EP24_The Other People

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Witch N The Working

Witch N The Working

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@WitchNTheWorking 4 жыл бұрын
@cristinagastesi2564 4 жыл бұрын
I have 2 of his books that I've been wanting to read....sitting right there on my dresser. I believe I'll look through them more closely.
@stephencrossman7211 3 жыл бұрын
Very good information and your holy water information helped me alot and keeps me protected keep up the channel please
@kellhalla5301 3 жыл бұрын
I read an article by Oberon Zell on this subject back in the 90's, good to hear someone still putting out there. Blessed Be 🕯🌹💎🔥🔮🦉
@BellBookandCandle13 3 жыл бұрын
I got to meet Oberon and Morning Glory at a Pagan Con in the late 90's. I purchased his Gaia Statue at this table and still have it and a few years later was gifted another one as well. He did identify himself as a Wizard and honestly he certainly looked like a classic Wizard that day, lol.
@tigerlily2941 2 жыл бұрын
I love the fact that you like your own comment that reminds me of my grandma
@followyourheart1366 3 жыл бұрын
Had to go to church when I was kid, a lot of it didn't make any sense to me. By the time I was 12, I realized that church was really a social club. I saw the Wizard of Oz at the age of 4 in 1976 and was enthralled by the witches. Next day I was in the yard gathering items for make-believe spells, I am now 49 and my interest has not waned!!
@user-ss9dh1nj1w 3 жыл бұрын
@pinktourmalinewitch2757 4 жыл бұрын
I always try and talk to Mormons about the craft. I invite them in, (however the males won't enter if they are alone.) When I do get them in I offer them snacks and something to drink, then I show them my altar. They leave very quickly after that. I made one cry and shake in fear once which was terrible, but I feel like if I hear them out, they should hear me out. I mean they did come over unannounced to my humble palace. The least they can do is hear me out 😂
@WitchNTheWorking 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. We had a couple of Mormons come over once, just before circle. I actually went through whats in the video with them. They ultimately said they had alot of questions for their elder and they would come back with answers.... they never came back.
@pinktourmalinewitch2757 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder, what did they ask their elders??? 😂
@pinktourmalinewitch2757 4 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I find that many Religious people can get rude. It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is when they lie for what they say is "the greater good." I don't hold my tongue on those people.
@pinktourmalinewitch2757 4 жыл бұрын
@Doc Savage I'm nicer to the Johovah's Witnesses.
@pinktourmalinewitch2757 4 жыл бұрын
@Doc Savage They never show up at my door, but the census guys keeps showing up even though I gave my info... I'm not to favorable towards the US Census people right now.
@zackarycoward1862 4 жыл бұрын
I love all of your episodes, but this one in particular I thought was phenomenal. I had no idea that any of that was in the Bible about the “Other people”. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I’ll be sure to do some further reading.
@melindaroop1346 3 жыл бұрын
I was raised in a Christian church and was part of that until my early 30s. I think that those of us who were part of Christianity have a bit of an advantage because we have been there and done it (I have read and studied the entire bible). One of the reasons I chose to leave Christianity is because I did not agree with being "saved" and here is why....We are taught that no matter what you do, you can go to heaven if you ask for forgiveness and give your life to God/Jesus. Some monster can beat and/or murder a helpless child, for example, and still get into heaven because they simply gave their life to God, BUT someone who was raised into a family of Pagans or Buddhists, etc and never harmed another person and is truly a good human being, is going to "Hell" simply because they are not Christian???? Yeah, I call bullshit on that one. I still believe that Jesus did walk on the earth and was a teacher and healer but I do not think he would agree with that crap.
@sally9352 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Christian and you sorry but you have it wrong and miss the point. The point of salvation is that Jesus Christ died for everyone including murderers because we all sin against God. For those people you mentioned that kill and can be saved it's true if they humbled themselves before God and repented. God gives people opportunities to get saved because he didn't make hell for humans but for Satan and his followers. If you think someone like Hitler or Stalin will be saved you are wrong and just because God forgives someone doesn't mean they will not pay for the consequences of the sins they committed. And on if someone was raised in another religion and never heard of Jesus Christ as their savior God judgment on them is based on their morality that God gave every human because he created us in his image. So depending on how morally upright they lived their lives determines if they go to hell or not because God is Sovereign.
@elasticharmony 3 жыл бұрын
@@sally9352 not so fool if your so called christ didnt do the good deed of sacrafice your whole doctrine would die. What they preach is Devotion but by force a Devil's chain.
@sally9352 3 жыл бұрын
@@elasticharmony the point is that he did and we wouldn't have Christianity. Us Christians would convert to Judaism because we would still be waiting for the Messiah like the Jews and you aren't forced into christianity what they preach is what Jesus Christ told us to preach anything more or less is not christianity.
