seus sentimentos por ela. Ele diz a ela então como ele pegou secretamente seu anel e como ela estava chateada. Ela responde o que era triste acabou em agradável surpresa. Yaman vê então a aliança de casamento, coloca nas mãos e deseja boa noite. Esquadrão Pateta: Ali se culpa por ficar em silêncio e não ser capaz de protegê-la. Agora ela se foi. De repente, o fantasma de Duygu aparece e fala com Ali, ela pergunta se ele vai pelo caminho mais fácil de se culpar e desistir? Ela não acredita no que está ouvindo porque Ali, ela sabe que, sempre luta e encontra o caminho, sempre ajuda a todos e nunca desiste nem nos momentos mais difíceis. Ela pergunta: você vai desistir agora? E ela desaparece. Ali lembra do médico dizendo que o homem que atirou em Duygu está no hospital e decide interrogá-lo. Ele declara que vai encontrar e punir aqueles que fizeram isso com ela. Firat vem e pergunta sobre o estado de Duygu, se está melhor. Ibo diz que não. Firat pergunta sobre a condição de Ali. Kara responde que ele está mal e saiu quando ouviu sobre estado crítico. Firat diz que voltou e ouviu a notícia pela tia e foi o mais rápido que pôde, para encontrar Ali. Ele o encontrou e está indo para o assassino. Gang vai para detê-lo, mas ele se tranca e consegue a confissão do cara que eles pegaram alguém de dentro. Ali ordena encontrar o informante, Yasemin ouve. Ela sabe, ela está acabada se Ali a pegar. Ayten corre que algo está errado com Duygu. A enfermeira corre dizendo que eles têm código azul para Duygu (o que significa que seu coração parou). Yasemin deixa cair os pertences de Duygu e chora que ela matou sua própria irmã. Todo mundo vê a luta pela vida de Duygu e Ali grita NÃO! ao ouvir o coração dela parar. Duygu começa a respirar depois de um momento. Yasemin chora pelo perdão e lembra de todos os bons momentos com Duygu. Ela vê a arma e decide matar Ertugul e acertar as contas.
@elidepires 2 жыл бұрын
de Elzbieta Betlej (traducción al inglés, ella, portugués y español, I) Resumen: Zuzu llama a Seher. Seher dice que está molesta y que todo ha terminado. Como de costumbre, Yuzu la apoya y trata de convencerla de que todo es para bien y que ella está ahí para ayudar. Dice que pensó en alquilar una casa en su barrio. Seher llora porque no tiene adónde ir, ni trabajo, ni nada. ¿Qué puede hacer ella? Ella recuerda que quiere ir y el apoyo de Yaman. Yaman visita a Seher llorando. Seher le dice que tiene miedo de no poder manejar los cambios. Él le asegura que nunca estará sola. Que siempre puedes contar con él. Si se corta un dedo, o si el fregadero se atasca, si se cae la cornisa o se rompe una silla, debe llamarlo. Si se siente abrumada, le dice que se vaya. Cuando ella le pregunta qué va a hacer él ahora, él responde: Te seguiré amando incondicionalmente. Él cubre sus manos y dice: Supongo que ahora sabes que no estás solo. Seher acude a Yusuf para acostarlo. Ella le asegura que su amor por él no cambiará, aunque ella esté lejos. La noche. Seher y Yaman están en el balcón. Seher va a Yaman y le dice que quiere estar con él y que no lo dejará ir. Yaman luego le dice cuánto la extraña cada segundo de su existencia, él dice: no eres solo parte de mi vida. Vos sos mi vida. Nada puede separarme de ti. Ella no es consciente de ello, pero es parte inseparable de su vida. Ella es la única razón de su existencia. No, ella quiere decir, él no. Solo tengo un estado, y eso depende de ti. Seher está emocionada antes de acostarse, se ha dado cuenta de