【ENG DUB】06-3 Foundations of the Path | Principles of following the teacher

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Yiming Pureland Academy Center

Yiming Pureland Academy Center

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@yimingpurelandacademycenter Ай бұрын
第六讲 Lecture 6 (6-3) 彼应如何依师之理 How Should a Disciple Follow the Teacher (2)真实宣说依止轨理 (2) Explaining how to follow the teacher 如是应当了知,对于曾经受过法恩、特别是以圆满教授引导修心的善知识,如何依止的方法。对此,分为意乐亲近轨理和加行亲近轨理两方面阐述。 We should learn how to follow the teachers who have taught us the Dharma, especially those who have guided us to train the mind through the supreme teachings. We will explain it from two perspectives: 1. How to follow the teacher in terms of attitude 2. How to follow the teacher in terms of action ①意乐亲近轨理 ① How to follow the teacher in terms of attitude a 总示亲近意乐 An overall explanation of the attitudes required to follow a teacher 一是略说 This is a brief explanation. 《八十华严》记载:有一次,文殊菩萨与众眷属在福城东部演说“普照法界修多罗”。当时,有无数诸龙及福城人民前来听法。 The Flower Ornament Sutra records: Once, Manjushri, staying with his retinue, expounded a scripture called "Illumination of the Principles of the Cosmos" in the eastern part of Dhanyakara. Countless dragons and people from Dhanyakara went to listen to the teachings. 在听众当中,有一位名为善财的童子,往昔已曾供养诸佛,种下深厚善根,信心极为广大。此童子常常欢喜亲近诸善知识,身语意业无有过失,清净菩萨诸道,求证一切种智,堪为法器。其心清净,犹如虚空,回向菩提,无所障碍。 One of the listeners was a young boy named Sudhana. He had served numerous Buddhas in the past and planted deep roots of virtue. He had great devotion and liked to follow spiritual teachers. He was impeccable in body, speech, and mind. He practiced the pure bodhisattva path and aspired to attain omniscience. He was a vessel of the Buddha's teachings. His mind was as pure as space. His determination to pursue enlightenment was free from hindrance and attachment. 文殊菩萨在观察了善财童子的来历之后,为他演说一切诸佛妙法。童子听到诸佛种种功德,一心希求无上菩提。于是请问文殊菩萨:“大士!应如何学修菩萨行,乃至增广菩萨行,应如何令普贤行速疾圆满?” Manjushri, having observed Sudhana, expounded the profound teachings of all the Buddhas to him. After learning the various qualities of the Buddhas, Sudhana, who wholeheartedly aspired for supreme enlightenment, asked Manjushri, "Noble One, how should I study and practice the bodhisattva path? How should I expand the bodhisattva practice? How should I swiftly accomplish the practices of Samantabhadra?" 文殊菩萨开示说:“善男子,汝已发起大菩提心,而寻求菩萨行。善男子,你应了知众生能发起菩提心,已是极为困难,何况发心之后能寻求菩萨行。善男子,欲得成就一切种智,应当决定寻求真善知识。善男子,寻求善知识时,不应生起疲厌懈怠心,见善知识不应厌足,于善知识所有教诲都应随顺,于善知识善巧方便不应见为过失。” Manjushri replied, "Virtuous man, you have generated Bodhicitta and are seeking the bodhisattva practice. It is hard for beings to generate Bodhicitta. It is even harder for them to seek the bodhisattva practice after generating Bodhicitta. To attain omniscience, one should seek genuine spiritual teachers tirelessly. One should follow all their instructions and not mistake their skillful means as faults." 如是开示之后,又为童子介绍南方胜乐国土中的德云比丘,令他前往亲近。 After giving this teaching, Manjushri advised Sudhana to learn from Monk Meghashri in Ramavaranta, a country in the south. 童子遵从文殊教导,历经百城烟水,遍参110位大善知识。其中在妙意华门城,参拜德生童子与有德童女时,童子和童女为他开示以二十一种心依止善知识的方法。 Following Manjushri's guidance, Sudhana traveled to 100 cities and visited 110 spiritual teachers. In the city of Sumanamukha, the boy Shrisambhava and the girl Shrimati taught him how to follow spiritual teachers with twenty-one attitudes.