@bellj753 3 жыл бұрын
@@sally9352 Well wearing mixed fiber clothing is a sin, it seems the ultimate ruler of the Bible is quite picky about what everyone does. Does that really seem like what something that created entire universes and lived forever would worry about?? Also, look into doublets, doublets are two contrary statements in the Bible that cannot both be true. There are hundreds of them. Either there is fallacy in the Bible, ie, written by man, that needs to be accepted, or it is completely false because it states itself as the infallible word. It can't have it both ways.
@sally9352 3 жыл бұрын
@@bellj753 the wearing of mixed fiber as a sin was in the law of Moses that we are not under anymore and of course the creator of the universe cares about what everyone does he created us for a purpose and he cares because of sin and sin leads to death and that's what he doesn't want for us but its ultimately our choice.
@junehood6248 3 жыл бұрын
That was fascinating. I have always questioned how all other humans could have come into being if their was no one before Adam and Eve. The idea incest among Gods people to populate the earth goes against other things taught in the Bible. Thank you for this explanation of the original sin. It made sense.
@shalimardamere302 3 жыл бұрын
ex-Mormon here; Yeah, I was that child in Sunday school that point things like this out all the time, I was the reason our Bishop couldn't keep a consistent teacher around for us (I confused and stressed out a lot of them) Then add in my love of Archeology to make matters worse. So I totally love this "outside" perspective it was fun for me. :D
@thedeadroachsociety4083 3 жыл бұрын
We'd get along great. I'm also an ex-Mormon with the same interests. I used to debate on an apologetic level till I realized I was trying to force evidence instead of simply seeing evidence for what it was. Not only that but I remember when I stopped dressing in uniform - wearing a black t shirt under the suit jacket. Looked more like a hit-man than a priesthood holder haha. I'd often get called out for that. Glad you got out.
@kaitlynleehagar1148 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video I was Pagan for over 25 years got into a relationship and got married was forced into believing and becoming almost brainwashed in their God in their system of belief I recently started coming back to the goddess and to the gods and to magick and to everything that I believe once believed in and I've been having a hard time getting rid of that brainwashing part of it anyway this puts things in a different perspective and I needed this now I feel like I can truly come back home to the old ways thank you
@sally9352 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian it's impossible to brainwashed into believing in the God of the Bible. To be Christian you have to have a conviction first, to be a Christian you have to have a relationship with God and through that relationship you get to understand the Bible and what Christianity really is. Many people call themselves Christians but they are just religious people participating in human traditions completely empty inside because they don't know how or want to give themselves fully to Christ and without that there is no Christian and they miss out on experiencing the power of God. God bless!
@gabrielbarry4441 3 жыл бұрын
@@sally9352 it absolutely IS very possible to get brainwashed by the Christian faith. And I mean no disrespect to your religion, and if you truly have faith in your beliefs that’s amazing, and I’m glad to see someone that takes Christianity seriously. But unfortunately there are people who USE your faith for this reason, there are so many that push the fear factor of you going to “Hell”, and then in turn causes you to worship a God out of fear instead of love. You have to think like this, would you still worship your God if there was no fear of hell? Would you still be enthusiastic about your worship if it didn’t have a consequence for not worshiping him? Just things to think about. I feel all too much, that the Christian faiths nowadays are based in fear and scolding instead of love and compassion. I just say that to say this, so many people use it to control others, even when they weren’t really into those beliefs, if something is hounded and hounded into people and constantly telling them they will “Burn in hellfire” for not worshiping him then people WILL worship him if they are told that enough. So yes, it has become very brainwashy.
@sally9352 3 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielbarry4441 I take no offense to what you said because I agree with you. I am Christian because of God and God alone, I had to separate religion from God. I can't go around and listening to what other people say or do in name of Christianity. A good example is Jim Jones, By his own words he said he was atheist and a marxist and said how can infiltrate the church, His church had no bibles in it and not an altar to worship God and pray. He said there was no need for it. These people Followed him blindly. They weren't looking for God they were looking for a man a to lead them, For whatever Reason. I can't let peoples lies about Christianity side tracked me from the truth, been there done that and I'm over it. I'm focused on God and his blessings and the wonderful things that he has done in my life and continues to show me he loves me. My prayer is that people wake up and realize how good God is. All they have to do is seek him and ignore the noise. It's merely there for a distraction from truth. God bless.
@christyfosbrink3430 3 жыл бұрын
Good for you! I too was in a previous abusive relationship and my psychotic ex would force to read the bible but, he would never let me read the new testament. I now have the freedom to believe and practice what I want without being made to feel like I need to be persecuted, or that I am doing something bad. I later found out the my exes diagnosis was paranoid schizophrenia with bipolar disorder and scrupulous OCD disorder. This man tried to kill me not to mention move me far away from my family and refused to let me talk to them. It took me 3 years to get away from him. Be free and never settle for anything less that what you want in life.
