好感人啊!谢可寅是我青你2开始喜欢的第一个女孩子(我很花心 最后成团 the9我喜欢7个hhhhh)一开始看可寅只觉得她rap很棒 后来发现她什么都好棒 能唱能跳能rap还能演戏 Mama组当队长时主动把c位让出来 能顾到队友的情绪 20几岁的人想做好其中一样都不简单 但是她每一样都兼顾每一样做得不错 (事实上the9除了没有大vocal 别的都发展得蛮平均的)不愧是我400票的女孩!I am proud of you, I am proud to be a NINECHO.
Shaking has once again exceeded my expectation. This is only the second act as a 'newbie' so I'm surprised with her improvements. Maybe because she can relate more to this character, she seems a lot more natural in this act compared to the first one. And great interaction with the father who's doing an excellent job too. Kudos to all the cast!