【ENG SUB】UNIVERSE LEAGUE 笑顔あふれるep.6だかしかし!この順位は解せませんので物申しちゃうよ!

  Рет қаралды 13,482

KPOP話ならCh.求韓日 / Ch.K2B

KPOP話ならCh.求韓日 / Ch.K2B

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@Bandoneotango 3 күн бұрын
@rhinoblue1572 3 күн бұрын
笑い声めっちゃ似てるwww マックでコーヒー吹き出しました😂 盛り無しでもう40回はJLとパクハンの歌唱聴いてます…これで寝付くの最高すぎます♡ 絶対2人でデビューしてほしい✨ 一緒に番組を観てる高2の息子は36位のキムデユンくんが映る度に「絶対にいいやつ!」と言ってますw
@ランドララ-s8s 3 күн бұрын
@sa-you 3 күн бұрын
ユニバースリーグのデビュー組はボーカルが期待できるのがいいですよね JL君最初からピカピカの王子様だったし、一番は納得の順位です 番組も他サバ番にない斬新なルールがあって、これからどうなるのか楽しみでなりません
@uk-ou9ed 2 күн бұрын
ギョンホくんの順位は心配ですね。ひっぱって分量食った割にすっきりしないし、前半ヒールっぽく映ってよくないイメージが残っているのではないか、なんて考えてしまいます。 今の笑顔を守りたいのでここから順位が上がっていってくれることを期待したいです。 ギョンホくん、番組最初のあの感じはウンギくんとのこともあるけど、切実だったのもあると思います。 過去には300回以上オーディション受けて1次合格したことがなかった時もあったそうで、年齢を重ねると一つ一つのチャンスが重くなっていくし、今回も強い気持ちで挑んでいただけじゃないかと。 あと彼若干人見知りするところもあるかもなーとも思うんですが、素顔は無防備な赤ちゃんみたいでかわいいと思います。 膝相撲も楽しんでキリのいいところで負けるくらいがいいですね。 テコンドー2段、合気道3段、特攻武術3段、熊と戦っているわけではないので彼くらいのスペックの方はアイドルのバラエティではなるべく無邪気に笑っていてほしい。 本を読まないと語彙力が落ちると思って本を持ち歩いていたり、日本語の勉強も頑張っていたり、ギョンホくんが今まで地に足をつけてストイックに積み重ねてきたものがあったはずだから、どこかで実を結ぶといいなと思います。 ステージではギョンホくんのダンスをもっと思い切りみたいです。 本来はメインダンサー、ダンスにおいては彼がキングだからもっと暴れてもいいと思う。 唯一無二の彼だけの武器や個性も持っていると思うので、そこをうまくアピールできる機会があったらいいな。 ウンギくんとギョンホくんの二人のことは、当時のグループの活動を追っていたファンからしたら結末もふくめて「そりゃそうだろうね」って感じで飲み込めていたりもします。 思い出を共有してきた人たちにはすごくリアルに彼らの物語が伝わっているんじゃないでしょうか。 当時のことを知らない人たちに好き勝手言われたのはほんとに嫌だったけど、今二人が頑張っている姿を見て勇気をもらっている人もいるよ、というのは伝えたい。 ずっと一緒にいようっていう意味を込めてTogether(TOO時代はTOOGETHER)が彼らのいたグループのファンダム名だから、明るい未来のその先でいつかみんなで一緒に笑えるように最後まで応援します。
@PrincessNana08 Күн бұрын
I love exo😭 i always feel happy when people mention them. I also love how this channel takes the time to appreciate all the contestants. Of course JL is also my #1 pick, but everyone is so talanted and cute, i wish we can just debut everyone😭
@みこりん-w6v 3 күн бұрын
@beerginvodca 3 күн бұрын
Every contestant is talented, but they just get overshadowed when teamed up with stronger players. Impressed and proud with Daisuke, with strong team mates, he held his ground. Now people are noticing him.. Groove players getting lower global support is maybe due to rhythm fans' revenge for rhythm bench team's absurd low score for "prison" intercept stage, and how only the winning team will debut so voting for only rhythm members seems to be the only way.
