Good video! Yeah, i indeed believe the ultimate form of masculinity is to be kind and gentle when the time is fit for that and ruthless and dangerous to protect the ones you love when it's needed. About the year, i feel like i really did good for the first half, got my grades up considerably and became on of the top students, made lots of improvements with my confidence and stuff. Then i also managed to catch up with the final exam subjects, but then next half im not really sure. July was a break, August researched investing with diligence, but then i feel like i slacked off in the autumn. Worked some on those youtube videos but productivity was quite low, then i got sick twice in a row and then yk from the comment from the other week. Im still trying to figure out whether i should go to university or not, i guess i have several more months to think, none of those degrees attract me, but i cant help but doubt myself considering i didnt achieve much in this unemployment time and maybe i should just go to college like everyone else. What are your thoughts?