@jadeskymoon 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love how you presented this, it was very clear and reminded me of a person that started me on my path of mysticism. Oddly, it was a Rabbi when I was a kid, he said because I had a knack for reading prehistoric text. So after Hebrew class, he'd always have so many talks with me about the mysticism side of the religion, as he said, the teachings that predate all religions. He said to me in regards to religious texts, always read between the lines, because the truth of the people that came before is always best hidden in plain sight. It was years later as an adult when I understood that he was teaching me about the old ways, and how they were preserved and hidden within the texts. I also understood the gravity of the chance that he took explaining that and will always thank him for allowing me as a kid to question everything, read between the lines and understand how texts were written, not only to hide truths but also to preserve the ways of old with hints in each passage. As he said, always remember "God's" is pluralized for a reason. Extremely well done video!
@Cristoferurlaub 3 жыл бұрын
Mormon here. Love your videos. Cant get enough. I have always found pagan beliefs fascinating and have even attended a few gatherings with some close friends who are pagan. Mormons, of course, have some pretty odd beliefs and Im not trying to justify anything, but as a religion that denies the idea of Original Sin, it was gratifying to find this piece of common ground. Love you man. Keep it up!
@kaninrictor7750 3 жыл бұрын
Incredible how people can be so ignorant of info that is written down. Great explaining bro!
@bellj753 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up Christian but it did not resonate with me, hell the torture, etc. When I became an adult and felt the call to leave it, I felt strongly to read the Bible. I read exactly what Mannon is saying. I realized Yahweh was the liar, not the snake and that there were other people. Reading the Bible myself, slowly and paying close attention to it was the final straw they helped me to leave. I spoke to some friend about what I learned and boy did they do mental gymnastics to explain what was written. I would never in good conscious worship a god that tortures and delights in Evil. I have also heard mention that Jesus was teaching the truth, anyone can go to God. That he was never affiliated in his heart with Yahweh and wanted to break from that, that's why he was a threat and killed. That is neither here nor there for me, nature is my heaven and the journey of my soul is my religion.
@kaninrictor7750 3 жыл бұрын
@@bellj753 my experience is extremely similar to what you discribe .Rejoice that we made it out and freed our selves from the great liar who preaches that we belong to him. Not all do , my ancestors were amongst the other people and it feels good to return to nature.
@gloriaadames5168 3 жыл бұрын
Growing up Catholic I can’t even begin to count the times I got looks from family and church ppl when I was a child and would mention the “other ppl” IT’S IN THE BOOK!! Who did they think Cain reproduced with? His mother!?! I appreciate this video...
@novanightingayl2421 3 жыл бұрын
I wish I could like this video twice LOL I was born and raised Catholic but have since come to my senses after years and years of watching the patriarchal hypocrisy I was force-fed during my youth. I never felt like I quite belonged in that sphere of religion and belief, so I embarked on my own spiritual journey. I’ve been binge-watching your videos over the last few weeks and this one just made my day!! 😆
@Cutenerdywoman 3 жыл бұрын
You answer the question everyone I know in bible school wanted to know, "where they got wives from??" I stop going church when I ten... LoL. I was thinking earlier today about reading the bible and this video pop up.
@DragooMountShasta 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. This guy is fucking great. I love this
@ChicScreamer 4 жыл бұрын
I started out with the Bible when I was in 3rd grade not because of my family but because of my neighbors, who were Christian converting me to Christianity, because I was friends with the children. I thought I was a Christian up until 2010. Due to a domestic abusive relationship, it opened up my eyes to something that I had always been living naturally and realized that I felt most comfortable. I have been studying Pagan and Wiccan for over a decade now. I know who I am and what is my natural path. Thank you for the insight as a reminder why I don’t follow Christianity. I concur❤️
@celinahuezo5518 3 жыл бұрын
That was extremely informative thank you. I will be sharing this with my close ones.
@raistlinmagick9276 3 жыл бұрын
The story of the "other people" makes total sense. I always wondered if it was just adam and eve as the first man and woman, who did their children marry and populate the earth with. I always just accepted that they were "just there" so to speak. Of course that would mean that they were commiting incest in a way since they would all be of the same family. Now that i hear this, it makes total sense. Thank you.
@elasticharmony 3 жыл бұрын
Even though he tries to make sense of their scripture take my advice and purge it from your mind, it is cursed and will be an obstacle to your growth. Just look how all those using hebrew ; Crawley , Bardon etc they all ended up in big trouble. I don't go into it but reject it as fiction they can try another route but history has nothing to show us on that.
@taramahoney3368 3 жыл бұрын
@@elasticharmony Did you mean Crowley??? His father was the leader of a strange Christian sect, and when he was a teenager his mother told him that he was the beast of revelations!!!Mostly because she had trouble controlling him when he was a teenager!!! A title he glommed onto in his later life!!! That is why he did the things that he did!!! Crowley felt that he "Was" the Beast of Revelations!!! Speaking Hebrew isn't a bad thing, I will look up Bardon!!! Thank you!!! Be well, and Stay Safe!!! Blessed Be!!!