@yimingpurelandacademycenter Ай бұрын
善财童子是得到了根本智,因为他首先见到的是文殊菩萨嘛!这里说了,文殊菩萨为他演说一切诸佛的妙法, Sudhana had attained the fundamental wisdom because he first encountered Manjushri. Here, it mentions that Manjushri expounded all the Buddhas' teachings to him. 他开了智慧以后,他发起了大菩提心,一心希求无上菩提,那要增广菩提行。增广菩提行的话,就要遍参善知识,参访善知识也可以增长自己的修学。 After attaining wisdom, Sudhana generated Bodhicitta and dedicated himself to seeking supreme enlightenment. Therefore, he needed to expand the bodhisattva practice. To expand the bodhisattva practice, one should learn extensively from good spiritual teachers, which can enhance one's cultivation. 这里说二十一种心依止善知识的方法, Here, it lists twenty-one attitudes of following spiritual teachers. 经中说:“善男子,汝承事一切善知识,应发如大地心,像大地一样的心。荷负重任无疲倦故; The sutra states: "Virtuous man, when following spiritual teachers, your attitude should be like the earth, bearing all burdens tirelessly. 承事善知识,要像大地一样,师父委以重任你不知疲倦,师父给你多少担子,你都得挑着,压趴下了也得挑着,荷负重任,这个重任肯定是师父给你的。 When serving a spiritual teacher, your attitude should be like the earth. When I entrust you with important tasks, you should not feel weary. No matter how many responsibilities I assign you, you shall undertake them. Even if they weigh you down, you should bear them. It is me who gives you these responsibilities. 应发如金刚心,金刚心就是坚固的,不可坏,志愿坚固。 You shall have the attitude of a diamond, having an unbreakable will. A diamond-like attitude is firm and unwavering. 志向坚固,师父的志向就是你的志向,师父要在这样的末法时代独树一帜,要重振禅林、佛门,你们要有这样的志愿,要勇敢地去做,没什么。师父不光是有上师三宝了。龙天护法、十方诸佛菩萨,都是我们的坚固的后盾,所以说我们肯定要坚固了。佛菩萨们是最坚固的,我们有坚固的后盾。 I encourage you to have the same aspiration as me. In the Age of Dharma Decline, I aspire to revitalize Buddhism. You, too, should have this aspiration and courageously implement it. Don't be afraid. We are not only supported by the guru and the Three Jewels but also supported by Dharma protectors and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are the most steadfast backing. Therefore, we have strong support. 应发如铁围山心,一切诸苦无能动故; You shall have the attitude of a mountain range, not shaken by any suffering. 不管遇到什么苦难,都不能动摇我们的志愿,像铁围山一样,一切诸苦都不能动摇我们的心,包括对上师的信心,乃至对诸佛菩萨的信心,我们相信诸佛菩萨的愿力丝毫都不会退。我们相信诸佛菩萨都在,龙天护法都在。 No matter what hardships we encounter, our aspirations should be unwavering. Our attitude should be like a mountain range. No suffering can shake our faith in the guru, the Buddhas, and the Bodhisattvas. We believe the aspirations of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will never decline. We believe the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Dharma protectors are always present.
@yimingpurelandacademycenter Ай бұрын
@@yimingpurelandacademycenter 应发如给侍心,所有教令皆随顺故; You shall have the attitude of an attendant, carrying out any task you are assigned. 应发如弟子心,所有训诲无违逆故; You shall have the attitude of a student, never violating the teacher's instructions. 应发如僮仆心,不厌一切诸作务故;小童子,仆人。 You shall have the attitude of a slave, not weary of any task. 应发如养母心,受诸勤苦不告劳故;赡养自己的父母 You shall have the attitude of a nurse, enduring all hardships without complaint, as if caring for your parents. 应发如傭作心,随所受教无违逆故; You shall have the attitude of a servant, following all instructions obediently. 应发如除粪人心,离骄慢故。就像一个除粪的人,打扫厕所的人。 You shall have the attitude of a toilet cleaner, free from pride. 应发如已熟稼心,能低下故;就是像熟了的庄稼一样,能够低下。 You shall have the attitude of ripened crops, always being humble. 应发如良马心,离恶性故;良马不像劣马,离恶性。 You shall have the attitude of a good horse, free from unruliness. Unlike an unruly horse, a good horse is free from bad temper. 应发如大车心,能运重故;像大车一样能够运重。 You shall have the attitude of a vehicle, carrying heavy cargo to the destination. 应发如调顺象心,被调顺了的大象。恒服从故;恒常服从主人。 You shall have the attitude of a tamed elephant, always obedient to its master. 应发如须弥山心,不倾动故;不动摇。 You shall have the attitude of Mount Sumeru, unshakable and steadfast. 应发如良犬心,不害主故; You shall have the attitude of a loyal dog, never hurting its master. 良犬,从来不会害主人,可以为主人去舍命,良犬真的是做得到,为主人可以不要命。所以说很多国家的人是不吃狗肉的。中国人还是吃。 A loyal dog will never hurt its owner. They are willing to sacrifice their lives for their owners. Loyal dogs can do it. That's why many countries have a cultural aversion to consuming dog meat. However, in China, some people still consume it.