@ROMIHI-1046 2 күн бұрын
そうなんです!順位納得出来ない所もありますが、ユニバースリーグ面白い✨ 最初強めな態度だったギョンホさんの優しい笑顔に❤捕まれました😆 ユニバーーーーース!!!😅
@saebyok8504 3 күн бұрын
@やま-c5p 3 күн бұрын
初めまして。 ユニバースリーグみはじめてからこのKZbinを知りました。 コメント一つ一つがツボ😂で、面白くてお二人の見解を聞いてからまたユニバースリーグを見直すと二度面白いです!
@rihanaexo 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for mentioning my favorite group, EXO. As an EXO-L, I agree that Park Han reminds me of Baekhyun and JL reminds me of D.O. 🥹💖
@galo3950 3 күн бұрын
@raiyu-kun113 3 күн бұрын
@yoursailormoonJ9 2 күн бұрын
There's a lot of them that deserves to be in a higher rank. But the problem is, everyone are so good that someone really have to be on the lower. :( I hope SBS will debut more than 7. I'm already so sad thinking that the others can't make it when they also deserved it. Even when I have my ideal 7, after watching the show, everyone just started to grow on me that I just wanted them all to debut in the end. It really is the battle of the best. I am rooting for everyone. Whoever gets the spots, they deserved it as they are all talented.
@JLmyDimSum 3 күн бұрын
almost 2 weeks i'm waiting for your reaction video to my dim sum JL. And finally here you are🥰🥰❤️
@ゆーやんちきちき 3 күн бұрын
ホントに面白い❤お二人の笑い声に癒されてます😊 順位いろいろ😅えぇ‼️なりました。 ほんと節穴か😅 デビューは、7人以上にしてくれないかぃ
@rs-zu1gq 3 күн бұрын
@k992 3 күн бұрын
@Cutie_clarice Күн бұрын
Gogogo JL we proud you always...your so talented and Deserve to be Debut...Keep Fighting our Dear JL Gaspar we here at your back to support you always❤❤❤❤
@naOOO_pOngsu 3 күн бұрын
ギョンホさんはなんだか素の無邪気な笑顔でしたが、ウンギくんは楽しそうだけどちょっと陰りがあるような感じがして心配です わだかまりが小さくなってるといいなぁ。
@Mejippop1185 3 күн бұрын
@maluogaju1861 2 күн бұрын
@dodota2872 3 күн бұрын
So TRUE that all of them is star on their own, I remember all of them, thier weakness and their strength... its so true that EXO kind of group might debut if the show rigged the line up in a in a good way.
@WanderingPatata 2 күн бұрын
Not the rigging.😂 But I agree the most talented ones should debut.😊
@AsterLize 3 күн бұрын
Everyone in Universe League deserves to debut ;-; ahh its so hard to just have top 7 pick.
@meme923Leaders 3 күн бұрын
決してJL嫌いではないんですが、世界の王子様はキムドヨン(TREASURE)なのでごめんなさい笑 ジュウォンくんのお顔がちょっとドヨンちゃんぽいなーと思っています。 ウンギとボボちゃんが一緒にデビューしたら胸熱ですが、カイリとケンタも頑張って欲しい! どーゆー形でデビューになるのやら?ですね。
@y.4098 3 күн бұрын
@user-MurakiKino 2 күн бұрын
JL君1位おめでとうございます🥰 ユイト君29位😭 HardCarryの時もっと上だったので悲しいです😖 お二人がユイト君の走りがプロって言われてて嬉しかったです🥰 お二人のユイト君への愛が素敵です✨ 縄跳び0回記録でしたが、運動会部分はユイト君映ることが多くて、 カバーダンスの時、唯人くんが「ユイトがうますぎる」って言われてて嬉しかったです💕
@jmage 23 сағат бұрын
Thank you for appreciating Shuaibo ✨️
@adajAaibausino-u2i 3 күн бұрын
@AsianSP 12 сағат бұрын
My picks Steven my bias Park han my bias wrecker JL as fellow Filipino Kyungho my manly main dancer Jeongwoo the baby cute face yet very hyung vibes Kenta my japanese bias Juwon, Chin En, Hee jun cant choose for 7th pick Li zhuo and joohyoung my underatted picks Daisuke I love this kid but he's so young for my pick line.