@christyfosbrink3430 3 жыл бұрын
Yet again, another wonderful session and very informative. Looking back on all the religious hoopla I grew up with I am proud to say that I am a Witch. And also looking back on my childhood. I now believe the serpent to be speaking the truth because, YES, it is an empowering feeling to have common sense and know the difference from right and wrong, to be of good character and of moral. Why would any one human or God/Goddess try to keep us oblivious and blind. I remember getting to debates with other denominational Christians and they would always say things like, "No, I speak truth, I speak truth", and I would retort with, "No, you speak your version of the truth, which is in fact opinion". Just the fact alone that we would be debating about something proves that it was their bias opinion and not in-fact truth. I make no quams about being a Witch, and I am really just too old to care who I offend because of what I believe. Keep doing what you're doing out there in the Universe, you will always have my support. -Christy
@addi9890 3 жыл бұрын
As one who grew up strictly christian, I must say what you put forth is hard to deny. I love it. Incredible
@stephencrossman7211 3 жыл бұрын
I'm new into this field and I appreciate the help. You deffently opened my eyes to new and better things
@bryonhunt 4 жыл бұрын
It's ironic - I've never actually read the bible but I'm familiar with those stories. You've provided a thought provoking perspective on them! The whole idea of being born with sin has never been very appealing to me. I much prefer the idea of being born with a clean slate. I'm just glad I now have some facts to back up the assertion that "original sin" doesn't apply to me. Thank you Mannun and Oberon Zell for shedding Light on this.
@bryonhunt 4 жыл бұрын
@Doc Savage Indeed! I try to be respectful of other people's Path; if they are fulfilled and leading a truly moral life, so be it. With that being said, I have a difficult time reconciling my feelings about certain manifestation of Christianity. To name of few: guilt driven by original sin; the Spanish Inquisition; devastation to Native people such as the Trail of Tears; sexual abuse of children and nuns... There have been a couple of intrusions right here on Mannanan's VLOG. I wanted to rip a few of them apart but that's the type of negativity I don't invite into my life. Have a good one Savage.
@bryonhunt 4 жыл бұрын
@Doc Savage I'd love to know what the "blanked-out" message said as I appreciate it when people share their knowledge. I do see the message re: the dark wargod, El. This has at least doubled my knowledge on the origins of Ba'alzebub. All my previous knowledge came from the Rolling Stones tune - Sympathy for the Devil, lol! Perhaps it's time to give ye ole bible a read... if anything, it sounds entertaining. I think I'll start with the Book of Enoch - I've heard it's the lost book of the old testament. May your life continue to be good!
@bryonhunt 4 жыл бұрын
@Doc Savage Quick update - whilst it doesn't show up here, I did receive portions of your blanked out messages in my notifications, e.g., whittling down the bible to 66 books from 200 and a podcast called groin to the face... Depending on whose groin that is will determine if that's a good or bad thing. One of these days I'm going to take this info you provided and travel down a long rabbit hole. Be good Doc.
@obsidianstang6296 3 жыл бұрын
This could become a series. Going through the Bible to show what it really means and what the truth really is. Very enlightening video. This kind of truth will liberate many stuck in the shackles of Abrahamic religions. Great job!
@josephlvx560 3 жыл бұрын
This is very parallel to gnosticism. I would highly recommend looking into "hypostasis of the archons" or "the reality of the rulers". Also the secret book of John. Very eye opening stuff which comes from the naga hamadi text that predates any of our current religious text. There's a channel called "giving wisdom to the voice of the ages' which reads all the text that's really good.
@balderii7340 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing! I've always thought exactly that! I'll tell you something else as well,... Adam's first wife was Lilith. She was of the freeborn humans and didn't like living with Adam, so she left. Eve was created from his rib? Bone of my bones, blood of my blood,... Eve was his daughter!
@shalimardamere302 3 жыл бұрын
or were they twins?!
@balderii7340 3 жыл бұрын
@@shalimardamere302 Interesting approach! Still incest though,...