lo profundo que es el amor de Yaman por ella. Seher vuelve a guardar la foto de Yaman en su relicario. Ella dice: He encontrado donde pertenezco justo cuando me estoy alejando. Te amo mucho Yaman Kirimli. Yaman toca su anillo diciendo que no la dejará ir. Recuerda sus momentos íntimos. Seher se sienta y se maravilla con las palabras de Yaman de que el divorcio es el nuevo comienzo para que se encuentren. Ella se va con el anillo y lo deja caer en las escaleras. Yaman escucha y se acerca a ella. Seher dice que se le cayó el anillo. Yaman ayuda a encontrarlo y le cuenta cómo perdió su anillo una vez y ella se enojó mucho por eso. Él le dice que estaban solos y la dejó en la cocina. Él le dice que había muchas cosas que quería hacer con ella. Neslihan los ve y comenta que se quieren mucho. Seher le pregunta qué pasa si no lo encuentra. Ella quiere encontrarlo ahora. Yaman le impide decir cómo la encontró y ella estaba durmiendo debido a las pastillas para dormir que tomó pensando que eran analgésicos. Y cómo la despertó con una nota, no él. Seher pregunta más y Yaman se queda en silencio. Él le dice que la estaba dirigiendo al bote. Seher concluye que el accidente ocurrió cuando estaban más felices. Yaman le asegura que volverán a ser felices. Seher pregunta sobre la propuesta y él explica que quería proponerle matrimonio con todos sus sentimientos por ella. Luego le cuenta cómo le quitó el anillo en secreto y lo molesta que estaba. Ella responde que lo triste terminó en una grata sorpresa. Yaman luego ve el anillo de bodas, lo pone en sus manos y dice buenas noches. Goofy Squad: Ali se culpa a sí mismo por guardar silencio y no poder protegerla. Ahora ella se ha ido. De repente, el fantasma de Duygu aparece y habla con Ali, ella le pregunta si tomará el camino fácil de culparse a sí mismo y rendirse. Ella no cree lo que está escuchando porque Ali, ella lo sabe, siempre lucha y encuentra el camino, siempre ayuda a todos y nunca se rinde ni en los momentos más difíciles. Ella pregunta: ¿vas a rendirte ahora? Y ella desaparece. Ali recuerda que el médico dijo que el hombre que le disparó a Duygu está en el hospital y decide interrogarlo. Él declara que encontrará y castigará a quienes le hicieron esto. Firat llega y pregunta por el estado de Duygu, si está mejor. Ibo dice que no. Firat pregunta por el estado de Ali. Kara responde que él no se encuentra bien y se fue cuando se enteró de una condición crítica. Firat dice que regresó y escuchó las noticias de su tía y fue lo más rápido que pudo para encontrar a Ali. Lo encontró y se dirige hacia el asesino. Gang va a detenerlo, pero él se encierra y obtiene la confesión del tipo de que atraparon a alguien adentro. Ali ordena encontrar al informante, Yasemin escucha por casualidad. Ella sabe, está acabada si Ali la atrapa. Ayten dice que algo anda mal con Duygu. La enfermera entra corriendo diciendo que tienen el código azul para Duygu (lo que significa que su corazón se ha detenido). Yasemin deja caer las pertenencias de Duygu y llora que ella mató a su propia hermana. Todos ven la lucha por la vida de Duygu y Ali grita ¡NO! escuchar su corazón detenerse. Duygu comienza a respirar después de un momento. Yasemin llora pidiendo perdón y recuerda todos los buenos momentos con Duygu. Ella ve el arma y decide matar a Ertugul y ajustar cuentas.
@palikibhargavi5024 Жыл бұрын
Translate plz
@elidepires Жыл бұрын
@@palikibhargavi5024 use your google translator to understand in your language.
