Whow, a clean shaven Nick? Kind of looks like a giant baby 😮 2:15 Oh no. Nonono. I don't like this conversation. 8:39 For 3 grown men in 150 SQ ft room on a cruise ship, you definitely need an open flame candle. Also, can I come too! 12:15 It's also weird that they used the John Williams theme for Cavill's Superman in that clip. So odd. 13:20 Tom Cruise would be my guess 14:40 oh, Nick just listed Cruise. 25:00 200! Congrats! 🥳🎉 I don't remember how long I've been listening. Since whenever we tried to set up that podcast community that I think only connected TTP and KUWTC 😅 32:45 You gotta read the Tower of Babel Justice League comic where it turns out that Batman has files on how to defeat each one of the JL members. Batman always wins... Except against Bane. And Darkseid. But whatever. 34:25 Joe is totally picking Sliders. Maybe Firefly? Or Stargate? Or the original series! That's what you guys should do!