@kialylewrenle 3 жыл бұрын
Just being real. I wasn't born into a christian family..my mom is Catholic but my dad wasn't into religion. But to be clear..I have always had abilities..to see, hear and feel. One night, around 7 years old..me and my sister had bunk beds..I slept on the bottom bunk. We had a vanity that sat across the room. I always slept on my side, facing the wall because the dark scared me, when you're a kid everything does. I had a nightmare and woke up and faced the vanity..in the mirror was an old lady..she had long light gray hair and she only stared at me. I screamed and from that night forward my parents covered up all of the mirrors in the house..for a long time. It was so bad that one night my dad turned all of the lights off and took my hand and had me walk through the house in the dark, eyes wide open to show me how to see in the dark. A while after that, my first friend invited me to go to church with her.. I never seen that lady after that. When I was 22 I received an email from a person I didn't know, I still don't know how they got my email. The email stated that the lady I saw in the mirror when I was 7 was ME...it stated every detail of that experience.. I never told anyone about what happened when I was 7..especially not when I was young because I didn't want anyone making fun of me. I cried for hours after reading that email. At 22 I also became to know Numerology. I was a Christian for many years..but the fact that I've always believed in past lives contradicted the religion. I dissected the Bible..I mean, questioned everything, had me reading the lost books..I like the book of Enoch. I read the Quran and many other religious books from many other religions. I even read the darker books. I don't know what to call myself or what religion I should follow. My lifepath number is 7(16)..it makes sense.. I also dissected my birth chart..I read tarot too. You just broke down the Bible in a way no preacher ever has..You know how many churches I've been to?
@meawilde5439 3 жыл бұрын
My 1st degree was nothing but reading religious texts and doing endless reports. My great aunt was my teacher. At 10 years old I thought it sucked so much. Now at 50 I can appreciate why it was done. Instead of defending our path, I was taught to understand how each religion has a little bit of the truth in it. Of course depending on the interpreter. Taking on reading the whole bible, Quran, the vedas, Kabbalah and other various text was alot. Many don't realize how much work it is being a pagan, in a modern Christian era. Thank you again for being so logical with the craft. Many Blessings Mea 🙏🌹
@kimdodd6677 3 жыл бұрын
U are the only person who has explained that so it can be understood 💪 maybe they don't fully understand what is being fed to them? Thank you 🦁🌟
@KweenRegi77 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother for acknowledging those of us out here who do not feel the need to live mired in guilt over our natural self.
@jennywoods5526 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic to here. Very well said. I enjoyed it.
@snakebitemcghee4959 8 ай бұрын
The last time I had people like this come to my house I answered the door in robes with my Athame in hand and politely asked if they could come back later as I was in the middle of sacrificing a virgin. I know it was wrong but the looks on their faces was priceless. I still have a good chuckle whe I think about it.
@gretchenfadden3670 24 күн бұрын
I love breadcrumbs for tracking. Now I see why there is 2 different versions of the creation story.
@somnisveritas6465 4 жыл бұрын
Fascinating perspective. I'll be revisiting my various Genesis to revisit these sections. There are many reasons why I am not Christian, a large one being I do not believe in the concept of original sin, and as a free person I will not walk a path that demand I kneel to it. I look forward to digging deeper into this when my inevitable conversations with Christians comes around again.
@elasticharmony 3 жыл бұрын
Fact is friend there is something like it but only for jews and their kind. To think that book included the whole world of the gods or creation is an error.
@minuit6305 3 жыл бұрын
It's like parents getting mad at someone who told their 8yr kid that Santa doesn't exist.
@jaideroberts1628 3 жыл бұрын
You are helping me so much with my journey. Thank you for being your awesome self and spreading the truth 🥰 many blessings always 💜
@alfriedaherpich209 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, very informative. Truly appreciate your episodes. Living as a solitary, when I asked my guides to send me a mentor, I was directed to you ! Thank you
@peterpalumbo1963 25 күн бұрын
I am familiar with Wizard Zell and count myself among his followers. This is a version of the Bible that should be told. Keep up the good work!
@paigereynoldsreynolds1627 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks you, very true. Also leaving a twig broom outside by your door keeps them away. Lol
@joanneserafini1149 3 жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT. I really enjoyed. I also tell people that I don't need a savior because I was not born with/of original sin. Some part of my soul could just not accept that concept.
@crystalrobins9162 3 жыл бұрын
WOW! Thank you -- this was enlightening to say the least!
@sabretooth7819 7 ай бұрын
I Absolutely Love This Hail Gratitude Brother Mannon My apologies if I spelled your name wrong Thanks for the Wisdom & Lessons Big Bro Blessed Be
@silverghostcat1924 3 жыл бұрын
A long time ago I answered the door to two Jehovah's Witnesses I was wearing my pentacle. I told them no thank you. No problem. However, my husband at the time invited them in (he followed no particular religion at that time, even though he'd gone to church before we met) with the stipulation that they would listen to his views. They agreed. They should have run. They had Bible study for several weeks. Before all was said and done one of the guys had backslid and gotten excommunicated from the church. Up until that time I thought JW's were okay as they were pretty inclusive however this soured me on them. Kicking a member out of the church when you needed them most was pretty pathetic in my view. I love this video and explanation. When I was a kid I always wondered who these "people" were that Adam and Eve's children married.