@patrycjak.-k.6380 2 жыл бұрын
What a divorce can do with a man in love?🤷‍♀️🤭 It can enhance his hearing😂😂😂 to level that he is able to hear his ex-wife's💔 footsteps going down the stairs in slippers🤣🤣🤣 throughout two rooms and the hallway🤣🤣🤣 After all that thinking 🤔🤔🤔 the first voice Seher had heard was Zuhal's🤦‍♀️ And she immediately convinced her to move on😒 Thankfully the window showed her that she needs Yaman👏😂👏😂👏 The way he offered himself to her as a handyman🙃 and a friend😍 melt my heart❤️👏❤️👏❤️ He is willing to do anything for her❤️ even if that means that her will be a toy😭 in her undecided🤦‍♀️ and easy manipulated😡 hands😔 He encouraged her to life on her own but not alone😌, he still will be a part of her life❤️👏❤️👏 She appreciated his support😌 and asked about what he is going to do😍 His answer wasn't necessary🥺 not for Seher🥺, neither for us💔, his eyes says everything👏❤️👏❤️👏 Although it was heartwarming to hear it in his thoughts😍❤️😍❤️ But I'd like to see where this "unconditionally" will be🤔🤔🤔 if for example Aziz manipulated by Zuhal😒 visit Seher at late hour🤦‍♀️ But I can't judge Yaman and his trust issue😔 since I have tissues issue after watching yesterday's episode🤣🤣🤣 Yusuf is smart👏👏👏, she can't give him a glass of milk over the phone😭💔😭💔 And even if she can control if he drank it❤️, she can't kiss him over the phone💔😭💔😭💔 He said that he will be patience like his uncle❤️ whom will miss her but won't show it🥺 but she shouldn't be sad😭💔😭💔 What a bright child👏❤️👏❤️👏 Seher pushed on Yaman to confess how he really feels👏😭👏😭👏 And as I said that dam inside of him had to crack at some moment😔 He outpouring his feelings💔, his love❤️, his longing💔, his hopes🥺 and a bit of regret😔 that she can't realize herself how he feels about her😭💔😭💔 He actually did not accuse her that she gave him so much pain😭💔😭💔 but she is aware of what she is doing with him😔 He is hurt to the core😭💔😭💔 and even further if it is possible😭😭😭 He only defended the part of her which lives inside of him❤️ by expressing his deep love and longing👏❤️👏❤️👏 Divorce💔 and took off the wedding ring😭 can't separate them but something can😔: fate which here means screenwriters🤨 She placed Yaman's photograph back in her necklace❤️👏❤️👏❤️ and confess to herself that she loves him so much❤️👏❤️👏❤️ How much obvious this has to be?😭💔😭💔😭 The truth is that she is confused😔, Zuhal is messing in her head😡, Aziz in her mind🤦‍♀️ and Yaman in her heart❤️ So in order to decide correctly🤔 she should be only with Yaman😂 His love❤️, care😍, tenderness🥰 are the only good medicines for her❤️👏❤️👏❤️ I didn't even realize that this is the first night when they are not married💔😭💔😭💔 But Yaman started it very well👏, talking to the wedding ring😭 and memboring their hot moment🔥🔥🔥 when he worm up Seher🤭 by kissing her hand😘 and whispering her name to her ear😍 and she turned him into blast furnace🤭 by saying his name🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 They both set fire into our screens🔥👏🔥👏🔥 The good old days❤️🔥❤️🔥, will they ever come back?🤷‍♀️ I don't want hear the answer, if it is "no"😒 Seher also thinking🤔 thankfully not about bad things😌 but about her attached to Yaman❤️ Her wedding ring fell from her hands🥺 and fell from the stairs😭 as a sign that she unintentionally got close to the danger, I mean Zuhal😒 and made a mistake, I mean divorce💔 The way they find the ring was magnificent👏❤️👏❤️👏 Yaman reminded Seher how he lost his ring once🙃 and what happened afterwards🤭🤭🤭 but it leaded them to the boat😔 and the accident😭😭😭 But also to the conclusion that they can be happy again👏👏👏 I love Yaman😍 and his unbreakable faith in their love❤️👏❤️👏❤️ She asked him about the marriage proposal in the backyard😍, she started to ask a lot of questions lately😌 That's good👏👏👏 And he told her how he surprised her back then😍 He can do it again🙏🙏🙏: "Don't lose it again🙏 Who knows...(I surely don't🤷‍♀️) maybe you'll have another surprise.🙏🙏🙏" 😭😭😭 He wanted to put the wedding ring back on her finger😍 and she wanted this too❤️ But he couldn't💔 He ripped his heart out😭 and placed the wedding ring on her palm🥺 and closed it🥺 with the words of hope😭😭😭 By the way Neslihan can watch them😌, because she wishes them all good❤️ But when Zuhal lays her eyes on them I have nausea🤢 Yaman really become Seher's teddy bear🧸 One time she hugs him❤️ and the other she rips his heart out💔 It is karma, I guess🥺 or just screenwriters😒 There were times when Seher was for him a doll🥺 that he throws against walls😡 and broke her heart💔 That was really hard times😡, but nowadays is unbearable😭😭😭 I can't explain this🤷‍♀️ I am woman but Seher's suffering are not as heartbreaking as Yaman's💔😭💔😭💔 Even though my past is not filled only with happiness😔, still I can't stand to see him suffer😔🥺😔🥺 Maybe it is like that, because during my life I have learn that no matter how many times someone will throw you into a wall😡, you are really hurt only by heartbreaking words and actions💔, not violence itself. Seher didn't need violence to ripped Yaman's heart out💔😭💔😭