@きむきも 3 күн бұрын
universe leagueは、一番搾りだけをとって、あとほかしてしまうには、あまりにもったい
@melody.4120 2 күн бұрын
@なると-o8w 14 сағат бұрын
@akiara2162 3 күн бұрын
ウンギ推しですっ! ザ!アイドル!
@GodDeSSLiYaH 2 күн бұрын
JL is a volleyball player that's why he knew how to fall safely like a libero and was able to get up so quick ❤
@marilynconcepcion115 3 күн бұрын
I love watching your reaction video. I'm always waiting for your universe league comments! So fun to watch😍
@mf7013 3 күн бұрын
@reddieweeb 3 күн бұрын
You guys are funny 😂
@anisafiqahh 3 күн бұрын
Yayy!! I'm early again~ 😆❤️ Happy New Year NICE73-san~ 🥳🎉 Thank you for your hard work and let's be happy in 2025! UNIVERSE! 🙌✨
@_ncho 2 күн бұрын
At this point, they need to be like NCT and just have a bunch of units so everyone will debut 😭
@CHUCKYuu 3 күн бұрын
優勝したTEAMでデビューでしたよね?!てことは、JLとパクハンを一緒にデビューさせるには勝負に勝ったどっちかの監督がJLもしくはパクハンを選ばなくちゃいけないよね?番組もそろそろ終盤でトレードの機会がもうあまりないと考えると何かしらの救済がないと難しそう😅 BEATにいる人気のウンギもそうなると現段階では微妙なライン。人気投票の意味がよくわからないからそれが今後効いてくるのか、、!? 見守るしかないですね!
@Tlothlworld 2 күн бұрын
DAISUKE-kun let's debut ^^
@YoLetsDream 2 күн бұрын
I feel Daisuke really can debut
@EdenDacillo-n8t 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for cheering to JL❤😊
@0YGEN 3 күн бұрын
your reactions are truly engaging and amazing. i love your enthusiasm.
@mf7013 2 сағат бұрын
@ayok6391 2 күн бұрын
縄跳びの時に日本人が縄跳び慣れしすぎてリーダーシップ取ってるの笑いましたww 子供の頃から謎にやらされてる成果がここで出るとは!
@momo-kn1ej Күн бұрын
It's clearly a malicious ranking that calls for rhythm section fans not to vote for other groups. However, the management is also to blame for not disclosing how the final debut members will be decided. It's really sad that talented trainees are not getting a fair share of votes. JL will definitely debut, so rhythm fans don't need to be so aggressive towards other teams and the director.
@xyz321-v3m 10 сағат бұрын
You have a point. However I could not really blame them. Afterall they also want to save those talented people with yellow card like Li Zhinuo and Xie Yuxin. Also, everyone knew that on site voters will never favor Rhythm that's why they give much support on global voting because that's all they can do. We all know that this is a team competition too. I think that it is not just for JL, majority of their picks are from rhythm so it is expected that they support the team. It is up for them who they want to vote. If global fans should have no complain with on site voters like they want, i think it is fair if they don't have anything to say with global fans picks too. Pointing fingers does not really help, people should just vote harder on their picks.
@momo-kn1ej 8 сағат бұрын
I apologize in advance. I'm not good at English, so I'm worried if I can get my point across to you correctly. But thank you for reading. UL management has not revealed the method of debut. They will give yellow cards through live voting. Teams will compete with each other for new songs. I think that this program structure is intended to create conflict among the team fans and make them work hard at voting. Everyone is free to vote for who they want. They are also free to not vote for any group other than the one they support. However, I am only hurt by people who say things that are not true, such as all the live audiences are BTOB fans or that Changsub is rac***. And I'm sorry for bringing up JL's name. I have seen many times on X where people who have set JL's face photo as their icon image say critical things, so I just thought that such people don't need to worry about JL's debut. He will definitely debut, and UL management will not let him go. And the top members of Rhythm will also debut. I will just watch. The trainees are not at fault at all.