@yimingpurelandacademycenter Ай бұрын
@@yimingpurelandacademycenter 应发如旃荼罗心,离骄慢故; You shall have the attitude of an outcaste, free from arrogance. 应发如犗牛心,无威怒故;不会发威了。 You shall have the attitude of a bull with its horns cut off, stripped of pride. 应发如舟船心,往来不倦故;像船一样渡人,往来不倦。 You shall have the attitude of a boat, tirelessly ferrying people back and forth. 应发如桥梁心,济渡忘疲故;像桥梁一样。 You shall have the attitude of a bridge, helping others cross the river without feeling weary. 应发如孝子心,承顺颜色故; You shall have the attitude of a filial child, fulfilling the wishes of spiritual teachers. 应发如王子心,遵行教命故。” You shall have the attitude of a prince, carrying out the directives of the spiritual king." 以上二十一心,在寂天菩萨的《集学论》中略摄为九种。本论即是依照《集学论》以九心开示亲近善知识的意乐。此《华严经》所说以九心亲近承事诸善知识,能无余含摄一切亲近意乐的关要。 The twenty-one attitudes mentioned above are condensed into nine in the "Training Anthology" by Shantideva. Here, we use these nine attitudes to expound on how to follow a spiritual teacher in terms of attitude. These nine attitudes comprehensively encompass all essential attitudes of following spiritual teachers. 九心,即:如孝子心、如金刚心、如大地心、如铁围山心、如仆使心、如除秽人心、如乘心、就是车乘。如良犬心、如舟船心。能以九心亲近真善知识,必能得成就。这里说必能得成就, The nine attitudes are the attitude like a filial child, the attitude like a diamond, the attitude like the earth, the attitude like a mountain range, the attitude like a servant, the attitude like a toilet cleaner, the attitude like a vehicle, the attitude like a loyal dog, and the attitude like a boat. If one follows a genuine spiritual teacher with these nine attitudes, one will definitely attain enlightenment. 其实一个具足弟子相的人百分之百成就,这是肯定的。如果你能这样承事善知识,能不成就吗? A qualified disciple will definitely attain enlightenment. If you follow a good spiritual teacher in this manner, how could you not attain enlightenment? 我们总觉得这样好像是很吃亏,好像没有我了,就是叫你无我了,你要这样的心来修,就是无我了。 We may think we will lose something or 'I' in this approach. Indeed, it can help you eliminate the attachment to 'I'. If you practice with this attitude, you will be selfless. .......................
@清尘-c2y Ай бұрын
这里说二十一种心依止善知识的方法, Here, it lists twenty-one attitudes of following spiritual teachers. 经中说:“善男子,汝承事一切善知识,应发如大地心,像大地一样的心。荷负重任无疲倦故; The sutra states: "Virtuous man, when following spiritual teachers, your attitude should be like the earth, bearing all burdens tirelessly. 应发如金刚心,金刚心就是坚固的,不可坏,志愿坚固。 You shall have the attitude of a diamond, having an unbreakable will. A diamond-like attitude is firm and unwavering. 应发如铁围山心,一切诸苦无能动故; You shall have the attitude of a mountain range, not shaken by any suffering. 应发如给侍心,所有教令皆随顺故; You shall have the attitude of an attendant, carrying out any task you are assigned. 应发如弟子心,所有训诲无违逆故; You shall have the attitude of a student, never violating the teacher's instructions. 应发如僮仆心,不厌一切诸作务故;小童子,仆人。 You shall have the attitude of a slave, not weary of any task. 应发如养母心,受诸勤苦不告劳故;赡养自己的父母 You shall have the attitude of a nurse, enduring all hardships without complaint, as if caring for your parents.
@清尘-c2y Ай бұрын
应发如傭作心,随所受教无违逆故; You shall have the attitude of a servant, following all instructions obediently. 应发如除粪人心,离骄慢故。就像一个除粪的人,打扫厕所的人。 You shall have the attitude of a toilet cleaner, free from pride. 应发如已熟稼心,能低下故;就是像熟了的庄稼一样,能够低下。 You shall have the attitude of ripened crops, always being humble. 应发如良马心,离恶性故;良马不像劣马,离恶性。 You shall have the attitude of a good horse, free from unruliness. Unlike an unruly horse, a good horse is free from bad temper. 应发如大车心,能运重故;像大车一样能够运重。 You shall have the attitude of a vehicle, carrying heavy cargo to the destination. 应发如调顺象心,被调顺了的大象。恒服从故;恒常服从主人。 You shall have the attitude of a tamed elephant, always obedient to its master.
@唐密-w4l Ай бұрын
Be a qualified vessel of Dharma🙏🙏🙏
@boundlessseeker Ай бұрын
@大笑菩提 Ай бұрын
The nine attitudes are the attitude like a filial child, the attitude like a diamond, the attitude like the earth, the attitude like a mountain range, the attitude like a servant, the attitude like a toilet cleaner, the attitude like a vehicle, the attitude like a loyal dog, and the attitude like a boat. If one follows a genuine spiritual teacher with these nine attitudes, one will definitely attain enlightenment.
@清尘-c2y Ай бұрын
@赵曼希 Ай бұрын
It reminds me of the TV shows I used to watch, where those who wanted to learn Kongfu and ultimately achieved the most and were most recognized by their masters were the honest and even somewhat simple-minded person. Isn't that similar to the nine attitudes mentioned here?
@Follower-v6s Ай бұрын
"Manjushri replied, "Virtuous man, you have generated Bodhicitta and are seeking the bodhisattva practice. It is hard for beings to generate Bodhicitta. It is even harder for them to seek the bodhisattva practice after generating Bodhicitta. To attain omniscience, one should seek genuine spiritual teachers tirelessly. One should follow all their instructions and not mistake their skillful means as faults."
@Follower-v6s Ай бұрын
@清尘-c2y Ай бұрын
@boundlessseeker Ай бұрын
@赵曼希 Ай бұрын
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