@Cynthiajee-j1 2 жыл бұрын
Can you please translate the whole episode
@patrycjak.-k.6380 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cynthiajee-j1 I tried to translate with the help of Turkish subtitles automatically generated in the episode but the further I went the more ridiculous sentences I got🤯 It looks like I am not good enough in Turkish😔 I understand some of the sentences they say☺️ but sometimes I can hear them talking for 5 minutes and understand nothing🥺 I wish I could help but Turkish is complicated language😔 Two letters more in a word and that word has an opposite meaning🤯 Some words are very similar to each other🙃 I don't want to mislead anyone❤️ I hope someday I will be good enough in Turkish to help🙏 but it is too soon for me right now😔
@Cynthiajee-j1 2 жыл бұрын
@@patrycjak.-k.6380 I understand tht Turkish is a complicated language 🙂I even stop watch this amanet bcoz I can't understand anything ad zahida who was translating for us ,now she is not available
@patrycjak.-k.6380 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cynthiajee-j1 I hope that everything is well with Zahida🙏 and she will be back soon❤️
@mamn3032 2 жыл бұрын
Hermosas palabras llenas de ❤❤❤❤y vea ella que de verdad la ama✨✨✨✨✨✨
@ioana3384. 2 жыл бұрын
I think it was the last hug too ... I saw on Instagram that the two of them no longer follow each other 💔 So many beautiful episodes are ruined, So many Sehyam moments are thrown away. 😭💔
@silviaabc6496 2 жыл бұрын
WRONG!!! Victim of imposed decisions ..., screenwriter, director, producer, production company. ALL!!!!
@MariaFernandes-sj4un 2 жыл бұрын
A única coisa que falta agora pra enojar mais ainda essa serie é a Naz fazer o casamento do yamam com a Zuhal e ela ser a protagonista pq ela deu mais destaque pras maldades na série do que pro amor
@emiliafes Жыл бұрын
Só faltava essa, não é????Esse roteirista é sádica ou sádico, terrível isso tudo, fico meio sem pé nem cabeça, lamentável.
@valdelice949 Жыл бұрын
Acho que nunca foi amada e ñ conhece o amor.
@mariocapezzone9689 2 жыл бұрын
Emanet Era una bellissima serie,man mano andava peggiorando per scene sempre più triste verso sehr meno verso yamam, adesso quello che sento è finita emanet senza Sila turkoglu,non è giusto verso i confronti di Sila turkoglu,noi fans solo una cosa per porre fine a questo,non vedendo emanet dovrà fare la finale, ecco l'appoggio per Sila turkoglu e tutto il suo talento che ha messo nella serie verrà messo sul tavolo,, tutti anche chi ha chiuso gli occhi Cuore oppure l anima, capirà che Sila turkoglu con grande coraggio dimostrando a tutti la verità
@useranne2597 2 жыл бұрын
Seher ❤️Yaman 🌟Ali 🥲 Dujgu 💞Yusuf 🌟Cenger 💋 Neslehan 💕 Zija 🌟 cicek 🌹 Ferhat ❤️ Yasemin 🥲 Adelad ♥️ 💕💕💕🧡💛❤️♥️💜💛🍫🍫💝💕🌹♥️♥️♥️
@titinacicchirillo9632 2 жыл бұрын
Antes que hagan desaparecer a Seher la unica protagonista desaparezcan primero a Zual para que no pueda aparecer mas en la 3 temporada si la llega a ver alguien es un personaje malefico e inutil!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
@abbyperez84 2 жыл бұрын
Te cuento que será ZUHAL quien le disparará a Seher en su boda. Y ahí mismo se acaba la 2 temporada. FIN Si es que llegamos a esw final y no la suspende la justicia turca por los problemas legales.
@mariaveras6769 Жыл бұрын
Que injusticia verdad? Los buenos mueren y los malos continúan haciendo maldad.
@aileenpadilla7413 2 жыл бұрын
They even unfollow each other on instagram..good job to the person who ruined this series and their relationship(i mean as screen partner)..i swear i will never watch again any Nazmiye works,what a shame!!!😡😡😡
@abbyperez84 2 жыл бұрын
@faridehmassoudi5861 2 жыл бұрын
Sila and HALIL are the pillar of Emanet , now that SILA is gone one pillar fell so Emanet structure is destroyed. There is no way Emanet could survive with HALIL and another actor and with Berat ( Yusuf ) leaving you can’t even call this series Emanet any more.