@stephaniewinn7940 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. Coming from a Christian background sometimes things creep up in my mind, like basically that I'm going to hell for turning my back on Christianity. This video just completely validated me. It's a nice reminder to me that the religion was created to control people
@deathpriestesskriya 3 жыл бұрын
wow this info is amazing, Thank You
@CherieHeyn-hf2sy 6 ай бұрын
Alright Mannun!!! Thanks for this.👍
@bellalux5369 3 жыл бұрын
You are amazing your helping so many people on their journey including myself. Thank you so much!!
@Cybrdra6on 3 жыл бұрын
As a former Christian, it was refreshing to hear these stories told from a different perspective. Very eye-opening and super helpful to see how I actually fit into the histories now that I'm no longer of Yahweh or Jesus. I wish I could find a coven in order to have regular contact with others like you. But alas, my state seems to be void of them. Thanks for the great content!
@anglomik 4 жыл бұрын
In the New Testament, St. Paul says that sin is a "transgression against God." However, the original Hebrew word in the Old Testament simply means, "to get off of the correct path." I think that we're all guilty of that from time to time. I've heard about the "other people" before. Great vid! (I personally believe that I am a "half-breed," half Pagan, half Christian. Think on THAT for a while!!!)
@WitchNTheWorking 4 жыл бұрын
I think wonderfully you can be what ever you want to be. From a pagan view, the 2 of christianity and paganism can ultimately mix, from a christian view.... Not possible
@anglomik 4 жыл бұрын
@@WitchNTheWorking Yes, I tend to be guarded in "mixed company."
@WitchNTheWorking 4 жыл бұрын
@Doc Savage I don't know about that!!!
@anglomik 4 жыл бұрын
@Doc Savage "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or "Harm none, and do as ye will." To me, these two would be the appropriate way to conduct oneself w/o sinning. One is Pagan, one from the Bible.
@jaynebee9413 4 жыл бұрын
Well this was very interesting. Thank you. I own a bible, never read it. I don’t usually read fiction, not my cup of tea.
@anglomik 4 жыл бұрын
@cristinagastesi2564 4 жыл бұрын
I believe that it's a combination of fact and fiction and mythology. Problem is you often don't know the historical facts from the fables.
@shalimardamere302 3 жыл бұрын
@@cristinagastesi2564 look into some biblical archeology, it's really fascinating to see what the difference is
@esotericsolitaire 3 жыл бұрын
Very thorough academic explanations. Thanks!!
@BellBookandCandle13 3 жыл бұрын
Since I grew up and lived most all my life in the big apple I never actually had anyone come to my door but in my 20's I moved to San Diego area (for 3 years before moving back to NYC) and there I had my first what I guess were Mormons ( assuming they are the only group that come to the door to preach the word?) at my door. I was wearing my pentacle necklace and when they asked to speak with me and all that I simply said, no thank you I'm Pagan and that was that, lol. They didn't say anything nasty or anything and that was that. I come from a non-religious secular Jewish background as a child ( meaning while my ancestry is Eastern European Jewish my parents didn't practice Judaism) and always just explored what I wanted to as to spiritualities and all that thus paganism and witchcraft really was more like a natural transition for me that stuck around till this day and that is about 4 decades now.
@kimberlywatt184 Жыл бұрын
You did a great job explaining what I already knew . I unfortunately spent 21 years of my life being fed that lie and I read the Bible 21 times front to back so I pretty much know it inside and out LOL Blessed be. ❤️🌞✨🌝🤗🕯️
@Titil3223 Жыл бұрын
This makes so much sense to me and has cleared up so much doubt. I never really questioned the Bible (as you're told not to), but I've been having some questions I couldn't get satisfying answers to until I watched this video. Thank you.
@thebardessandthecrone902 3 жыл бұрын
I love the green.. I feel very type o negative vibes 🤘🤘🤘
@krispalermo8133 2 жыл бұрын
" .. The .. Others, .. the .. Others .. are knocking at my door. .. The .. knocking .. !" ( .. deep sigh...)
@tigerlily2941 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. So many people that follow the bible do not seem to see that this is there. I point it out to all the Jehovah's witness and Mormons and other Church go getters that try to convince me that I'm going to go to hell because I don't believe in the Bible
@millionkibe6305 3 жыл бұрын
I'm loving it and I also believe it what you are saying makes plenty of sense you giving it to us straight and I want to thank you very much thanks a million
@rustysilk685 3 жыл бұрын
Magical episode here Mannon. Great informative channel Really opening my eyes and mind up 👍👍💜🎩🎇
@cindywitherow988 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome! That makes more sense. Thank you!
@angelalong6740 3 жыл бұрын
Your knowledge is spot on. Thank you for the information ❤
@witchwolfadventures 3 жыл бұрын
This was very enlightening. Thank you.
@Nerd89056 3 жыл бұрын
Mormon here 👋. In the church we don't believe we are "born into original sin." Babies are born sinless. We all come into this world innocent and pure, regardless of bloodline. Think of it; how can one who hasn't been born be guilty of something they haven't done, nor have any control over? Also I would like to thank you for your open mindset, and acknowledging others beliefs just as valid as your own. It makes your videos a joy to watch, especially as I navigate my own spiritual and personal journey.
