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The featured song: Song of the Lamb (Lyrics by Art Matthias & Music by EmetZionMusic Team) can be purchased here: emetzion.bandc...
We wish you all a glorious Pesach / Passover Moed / Appointed Time with YHVH! May He favor you and your family and visit with Songs of Deliverance. May your enemies be judged swiftly and may your FREEDOM be real in Him, as He sets you free from all limitations, bondage and hindrances of any kind. For Whom the Son (Lamb) sets FREE is FREE indeed to have a heart of a Lion to overcome in these Last Days.
Pesach is called Zman cherutenu: the time of our freedom.
Freedom from what?
Or the better question is freedom to what?
It is freedom FROM limitations! And freedom TO worship the Holy One of Israel!When YHVH took us out of Egypt, it was not only to be free from the hardships and chains of the Egyptians, but it was mostly to be free to serve Yah, we were then given the Torah at Mount Sinai to maintain that FREEDOM.
We are given these instructions to follow so that we would LIFE and experience LIFE in the FULLNESS, the only Way He intended us to experience it. I don't know about you but I covet that Freedom for which He died to set us free! I feel the Pharaohs have been having their ways with the Benei Yisrael / Children of Israel for too long now! I desire the Greater Works NOW!
Yes beloved, the freedom we were given was freedom with a holy purpose.
Redemption for some always accompanies Judgment for others. Pharaoh was judged while the Israelites were freed / liberated. So it will be in our Day!
Sometimes in order for us to experience True Freedom we too must be JUDGED first! Be quick to judge yourself beloved and REPENT make Teshuva in your prayer closet before YHVH has to judge you openly!
Let us search our hearts this Passover in order to truly Pass Over to the Promised Land. That Place He has for us to reign in with Him.For the Sons of Israel were liberated from one ruthless master to serve and become the Armies of the Living Elohim, Who happens to be the Master of the Universe, full of Grace, Compassion, Chesed and lovingkindness. He, Who is unlike any Pharaohs of the world.
Listen, whether we want to acknowledge it or not, and whether we believe in God or not, we are all serving a master of sorts. For many it's mammon even in the Name of God, for others it's idols of sorts, and some others even serve themselves or their bellies; but nevertheless many are slaves to either unrighteousness as Shaul / Paul wrote so eloquently or to Righteousness.
May we all choose Righteousness this Day, and may we choose, this Pesach, Whom we will wholeheartedly serve.
As for me and my house we will serve YHVH!
We will draw close through sacrificial living and sacrificial Giving; fulfilling our Calling and His Purposes for our lives as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom.
We are Slaves of Righteousness in Yeshua the Lamb of Yah Who takes away the Sin of the World.
We gladly take for ourselves, for our household, the Lamb of Elohim / Seh HaElohim! We apply His Blood by Faith and we eat His Word daily!
"Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: ‘On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household."
Shmot / Exodus 12:3
Chag Sameach!
Shalom Aleichem!
In His great love,
Micha'el ~ His Beloved!
The featured song: Song of the Lamb (Lyrics by Art Matthias & Music by EmetZionMusic Team) can be purchased here: emetzion.bandc...
Thank you for your loving support of our Kingdom Ministry & Service to YHVH and to you, the Body and the Israel of Yah!