@gabriellaciolini7562 2 жыл бұрын
Mi sono emozionata, quando ho rivisto la scena dove entrambi sussurrano i loro nomi, esce fuori proprio l amore che nutrono l uno pet l altra. Adesso inizia a stai antipatica la trama, Seher sembra nn capire vuol fare di testa sua, Yaman soffre da morire, ma sarà nn cedere. Se nn cambiano trama, credo che rovineranno questo capolavoro.
@marta-rv3de 2 жыл бұрын
L anno già rovinata fanno passare seher per una piagnucolona eterna indecisa su tutto
@aparecidanogueira9668 2 жыл бұрын
Fiquei muito triste 😢 com esses fatos, sempre torci por Sila e Hallil , e continuarei torcendo . Foi tanta perseguição na vida deles. Que Deus os abençoe 👏
@azzilfarooqoi9658 2 жыл бұрын
Emanet with out one of the lead cast ( Halil and Sila ) is not Emanet anymore.
@mariaelidiaguimaraes8900 2 жыл бұрын
A Seher não saia de Emanet pois não será à mesma, não faça isso com seu público Brasileiro que te ama muito!!!! Beijos 💋 💋 Princesa nossa!!!🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
@efiferreira0815 2 жыл бұрын
con todo y el problema que tiene Sahar con la escritora sigue dando un excelente servicio..y Yaman sigue dando todo por el todo también.
@laraplust5087 2 жыл бұрын
How could they make Seher so bipolar????? 😑 the ones Who have amnesia are the writers themselves...In one episode/script She says something and in the other one the opposite thing.... Are u kidding us??? You can't follow the storyline, because It Is nonsense...plus... Previous episode "Seher u have private jet, houses, millions in cash...blah blah"... And today a cleaning girl, escaped from jail, rents her a house??? Are we so stupid???
@monikajankowska8713 2 жыл бұрын
Wspaniały facet...z tego naszego chlopaka.🥰 Przepiękny serial, I piękna miłość.😘Szkoda bardzo że Sily, nie będzie w 3 sezonie,😥...nie wyobrażam sobie innej kobiety, koło Jamana😡. To będzie,dla mnie koniec oglądania tego pięknego serialu 😢
@korneliawardal5712 2 жыл бұрын
3 sezon w ogóle nie powinno już być! Emanet to Sila i Halil !
@hildamcewan6623 2 жыл бұрын
Zahida sending prayers to you and your family Pray all is well
@tarheel715 2 жыл бұрын
Well at least Firat is back. Now maybe he can tell Seher the truth about Yaman's shooting and end her recalling that false memory that is driving me crazy.
@enjoymusic1217 2 жыл бұрын
the script does not allow him to visit his sister, she had amnesia and we have seen him checking on her. She went to see him one and he was not there, she is getting a divorce and now leaving the house and he is not there, What Nazmiyeh is doing to this script is really very bad. Nazmiyeh should be sued for this bad script and she should stop working in this domain because she is very very bad and had a dark heart and psychological problem against women especially when they are young and pretty and suessful.
@rachelandersson7696 2 жыл бұрын
With all this evilness do you think there will be season 3....i hope that halil will also quit... Because there's one one else who can be his partner other than sila.... Will miss you guys... Love you so much ❤️.... Good bye legacy
@MariaConceicao-bo2ng 2 жыл бұрын
Arrasou super Alli descobrir que é o bandido quero que Yasmin conte tudo a Alli Graças a Deus Doygum não morreu Alli e Doygum vão ser felizes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ adorei ver Firat Ibu e Kara juntos novamente ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@nunziachinnici5593 2 жыл бұрын
HALIL SEI UN GRANDE ATTORE NON MI STANCHERÒ MAI DI DIRLO👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯💯💯💯💯🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️💯💯💯💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻SEI IL NUMERO UNO 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️in questa puntata hai trasmesso molte emozioni👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆⭐⭐⭐⭐❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🏆🏆🏆🏆⭐⭐❤️❤️🦸🦸🦸🦸🏆🏆🏆⭐⭐❤️❤️❤️🏆🏆🏆⭐⭐❤️❤️
@eudesprado5794 13 күн бұрын
Saudade das cenas de luta, superacao (e até comédia) e cumplicidade para seguirem juntos, cuidando do legado. Superavam tudo juntos. Como pode uma história tão linda, se perder assim, gente. 😢
@marciapaupitz5829 2 жыл бұрын
Emanet sem Sila Turkoglu não vai ter graça. Traga a Sila de volta por favor. Cenas triste hoje😭😭😭😭😭
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