@michaelwade7836 3 жыл бұрын
You know I am new to Wicca. I have always been drawn to it but was always hesitant to follow that calling because of what others would say. Not anymore. I just wanted to say that this video has answered a question I have always asked since I was a young kid. Who were the other people? When I would ask I was always told I was not reading the bible right and not to question what I have been taught. One of the big reasons I was pushed away. Now I have a response I can use when this comes up from others. Thank You!
@wandaradford7416 2 жыл бұрын
I've had so many questions about this. Thank you for this video.
@adricjones5605 2 жыл бұрын
Fascinating!! Thank you for this. It has given me much “food for thought”🤔 Unfortunately, the Christian brainwashing that my parents raised me with runs deep and at 66 I’m still trying to figure out WHAT the heck I believe in! Note: tending strongly in your direction☺️👍🏼
@robertstanson7866 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your knollege brother.
@voetarene4879 2 жыл бұрын
Very cool explanation!! Thank you for new words !
@maikeadam5354 3 жыл бұрын
The one I always get to those trying to convert me at the door is, me telling them I’m a witch, they tell me the bible says “though shalt not suffer a witch to live” my response, I think you may have your translation wrong! The translation is though shalt not suffer a poisoner to live! There is no mention of witch!
@elasticharmony 3 жыл бұрын
Why. Christianity even has that fictional old testament? Who of their on free will could believe that what they have is the only way?
@maikeadam5354 3 жыл бұрын
@@elasticharmony I totally get what you are saying! And it’s amazing how they always go back to the Old Testament for these arguments as it’s more convenient, you won’t find anywhere in the New Testament that Jesus speaks out against witches!
@KatyaReminiec9399 3 жыл бұрын
Maike,This is what I would tell the door to door irritation.." You have five seconds to get off of my land,before I set my dogs on you!"
@KatyaReminiec9399 3 жыл бұрын
That was before James VI of Scotland added his paranoia to his translation of the bible
@maikeadam5354 3 жыл бұрын
@@KatyaReminiec9399 I think I need a more vicious dog to make that believable lol!
@jehovahshotwitch4776 Жыл бұрын
I'm an ex-jehovahs witness. This should be verrry interesting!!
@Krix6426 3 жыл бұрын
I was dragged to church and to a church school. I never felt like I fit. By the time I was twelve I believed the system did not apply to me. I have had the "Other people" conversation a couple times in life. I love how you laid it out and added things I had not heard or thought of before. Great job. Your videos are comfort food. I am very much alone in my systems and beliefs where I live. I have been for a long time. It is still shocking to see someone, even on KZbin, openly sharing the art. It is a great time. Thank you and be blessed.
@desireaturner9553 3 жыл бұрын
Love your videos and this is no exception! I'd super love if you did an episode on Lilith one day (if you are familiar and comfortable speaking on the topic). Since opening my mind more to pagan traditions and my inner witchy self, Hecate and Lilith (both in their many forms) have called out as beacons of truth through the darkness.
@dianewest6209 3 жыл бұрын
This is so cool, thank you.
@robschafer5997 3 жыл бұрын
my dad was a precheer so i haave all of his books
@tigerlily2941 3 жыл бұрын
Can I also say that when cain was kicked out of eden he found a wife in the land of nod.
@jacquelinelangworthysmith8589 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! I actually have 2 Bibles, one was my Grandmother's and is a St. James Bible, the Renaissance re-write, the other a Catholic Bible. I also have the Book of Mormon and the accompanying Doctrine and Covenants. Helps to come from a large family that resembles a world religion club. ;-)
@CeCe_Rider 3 жыл бұрын
Loved this video! You turn it into a story which was amazing 🐱
@marciegriffin9915 3 жыл бұрын
I respect their path, as I wish my path to be respected and tell them I have my own, in a tone that lets them know I will hear none of their Bull. They are following the tenants of their chosen path. . " i respect that you are following what your path requires, but it is not my path. Blessings on your journey"
@heathercryer3238 Жыл бұрын
So eye opening!
@jackkrag 3 жыл бұрын
good, in the past i studied many years in abrahams’ book but could not move beyond the first half of the first page. it’s not my place to say however , i am very proud of you. k
@ghettocountry8678 3 жыл бұрын
This was great, I always thought something was wrong within those scriptures, which is was written by man...So it was to their control...
@missjammehvishishdoll5907 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting, interesting.
@mumbear82 2 жыл бұрын
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherent the earth... Translation blessed are the weak/submissive for we will not kill them
@takius3935 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I have been a life long pagan/witch taught in the old ways by a close friend of the family and have been talking to and teaching others for over 20 years; and I have been always looking for a way to shut up those people who think they are the only ones who are right and yell at me and tell me I will burn if I don't repent. Thank you, now I can use their own book to put them in there place.
