Combine milk and eggs in a bowl. Combine 합치다 결합하다 combination trivial 사소한, 하찮은 trivial trivial Don't worry about a trivial thing. amount (어떤것의) 양 I need a small amount of sugar. I need a small amount of sugar. location 위치. 장소 Where's the location of the meeting? Thank you for teaching~☆
@isabelhenry51334 күн бұрын
ultimate 궁극적인, 최종의 The ultimate decision is up to you. Sorry, I have a previous schedule. I'd like to replace the old filter. Suitable 적합한 알맞은 This dress is suitable for hiking. dress 옷, 원피스 fond (매우)좋아하는 be fond of~를 좋아하는 I'm fond of listening to music. furious 몸시 화난, 격노한 I was furious at his rudeness. 무례함