@xyz321-v3m 7 сағат бұрын
@@momo-kn1ej Yes, i get your point. The management said that the winning team will have the chance to debut and nothing more so fans take that it's a team competition in the end. Although there will be a twist in the end, probably taking the aces of other team in the debut group or something. That is why since there is no clear objective, global fans strategically vote for a team. Groove fans block votes too in 2nd global voting but rhythm fans did not say anything. I also does not like some fans saying below the belt against the director and groove team when the fault does not lie with them. They most likely hurt like me with the score of rhythm bench. I even cried when Xi Yuxin apologize to rhythm starter for not being enough when clearly they deserve more so i get where they coming from. However, it does not excuse their behaviour and foul words. Some of them are jl supporter but i can honestly tell you that their complain was not because of their support for jl but because of the unfairness for those foreign trainees in rhythm bench. That is why i don't like it when JL's name brought up in issue like this, people automatically assume that it's because of JL. Global fans also complain before that Beat bench should have won in "representative" mission. They complain when they see unfairness regardless if their bias is part of that team. Also, it's been 2 weeks since we saw the 3rd global voting. After that, a lot of fans stop block voting since it's for the finalist. They go back voting their top picks, some of them do rotational voting too. That's all:)
@momo-kn1ej 6 сағат бұрын
@@xyz321-v3m I don't mean to offend you, but if you don't like the comment I wrote, let me know and I'll delete it. As you say, I'm sure there will be some twists. I just vote for my favorite member regardless of team, so I don't really know public opinion. If the current top members debut, they will probably gain global popularity and have no problems with their skills. I will congratulate anyone on whichever team they debut. Even if my favorite member doesn't debut, I won't hate anyone. I just want to be a peaceful bystander. Thank you for reading my poor English. I'm Japanese, but I wanted to interact with global fans, so I wrote in English. Thank you for the good experience.
@xyz321-v3m 6 сағат бұрын
There is no need to delete your comment though. Please don't take it badly. I just tried to explain the reason with the block voting. Also, clarifying with what you said that the reason why some jl's fans complain (unfortunately includes the attack with the director and his team) is that they making sure JL will debut. Although they support him, what made them speak is because of the unfairness for the hardwork of the foreign trainees who directly involve, not because of JL.
@さきさき-z3p 2 күн бұрын
笑い声ホントに一緒すぎて笑いました😂 ジョンウくん私もハマりそうです。顔的にぶりっ子ぽいのかなと思ってたら全然違うししかもあの声の低さがカッコいい☺️ 大縄飛びの時、天の声が聞こえて「あれ?アナウンサーいたっけ?」って思ったらジョンウくんの声で。低くて落ち着いてて男らしい☺️ 推しのジェホくんのリレーのスターターでしたが速くてカッコよかった~ ギョンホくんもドユンくんもみんなカッコよくて推しが増えすぎてヤバイです💨💨💨 隔週で運動会やってくれないかな~
@nSSapphire.80 3 күн бұрын
楽しいオーディション番組も進むにつれて順位に期待や不安が出てきますね 推しメンをデビュー組に… ※話は変わりますが、LOUD(JYP組)から『Kick Flip』 が 1/20のデビューが決まって先行曲『Umm Great』が今日配信されました ゲフン、アマル、ケイジュ、ドンヒョンにドンファ、ジュワン、ミンジェが加わって7人組です お忙しい時間の合間にリアクションよろしくお願いいたします👋😊
@ohmnanonist 2 күн бұрын
Jeyeeelllll 🎉 they are all so talented!
@manduu_1230 2 күн бұрын
We don't really know how the debut team will be selected in the end, will they merge the three teams? It's sooo frustrating and seeing some participants got lower rank now waaahhhhh I want Koo Hanseo to debut (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)
@silayahrn 3 күн бұрын
私は日本人ではないので翻訳者を使っていますが、ネタバレがあります。JOOHYOUNG、LI ZHUWIE、JIN ZIMING、MAC、EITO、DONGHYUN、JAMES は、番組を観ている人々からポイントを獲得するために審査員によって 2 つのステージの両方でパフォーマンスするように選ばれませんでした。< 彼らにとってとても悲しいことです...
@なると-o8w 14 сағат бұрын
@hamlan7513 3 күн бұрын
Une nouvelle voiture pour Noël 🥹
Рет қаралды 9 МЛН
Joe and Joot
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