@PatriceMarieDobson 3 жыл бұрын
I am absolutely ASTONISHED!!.......Never heard something like this. Oh my God/Goddess. Now I can see things more clear. Thank you so.much!!
@sassysapphire817 3 жыл бұрын
I have been writing a vampire novel for some time now and If you look up the word blood 8n different biblical texts it seems more like we had ancient vampires instead of ancient aliens. X- Jehovah Witness
@rsnsol2490 4 жыл бұрын
wow, thats an interesting perspective i have never considered. it makes sense. one question bound to come up if presented to a evangelical door knocker is when the flood happened according to the bible the only people left on the earth was those decendents you describe but with that said it was after the flood that joshua was commanded(in Deuteronomy chapter 20) to offer peace to the other peoples of the land and if they refuse to be enslaved he commanded killing all the men, and the women and children would be taken and made slaves so clearly the flood did not wipe out everyone exept noahs family unless noahs family became the cannanites. what a bunch of confusing mess. what are your thoughts. I would love to hear more on this idea you presented because so many people are dealing with the indoctrination of this original sin concept and it is so toxic to believe that one is flawed and worthless unless they accept a certain belief system. just my opinion
@50peredur 4 жыл бұрын
You'll have to look into more modern scholars of Bible history but I think the census is that the flood was an isolated event. It's also thought that the story could have also been barrowed from an older story because it is told in different mythologies about people other then the Israelites.
@rsnsol2490 4 жыл бұрын
@@50peredur i agree with your statements, however the evangelical door knocker will most likely not accept that it comes from other traditions or that it was regional. I feel that belief system holds that the flood killed all life except those in the the ark so you will be dealing with that presupposition. You could argue your point but my guess is they wont except it because generally they haven't searched any sources outside their own organization. You make a very good point though and thankyou for sharing the insight there because i feel it is valid.
@rsnsol2490 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry, you didn't say it was regional you said isolated event and my brain read that as it wasn't global. Any way if an isolated world flood that killed all life one time would still propose that the human race at that point would all be noahs decendants. But i guess the genes of their wives might introduce the other races back into things too. I don't know, thats why i wrestle trying to understand all that because it makes little sense to me in the big picture of things
@50peredur 4 жыл бұрын
@@rsnsol2490 lol, ya, I did mean regionally and not globally. There is just no evidence that there was a global flood. Unfortunately, I just don't think anyone who thinks the bible is literal, would even consider it.
@vivamarie2488 5 ай бұрын
Awesome video!!!
@MsRickylynn 3 жыл бұрын
Love this! Thank you
@nohahaggag 3 жыл бұрын
I guess I'm one of "the other people" in this context 😁 Nevertheless, you are awesome, Mannan. I can't get enough of you and your channel. Love and peace from Egypt ❤🌹
@AlwaysAndForever7 3 жыл бұрын
This was so insightful and really made me see the Abrahamic traditions I grew up with in a different light - thank you so much for sharing!
@addaelliott2651 2 жыл бұрын
amazing video, thank you soo much 🖤
@destinyk3612 3 жыл бұрын
Love this!
@YxiSylvia 3 жыл бұрын
I loved this.
@booniekjohnson9182 4 жыл бұрын
Great Explanation of Genesis Creation Story.
@gretahall3298 3 жыл бұрын
Love this...🖤 **shared**
@miriamocean5275 3 жыл бұрын
Blessed be thanks for sharing your teaching of the ancestors 🌛🌟🌜🕯🍃🇮🇲🍃🇮🇲🍃🇮🇲
@bigbadbeastlyben 3 жыл бұрын
holly red apple that rocks if u ever have a class like this in how to break it all down with mad truth to rock there holy world im so in .
@jptaylor8852 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up Christian. It is what I was taught. I’m not so sure any more. It has nothing to do with this video, I was just looking at this Video as the title was interesting. I can gauge what you said in this video against 44 some odd years of indoctrination. You make good points. Just know that the other side has conditioned their people to argue anything you have to say. I myself have decided to look elsewhere for enlightenment. No matter what you can only read the same book so many times. All I know is that I have been left wanting from the book I have read many times. I still go to church because of reasons I can’t explain, maybe it’s my wife. Who was no angel. I think I keep going to support her as I get nothing from it. Duplicity is the life I am living. Kinda fucked up if you think about it. Idk. I did enjoy your video though.
@toshafaulkner1318 3 жыл бұрын
Love it! Tell me more!!!
@LynneDemonQueen1 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Mr Handsome. Watched this video from your recommendation on another video. Your insight here a bit more in depth than questions that arose from my reading the bible going into different bloodlines and heritages. My questions that Wicca answered only seems to have scratched surfaces. Thank you so much! Love your videos Xoxo
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