你提到的强弱,虚实对比,气声,气泡音,这些是有做,但都是最基础的处理。一个真正好的演唱,所包含的细节远远不止这些,比如每句歌词里的重音(这就不展开说了,可以对比阿哲的演唱)。因此霄云对这首歌的艺术处理还是停留在一个比较基础的层面。对她来所很轻松的头声吟唱固然美,但副歌的音色变化和细节还是太少,缺乏层次。和她唱的 我用所有报答爱,左手指月,甚至是15岁时唱的all by myself相比,这首歌处理得真的不怎么样,还有很大提升空间。她这么唱有错吗?没有,但是有做到极致吗?远远没有。她选择了一个讨巧、不出错的、情理之中的唱法,而不是带有很多思考的、一字一句的雕刻出来的精品。我有点失望,因为她可以做得更好。阿哲说过黄霄云年龄还小,所以不能太苛刻,等10年后层次自然就更丰富了。但我不认同这一点。年龄小不代表唱不出没经历过的东西,因为可以模仿啊。黄霄云15岁时唱all by myself就能做到,没有理由现在做不到。这说明她并没有在这首歌上投入太多的心思,也或许排练和练习时间有限。全网黑时期,那些对她的言论都是有害的,但是现在一味地捧杀她,也是有害的。赞美和建设性批评都要。当然我在这里说这么多改变不了什么,希望霄云能多和前辈学习,继续进步,杀出中国乐坛,登上国际舞台。她的技术已经很不错了,但作为艺术家,进步空间还很大
the judge shouldn't have said that, the song is not ruined. She sang perfectly, if you were to judge her singing just tell her what she lack example feeling and emotion, everyone learn from experience you cant compare a person like 张信哲 who already have a lot experience. They both sing perfectly.
I've been following her since her first appearance in Sing! China when she was only 16. I've always felt that she's one of the most skilled singers in China despite her young age. However, despite being a fan, i have to acknowledge that her style of singing is not really story telling. 演唱 is not only singing, but acting with the voice. That's where she's lacking. Contrast that with 单依纯, who's a master at "acting". Despite her relatively narrow vocal range, her style grips your attention even if it's the first time you're hearing her sing. I think 黄霄芸's greatest strength (breath control, vocal range) is also her greatest obstacle. Because everything sounds so effortless to her, it makes the song feel unemotional. She needs to "let go" a little more, release more air so that she can sing at her limits. That little strain in her voice as a result will make a world of difference.
@joyxx42676 ай бұрын
Love 黄霄雲的 vocal! 唱功!!!! Ask the guy who made adverse comments to sing la! Bet he can't even sing that well!!!!
Other things i don't say but she lacks emotions is true in this song since i don't feel any after listening but the Critics use the word "ruin the song" is quite harsh ...