Рет қаралды 16
"Encounter with the Ghost" is a spooky yet heartwarming tale where two children, a brother and sister, venture into a dense forest and have an eerie encounter with a ghostly figure. Despite their fear, the siblings bravely communicate with the ghost and learn that it is trapped and needs their help to be freed. The children recite the powerful Ayat-ul-Kursi prayer, which causes the ghost to transform into a beautiful man. Grateful for their kindness, the man helps them return to their village. The story teaches the values of courage, kindness, and the power of faith in overcoming fears and challenges.
#GhostStory #KidsStory #BedtimeStory #HorrorStory #AyatUlKursi #EncounterWithAGhost #GhostEncounter #ScaryTale #SpookyStory #FaithAndCourage #MoralStory #UrduStory #ChildrenStories #FolkTales #HalloweenStory #SupernaturalStory #FearAndFaith #GoodVsEvil #HelpingOthers #FantasyStory #ShortStoryForKids
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